I have Xml structures coming like this below. I will have to count the installations on the same date and list them. So I will have to find count by InstallDate and return in XQuery to be used in Marklogic query.
If you wish to group, count and list the Installation by date in MarkLogic server, see below MarkLogic XQuery dialect:
for $d in distinct-values(doc()//InstallDate)
let $i := doc()//Installation[InstallDate = $d]
order by $d
return <Installations Date="{$d}" Count="{count($i)}">
for $install in $i
return $install
In a transaction-driven environment, you should utilise MarkLogic performant search engine:
for $vt in cts:value-tuples(
(cts:element-reference(xs:QName( 'InstallDate'))
return "Installation on " || $vt[1] || " total count: " || cts:frequency($vt)
It's pretty straightforward even in XQuery 1.0
let $installations := $xml/PcDetail/Installations/Installation
for $date in fn:distinct-values($installations/InstallDate)
let $installationsOnDate := $installations[InstallDate = $date]
let $c := count($installationsOnDate)
return $date || ':' || $c || ':' || string-join($installationsOnDate/type,', ')
I want to convert CSV to XML using XQuery on BaseX (currently using BaseX v9.4.1). With columns tab separated the CSV file Configuration.tsv (input) looks like this:
Datasets Autosar Fibex TSS0001 TSS0002 TSS0003
DS0001 AutosarFoo01.arxml FibexFoo01.xml x x
DS0002 AutosarFoo02.arxml FibexFoo02.xml x x
DS0003 AutosarFoo03.arxml FibexFoo03.xml x x
The script has tssid as input parameter. Setting tssid := TSS0001 the expected output XML is:
<database name="DS0001" autosar="AutosarFoo01.arxml" fibex="FibexFoo01.arxml"/>
<database name="DS0002" autosar="AutosarFoo02.arxml" fibex="FibexFoo02.arxml"/>
<database name="DS0003" autosar="AutosarFoo03.arxml" fibex="FibexFoo03.arxml"/>
and with tssid := TSS0003:
<database name="DS0002" autosar="AutosarFoo02.arxml" fibex="FibexFoo02.arxml"/>
<database name="DS0003" autosar="AutosarFoo03.arxml" fibex="FibexFoo03.arxml"/>
The script works fine but the third attribute value (fibex) is missing, so the output looks differently like this:
<database name="DS0001" autosar="AutosarFoo01.arxml" fibex=""/>
<database name="DS0002" autosar="AutosarFoo02.arxml" fibex=""/>
<database name="DS0003" autosar="AutosarFoo03.arxml" fibex=""/>
or with tssid := TSS0003:
<database name="DS0002" autosar="AutosarFoo02.arxml" fibex=""/>
<database name="DS0003" autosar="AutosarFoo03.arxml" fibex=""/>
I cannot find something wrong with this code ?!? :
xquery version "3.1" encoding "utf-8";
declare namespace test="unittest";
declare namespace map="http://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-functions/map";
declare variable $test:tssid := 'TSS0003';
declare variable $test:testsuitesfile := '/Users/ms/Projekte/UnitTests/Configuration.tsv';
declare variable $test:options := map { 'header' : 'yes', 'format' : 'attributes', 'separator' : 'tab' };
declare variable $test:xml := csv:doc($test:testsuitesfile,$test:options);
(: get the positions :)
declare variable $test:positionDataId := 1 ;
declare variable $test:positionTssCheck := $test:xml/csv/record[position() = 1]/entry[text() = $test:tssid]/count(./preceding-sibling::entry) + 1 ;
declare variable $test:positionAutosar := $test:xml/csv/record[position() = 1]/entry[text() = 'Autosar']/count(./preceding-sibling::entry) + 1 ;
declare variable $test:positionFibex := $test:xml/csv/record[position() = 1]/entry[text() = 'Fibex']/count(./preceding-sibling::entry) + 1 ;
declare variable $test:dbsetbycsv as map(*) := map:merge(for $record in $test:xml/csv/record[entry[position() = $test:positionTssCheck and text()='x']] return map:entry($record/entry[position() = $test:positionDataId]/text(),<database name="{$record/entry[position() = $test:positionDataId]/text()}" autosar="{$record/entry[position() = $test:positionAutosar]/text()}" fibex="{$record/entry[position() = $test:positionFibex]/text()}"/>));
declare variable $test:dbset := $test:dbsetbycsv;
declare function test:dump() {
function($k) {
let $result := test:dump()
It seems that
$xml/csv/record[entry[#name = $tssid and . = 'x']] ! <database name="{entry[#name = 'Datasets']}" autosar="{entry[#name = 'Autosar']}" fibex="{entry[#name = 'Fibex']}"/>
might suffice, given that the entry elements have name attributes.
It's a bug. Fixed now with BaseX 9.4.3 beta.
