how to get decimal values of whole number in r - r

I happen to have a data set like this,
options(pillar.sigfig = 5)
a <- c(1.012,1,0,2.987,4)
b <- c(4.897,5,98,8.001,2.456)
B=b) -> tibble1
and the output looks like this:
I would like to have the decimal points for the whole number shown, I tried the signif function, but it could not get the decimal values for the whole table, but I got for each column (I want it to be reflected in the whole table though :P).
Expected Output, FYR:

Decimals are not a property of the object, they are a property of the print method used on the object. For better or worse the tibble and pillar packages are very restrictive about how decimals get printed.
If you need to use tbl/tbl_df for other features, but don't like the print method, use a different print method.
Or use this approach, which the maintainers of pillar actually recommend:
print.tbl_df <- function(x, ...) {, ...)


Run a piece of code several times changing certain parameters in R (like a macro in SAS)

Trying to learn the ropes in R and already struggling trying to find a replacement for SAS macro.
I'm trying to run a piece of code several times, but I'm having a hard time and came here for help.
First, I'm working with this example file, with a variable that gives me the quantity of rows that I have previously analised in another file (qtde_registros), followed by three variables that give me the quantity of rows that had different type of errors.
file <- readRDS(file="file.Rda")
qtde_registros error1 error2 error3
1 1175 0 0 0
After that, I created a list with the errors and another one with the description of each one of them.
Then, using those lists and the file mentioned initially, I wish to create several files (one for each error) that will later be binded in one last file to form a final report.
As I said, I'm struggling with it, so I made an example code of how it would be forming the first file:
error_list <- list("Error1","Error2","Error3",)
description_list <- list("Code not found",
"Invalid date.",
"Negative value.")
error1 <- file
error1$file_name <- "Clients"
error1$error <- error_list[1]
error1$qtde <- error1$error1
error1$desc <- description_list[1]
error1 <- select(error1, file_name, error, qtde, desc)
file_name error qtde desc
1 Clients Error1 0 Code not found
And that leads to my question: how can I make the code above run several times, one for each erros on my list?
I'm aware that the whole mentality may not be the best, as the approach to do certain things are different depending on the language used, but I have to work with the knowledge I have at the moment.
I'm thinking of using the apply family of functions, but I didn't managed to work it out.
Thanks in advance for the help and sorry for any errors in typing or grammar (english is not my first language).
EDIT: forgot to say that I'm not intend to do via For or While loop.
In R (and many other languages) you'll be using a form of for-loop. In R there are several wrappers for loops with specific outcome in the *apply family. Here's a short (incomplete) list of the *apply family and their input/output:
lapply -> list output
sapply -> List or atomic (integer vector, numeric vector etc.)
mapply -> Similar to sapply but can take more than 1 input to go over (so if you have 2 simultanious things to loop over for example)
tapply -> loop over groups defined by INDEX
apply -> Loop over an array (either rows or columns) return matrix/vector
And so on.
I am guessing that your example is incomplete, but I'll show 3 examples to get you started. One using a for-loop, one using lapply and one using mapply.
A for-loop is the classic method (found in most programming languages). It works by having a for(---) where --- is replaced by something to iterate over. This could be error_list or it could be a numeric vector seq(1, n) or 1:n. Here you have more than 1 thing to iterate over, so a numeric vector makes sense (and we use this to subset the data)
errors <- list() # <== Somewhere to put our results
for(i in 1:length(error_list)){
error_i <- list(file = file,
file_name = "Clients",
error = error_list[[i]], # Use i to subset error_list
qtde = error_list[[i]], # Maybe this should be something else in your case
desc = description_list[[i]]
# Put into our errors list. Create "error1" using paste and our index
errors[[paste0('error', i)]] <- error_i
And by the end all of your results will be in the errors list to be extracted using errors[1] or errors["errors1"] (change the number to your error). This can then be combined using, errors) and then saved using write.table (or write.csv or similar).
For the *apply family, the *apply takes care of the looping. But instead we have to provide a function to execute (a macro in SAS terms) in each iteration. So we wrap the contents of the loop in the function above.
macro <- function(i){
list(file = file,
file_name = "Clients",
error = error_list[[i]], # Use i to subset error_list
qtde = error_list[[i]], # Maybe this should be something else in your case?
desc = description_list[[i]]
errors <- lapply(1:length(error_list), macro)
#set names afterwards
names(errors) <- paste0("error", 1:length(error_list))
And once again we have the data ready to be extracted saved etc. This is equivalent to:
errors <- list()
for(i in 1:length(error_list))
errors[[i]] <- macro(i)
names(errors) <- paste0("error", 1:length(error_list))
Now in your case you have more than 1 thing to iterate over. An alternative is to use mapply and add these as parameters to your function instead. This way we remove error_list[[i]] and description_list[[i]] from the function and instead add these as parameters
macro_mapply <- function(error, description){
list(file = file,
file_name = "Clients",
error = error, # No need to use I here anymore
qtde = error, # Maybe this should be something else in your case?
desc = description
errors <- mapply(macro_mapply,
# parameters to iterate over comes after function
error = error_list,
description = description_list,
# Avoid simplification (if we want a list returned)
names(errors) <- paste0("error", 1:length(error_list))
Note that "mapply" will try to return a vector if possible, so I set SIMPLIFY = FALSE to avoid this.
Things to note:
In the above 3 examples I have not taken into account if you read multiple files, or any other parameters changing. So if you have to read a file in each iteration it will make sense to go with the first 2 examples and add readRDS to the loop or function with appropriate file naming. Also I have used your data, but I am guessing qtde and error should be different in your specific case but this is not clear from your example.
I hope this will help getting you started.
Once you've gotten the hang of your first loops I and somewhat understand how *applys work, I would then suggest checking out tidyverse which provides what many find to be a more "user-friendly" and intuitive interface to data transformation.
I hope that this will help you getting started on solving your problem.

