dplyr group_by_ lazy .drop = F - r

I am trying to incorporate the drop = F into the following dplyr function
dspreadN = function(data, ...) {
data %>% group_by_(.dots = lazyeval::lazy_dots(...), .drop = F) %>%
summarise(n = n()*100) %>% spread(value, n, fill = 0)
Basically, the function transform this
id x
1 1 A
2 1 A
3 1 A
4 1 A
5 2 A
6 2 A
7 2 B
8 2 B
9 3 A
10 3 A
11 3 B
12 3 A
into that
id drop A B
<dbl> <lgl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 1 FALSE 400 0
2 2 FALSE 200 200
3 3 FALSE 300 100
I use the function in this way dff %>% dspreadN(id, value = x)
(my real example is much more complicated that why I need the dplyr function).
What I would like is to keep all the levels of the x variable, here the C is missing.
id A B C
<dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 1 400 0 0
2 2 200 200 0
3 3 300 100 0
Why is the drop = F not working?
# data
dff = data.frame(id = c(1,1,1,1, 2,2,2,2, 3,3,3,3, 4,4,4,4),
x = c('A','A','A','A', 'A','A','B','B', 'A','A','B','A', 'C', 'C', 'C', 'C'))
# remove the case to keep the C level
dff = dff[dff$id != 4, ]

You can use .drop = FALSE argument in count instead of group_by.
group_by + summarise with n() is equal to count.
spread has been deprecated in favour of pivot_wider.
Thanks to #Edo for useful tips in improving the post
dspreadN = function(data, ...) {
data %>%
count(id, x, .drop = FALSE, wt = n() * 100) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = x, values_from = n, values_fill = 0)
dspreadN(dff, id, x)
# id A B C
# <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#1 1 400 0 0
#2 2 200 200 0
#3 3 300 100 0


How can I dynamically group_by a dataframes variables in a function?

I want a function where i can enter different numbers of column names and have them grouped. The first piece of code here works:
df <- data.frame(col_a = sample(1:10, 100, replace = T),
col_b = sample(letters, 100, replace = T),
col_c = sample(LETTERS, 100, replace = T))
my_fun = function(df, ...) {
df %>% group_by_(...) %>% summarise(n = n())
my_fun(df , 'col_a')
my_fun(df , 'col_a', 'col_b')
my_fun(df , 'col_a', 'col_b', 'col_c')
What I now want is to apply the complete function, so all possible values in each grouped variable are present. I've manually typed col_a and col_b into the complete() function below. I'd want to pass the possible values as a function argument though, as I'm not always going to be grouping by col_a & col_b.
my_fun = function(df, ...) {
df %>% group_by_(...) %>% summarise(count = n()) %>%
ungroup() %>%
complete(col_a = 1:10, col_b = letters, fill = list(count = 0))
my_fun(df , 'col_a', 'col_b')
You can capture the data as named list. group_by + summarise n() can be replaced with count.
my_fun = function(df, ...) {
args <- list(...)
df %>%
count(across(all_of(names(args))), name = 'count') %>%
complete(!!!args, fill = list(count = 0))
This can be ran as -
my_fun(df , 'col_a' = 1:12)
# col_a count
# <int> <dbl>
# 1 1 9
# 2 2 15
# 3 3 4
# 4 4 11
# 5 5 7
# 6 6 12
# 7 7 12
# 8 8 10
# 9 9 5
#10 10 15
#11 11 0
#12 12 0
my_fun(df , 'col_a' = 1:10, 'col_b' = letters)
# col_a col_b count
# <int> <chr> <dbl>
# 1 1 a 1
# 2 1 b 0
# 3 1 c 0
# 4 1 d 0
# 5 1 e 0
# 6 1 f 1
# 7 1 g 0
# 8 1 h 0
# 9 1 i 0
#10 1 j 0
# … with 250 more rows

