How to link web app to a Firebase Hosting site using CLI - firebase

Is it possible to link the web app in my Firebase project to a Firebase Hosting site using CLI instead of the following console dialog?


why does my firebase deployment does not run my website

my cli interface approval of my website deployment
when i run my website i get this
i deployed to the firebase server and expected the server to run my coded website but does not deploy
I have run the website but all i get is i should another from firebase hosting
Firebase Hosting Setup Complete
You're seeing this because you've successfully setup Firebase Hosting. Now it's time to go build something extraordinary! this is the message i get on my website instead of my html css and javascript code

Whats the difference between firebase web app and firebase hosting

what is the difference between the firebase web app and firebase hosting?
As far as i can tell the web app is used for an app thats actually just a browser,
and the firebase hosting is used just for websites.
Firebase for Web-Apps is a JavaScript library and Firebase Hosting is a web-hosting platform.
The JS can be loaded from just any web-server, but on Firebase Hosting it is better integrated with other the components in the Firebase ecosystem - and it can be deployed with the Firebase CLI.

Cordova Firebase Remote Config Plugin vs. Web SDK

Firebase recently announced remote config for their web SDKs. In an app built with Cordova or Ionic, is there any feature that would justify using the cordova plugin for remote config instead of using the firebase sdk?
For example, I think that in the case of firebase analytics, it's better to use the cordova plugin because it's able to detect events such as app open and app close and I think the web sdk will not be able to track these events.

Can I use firebase to implement login and auth but still deploy the project using Docker

I'm new to web development and I am building a project with Firebase auth for email/password authentication system. Is it possible to deploy the project using docker? Actually I want to use Docker to deploy my project. And I understand that Firebase Auth just provides the functionality to log in users. Does that mean Firebase Auth can use back end system that is part of Firebase?

Deploying web apps that use firebase

Assuming that I used Firebase services on my web and I want to deploy the web app on a hosting site, do I have to do deploy it in Firebase hosting or any hosting site will do?
If you're using Firebase, then it already has a free hosting domain. So you can directly deploy it on Firebase. Here's a guide for you. If you want, you can also use a custom domain and it's free on Firebase now.
Web apps that use Firebase features (such as the Realtime Database, Storage, Authentication or any of the others) can be deployed any hosting service. Using Firebase Hosting is not required.