How to add a space to an object name in R

I want my quality control graph NOT to have the underscore in the object name.
At the moment there is an underscore (not a hyphen) in that object name. It is possible to construct objects whose names have spaces in them but in order to access them you will then always need to use backticks in order to get the interpreter to understand what you want:
> `Piston Rings` <- list(1,2)
> `Piston Rings`[[1]]
[1] 1
> `Piston Rings`[[2]]
[1] 2
The problem you incur is cluttering up your code, at least relative to obeying the usual conventions in R where a space is a token-ending marker to the parser. Hyphens (at least short-hyphens) are actually minus signs.
If on the other hand you only want to use a modified version of a name that contains an underscore as the title for a graph, then try something like this:
Piston_Rings <- list() # just for testing purposes so there will be an object.
plot( 1:10,10:1, main = sub("_", " ", quote(Piston_Rings)) )
#BondedDust's answer is correct, but (guessing, since you haven't been very specific) a simpler way to get what you want is just to specify xlab or ylab arguments to the plot() function. Let's say you have variables stuff (x) and Piston_Rings (y). If you just
then the plot will have "Piston_Rings" as the y-axis label. But if you
plot(stuff,Piston_Rings,ylab="Piston Rings")
you'll get the label you want. You can also include lots more information this way:
xlab="Important stuff (really)",
ylab="Piston Rings (number per segment)")
See ?plot.default for many more options.

R: IF statement evaluating expression despite condition being FALSE?

