Having issues while importing whole sccs file into a wrapped selector - css

I was looking for an easy way to prefix a style sheet and sass works just great. I don't need any building tool, just vs code sass extension, and press watch.
What I did was, renamed the css to scss and then imported it inside the main style nesting in the selector I want, like:
#wrapper {
#import 'style1';
#import 'style2';
The issue comes when one of the files has #font-face, they also get prefixed and that is a problem. I checked the issue tracker and apparently this is the correct behavior.
Given that. I am looking for a way to import only the #font-face rules to the root instead of the #wrapper selector.
Is this possible without having to change the content of 'style1' or 'style2' ?

I was able to get around this problem with node sass magic importer.
But again you need node scripting and terminal, but can be mitigated with a bundler which kinda is not what I want but at least I can sort of prebuilt it and still use a watcher.
But given the hasle to set this up for such a simple thing I would just go to the style sheet and copy the font-faces to the root of the main file anyways.
If anyone knows a solution with sass only please reply.


how to tree shake unused styles from codebase

I want to remove all the unused css rules from my codebase. My code is mostly like:
index.js (which import a sibling styles.css - and binds with withStyles)
styles.css (which has css rules to apply to the sibling index.js file)
Is it possible to do a regex based search in a javascript file created from the corresponding css file
you can use (https://github.com/webpack-contrib/purifycss-webpack) plugin to do it.
lib author recommends https://github.com/FullHuman/purgecss-webpack-plugin
this package instead of purifycss
Chrome DevTools CSS Coverage
Not exactly what you are looking for but may be helpful

How to convert CSS to SCSS every time?

I'm a full stack developer that uses sass (.scss) for styling. However, my backend crew, when they have to make front end changes, use css because they are comfortable with it.
I have to convert the css to scss every time manually or else I will overwrite their changes. Is there a way to update my scss file to pull in css changes automatically?
My IDE is PhpStorm (if that helps anybody)
SASS version 3.4.24
I don't see a plugin for PHPStorm to do that; you might have to make one yourself. But even if you do, the SCSS it'd produce probably wouldn't be much better than the CSS you already have. It's silly to convert to SCSS only to compile back to CSS. The whole point of SCSS is so that you don't have to write CSS.
You could convert the CSS to SCSS with sites like this one. Again, results will probably not be much better than if you just kept it CSS.
My solution would be to split the CSS file. One part would be for the stubborn devs, while the other one is the CSS compiled from the SCSS you like to use. So, they can work in CSS, and you can work in SCSS.
You probably need a workplace solution before a technical one.

Less Project included Bootstrap

i have a simple but for me rather an important question. I will start a clean Project with Less and wanna include bootstrap. So my basic style.less file would look like this:
// Bootstrap Corefile
#import "bootstrap.less";
// My own Styles
header {
is this logical correct because now the bootstrap and my own styles are compressed in one file. In addition I would have a pretty big css file... And what if I want to use another css file from external plugins.
I would like to know if someone has already experience with it?
Yeah that will work. If you want to add another file you can just import that as well.
One thing that you do have to be careful of is that in the earlier version of IE it has a max number of classes it process. I can't remember off the top of my head but I think it is somewhere near 1000. So if the css at the end of the file isnt working in IE thats why.
Here is a line to the documentation to see what you can do with it. Check out the import section.

Importing & Extending raw CSS?

