Trouble understanding OCAML power function - functional-programming

I'm trying to make sense of this Caml function to calculate the n-th power of a number.
let rec iterate n f d =
if n = 0 then d
else iterate (n-1) f (f d)
let power i n =
let i_times a = a * i in
iterate n i_times 1
I understand what it does conceptually, but I am having trouble understanding the i_times bit.
Per my understanding, i_times takes a value a and returns a*i, whre i is passed onto power upon calling it. In the expression where i_times is defined, it's followed by 1, so wouldn't this mean that i_times 1, all together, is evaluated to 1*i?
In this case, I fail to see how 3 parameters are being passed to iterate. Why doesn't it just end up being 2, that is n and i_times 1?
I know this is a pretty basic function, but I'm just getting started with functional programming and I want to make sense of it.

Basically you're asking how OCaml parses a series of juxtaposed values.
This expression:
f a b c
is iterpreted as a call to a function f that passes 3 separate parameters. It is not parsed like this:
f a (b c)
which would be passing 2 parameters to f.
So indeed, three parameters are being passed to iterate. There are no subexpressions in the list of parameters, just three separate parameters.
Why didn't you figure that the subexpression n i_times would be evaluated before calling iterate? The reason (I suspect) is that you know that n isn't a function. But the parsing of the language doesn't depend on the types of things. If you wrote (n i_times) (with parentheses) it would be parsed as a call to n as a function. (This would, of course, be an error.)


What are the differences between the 4 ways to define a function? [duplicate]

In Julia, I know of three ways to define a named multiline function:
function f(x, y)
f = function(x, y)
f(x, y) = begin
They all seem to produce the same outcome.
Is there any difference? Which one should be used and why?
1 and 3 are functionally identical, but 1 is preferred stylistically. The "short form function declaration" f(x,y) = … is typically used (and encouraged) for one-line definitions — that is, without a begin block.
2 is different. It's creating an anonymous function, and then assigning it to f. Note that unlike the bindings created by 1 and 3, you can actually reassign f to completely different things. This means that Julia cannot assume that f will always call that function, which means that it cannot do any of its normal optimizations. Now, if you used const f = function(x, y) …, then f is a constant binding and it should behave similarly to the other declarations. But note that f is still just a binding to an anonymous function — the function itself doesn't know what its name is! So it'll print as #1 (generic function with 1 method) instead of f (generic function with 1 method).
See for more details.
Definitions 1 and 3 are equivalent (the difference is only style, option 1 is usually preferred). They define function f for which you can implement multiple methods (
Definition 2 creates an anonymous function and assigns it to a global variable f. I would not encourage it in general.
If you would call such a function inside other function using name f the result would not be type stable (variable f from global scope would have to be resolved). Anonymous functions are usually used in situations where the name is not important.
Actually there are two other ways to define multiple line anonymous function (again - I do not encourage it but show it for completeness):
f = x -> begin
f = identity() do x

How to make an tail recursive function and test it?

