Using `within` in custom helpers - iframe

I'm using CodeceptJS and I'm trying to write a custom helper that asserts an text and clicks "OK". This dialog pops up as a iframe modal to consent with cookies.
If I write following steps in my scenario
within({frame: '#iframeID'}, () => {
I.see('Headline text for dialog');'OK');
// ... test seems to work just fine.
But when I make an custom helper out of that and configure it properly so I can use it:
const { Helper } = codeceptjs;
class CookieConsent extends Helper {
consentWithCookies() {
const { Puppeteer } = this.helpers;
within({frame: '#iframeID'}, () => {
Puppeteer.see('Headline text for dialog');'OK');
module.exports = CookieConsent;
...and use it as a step:
// ... doesn't seem to work as the consent dialog doesn't get clicked away as it was when implementing this directly in the scenario. According to some console.log() debugging the within callback doesn't get called at all. Console doesn't throw any errors about undefined within or anything suspicious.
I suspect that using within in a custom helper isn't working or I'm doing something wrong that I can't figure out from the documentation.
This warning at documentation doesn't really clarify when within is being used incorrectly, and using await doesn't help the problem.
within can cause problems when used incorrectly. If you see a weird behavior of a test try to refactor it to not use within. It is recommended to keep within for simplest cases when possible. Since within returns a Promise, it may be necessary to await the result even when you're not intending to use the return value.

iFrames can be a pain to work without when it comes down to automation. There are a number of factors that can make an iFrame unreachable to a framework such as cross-domain iFrames, commonly used for increased security on the content served.
Now to fix your issue, all you have to do is use switchTo() - Docs in CodeceptJS which is a function available for all helpers made available. The order should be
I.switchTo('your iframe');
..... some actions here;
I.switchTo(); // You do this so that you get out of the iFrame context when done


Next.js advanced client-side routing

In a Next.js app (full-featured, not next export) that uses React Context for state management and the file-system based router, how can you implement advanced routing?
I want to have preconditions for certain pages, so for instance if you try to load /foo but the Context doesn't have a given property set correctly, it'll route you to /bar.
The actual logic is complex and varies by page, so I'm looking for an approach that's easy to maintain.
Note that these preconditions are not authorization-related, so they do not need to be enforced server-side. It's more like "you need to fill out this form before you can go here."
The use of Context imposes some constraints:
Context must be accessed in a React component or in a custom Hook
Using a custom server for routing is not an option, as that would lose the Context - it has to use client-side routing
The current Context has to be checked (I tried decorating useRouter, but if the Context was changed right before router.push, the custom Hook saw the old values)
Update: It's also good to avoid a flash when the page loads before rerouting happens, so a side goal is to return a loading indicator component in that case.
I believe you can create a HOC and wrapped every pages with you HOC that takes arguments e.g. { redirects: '/foo' }
// pages/bar.tsx
const Page = () => {...}
export default RouteHOC({ redirects: '/foo' })(Page)
the HOC file will be something like this
// hoc/RouteHOC.tsx
const RouteHOC = ({ redirects }) => (WrappedComponent) => {
// you can do your logic here with the context.. even filling up a form here
// too also can.. (like returning a modal first before the real Component).
// useEffect work here too..
const { replace } = useRouter()
// then after you want to replace the url with other page
return WrappedComponent
This is pretty okay to be maintainable I think. You just create all the logic in HOC and when you want to update the logic - you just have to edit it in 1 file.
Well this is one option I can think of when reading your question - sorry if I misunderstood it in any way. There will always be a better way out there as we all know we can improve and adapt to new situation every seconds :D. Cheers 🥂!!
You can do this.
const Component = () => {
const example = useExample()
return <div id='routes'>
<a href='/example1'>Example 1</a>
{example.whatever && <a href='/example2'>Example 1</a>}

How to focus an input on subscriptionsReady using FlowRouter in Meteor

I'm currently getting used to using FlowRouter after a while using Iron Router and trying to set up some best practices. I'm subscribing to my collection at a template level.
Previously I've waited for a template to render using onRendered and then targeted my input field and applied focus(), however I am now trying to only show my template in Blaze when the subscriptions are ready using the following (please excuse the Jade but I think it's pretty clear in this case)
unless Template.subscriptionsReady
input(type="text" name="name")
So the basic idea is that until the subscriptions are ready the spinner shows. The issue I'm having is that now even when the template renders, the focus won't apply. I've tried various methods of wrapping it in an autorun call but not sure the best way of trying to target the first field when combined with this approach?
Template.subjectNew.onRendered(function() {
Is it possible?
Many thanks for any ideas.
Your subjectNew is considered rendered even when it is only showing the spinner. Just stick your:
input(type="text" name="name")
Into a separate template and then attach your focus code to the onRendered handler of that other template.
unless Template.subscriptionsReady
input(type="text" name="name")
I think using an autorun would be a good approach but then you would have to employ Tracker.afterFlush() to wait to set the focus after the form is rendered.
Something like:
Template.subjectNew.onRendered(function() {
this.autorun(() => {
if (this.subscriptionsReady()) {
Tracker.afterFlush(() => $('input').first().focus());