I've got a large function in R and the users have the ability to not include/specify an object. If they DO, the code checks to make sure the names in that object match the names in another. If they DON'T, there's no need to do that checking. The code line is:
if(exists("grids")) if(!all(expvarnames %in% names(grids))) {stop("Not all expvar column names found as column names in grids")}
But I'm getting the following error:
Error in match(x, table, nomatch = 0L) : argument "grids" is missing, with no default
Well in this trial run, grids is SUPPOSED to be missing. If I try
if(exists("grids")) print("yay")
Then nothing prints, i.e. the absence of grids means the expression isn't evaluated, which is as I'd expect. So can anyone think why R seems to be evaluating the subsequent IF statement in the main example? Should I slap another set of curly brackets around the second one??
Edit: more problems. Removing "grids," from the functions list of variables means it works if there's no object called grids and you don't specify it in the call (i.e. function(x,grids=whatever)). And keeping "grids," IN the functions list of variables means it works if there IS an object called grids and you do specify it in the call.
Please see this:
using exists(grids) is out because exists wants "quotes" and without em everything fails. WITH them ("grids"), I need to decide whether to keep "grids," in the functions list. If I don't, but I specify it in the call (function(x,grids=whatever)) then I get unused argument fail. If I DO, but don't specify it in the call because grids doesn't exist and I don't want to use it, I get match error, grids missing no default.
How do I get around this? Maybe list it in the function variables list as grids="NULL", then rather than if(exists("grids")) do if(grids!="NULL")
I still don't know why the original match problem is happening though. Match is from the expvarnames/grids names checker, which is AFTER if(exists("grids")) which evaluates to FALSE. WAaaaaaaiiiiittttt..... If I specify grids in the function variables list, i.e. simply putting function(x,grids,etc){do stuff}, does that mean the function CREATES an object called grids, within its environment?
Man this is so f'd up....
testfun <- function(x,grids)
{if(exists("grids")) globalgrids<<-grids
testfun(1) # Error in testfun(1) : argument "grids" is missing, with no default
testfun <- function(x,grids)
{if(exists("grids")) a<<-c(1,2,3)
testfun(1) #2 (and globally assigns a)
So in the first example, the function seems to have created an object called "grids" because exists("grids") evaluates to true. But THEN, ON THE SAME LINE, when asked to do something with grids, it says it doesn't exist! Schroedinger's object?!
This is proven in example 2: grids evaluates true and a is globally assigned then the function does its thing. Madness. Complete madness. Does anyone know WHY this ridiculousness is going on? And is the best solution to use my grids="NULL" default in the functions variables list?
Reproducible example, if you want to but I've already done it for every permutation:
testfun <- function(x,grids)
{if(exists("grids")) if(!all(expvarnames %in% names(grids))) {stop("Not all expvar column names found as column names in grids")}
expvarnames <- c("a","b","c")
colnames(grids) <- c("a","b","c")
Adapting your example use:
testfun <- function(x,grids = NULL)
if(!all(expvarnames %in% names(grids))){
stop("Not all expvar column names found as column names in grids")
Using this testfun(1) will return nothing. By specifying a default argument in the function as NULL the function then checks for this (i.e. no argument specified) and then doesn't continue the function if so.
The Reason the Problem Occurs
We go through each of the examples:
testfun <- function(x,grids)
{if(exists("grids")) globalgrids<<-grids
testfun(1) # Error in testfun(1) : argument "grids" is missing, with no default
Here we call the function testfun, giving only the x argument. testfun knows it needs two arguments, and so creates local variables x and grids. We have then given an argument to x and so it assigns the value to x. There is no argument to grids, however the variable has still been created, even though no value has been assigned to it. So grids exists, but has no value.
From this exists("grids") will be TRUE, but when we try to do globalgrids<<-grids we will get an error as grids has not been assigned a value, and so we can't assign anything to globalgrids.
testfun <- function(x,grids)
{if(exists("grids")) a<<-c(1,2,3)
testfun(1) #2 (and globally assigns a)
This, however is fine. grids exists as in the previous case, and we never actually try and access the value stored in grids, which would cause an error as we have not assigned one.
In the solution, we simply set a default value for grids, which means we can always get something whenever we try and access the variable. Unlike in the previous cases, we will get NULL, not that nothing is stored there.
The main point of this is that when you declare arguments in your function, they are created each time you use the function. They exist. However, if you don't assign them values in your function call then they will exist, but have no value. Then when you try and use them, their lack of values will throw an error.
> a <- c(1,2,3,4)
> b <- c(2,4,6,8)
> if(exists("a")) if(!all(a %in% b)) {stop("Not all a in b")}
Error: Not all a in b
> rm(a)
> if(exists("a")) if(!all(a %in% b)) {stop("Not all a in b")}
When a does not exist, the expression does not evaluate, as expected. Before testing your first expression, make sure that grids does not exist by running rm(grids) in the console.
Richard Scriven's comment got me thinking: grids was an argument in my function but was optional, so maybe shouldn't be specified (like anything in "..." optional functions). I commented it out and it worked. Hooray, cheers everyone.

R Loop error using character

I have the below function which inserts a row into a table (new_scores) based upon the attribute that I feed into it (where the attribute represents a table that I select things from):
buildNewScore <- function(x) {
something <- bind_rows(new_scores,x%>%select(ATT,ADJLOGSCORE))
Which works fine when I define x.
But when I try to create a for loop that feeds the rest of my attributes into the function it falls over as I'm feeding in a character.
attlist <- c('Z','Y','X','W','V','U','T','RT','RO')
record_count <- length(attlist)
for (x in c(1:record_count)){
I've tried to convert the attribute into other classes but I can't get the loop to use anything I change it to (name, data.frame etc.).
Anyone have any ideas as to where I'm going wrong - is my attlist vector in the wrong format?

R Finding name of assignee variable from inside called function

Say that I have the following function:
myfun <- function(x){
assignee <- get_assignee_name()
message(paste0("output assigned to ",assignee,"!"))
my_var <- myfun(7)
output assigned to my_var!
I am looking for something that does the job of get_assignee_name() above.
It should be a function or a few lines of code that is called from inside a function, it examines the call that it occurs inside of and returns the object that is being assigned to as a character, if one exists. So in the example
answer <- myfun(10)
the message "output assigned to answer!" should appear.
I am aware that this seems unnecessarily complicated, but it is just an example to demonstrate the point for a more complicated use case. I am also aware that of ways around this involving passing the variable name into the function as a parameter and then calling assign. This won't solve the problem in this case, where this should be transparent to the user
This is not possible because <- is a primitive and quite special function. It is not part of the call stack. You would need to use assign instead:
myfun <- function(x){
assignee <-
if (assignee[[1]] == quote(assign))
message(paste0("output assigned to ",assignee[[2]],"!"))
assign("my_var", myfun(7))
#output assigned to my_var!
#[1] 7
However, I suggest you reconsider how you approach your actual issue.
