Download csv file from Nasdaq site - r

I tried now for some time to simply download a csv file in RStudio(so i am using R) from the web. I have done stuff like this before and never run into the issues i have now. Tried several solutions suggested online. I simply try to download the following file from here This is the link to the csv -> I tried httr and RCurl package methods none worked. Hope someone can help me out, thanks in advance.
Edit: What i tried so far:
-Updated ssl
-I can install new packages so internet generally works
-Updated git
-Updated R
-Updated all packages
-Tried what is suggested here: Download.file fails in RStudio
Edit2: A while ago i did webscrape with the package RSelenium and started a rem_session. Is it possible that Rselenium changes some underlying settings?
Edit3: Completely uninstalled Rstudio + R + Rtool manually deleted everything, after a fresh installation still the same problem

Have you tried to load it directly in R through read.csv()?
It worked for me... Check it out:
data = read.csv('')
Here is the output:
Date Close.Last Volume Open High Low
1 10/07/2020 $115.08 96848990 $114.62 $115.55 $114.13
2 10/06/2020 $113.16 161498200 $115.7 $116.12 $112.25
3 10/05/2020 $116.5 106243800 $113.91 $116.65 $113.55
4 10/02/2020 $113.02 144712000 $112.89 $115.37 $112.22
5 10/01/2020 $116.79 116120400 $117.64 $117.72 $115.83
6 09/30/2020 $115.81 142675200 $113.79 $117.26 $113.62
7 09/29/2020 $114.09 100060500 $114.55 $115.31 $113.57
8 09/28/2020 $114.96 137672400 $115.01 $115.32 $112.78
9 09/25/2020 $112.28 149981400 $108.43 $112.44 $107.67
10 09/24/2020 $108.22 167743300 $105.17 $110.25 $105
11 09/23/2020 $107.12 150718700 $111.62 $112.11 $106.77
12 09/22/2020 $111.81 183055400 $112.68 $112.86 $109.16
13 09/21/2020 $110.08 195713800 $104.54 $110.19 $103.1
14 09/18/2020 $106.84 287104900 $110.4 $110.88 $106.09
15 09/17/2020 $110.34 178011000 $109.72 $112.2 $108.71
16 09/16/2020 $112.13 155026700 $115.23 $116 $112.04
17 09/15/2020 $115.54 184642000 $118.33 $118.829 $113.61
18 09/14/2020 $115.355 140150100 $114.72 $115.93 $112.8
19 09/11/2020 $112 180860300 $114.57 $115.23 $110
20 09/10/2020 $113.49 182274400 $120.36 $120.5 $112.5
21 09/09/2020 $117.32 176940500 $117.26 $119.14 $115.26
If you want to save it afterwards as a csv file, just run write.csv():
write.csv(data, '~/Downloads/data.csv')
Let me know if it worked for you.

In case you are in a windows OS you need to set the mode=wb argument.
"file.csv", mode='wb'


How Can I Download and Use a Matrix from Matrix Market?

I am trying to write code to store a matrix to a variable directly from Matrix Market's website. Below is a sample URL that I'd use:
The example URL will download a bcsstk01.mtx.gz file. I need to extract the bcsstk01.mtx file. Then I need to use MatrixMarket.mmread() so I can save to a variable.
I first tried saving the downloaded file (or URL location) to a variable A = HTTP.get(), but lack of online resources and lack of knowledge led to no results. Then I used and got the .mtx.gz file, but I can't unzip it. And finally, MatrixMarket.mmread() cannot read .gz files. So I'm stuck with a downloaded file I can't do anything with unless I manually unzip it.
Using the info from link in the comments and some fiddling, I managed to get the following:
using TranscodingStreams, CodecZlib
using Downloads
stream = PipeBuffer()
openstream = TranscodingStream(GzipDecompressor(), stream)"", stream)
for line in eachline(openstream)
This prints:
%%MatrixMarket matrix coordinate real symmetric
48 48 224
1 1 2.8322685185200e+06
5 1 1.0000000000000e+06
6 1 2.0833333333300e+06
7 1 -3.3333333333300e+03
which I suppose is the desired data.

How do I download images from a server and then upload it to a website using R?

Okay, so I have approximately 2 GB worth of files (images and what not) stored on a server (I'm using Cygwin right now since I'm on Windows) and I was wondering if I was able to get all of this data into R and then eventually translate it onto a website where people can view/download those images?
I currently have installed the ssh package and have logged into my server using:
I've been able to successfully connect, however, I am not particular sure how to locate the files on the server through R. I assume I would use something like scp_download to download the files from the server, but as mentioned before, I am not particularly sure how to locate the files from the server, so I wouldn't be able to download them anyways (yet)!
Any sort of feedback and help would be appreciated! Thanks :)
You can use ssh::ssh_exec_internal and some shell commands to "find" commands.
sess <- ssh::ssh_connect("r2#myth", passwd="...")
out <- ssh::ssh_exec_internal(sess, command = "find /home/r2/* -maxdepth 3 -type f -iname '*.log'")
# List of 3
# $ status: int 0
# $ stdout: raw [1:70] 2f 68 6f 6d ...
# $ stderr: raw(0)
The stdout/stderr are raw (it's feasible that the remote command did not produce ascii data), so we can use rawToChar to convert. (This may not be console-safe if you have non-ascii data, but it is here, so I'll go with it.)
# [1] "/home/r2/logs/dns.log\n/home/r2/logs/ping.log\n/home/r2/logs/status.log\n"
remote_files <- strsplit(rawToChar(out$stdout), "\n")[[1]]
# [1] "/home/r2/logs/dns.log" "/home/r2/logs/ping.log" "/home/r2/logs/status.log"
For downloading, scp_download is not vectorized, so we can only upload one file at a time.
for (rf in remote_files) ssh::scp_download(sess, files = rf, to = ".")
# 4339331 C:\Users\r2\.../dns.log
# 36741490 C:\Users\r2\.../ping.log
# 17619010 C:\Users\r2\.../status.log
For uploading, scp_upload is vectorized, so we can send all in one shot. I'll create a new directory (just for this example, and to not completely clutter my remote server :-), and then upload them.
ssh::ssh_exec_wait(sess, "mkdir '/home/r2/newlogs'")
# [1] 0
ssh::scp_upload(sess, files = basename(remote_files), to = "/home/r2/newlogs/")
# [100%] C:\Users\r2\...\dns.log
# [100%] C:\Users\r2\...\ping.log
# [100%] C:\Users\r2\...\status.log
# [1] "/home/r2/newlogs/"
(I find it odd that scp_upload is vectorized while scp_download is not. If this were on a shell/terminal, then each call to scp would need to connect, authenticate, copy, then disconnect, a bit inefficient; since we're using a saved session, I believe (unverified) that there is little efficiency lost due to not vectorizing the R function ... though it is still really easy to vectorize it.)