I would like to make this functions recursive but I don't know where to start.
let rec rlist r n =
if n < 1 then []
else r :: rlist r (n-1);;
let rec divide = function
h1::h2::t -> let t1,t2 = divide t in
h1::t1, h2::t2
| l -> l,[];;
let rec merge ord (l1,l2) = match l1,l2 with
[],l | l,[] -> l
| h1::t1,h2::t2 -> if ord h1 h2
then h1::merge ord (t1,l2)
else h2::merge ord (l1,t2);;
Is there any way to test if a function is recursive or not?
If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. But if you give him a fishing rod, you feed him for a lifetime.
Thus, instead of giving you the solution, I would better teach you how to solve it yourself.
A tail-recursive function is a recursive function, where all recursive calls are in a tail position. A call position is called a tail position if it is the last call in a function, i.e., if the result of a called function will become a result of a caller.
Let's take the following simple function as our working example:
let rec sum n = if n = 0 then 0 else n + sum (n-1)
It is not a tail-recursive function as the call sum (n-1) is not in a tail position because its result is then incremented by one. It is not always easy to translate a general recursive function into a tail-recursive form. Sometimes, there is a tradeoff between efficiency, readability, and tail-recursion.
The general techniques are:
use accumulator
use continuation-passing style
Using accumulator
Sometimes a function really needs to store the intermediate results, because the result of recursion must be combined in a non-trivial way. A recursive function gives us a free container to store arbitrary data - the call stack. A place, where the language runtime, stores parameters for the currently called functions. Unfortunately, the stack container is bounded, and its size is unpredictable. So, sometimes, it is better to switch from the stack to the heap. The latter is slightly slower (because it introduces more work to the garbage collector), but is bigger and more controllable. In our case, we need only one word to store the running sum, so we have a clear win. We are using less space, and we're not introducing any memory garbage:
let sum n =
let rec loop n acc = if n = 0 then acc else loop (n-1) (acc+n) in
loop n 0
However, as you may see, this came with a tradeoff - the implementation became slightly bigger and less understandable.
We used here a general pattern. Since we need to introduce an accumulator, we need an extra parameter. Since we don't want or can't change the interface of our function, we introduce a new helper function, that is recursive and will carry the extra parameter. The trick here is that we apply the summation before we do the recursive call, not after.
Using continuation-passing style
It is not always the case when you can rewrite your recursive algorithm using an accumulator. In this case, a more general technique can be used - the continuation-passing style. Basically, it is close to the previous technique, but we will use a continuation in the place of an accumulator. A continuation is a function, that will actually postpone the work, that is needed to be done after the recursion, to a later time. Conventionally, we call this function return or simply k (for the continuation). Mentally, the continuation is a way of throwing the result of computation back into the future. "Back" is because you returning the result back to the caller, in the future, because, the result will be used not now, but once everything is ready. But let's look at the implementation:
let sum n =
let rec loop n k = if n = 0 then k 0 else loop (n-1) (fun x -> k (x+n)) in
loop n (fun x -> x)
You may see, that we employed the same strategy, except that instead of int accumulator we used a function k as a second parameter. If the base case, if n is zero, we will return 0, (you can read k 0 as return 0). In the general case, we recurse in a tail position, with a regular decrement of the inductive variable n, however, we pack the work, that should be done with the result of the recursive function into a function: fun x -> k (x+n). Basically, this function says, once x - the result of recursion call is ready, add it to the number n and return. (Again, if we will use name return instead of k it could be more readable: fun x -> return (x+n)).
There is no magic here, we still have the same tradeoff, as with accumulator, as we create a new closure (functional object) at every recursive call. And each newly created closure contains a reference to the previous one (that was passed via the parameter). For example, fun x -> k (x+n) is a function, that captures two free variables, the value n and function k, that was the previous continuation. Basically, these continuations form a linked list, where each node bears a computation and all arguments except one. So, the computation is delayed until the last one is known.
Of course, for our simple example, there is no need to use CPS, since it will create unnecessary garbage and be much slower. This is only for demonstration. However, for more complex algorithms, in particular for those that combine results of two or more recursive calls in a non-trivial case, e.g., folding over a graph data structure.
So now, armed with the new knowledge, I hope that you will be able to solve your problems as easy as pie.
Testing for the tail recursion
The tail call is a pretty well-defined syntactic notion, so it should be pretty obvious whether the call is in a tail position or not. However, there are still few methods that allow one to check whether the call is in a tail position. In fact, there are other cases, when tail-call optimization may come into play. For example, a call that is right to the shortcircuit logical operator is also a tail call. So, it is not always obvious when a call is using the stack or it is a tail call. The new version of OCaml allows one to put an annotation at the call place, e.g.,
let rec sum n = if n = 0 then 0 else n + (sum [#tailcall]) (n-1)
If the call is not really a tail call, a warning is issued by a compiler:
Warning 51: expected tailcall
Another method is to compile with -annot option. The annotation file will contain an annotation for each call, for example, if we will put the above function into a file and compile with ocamlc -annot, then we can open sum.annot file and look for all calls:
"" 1 0 41 "" 1 0 64
If we, however, put our third implementation, then the see that all calls are tail calls, e.g. grep call -A1 sum.annot:
Finally, you can just test your program with some big input, and see whether your program will fail with the stack overflow. You can even reduce the size of the stack, this can be controlled with the environment variable OCAMLRUNPARAM, for example, to limit the stack to one thousand words:
export OCAMLRUNPARAM='l=1000'
You could do the following :
let rlist r n =
let aux acc n =
if n < 1 then acc
else aux ( r :: acc) (n-1)
in aux [] n;;
let divide l =
let aux acc1 acc2 = function
| h1::h2::t ->
aux (h1::acc1) (h2::acc2) t
| [e] -> e::acc1, acc2
| [] -> acc1, acc2
in aux [] [] l;;
But for divide I prefer this solution :
let divide l =
let aux acc1 acc2 = function
| [] -> acc1, acc2
| hd::tl -> aux acc2 (hd :: acc1) tl
in aux [] [] l;;
let merge ord (l1,l2) =
let rec aux acc l1 l2 =
match l1,l2 with
| [],l | l,[] -> List.rev_append acc l
| h1::t1,h2::t2 -> if ord h1 h2
then aux (h1 :: acc) t1 l2
else aux (h2 :: acc) l1 t2
in aux [] l1 l2;;
As to your question about testing if a function is tail recursive or not, by looking out for it a bit you would have find it here.