Add levels missing in one group to summary table using dplyr

When summarizing data, some groups may have observations not present in another group. In the example below, group 2 has no males. How can I in a tidy way, insert these observations in a summary table?
data example:
a <- data.frame(gender=factor(c("m", "m", "m", "f", "f", "f", "f")), group=c(1,1,1,1,1,2,2))
gender group
1 m 1
2 m 1
3 m 1
4 f 1
5 f 1
6 f 2
7 f 2
data summary:
a %>% group_by(gender, group) %>% summarise(n=n())
gender group n
<fct> <dbl> <int>
1 f 1 2
2 f 2 2
3 m 1 3
Desired output:
gender group n
<fct> <dbl> <int>
1 f 1 2
2 f 2 2
3 m 1 3
4 m 2 0
At the end, we can use complete
a %>%
group_by(gender, group) %>%
summarise(n=n(), .groups = 'drop') %>%
complete(gender, group, fill = list(n = 0))
# A tibble: 4 x 3
# gender group n
# <fct> <dbl> <dbl>
#1 f 1 2
#2 f 2 2
#3 m 1 3
#4 m 2 0
Or an option is also to reshape to wide and then back to long format
a %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = group, values_from = group,
values_fn = length, values_fill = 0) %>%
pivot_longer(cols = -gender, names_to = 'group', values_to = 'n')
It is more easier in base R

Add column to grouped data that assigns 1 to individuals and randomly assigns 1 or 0 to pairs

I have a dataframe...
df <- tibble(
id = 1:7,
family = c("a","a","b","b","c", "d", "e")
Families will only contain 2 members at most (so they're either individuals or pairs).
I need a new column 'random' that assigns the number 1 to families where there is only one member (e.g. c, d and e) and randomly assigns 0 or 1 to families containing 2 members (a and b in the example).
By the end the data should look like the following (depending on the random assignment of 0/1)...
df <- tibble(
id = 1:7,
family = c("a","a","b","b","c", "d", "e"),
random = c(1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1)
I would like to be able to do this with a combination of group_by and mutate since I am mostly using Tidyverse.
I tried the following (but this didn't randomly assign 0/1 within families)...
df %>%
group_by(family) %>%
random = if_else(
condition = n() == 1,
true = 1,
false = as.double(sample(0:1,1,replace = T))
You could sample along the sequence length of the family group and take the answer modulo 2:
df %>%
group_by(family) %>%
mutate(random = sample(seq(n())) %% 2)
#> # A tibble: 7 x 3
#> # Groups: family [5]
#> id family random
#> <int> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 1 a 0
#> 2 2 a 1
#> 3 3 b 0
#> 4 4 b 1
#> 5 5 c 1
#> 6 6 d 1
#> 7 7 e 1
We can use if/else
df %>%
group_by(family) %>%
mutate(random = if(n() == 1) 1 else sample(rep(0:1, length.out = n())))
# A tibble: 7 x 3
# Groups: family [5]
# id family random
# <int> <chr> <dbl>
#1 1 a 0
#2 2 a 1
#3 3 b 1
#4 4 b 0
#5 5 c 1
#6 6 d 1
#7 7 e 1
Another option
df %>%
group_by(family) %>%
mutate(random = 2 - sample(1:n()))
# A tibble: 7 x 3
# Groups: family [5]
id family random
# <int> <chr> <dbl>
# 1 1 a 1
# 2 2 a 0
# 3 3 b 1
# 4 4 b 0
# 5 5 c 1
# 6 6 d 1
# 7 7 e 1

Re-Framing datasets

Hi all I have a got a 2 datasets below. From these 2 datasets(dataset1 is formed from dataset2. I mean the dataset1 is the count of users from dataset2) can we build the the third datasets(expected output)
Apps # user Enteries
A 3
B 4
C 6
Apps Users
Expected output
Apps Entries X Y Z A
A 3 1 1 1
B 4 2 1 1
C 6 6
We can first count first for Apps and Users, get the data in wide format and join with the table for count of Apps.
df %>%
count(Apps, Users) %>%
tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = Users, values_from = n,
values_fill = list(n = 0)) %>%
left_join(df %>% count(Apps), by = 'Apps')
# Apps X Y Z A n
# <chr> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int>
#1 A 1 1 1 0 3
#2 B 0 2 1 1 4
#3 C 6 0 0 0 6
I showing 0 is no problem and having a different column order you can use table and rowSums to produce the expected output.
x <- table(dataset2)
cbind(Entries=rowSums(x), x)
# Entries A X Y Z
#A 3 0 1 1 1
#B 4 1 0 2 1
#C 6 0 6 0 0
A solution where you need not have to calculate Total separately and do joins...
This solution uses purrr::pmap and dplyr::mutate for dynamically calculating Total.
library(tidyverse) # dplyr, tidyr, purrr
df %>% count(Apps, Users) %>%
pivot_wider(id_cols = Apps, names_from = Users, values_from = n, values_fill = list(n = 0)) %>%
mutate(Total = pmap_int(.l = select_if(., is.numeric),
.f = sum))
which have output what you need
# A tibble: 3 x 6
Apps X Y Z A Total
<chr> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int>
1 A 1 1 1 0 3
2 B 0 2 1 1 4
3 C 6 0 0 0 6

check tables exceeding certain values and count number of times exceed respective threshold by respective id and label

