Is it possible to have a NPC offer items only to characters with a certain achievement? - azerothcore

Im looking for a way to add an NPC which sells items based on the achievements a character has. Because of my lack of other coding skills, if at all possible i would like to achieve it with SQL commands, hence modifying the db. I was looking through the conditions page on the wiki but have no idea how to use the provided information.
Also i was backtracing the db regarding the NPC Charles Worth who happens to teach tailors recipes based on achievements they have. I intended to copy this toons conditions, but couldnt find what entries to use.
Any help, clarifying db entries, or pointing to the right direction in another way, is much appreciated.

Please follow this link for the documentation:
You can use the source type: "SOURCE_TYPE_NPC_VENDOR" and the condition type: "CONDITION_ACHIEVEMENT" for what you need, how to implement this, you can find that in the link above.
Also, one way to make this easier is to use the tool developer by the azerothcore team, Keira3.
This is a very visual Database Editor and can help you understand what each column do as almost each cell is documented and you have links to the full documentation as well.
Keira3 link:


How to specify gender in Google Cloud Translation API

I am using Google Cloud Translation API in one of my projects. I want to specify the gender for the translation. I am unable to find about this in Google Cloud Translation. I have also searched a lot on the Internet but not found any way to do this. I know how to specify the gender in Google Text to Speech API using the SSML, but I need it for the translation. Any help will be highly appreciated.
After much searching I have discovered that there is currently no way to do this.
I have made a feature request along these lines at the invitation of GCP support.
The documentation indicates that feature requests are prioritised by how often an issue is starred, so for now my best answer is to star the issue here so that they know how many people are interested in this.
Looking for the same...
As it is NMT (Neural Machine Translation), it reacts to context.
I tried many combinations and found that this works well so far (says, not 'to', not 'talk').
Examples are EN > ES
However, sometimes its effect doesn't reach far in the translation.
So you have to stick the 'prefix' before each sentence.
Sometimes you get irregular behavior (see lower case "estoy"). And when you change something irrelevant (to you, but not to the model) ... buala!
So the final version (for now) is:
I guess the point is:
Understanding how it works (Machine Learning Language Models)
The Model (Algorithm) they use is evolving, so you need to keep an eye, as what works today may break tomorrow.
Once you get the response you will have to filter out you 'prefix', but that is not too difficult.
Please comment if you find better ways (or the API gets updated).
Related info:

How to find other built-in DWT fields?

Within a DWT Template Building Block, we can use a few "free" variables such as ##Component.Title## or ##Component.ID## as well as built-in DWT functions.
I didn't realize we can also get a component's schema description with ##Component.Description## or ##Description##.
The out-of-the-box Default Dreamweaver Component Design has a good set of examples, along with the Tridion Cook book's iteration example, and SDL Live Content.
How else could I find other allowed built-in DWT functions and variables, programmatic or otherwise?
In other words, I wouldn't have thought ##Description## was even available in DWT without seeing an example first (not that I have a use for it yet).
Edit (June 8, 2013): I did find additional information on SDL Live Content (requires login). We can of course use available Package variables as described in the documentation.
Researching a bit, I found that if we go to the tridion.contenmanager.config file, we will discover the node, which references to the Dreamweaver mediator type:
<mediator matchMIMEType="text/x-tcm-dreamweaver" type="Tridion.ContentManager.Templating.Dreamweaver.DreamweaverMediator" />
This namespace can be found inside Tridion.ContentManager.Templating.dll
Decompiling is the best way to find out what is inside and learn something. Since it is .Net code, that will not be a problem, there is many free good tools available. I'm using lately JustDecompile
I did not go too deep into the code, but I can see that there is a TridionObjectSource class, with a number of Constants for reserved words, like:
Searching where this constants are used on the code, can help to better understand what they do, and the way the Dreamweaver Mediator works inside.
Seems like an interesting learning exercise
I take it that you've searched the documentation for the answer and come up empty. I suggest that you go to the relevant part of the LiveContent documentation and add a comment. This will reach the documentation team directly, and I'm sure they'll be very interested to hear of a feature that isn't properly covered. With a bit of luck they'll update it, and you'll have done us all a favour.
I have some sympathy for the "help yourself" approach too, but if you find a feature by your own analysis of the software, and it gets removed in a later release, you won't have a leg to stand on to complain about this. So help Tridion to get the feature documented, and then it's there to use with confidence.

Documentation Generation - What boxes should I aim to tick?