How does R know not to use the old 'f'?

Into the R console, type:
#First code snippet
x <- 0
x <- x+1
You'll get '1'. That makes sense: the idea is that the 'x' in 'x+1' is the current value of x, namely 0, and this is used to compute the value of x+1, namely 1, which is then shoveled into the container x. So far, so good.
Now type:
#Second code snippet
f <- function(n) {n^2}
f <- function(n) {if (n >= 1) {n*f(n-1)} else {1}}
You'll get '120', which is 5 factorial.
I find this perplexing. Following the logic of the first code snippet, we might expect the 'f' in the expression
if (n >= 1) {n*f(n-1)} else {1}
to be interpreted as the current value of f, namely
function(n) {n^2}
Following this reasoning, the value of f(5) should be 5*(5-1)^2 = 80. But that's not what we get.
Question. What's really going on here? How does R know not to use the old 'f'?
we might expect the 'f' in the expression
if (n >= 1) {n*f(n-1)} else {1}
to be interpreted as the current value of f
— Yes, we might expect that. And we would be correct.
But what is the “current value of f”? Or, more precisely, what is “current”?
“Current” is when the function is executed, not when it is defined. That is, by the time you execute f(5), it has already been redefined. So now the execution enters the function, looks up inside the function what f refers to — and also finds the current (= new) definition, not the old one.
In other words: the objects associated with names are looked up when they are actually accessed. And inside a function this means that names are accessed when the function is executed, not when it’s defined.
The same is true for all objects. Let’s say f is using a global object that’s not a function:
n = 5
f = function() n ^ 2
n = 1
f() # = 1
To understand the difference between your first and second example, consider the following case which involved functions, yet behaves like your first case (i.e. it uses the “old” value of f).
To make the example work, we need a little helper: a function that modifies other functions. In the following, twice is a function which takes a function as an argument and returns a new function. That new function is the same as the old function, only it runs twice when invoked:
twice = function (original_function) {
function (...) {
To illustrate what twice does, let’s invoke it on an example function:
plus1 = function (n) n + 1
plus2 = twice(plus1)
plus2(3) # = 5
Neat — R allows us to handle functions like any other object!
Now let’s modify your f:
f = function(n) {n^2}
f = twice(f)
f(5) # 625
… and here we have it: in the statement f = twice(f), the second f refers to the current (= old) definition. Only after that line does f refer to the new, modified function.
Here's a simple example illustrating my comment on Konrad's excellent answer:
a <- 2
f <- function() a*b
e <- new.env()
environment(f) <- e
> f()
[1] 10
b <- 10
> f()
[1] 10
So we've manually altered the environment for f so that it always first looks in e for b. Theoretically, one could even lock that binding ?lockBinding to make sure it never changes without throwing an error.
This sort of thing could get complicated, though, as in general you'd want to make sure that you set the parent environment of e correctly based on where the function f is actually being created. In this example f is created in the global environment, but if f were being created inside another function, you'd want e's parent environment to reflect that.

What is the simplest way to iterate over an array of arrays?