I have a dataframe df
df <- data.frame(id =c(1,2,1,4,1,5,6),
label=c("a","b", "a", "a","a", "e", "a"),
color = c("g","a","g","g","a","a","a"),
threshold = c(12, 10, 12, 12, 12, 35, 40),
value =c(32.1,0,15.0,10,1,50,45),stringsAsFactors = F
Threshold value is based on the label
I should get a table below like this by considering each id,with respective label how many times exceeding its threshold by the value
Color is independent in consideration for calculating the exceed values
I tried like this
final_df <- df %>%
mutate(check = if_else(value > threshold, 1, 0)) %>%
group_by(id, label) %>%
summarise(exceed = sum(check))
But instead of getting with respective id i have got the number of total in exceed
With base R only, use aggregate.
aggregate(seq.int(nrow(df)) ~ id + label, df, function(i) sum(df[i, 4] < df[i, 5]))
# id label seq.int(nrow(df))
#1 1 a 2
#2 4 a 0
#3 6 a 1
#4 2 b 0
#5 5 e 1
In order to match the expected output posted in the question, it will take a little extra work.
exceed <- seq.int(nrow(df))
agg <- aggregate(exceed ~ id + label, df, function(i) sum(df[i, 4] < df[i, 5]))
res <- merge(df[1:3], agg)
# id label color exceed
#1 1 a g 2
#3 1 a a 2
#4 2 b a 0
#5 4 a g 0
#6 5 e a 1
#7 6 a a 1
By a small modification of your code:
df %>%
group_by(id, label) %>%
mutate(check = if_else(value > threshold, 1, 0)) %>%
summarise(exceed = sum(check)) %>%
group_by(id, label)
id label exceed
<dbl> <chr> <dbl>
1 1 a 2
2 2 b 0
3 4 a 0
4 5 e 1
5 6 a 1
To match the expected output more closely:
df %>%
group_by(id, label) %>%
mutate(exceed = sum(if_else(value > threshold, 1, 0))) %>%
group_by(id, label, color) %>%
filter(row_number() == 1)
id label color threshold value exceed
<dbl> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 1 a g 12 32.1 2
2 2 b a 10 0 0
3 4 a g 12 10 0
4 1 a a 12 1 2
5 5 e a 35 50 1
6 6 a a 40 45 1
df %>%
group_by(id, label) %>%
mutate(exceed = sum(value > threshold)) %>%
id label color threshold value exceed
<dbl> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <int>
1 1 a g 12 32.1 2
2 2 b a 10 0 0
3 4 a g 12 10 0
4 5 e a 35 50 1
5 6 a a 40 45 1
If you like the output to contain a separate row for each combination, of ID, label and color, just add a new group_by before the slice function:
df %>%
group_by(id, label) %>%
mutate(exceed = sum(value > threshold)) %>%
group_by(id, label, color) %>%
id label color threshold value exceed
<dbl> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <int>
1 1 a a 12 1 2
2 1 a g 12 32.1 2
3 2 b a 10 0 0
4 4 a g 12 10 0
5 5 e a 35 50 1
6 6 a a 40 45 1
A little change in your code
final_df <- df %>% mutate(check = if_else(value > threshold, 1, 0)) %>% group_by(id, label) %>% filter(check==1)
We could use table and merge :
table_ <- table(subset(df,value>threshold, c("id","label")))
df2 <- merge(unique(df[c("id","label","color")]),table_,all.x=TRUE)
df2$Freq[is.na(df2$Freq)] <- 0
# id label color Freq
# 1 1 a g 2
# 2 1 a a 2
# 3 2 b a 0
# 4 4 a g 0
# 5 5 e a 1
# 6 6 a a 1