Getting Started with SyntaxNet (start parsing text right away with Parsey McParseface)

I am new to SyntaxNet and I recently tried to install it step by step from
Although after running bazel test it was said that "Executed 12 out of 12 tests: 12 tests pass"
when I used this code
echo 'Bob brought the pizza to Alice.' |syntaxnet/
it gives me this error:
syntaxnet/ line 31: bazel-bin/syntaxnet/parser_eval:
No such file or directory
syntaxnet/ line 43: bazel-bin/syntaxnet/parser_eval:
No such file or directory
syntaxnet/ line 55: bazel-bin/syntaxnet/conll2tree:
No such file or directory
I would really appreciate if anyone could help me.
Thank you so much
I had the same issue.
To fix it, modify the file, lines 31 and 55.
The locations it points to find parser_eval and conll2tree are wrong, at least they were in my system.
Do a search for "sudo find / -iname 'parser_eval'".
For me the location of this file was "/home/jesus/.cache/bazel/_bazel_jesus/afbbfe6033ddfb6168467a72894e5682/syntaxnet/bazel-out/local-opt/bin/syntaxnet/parser_eval"
I then proceeded to point line 31 to this location instead of "bazel-bin/syntaxnet/parser_eval".
Then did the same for line 55 and conll2tree.
Saved the file, and got it running.
Hope it helps
I had a similar problem, in case it might be useful to anyone. If you rename or move the path where syntaxnet is installed, you'll break half a dozen symbolic links it creates during installation (it uses absolute paths). In that case, you have to recreate the links with the new path.

Weird Foreign Character Behavior in R / Rstudio

I have a CSV with Czech characters in it that looks like this:
660999,Vršovická 10,Praha
676838,Valentova 50,Praha 4
676858,Husova 6740,Pardubice
677971,Lipová 10,Třebíč
678304,Jana Ziky 10/1955,Ostrava
When I import into RStudio everything looks fine if I view it using the View() function.
But in the terminal when I view the values everything looks crazy.
xl = read.csv("some_csv.csv")
id address city
1 660999 Vršovická 10 Praha
2 676838 Valentova 50 Praha 4
3 676858 Husova 6740 Pardubice
4 677971 Lipová 10 TÅ™ebíÄ
5 678304 Jana Ziky 10/1955 Ostrava
When I check the encoding with Encoding(xl[1,2]) for example it says "unknown".
I also have Russian data with the same exact problem.
I've tried switching to Sys.setlocale("LC_CTYPE", "czech") and Sys.setlocale("LC_CTYPE", "russian") and importing under those settings and they behave the same.
I'm using Rstudio Version 0.98.501 with R version 3.0.2 on Windows 7. A colleague on a separate computer is having the same problem.
Anything I can do make these characters work correctly the terminal?

R quandl : couldn't connect to host

I am begining to use Quandl facilities to import datasets to R with Quandl R API. It appears to be the easiest thing. However I have a problem. The below pasted snipet of code does not work (for me). It returns an error.
my_quandl_dtst <- Quandl("DOE/RBRTE")
Error in function (type, msg, asError = TRUE) : couldn't connect to host
What could be the cause of the problem?
I searched this site and found some solutions, also the one below, but it does not work for me.
On the other hand, read.csv with url pasted from quandl website export dataset facility works:
my_quandl_dtst <- read.csv('', colClasses = c('Date' = 'Date'))
I would realy like to use the Quandl library, since using it would make my code cleaner. Therefore I would appreciate any help. Thanks in advance.
Ok, I found the solution, I had to set RCurlOptions, because the Quandl function uses getURL() to download data from url. But I had to use options() function as well. So:
options(RCurlOptions = list(proxy = "my.proxy", proxyport = my.proxyport.number))
head(quandldata <- Quandl("NSE/OIL"))
Date Open High Low Last Close Total Trade Quantity Turnover (Lacs)
1 2014-03-03 453.5 460.05 450.10 450.30 451.30 90347 410.08
2 2014-02-28 440.0 460.00 440.00 457.60 455.55 565074 2544.66
3 2014-02-26 446.2 450.95 440.00 440.65 440.60 179055 794.24
4 2014-02-25 445.1 451.75 445.10 446.60 447.20 86858 389.38
5 2014-02-24 443.0 449.50 443.00 446.50 446.30 81197 362.33
6 2014-02-21 447.9 448.65 442.95 445.50 446.80 95791 427.32
I guess you need to check if the domain accepts remote Connections to the RBRTE.csv file.