Let x::Vector{Vector{T}}. What is the best way to iterate over all the elements of each inner vector (that is, all elements of type T)? The best I can come up with is a double iteration using the single-line notation, ie:
for n in eachindex(x), m in eachindex(x[n])
but I'm wondering if there is a single iterator, perhaps in the Iterators package, designed specifically for this purpose, e.g. for i in some_iterator(x) ; x[i] ; end.
More generally, what about iterating over the inner-most elements of any array of arrays (that is, arrays of any dimension)?
Your way
for n in eachindex(x), m in eachindex(x[n])
is pretty fast. If you want best speed, use
for n in eachindex(x)
y = x[n]
for m in eachindex(y)
which avoids dereferencing twice (the first dereference is hard to optimize out because arrays are mutable, and so getindex isn't pure). Alternatively, if you don't need m and n, you could just use
for y in x, for z in y
which is also fast.
Note that column-major storage is irrelevant, since all arrays here are one-dimensional.
To answer your general question:
If the number of dimensions is a compile-time constant, see Base.Cartesian
If the number of dimensions is not a compile-time constant, use recursion
And finally, as Dan Getz mentioned in a comment:
using Iterators
for z in chain(x...)
also works. This however has a bit of a performance penalty.
I'm wondering if there is a single iterator, perhaps in the Iterators package, designed specifically for this purpose, e.g. for i in some_iterator(x) ; x[i] ; end
Today (in Julia 1.x versions), Iterators.flatten is exactly this.
help?> Iterators.flatten
Given an iterator that yields iterators, return an iterator that
yields the elements of those iterators. Put differently, the
elements of the argument iterator are concatenated.
julia> x = [1:5, [π, ℯ, 42], 'a':'e']
3-element Vector{AbstractVector}:
[3.141592653589793, 2.718281828459045, 42.0]
julia> for el in Iterators.flatten(x)
print(el, " ")
1 2 3 4 5 3.141592653589793 2.718281828459045 42.0 a b c d e

Memoisation in OCaml and a Reference List

I am learning OCaml. I know that OCaml provides us with both imperative style of programming and functional programming.
I came across this code as part of my course to compute the n'th Fibonacci number in OCaml
let memoise f =
let table = ref []
let rec find tab n =
match tab with
| [] ->
let v = (f n)
table := (n, v) :: !table;
| (n', v) :: t ->
if n' = n then v else (find t n)
fun n -> find !table n
let fibonacci2 = memoise fibonacci1
Where the function fibonacci1 is implemented in the standard way as follows:
let rec fibonacci1 n =
match n with
| 0 | 1 -> 1
| _ -> (fibonacci1 (n - 1)) + (fibonacci1 (n - 2))
Now my question is that how are we achieving memoisation in fibonacci2. table has been defined inside the function fibonacci2 and thus, my logic dictates that after the function finishes computation, the list table should get lost and after each call the table will get built again and again.
I ran some a simple test where I called the function fibonacci 35 twice in the OCaml REPL and the second function call returned the answer significantly faster than the first call to the function (contrary to my expectations).
I though that this might be possible if declaring a variable using ref gives it a global scope by default.
So I tried this
let f y = let x = ref 5 in y;;
print_int !x;;
But this gave me an error saying that the value of x is unbounded.
Why does this behave this way?
The function memoise returns a value, call it f. (f happens to be a function). Part of that value is the table. Every time you call memoise you're going to get a different value (with a different table).
In the example, the returned value f is given the name fibonacci2. So, the thing named fibonacci2 has a table inside it that can be used by the function f.
There is no global scope by default, that would be a huge mess. At any rate, this is a question of lifetime not of scope. Lifetimes in OCaml last as long as an object can be reached somehow. In the case of the table, it can be reached through the returned function, and hence it lasts as long as the function does.
In your second example you are testing the scope (not the lifetime) of x, and indeed the scope of x is restricted to the subexpresssion of its let. (I.e., it is meaningful only in the expression y, where it's not used.) In the original code, all the uses of table are within its let, hence there's no problem.
Although references are a little tricky, the underlying semantics of OCaml come from lambda calculus, and are extremely clean. That's why it's such a delight to code in OCaml (IMHO).