I have a preprocessor import problem. I have vendor css that i would like to copy functionality. Unfortunately, i don't control the html for this situation either.. so essentially i have vendor css & different vendor html, and i am trying to extend functionality of one css rule into another.
Now, the basic concept in many css preprocessors is to extend the rule.
// Vendor
.foo { font-weight: bold; }
.bar { text-color: red; }
// Mine
.bar { .foo }
In the above example, you don't have access to .foo or .bar, but with preprocessors, you can extend functionality from .foo into .bar, which works great for less/stylus/etc. The problem, is when the vendor rules are only defined in raw css.
So with that said, the most obvious solution is to have Stylus/Less import the raw css as stylus/less. However, neither seem to be able to actually do this.. that i've found at least. Less doesn't seem able to (#import "foo.css" directives are ignored) and while Stylus has an option to actually include the imported raw CSS, it did not seem to actually be processing it. That is to say, it would include the css, but #extend directives failed (perhaps i am wrong?).
The other option i could think of is simply renaming the .css files to the preprocessor language extension. Since we want to keep the vendor stuff out of our hands, allowing for proper versioning/etc, This involves a build process which copies the target css files and renames them into the target language extension, but this is error prone. Stylus ran into syntax errors immediately, and Less could just as easily (as not all CSS is valid Less. most is, but not all).
So.. any additional thoughts on this front? Hopefully there is an option i may be missing? Perhaps SCSS handles this better?
Currently, with what i have found is/isn't possible.. i feel the only stable way is to simply copy the raw css bits into my css code. If the vendor code changes, i'll have to update manually, but at least i don't run the risk of vendor stuff changing and all of a sudden the build process fails, because vendor introduced some CSS syntax not supported by less/etc. It is far from good.. but the worst that can happen is my css looks funny, and i need to update.
I'm going to try SCSS next.. we'll see how it goes. On the site, they claim all CSS(3 only?) syntax is valid SCSS
edit2: For clarity. My question is, give the above scenario, what would you do? Importing the .css files is not possible (See note below!), and renaming .css files to .less/.stylus can in turn be error prone, since less is not a perfect superset of CSS(namely due to proprietary features).
!Note!: I have since been digging around the less source to see what could be done to fix this problem, rather than work around it, and ran into a dozen support tickets on the matter. The main discussion of which seems to be taking place on #issue 1185, and more importantly, check out the changelog which *(i believe) addresses this issue! CHANGELOG 1.4.0 Beta
So with that said, the #import (less) "file.css" is likely the winning scenario here, even if it may have a few bugs due to the beta status. Yay :)
Your best bet is either what #Lee Olayvar said, or use the new ":extend()" feature in LESS. It sounds like you might have tried the extend feature, but you used the "SASS directive" syntax (which IMO is improper use of an at-rule), whereas LESS uses the CSS-like pseudo-selector syntax:
.foo:extend(.bar) {}
And if you are patient (in the coming days/weeks), you will see a new feature that is perfect for what you want to do, and it's unique to LESS. It will allow you to extend or mixin external "silent" styles. Meaning you will be able to "#import" and external stylesheet but the styles won't show up in your compiled code unless you extend them or use them as a mixin.
I'm on the core team for Less.js btw, so let me know if you have any other questions or if I can be of further help.
It looks like all imported .css files won't be prepocessed by less but will just be added with an #import at the top.
You can import both CSS and LESS files. Only LESS files import statements are processed, CSS file import statements are kept as they are. If you want to import a CSS file, and don’t want LESS to process it, just use the .css extension
Source: http://lesscss.org/
The best thing you could do would be the renaming I believe.
While still in beta, the newly added #import (less) "file.css" syntax should properly handle all CSS files. Due to the "official" support, it can also be expected/assumed that any proprietary syntax that breaks LESS would be fixed (though possibly not "supported").
So in theory this is the best option! Barring SCSS, which i have not tried yet in this scenario. Stylus still has issues though, in my tests.
For more information, check out this issue or this changelog.

How to pull all CSS rules on an element together

For using a site like jsfiddle or cssdesk, how would I pull all the css rules that apply to my element together in one place? My CMS has a pretty large number of CSS files that act on the same elements.
Use Firefox's built-in inspector (not firebug) to inspect the element. In the column that pops up for the inspector, choose "Computed" tab.
Highlight all the styles you want, then right click and choose, Copy Selection.
Go to your jsFiddle or CSSDeck, paste in the properties, and surround it with your rule:
h1 {
... your copied stuff here ...
NOTE: you'll need to add semicolons to the end of all the properties.
Not sure if I'm understanding the question properly, but I think you're asking how to apply all the same styles on a fiddle that are applied on your own site. If that's the case, then on jsFiddle, in the left nav, there is an Add Resources option. If your site is public, then you can enter in the direct url to your css file(s) there.
Then any html you enter in the fiddle should get the styles from those css files applied in the result when you run it.
Two answers spring to mind:
The first is simply to upload your CSS files from your laptop to a server somewhere. You could also run a webserver from your laptop if you can open port 80 from your router to your local computer. You could get a static URL to your IP address from a service like No-IP Free.
Use a CSS pre-processor like SASS or LESS when composing your CSS on your computer. This requires a bit of a change to your workflow, but you will find the changes make life as a web developer much easier in the long run. Both SASS and LESS understand vanilla CSS, so you don't have to change your existing files, just the extensions. They also both have the ability to import other SASS or LESS files on your computer, and include them in the output generated CSS. So, using SASS for an example… if your main CSS file is called screen.css, move it to screen.scss. The SASS pre-processor will read through and render the file back to CSS after you make changes. Now, to include another file in your screen.scss file, add #import 'newFile.scss'; and the CSS file SASS generates will include both screen.scss and newFile.scss.Following this design paradigm has the additional benefit of keeping all your CSS in one output file. It is recommended that you keep all your CSS in one file to minimize server requests (see Should I still bother keeping all css in one file? for discussion).