Reinitialize library when new data is available

I'm currently developing a Meteor application where I use the video.js-Library.
I have the following template:
with richMediaContent'' preload='auto')
source(src='{{video.videoUrl}}' type='video/mp4')
p.vjs-no-js {{i18n 'videoTagNotSupported'}}
Initializing the video.js-Library after the template is rendered works fine. ->
videojs document.getElementsByClassName('video-js')[0], {}
But the videojs-Library is not reinitialized if the same template is rendered with a different video (with a different richMediaContent).
I've already tried to move the video-Part in an own template and included it in the foo-Template so that the onRendered-Call should get called every time a new video is loaded. But this doesn't seem to work.
Do you have any idea how I can reinitialize the library if the video changes?
Thanks in advance!
New answer
Indeed, when your route changes but uses the same template, the said template does not get rendered again, therefore your js plugin call will not trigger a second time. What you can do instead is call your js plugin in an onAfterAction call, within your route definition:
Router.route('/video/:_id', {
name: 'video_page',
template: 'foo',
// ...
onAfterAction: function () {
videojs document.getElementsByClassName('video-js')[0], {}
Previous answer
I think you are looking for the almighty this.autorun. At the end of your onRendered function, it should look like this (I type it in pure javascript)
this.autorun(function () {
var video = Session.get("video"); // reactive data
videojs document.getElementsByClassName('video-js')[0], {}
The idea is that the first line must include, within the autorun function, a way to get your reactive data. In that case, I use the Session which is reactive. Collections are also reactive, so another way would be something like Videos.findOne();. This will depend on how you get that video element.
What this does is that any time the reactive data changes, the callback for this.autorun will run again, and your video plugin will be reset.

Adding keyup action to iframe of version of niceEdit

I am using nicEdit in its iframe format.Everytime the user write anything in the editor(keyup event), I need to run another js/jquery function. How to add this custom keyup action to the desired iframe?
The answer actually lies in the js code. In the nicEdit.js search for :
var nicEditorIFrameInstance = nicEditorInstance.extend({
Inside this, in the initFrame function,
look for this.frameDoc.addEvent.
This is where the events are being added(via addEvent). To this include your keyup statement :
You need to add closureListener(this) to get this working.Then create YOURFUNCTION after initFrame function like this :
//Do what you like. Probably call any JS function that lies in the file where
//you have included the nicEdit.js
This method worked for me. Hope it does for you too. nicEdit is by far the worst documented third party stuff I have ever come across.

JavaScript puzzle to solve : window.confirm = divConfirm(strMessage)

Scenario is : old site which has lots of JS code already written. If user want to change all the alert messages to new age jazzy Div based alert which are very common using JQuery, YUI, Prototype... etc.
There are mainly tree JS dialogs
1. alert
To changes this its simple we just have to write new function which will show the div popup and show the message, after that override the window.alert
function showDivAlert(strMessage){
//div popup logic and code
window.alert = showDivAlert;
2. prompt
This too look easy to write function to accept the string and show the text box for input value. Now as return action is based on the click of "OK" button life is easy here.
function shoDivPromp(strMessage){
//div pop up to show the text box and accept input from the user
window.prompt = shoDivPromp;
3. confirm
Now above two were easy to override and modify the default dialogs but there is complication with the confirm.
However default JS confirm dialog stops JS execution and when user click OK or Cancel execution is resumed by determining the return value (true/false). But if we user div popup the execution is not stopped which is problem. We can still implement the confirm but in that case we have to bind methods for OK and CANCEL case which will be attached to OK and CANCEL button. With this function signature will be like.
function newConfirm(msg, fun OkAction(), fun CancelAction)
Now this is problem that this cant help me change the confirm dialog across the site as we did with alert();
I am not sure whether its possible or not to achieve but i think can be using some JS pattern. So let me know if its possible.
Now this is problem that this cant help me change the confirm dialog across the site as we did with alert();
That's correct. It's not possible to reproduce the synchronous nature of the alert/confirm/prompt functions in native JavaScript. There is the non-standard method showModalDialog which can do it using a separate pop-up document, but it's not supported by all browsers and it's generally considered highly undesirable.
So the plug-in-replacement strategy isn't going to work. You are going to have to change every place you called these methods in the rest of the script.
The usual pattern is to do it using inline anonymous functions, to preserve the local variables using a closure, eg. replace:
function buttonclick() {
var id=;
if (confirm('Are you sure you want to frob '+id+'?'))
function buttonclick() {
var id=;
myConfirm('Are you sure you want to frob '+id+'?', function(confirmed) {
if (confirmed)
If you need this to be preserved you would need to look at a further nested closure or function.bind to do it. If you have your call to confirm in a loop things get considerably more difficult.
Obviously you also have to ensure that critical global state doesn't change whilst the confirm box is up. Usually this risk is minimised by greying out the rest of the page with an overlay to stop clicks getting through. However if you have timeouts they can still fire.
All 3 methods actually stop js execution, not just the confirm, because they're all modal dialogs. Personally, I would try to keep everything as asynchronous as possible as modal dialogs prevent interaction with the current document.
Your best bet is to use callback functions from the new confirm popup as you suggested yourself.
I'm having a hard time understanding exactly what you want to achieve. It sounds like you want to do something like the following:
Run some javascript code
Display a "confirm" box
Wait until the ok button or cancel button is clicked
Continue code when user clicks ok, return when user clicks cancel.
The reason you want to do this is that overriding the function with something that makes use of callbacks would require rewriting each section of code that uses the confirm function. If you want my advice, I would go ahead and rewrite the code so that it performs asynchronously. There's no way you can delay script execution without locking up the document which includes the OK and Cancel actions of your dialog.
if you changed the roles Alert / Prompt / Confirm. slows the execution pending user interaction to run the following code.
Overriding these functions, the code continues its execution.
To achieve this you have to modify each part of the code and work as if you were with asynchronous functions.
Then you can use any plugin for windows as sexy-alert-box, and overwrite Alert / Prompt / Confirm
The function signature would simply be:
function newConfirm(msg, okAction, cancelAction);
and would be used as:
function newConfirm(msg, okAction, cancelAction){
var ok = doWhateverPromptIsNecessary();
if (ok) {
} else {
That is, to pass function "pointers" in to a function as arguments, simply pass in the function name without the (). The function signature is the same.
