Obviously, we can draw AWT graphics via Java AWT's Graphics2D directly to OpenPDF using PdfGraphics2D.
I wonder if there is also a possibility allowing to draw JavaFX graphics via JavaFX's GraphicsContext to OpenPDF?
Since I didn't found a direct way to do so I'd like to know if there is something like FxGraphics2D that bridges Graphics2D calls to GraphicsContext on best effort, but just the other way around?
Thank you very much for any hints.
In JavaFX the javafx.geometry.Point2D is missing a core method setLocation(x,y)
I wonder why this object made immutable?
For performance one would like to minimize the number of new instances created and therefore ability to reuse the Point2D would be nice.
IMHO the whole design of JavaFx 1.x is broken not introduced this. As alternative I recommend the much more well designed Scene Shapes API of JavaFx 2.0 with full accessibility to all properties. They omit a point there but a Rectangle could be easily used as replacement for instance.
I have to display a tiled map to display the result of a simulation
One can zoom/unzoom on the map, so if the zoom is far, there will be much more tiles displayed.
I am using QGraphicsPixmapItem to add the tiles to a QGraphicsScene.
I wonder whether openGl would be able to speed things up
I am using QGraphicsPixmapItem to add the tiles to a QGraphicsScene.
QGraphicsScene already uses methods like spatial subdivision (Kd trees) to determine which parts of a scene are visible and which not. In addition QGraphicsScene can use OpenGL as a rendering backend.
I strongly suggest you stick with QGraphicsScene, you'll hardly get more efficient than this, especially considering your next question:
I wonder whether openGl would be able to speed things up
Not if used naively. OpenGL is not a scene graph. I can't cull away and not issue drawing commands for geometry not visible. If you send it drawing commands it will process them. Unlike QGraphicsScene, which maintains scene data, OpenGL will carry out whatever drawing operation you ask it to do. Even if the final result may be invisible. Only in the very last processing steps (clipping, early fragment rejection) invisible fragments are discarded.
I'm currently evaluating the possibilities to implement a navigable 3D scene which allows to render multiple 2D layers. To be a bit more precise, I would like to display multiple graphs in a 3D environment in order to pinpoint simularities and differences between those graphs. Considering the following screenshot, there would be two graphs (one black, one grey), which are equivalent - for different graphs, deviant nodes might, i.e, be highlighted in red.
I am working with Qt's Graphic View Framework and established an editable graph editor using QGraphicsScene and several QGraphicsItems, which I separately from this project.
Qt provides OpenGL support, e.g., the QGLWidget and I had a look at the provided examples. Given, that I have not worked with OpenGL (I did some work with Java3D though) I would love if some people can share their experience.
Several solutions came to my mind:
Render every QGraphicsView to a QPixmap and display them in 3D, which would make the graphs navigatable but would prohibit any picking of elements etc.
Create an equivalent 3D element for every 2D graph element and "transform" every QGraphicsView into an 3D representation. I guess this would be quite some work (espacially as I have not worked with OpenGL)
Maybe there is an easy way to "place" the QGraphicScenes, the view, or just the QGraphicsItems in a QGLWidget without many adaptions and still register the usual "mouseclickevents" etc.
For a first implementation a plain navigable "viewer" which displayes multiple graphs in different layers would sufficient. But I would like to keep it extendable in order to add, e.g., picking, in the future.
The Qt3D project provides a class called QGraphicsEmbedScene which does exactly what you are asking for.
I can draw Qt objects to an QImage and then draw the image to HDC or CDC. This may hurt our application's performance. It would be great if I can draw Qt objects directly to Win32 HDC or MFC CDC. I expect that there is a class, say QWin32Image for clear, then I can use it in this way:
QWin32Image image(hdc, 100, 100, Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
QPainter painter(&image);
Is it possible for my thought? Or is there a better way to do that?
Short answer - No. AFAIK in Qt, they abstract the entire UI for platform independence at application code level. Qt paints all of its widgets to it's own buffer and then paints to the screen.
Long answer - Qualified Yes.
Qt offers Win/MFC Integration Library which will allow Qt objects to interact with HDC and MFC objects. This library does work well. But I found using it somewhat confusing until I understood how it works.
What this library does allows you display QWindows in MFC window or MFC window in at Qt frame. As long as you keep this in mind, you can make it work.
Alternately, QImage.scanLine(0) points to the entire raw bitmap that you can use to write directly to the screen using one of the windows functions. Even though function name is scanline, using it this way points to start of the raw pixel buffer.
Currently I'm trying to develop some simple plot prototype and I'm struggling with some kind of white/empty sheet syndrome.
I'm back to Qt after 2 years, so I feel quite retarded.
My application should:
plot and manage custom layers of data
plot on custom canvas background
manage markers on plot
My plan is to use following design:
QGraphicsScene /View/Item as a sprite like management widgets for background, markers, pointers and other "bitmap" objects etc.
QPainter/ Qpixmap or QPicture for actual data layers - and if possible set them as QGraphicItem to simplify management of dynamic graphics
I don't want to use Qwt or similar library, unless I can plot with it on custom background (I don't like the look of the qwt's graphic style).
Is my plan proper in scope of qt class usage and composition?
I'd like to have at least clear overview of the classes which should be involved for this kind of prototype.
Thanks in advance.
I think you have the basic idea with QGraphicsView. Here are a few resources which might help:
Graphics View
Diagram Scene
If you want to use the new animation and state set classes:
Also, take a look at gunnar's labs blog. He recently did a series on graphics performance.
All of these are strictly Qt (animation and state set are in 4.6). They are in C++ but hopefully you can translate what you need to python.
You don't say much about your project for me to propose a more helpful answer, but have a look at the Qt demos involving the graphics view, especially diagram scene and 40000 chips. I think you will find them inspiring for what you want to do.
May be MathGL is appropriate for you. It have Qt widget or you can use RGBA image directly to combine it with any background in your widget.
I recommend you to use QCustomPlot which is a Qt C++ library. It focuses on making good looking, publication quality 2D plots, graphs and charts and also has high performance for realtime visualization applications. You get it here: http://www.qcustomplot.com/
You may want to take a look at the Core Plot framework. Core Plot is OS X specific, but it is built on the the OS X Core Animation system which has a lot of conceptual similarity to the Qt Graphics View Framework. You'll have to learn to visually parse the Objective-C (a less-than-two day process for any competent C++ developer), but you should be able to see the general architecture relatively easily. The Core Plot wiki has some nice high-level documentation that might set you on your way without even needing to look at the code.