I'm just starting to learn XQuery and I want that it shows me the number of festivals with genre (genero) is the same as "metal". I can't get the total number of them, only separately.
for $b in //festival
where $b/#genero="Metal"
return <prueba>{count ($b/#genero="Metal"), $b//nombre}</prueba>
<festival genero="Metal">
<nombre>Resurrection Fest</nombre>
<festival genero="Rock-Heavy Metal">
<nombre>Rock the Night</nombre>
<festival genero="Hardcore">
<festival genero="Metal">
<nombre>Download UK</nombre>
<prueba>1<nombre>Resurrection Fest</nombre>
<prueba>1<nombre>Download UK</nombre>
for $b in //festival[#genero="Metal"]
let $n := $b/informacion/nombre/text()
<cnt>{count(//festival[#genero="Metal"]/informacion/nombre[. = $n])}</cnt>
, $b/informacion/nombre
I have a scenario where I have to find the column name for the tables.
I have a large file having around 50K records
PLACES_OF_INDIA_2 :3432123, :Names Expr=('"Table_Name1".Column_1 || '' '' || "Table_Name2".Column_1 || '' '' || "Table_Name3"."Column_2"'), :Name=BCUDB2."Table_Name1".ATTR_VALUE, :Condition=BCUDB2."Table_Name1".Column_1, :Tables=(ABCXYZ."Table_Name1", ABCXYZ."Table_Name2", ABCXYZ."Table_Name3"), :Keys=ABCXYZ."IT_DIM_ANHBUSCH_37560".(M_113478_PQR(Int), M_113443_PQR(Int), M_113484_PQR(Int), M_113470_PQR(Int), M_113468_PQR(Int)), :Attrs=(Name :456866 = ('"Table_Name1".Column_1 || '' '' || "Table_Name2".Column_1 || '' '' || "Table_Name3"."Column_2"', ABCXYZ."Table_Name1", ABCXYZ."Table_Name2", ABCXYZ."Table_Name3"), PLACES_OF_ORIGIN_WineHierarchy_2 :490064736 = ABCXYZ."Table_Name1".ATTR_VALUE)
So I want to extract the columns with the line number used for the tables in the file. I have list of tables in separate file like
and I want the output like
Could you please check this
how to reproduce in query builder this
AND LENGTH( CONCAT_WS('', lsc.door_code, lsc.alarm_code, lsc.service_code, lsc.master_log) ) > 0"
I try like this
$orX = $qb->expr()->orX();
->add($qb->expr()->length('lsc.doorCode > 0'))
->add($qb->expr()->length('lsc.alarmCode > 0'))
->add($qb->expr()->length('lsc.serviceCode > 0'))
->add($qb->expr()->length('lsc.masterLog > 0'));
have error:
[Syntax Error] line 0, col 549: Error: Expected Doctrine\ORM\Query\Lexer::T_CLOSE_PARENTHESIS, got '>'
and my query
IFNULL(location.name, ''),' (',IFNULL(location.streetAddress, ''),' ',IFNULL(location.staircase, ''),' ',IFNULL(location.flatNumber, ''),' ',IFNULL(location.postal, ''),' ',IFNULL(location.postOffice, ''),')') as address,
FROM AppBundle:LocationServiceCompany lsc INNER JOIN lsc.location location WHERE lsc.serviceCompany = :sc AND (LENGTH(lsc.doorCode > 0) OR LENGTH(lsc.alarmCode > 0) OR LENGTH(lsc.serviceCode > 0) OR LENGTH(lsc.masterLog > 0))
how to use length ?
I came here because I had similar problem with using length in query builder.
I tried ($qb->expr()->length('lsc.doorCode > 0') as suggested above but it did not work. The SQL output of this is "LENGTH(lsc.doorCode > 0)" which throws an error.
My solution to this problem is:
$qb->expr()->gt($qb->expr()->length('lsc.doorCode'), 0)
which generates "LENGTH(lsc.doorCode) > 0" that is correct SQL syntax.
You have a typo here:
$orX = $qb->expr()->orX();
->add($qb->expr()->length('lsc.doorCode > 0')); <--
->add($qb->expr()->length('lsc.alarmCode > 0'))
->add($qb->expr()->length('lsc.serviceCode > 0'))
->add($qb->expr()->length('lsc.masterLog > 0'));
remove the ; and get rid of the syntax error.
And for the concat length, you can try something like this:
$query->andWhere("LENGTH( CONCAT_WS('', lsc.door_code, lsc.alarm_code, lsc.service_code, lsc.master_log) ) > 0")
After the update
You can run native SQL queries with Doctrine like mentioned here:
For reference:
use Doctrine\ORM\Query\ResultSetMapping;
$rsm = new ResultSetMapping();
// build rsm here
$query = $entityManager->createNativeQuery('SELECT id, name, discr FROM users WHERE name = ?', $rsm);
$query->setParameter(1, 'romanb');
$users = $query->getResult();
If your updated query works, this would be a way to make it work.
for the below data -
let $x := "Yahooooo !!!! Select one number - "
let $y :=
I want to get the output as -
`Yahooooo !!!! Select one number - [1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 or 7]`
In XQuery 3.0, you can use || as a string concatenation operator:
return $x || "[" || fn:string-join($y/a, " or ") || "]"
In XQuery 1.0, you need to use fn:concat():
return fn:concat($x, fn:concat("[", fn:concat(fn:string-join($y/a, " or "), "]")))