How to upgrade RStudio version? - r

Recently I've tried to install keras package in R. I ran the following commands:
install.packages("keras") library(keras)
But when I ran is_keras_avalable() I got FALSE.
I was told, that the problem with unsuccessful 'keras' installation may come from the old RStudio version, which is installed on my notebook (I work in RStudio 3.4.0). I was adviced to reinstall RStudio and to get a brand new version.
Could you, please, tell me how to do it? I'd be very pleased if you provide me with the necessary links for installing the latest RStudio version on Windows 8.1.
Thank you for your help.

RStudio is an application (specifically, an Integrated Development Environment, or IDE). This is a common tool for using R, which is a computer language. Much like Microsoft Word is a common tool for writing documents in English (or other languages - and in fact you can use RStudio to write files other languages like RMarkdown, Python, SQL, French, or Swahili.). However, just like you can write English in programs other than Word, you can also write and run R code in programs other than RStudio.
You can find the most recent version on the RStudio website, or you can look in the Help menu and select "Check for updates", which will give you a download link if a newer version is available.
Given the version number you show, 3.4.0, you need to upgrade R (the language), not RStudio (the application). The current RStudio version as I write this is 1.3.*, while the current R version is 4.0.*.
The place you need to go to update R is CRAN - their website has download links for Windows, Mac, and Linux.


How come XQuartz/X11 makes the file explorer called with tk_choose.files look like this?

MacOS: High Sierra, version 10.13.6
R version: 3.6.1
R studio verison: 1.2.1335
I have been using Anaconda to manage my R packages for a while now. However, I keep getting errors in regards to C and Fortran compilers when trying to install and run packages that depend on them through the Anaconda R studio distribution. Thus I started using the stand-alone version of R studio again. I use the tcltk package in pretty much all of my scripts to easily choose file paths to load multiple data sets etc. When using the tcltk::tk_choose.files() command through the Anaconda R studio distribution, the file explorer window looks like the standard file explorer in MacOS. However, when using the same command in the stand-alone version the file explorer looks like this when running through XQuartz/X11:
My question is why the file explorer suddenly looks this "old" and if there is a way to fix it so I can continue using tcltk? Otherwise are there any alternatives?
I have tried out rJava together with rChoiceDialogs but I cannot get the rChoiceDialogs::jchoose.files() to work.
I managed to solve the issue. Meaning the file explorer looks normal again. I uninstalled my R, RStudio, and XQuartz. I then reinstalled all three using homebrew following the guide posted here.

How to change R versions on Mac

I'm trying to use the legacy version of R to run a package on Mac.
On Windows there is a switch in the General tab. However, it is not found on Mac RStudio. I referred to this post:
And I do not quite understand the 3 options:
Run the installer from CRAN for the R version you want to be current
List item Use the RSwitch utility available at:
Update the R.framework/Versions/Current directory alias directly
using ln -s
Especially for RSwitch utility, how do I even open/use that?
This old question is again timely, with the move to R version 4.
There is an available for MacOS 10.14+ that provides this functionality via a menu bar app. You can choose which of your R builds to use, integrating with the standard Mac GUI and with RStudio. (I've had trouble with the newest Mac GUI not working with R 3.6.3 but RStudio seems to work fine with both that and R 4.0.1 along with this The help pages for Rswitch show what's going on underneath, if you prefer to work via a command line.
If you use a standard .pkg via GUI to install a newer version of R it will effectively forget the other versions. You can use the command
pkgutil --forget (path to package name)
with the .pkg to overcome that. (I've had trouble installing from a tarball instead; might just be my incompetence.) Installing an older version from a .pkg won't overwrite a newer version but in that case it might be safest to omit any attempt to instal older Tcl/Tk and Texinfo, selectable with the "Customize" button at the "Installation Type" stage of the installation. With security settings in MacOS you might have trouble opening some R .pkg files; the awkward workaround is to use Control/right/two-finger click on the file in the Finder, then select ‘Open With’ and ‘Installer’ from the menu that appears.
The version of noted in the question is still available via a link from this page. This is evidently 32-bit as it is disabled on my Mac under OS 10.14.

Install old version of R on Windows 10

How do I install an old version of R on a window 10 64 PC.
I am currently running R 3.2.3 with RStudio without any problems. However a package I want to use (GSIF) only works on R2.15. I have found that it is possible to easily get RStudio to work with different R versions and I have found and downloaded the old version of R I want ( R-2.15.1-w.tar.gz) from the CRAN archives. My problems is cannot work out how to install the R-2.15.1-w.tar.gz package on a windows machine or in fact even if it is the right package for windows. All the instruction I can find seem to relate to Linux.
Any guidance greatly appreciated.
You can hold down the Control key during the launch of RStudio you can cause the R version selection dialog to display at startup.

Specify R for Jupyter Notebook with Anaconda Windows

I feel pretty comfortable working with R, and I want to get into Python through Anaconda.
Upon trying the Jupyter Notebook and finding it has compatibility with R, I really want to use it.
I'm having problem installing the R packages that don't come in R-essentials; and mainly because I noticed it uses a different R installation than the one I had before. Not only is this a different R installation, but it also uses a previous version of R. In my local installation I have updated to 3.2.3 but in the Anaconda environment for Jupyter I got 3.1.
I also found a post to change the .libPaths variable to include the packages that I had already installed. Still, I see this as a potential problem because of the different R versions.
I wanted to know if I can update the R version that's used in Anaconda, or if I can point to the one that's installed locally.
Thank you.
You can install IRkernel in the normal R installation and then register the kernel: simply follow the instructions at

How to optimaly upgrade RStudio and R and keep project files and all setup (Windows machine)?

Many people use R and RStudio and they need to keep up with upgrades.
If one wants all RStudio projects to be "remembered". Is is possible? A seamless upgrade of both....
Should one first install new R version and then install RStudio into the same folder. (what is the best order of steps?)
Updating RStudio is no problem. You just go to Help > Check updates in the menu, and RStudio will take care of the rest. It also recognizes the latest installed R version on your computer, so just installing the new R should suffice for that. Note that project files are saved on your computer, and can of course be opened with the new version of RStudio you installed.
Regarding keeping the settings for your R version, see eg:
Painless way to install a new version of R?
Gabor Grothendieck has a package 'batchfiles' on Google Code as well as in CRAN's extra directory which does this.