I'm looking at requiring my team to document their code more thoroughly for some major upcoming projects and to make life a little less painful, I am steering towards XML documentation generators such as Sandcastle, Doxygen or Box Live Documenter.
What are the key considerations I should keep in mind when evaluating the best option and what experiences have led you to a particular decision?
For me the key considerations would be:
Fully automated: Can it be set up in such a way so that pretty much
no outside work is required to
create or edit the documentation.
Fully styled: Can the documentation be fully styled so
that it looks great in a wiki or pdf
after it’s generated. I should be
able to change colors, font sizes,
layouts, etc.
Good Filtering: Can I select only the items I want to be
generated. I should be able to
filter the namespaces, file types,
classes, etc.
Customization: Can I include headers, footers, custom elements,
I found Doxygen could do all of this. Our workflow is as follows:
Developer makes a change to the code
They update the documentation tags right above the code they just changed
We click a generate button
Doxygen will then extract all the XML documentation from the code, filter it to only include the classes and methods we want, and apply the CSS styling we’ve pre-made for it. Our end result is an internal wiki that looks the way we want, and doesn’t require editing.
Extra: We have all our projects in various git repositories. We pull all these down to one root folder and generate the docs form this root folder..
Would be interested to know how others are automating even further..?
Who is paying for the documentation and why? (is the system stable enough, does it add enough value)
Who is going to read it, and why is she not using a more effective communication channel?
(if correct mostly distance in time/place)
Who is going to keep it up to date.
When are you going to destroy it? (Automatically if it hasn't been read or updated in the past three months?)
I mostly prefer better code to make my life less painful, over more documentation, but I like scenario & unit tests and a high level architecture description.
[edit] Documentation costs time and money to write and keep up to date. JavaDoc style documentation has a serious detrimental effect on the amount of code simultaneously visible and might be a good idea for the developers using the code, but not for those writing it.

what are all the tables in "Aspnetdb" database used for?

i was reading about how to do memebership,roles and profiles in and they all seem to be very easy,but there is one thing, which all the tutorials and books i have seem to forget to talk about.
the data base generated by has some tables, which i have no idea what they are used for.
i was woundering if anyone could provide me with an explanation of what each table in the "aspnetdb" is used for
thanks in advance
Explaining it here would be a bit lengthy. Take a look at MSDN's documentation here.
There are 8 parts to the article in total. Each one describes what each table is used for from both a high level and a more detailed level.
It's used to house the data used by the default membership/roles/profiles provider. You could figure out the details (it's not a complicated schema) but good design principles would say you should treat it like a black box and not touch it directly - only touch it via the membership/role/profile APIs. Don't rely on Microsoft keeping their internal implementation details the same in the future.

Token replacement

I currently implement a replace function in the page render method which replaces commonly used strings - such as replace [cfe] with the root to the customer front end. This is because the value may be different based on the version of the site - for example the root to the image folder ([imagepath]) is /Images on development and live, but /Test/Images on test.
I have a catalogue of products for which I would like to change [productName] to a link to the catalogue page for that product. I would like to go through the entire page and replace all instances of [someValue] with the relevant link. Currently I do this by looping through all the products in the product database and replacing [productName] with the link to the catalog page for that product. However this is limited to products which exist in the database. "Links" to products which have been removed currently wont be replaced, so [someValue] will be displayed to the user. This does not look good.
So you should be able to see my problem from this. Does anyone know of a way to achieve what I would like to easily? I could use regexes, but I don't have much experience of those. If this is the easiest way, using "For Each Match As String In Regex.Matches(blah, blah)" then I am willing to look further into this.
However at some point I would like to take this further - for example setting page layouts such as 3 columns with an image top right using [layout type="3colImageTopRight" imageURL="imageURL"]Content here[/layout]. I think I could kind of do this now, but I cant figure out how to deal with this if the imageURL were, say, [Image:Product01.gif] (using regex.match("[[a-zA-Z]{0,}]") I think would match just [layout type="3colImageTopRight" imageURL="[Image:Product01.gif] (it would not get to the end of the layout tag). Obviously the above wouldn't quite work, as I haven't included double quotes in the match string or anything, but you get the general idea. You should be able to get the general idea of what I am getting at and what I am trying to do though.
Does anyone have any ideas or pointers which could help me with this? Also if this is not strictly token replacement then please point me to what it is, so I can further develop this.
Aristos - hope reexplaining this resolves the confusion.
Thanks in advance,
Richard Clarke
#RichardClarke - I would go with Regular Expressions, they're not as terrible to learn as you might think and with a bit of careful usage will solve your problems.
I've always found this a very useful tool.
goes nicely with a cheat sheet ;-)
Good luck.
