Jupyter notebook issues -Anaconda3-2019.03-Windows-x86_64 - jupyter-notebook

jupyter notebook or jupyter-notebook
gives error --> Script file 'C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\Scripts\jupyter-notebook-script.py' is not present.
Don't have \.jupyter folder in %users%
No shortcut in windows startup created.
machine details: Windows 10 - 64 bit
conda version --> 4.6.11
Python version -->3.7.3
jupyter version --> 4.4.0
pls help me resolve it.

It seems that you have not installed correctly yet how have you installed jupyter. Since you have anaconda try this first in your cmd.
conda install -c conda-forge jupyterlab
Then run jupyter notebook again in your cmd and see how it goes


launching Error of Jupyter notebook and spyder notebook in Anaconda Navigator

After installing Anaconda Navigator I'm facing this kind of error. I completely two time uninstall and install it again but having same problem
what to do next or any other packages is required to install or not?
I'm expecting my jupyter notebook must be open from here. not from anaconda command prompt.

Opening Jupyter Notebook in python 3.8.8 in Windows 10

I have installed Anaconda. I want to open Jupyter notebook in python 3.8.8 in Windows 10
I ran conda install spyder-notebook -c spyder-ide in Anaconda cmd and I am getting All requested Packages already installed.
Even after restarting the Spyder, I am not able to see the Notebook option in view pane.
What more should I do so that I can open and run Jupyter notebook in Spyder

Atom hydrogen on windows 10: No kernels installed

I am using Atom on windows 10 and I have the issue that hydrogen isn't running or updating any kernels while stating the error message:
Atom hydrogen Error: No kernels Installed
I have python 3.8.4 installed as well as ipython 7.16.1
I can run python scripts from atom, code highlighting ect.. works just fine. Jupyter Notebook is installed and works too when run from the command shell.
Ipython is working too in the command shell. Any suggestions what could be missing?
So this one resolved the issue for me:
-Make sure pip and jupyter are updated to the newest release.
-go to your windows command prompt (press WIN+R, then type cmd and press ENTER)
then try entering the following:
python -m ipkernel install --user
pip install --upgrade ipkernel
Then go into Atom and select Packages -> Hydrogen -> Update Kernels

Jupyter nbextensions does not appear

I tried to install jupyter_contrib_nbextensions : http://jupyter-contrib-nbextensions.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install.html
Everything worked fine but when I open a notebook nothing changes. I can't see the new tool bar that I'm supposed to see.
When I reinstall the Extension, the process is the same (I don't have a message tellign me that the files already exists). I don't have an error. So I can't figure out why it doesn't work.
Thanks a lot.
Follow 3 steps: In Terminal
pip install jupyter_contrib_nbextensions
jupyter contrib nbextension install --user
jupyter nbextension enable varInspector/main
after this you will see "Vaildating: ok"
Now you can open jupyter notebook you will see the require changes
Update Jan 2021
I was seeing this issue using the latest from pip packages.
Turns out it was related to:
Basically, jupyter-notebook moved a .js file in a recent update causing the extensions tab to no longer appear.
Reverting to an older version works-around the issue:
pip install notebook==6.1.5
Also note that a substantial number of the extensions aren't officially supported by the 6.x version. So you may be better off reverting to 5.x until your desired extensions are 'officially' supported:
pip install notebook==5.7.10
Following are the commands which installs the jupyter nb_extensions
pip install jupyter_contrib_nbextensions
jupyter contrib nbextension install --user
The second command might give you below error:
jupyter contrib not found
Above command can be resolved as below:
- open cmd to install manually
cd .\Python\<your-python-version>\Lib\site-packages\jupyter_contrib_nbextensions
python application.py install
- Restart the jupyter notebook server
Note: Also make sure that your packages jupyter , notebook and your jupyter_contrib_nbextensions are installed for same version of python (and same --user if you have installed all your packages with --user flag)
First, follow this SO-post (go to the update) to install the extension.
Then shutdown the notebook server.
Then type $ jupyter nbextension enable varInspector/main.
If it says OK, you can start your notebook and should see the crosshair.
try to run this
jupyter contrib nbextension install --user
then relaunch the Jupyter notebook.
this might solve the problem as it did for me.
Try this out ->
1)Open Anaconda Prompt.
2)Type in -
conda install -c conda-forge jupyter_contrib_nbextensions
(if c is the default directory)
3)Proceed with the installation.
4)Exit the Anacodna prompt.
5)Relaunch Jupyter notebook.
(You will now see nbextensions tab)
Following steps with Anaconda Prompt ->
1)Open Anaconda Prompt.
2)Type in -
conda install -c conda-forge jupyter_contrib_nbextensions
Enter 'y' for installation.
type in jupyter contrib nbextension install --sys-prefix
4)Exit the Anacodna prompt.
5)Relaunch Jupyter notebook. (You will now see nbextensions tab)
Screenshot of my installation
1 quick info -
1. even after enabling nbextensions, from the notebooks tree page,
2. you need to activate it on your Jupyter notebook.
See below.
Running following command one by one !!!
pip install jupyter_contrib_nbextensions
jupyter contrib nbextension install --user
jupyter nbextension enable spellchecker/main
jupyter nbextension enable codefolding/main
Posting this solution because it took me 20 minutes to figure out why my interface looked so different from all of the screenshots everyone else was posting. I hope it can prevent some other soul from making the same mistake I did:
I was running my Jupyter Notebook with the command jupyter-lab instead of jupyter notebook. I understand there are functional differences between the two, but in my case having spellcheck was much more important than any of the difference the two provided. As soon as I used jupyter notebook instead, it worked perfectly.
I first installed nbextensions using pip. Then I couldn't run the second command jupyter contrib nbextension install --user as the others and got the error Exception: Jupyter command 'jupyter-contrib' not found.
So, I tried installing using conda with this command:
conda install -c conda-forge jupyter_contrib_nbextensions
NOTE 1: I had to run my Anaconda prompt in "Administration Mode" in order to be able to install using conda.
After that I could run the second command:
jupyter contrib nbextension install --user
And it's working now.
NOTE 2: I'm using the latest version of anaconda so I DID NOT need to revert my jupyter version as mentioned here.
Downgrading the notebook version to 5.6.0 worked for me.
pip install notebook==5.6.0
If this doesn't work for you, then return to your original version.
Good luck.
I followed the highest voted answer to install the nbextensions but received an error when I reboot the Jupyter Notebook:
404 GET /nbextensions/nbextensions_configurator/tree_tab/main.js?v=20220513151408
It seemed that what I've installed can not be found by Jupyter Notebook.
After checking the detailed installation log in the terminal, I found Nbextension has been installed into the python2.7 directory:
./Library/Python/2.7/lib/python/site-packages (from jupyter_contrib_nbextensions)
I am currently using Python 3 in Jupyter Notebook so I decided to uninstall what I have and reinstall Nbextension using pip3 instead of pip. Then I reboot Jupyter Notebook and saw the Nbextensions tab (next to the tab Clusters)!
In sum, based on my attempt, I would recommend using pip3 instead of pip to avoid an installation in Python 2 directory.
My installed package version (windows 11):
notebook 6.5.2
jupyter-contrib-nbextensions 0.7.0
jupyter-nbextensions-configurator 0.6.1
Though I can not get the nbextensions menu tab out using the methods mentioned in the previous try outs of this post, I can still use the jupyter nbextension enable <require path> command in the ../python3/scripts folder as following examples which I use frequently:
jupyter nbextension enable varInspector/main
jupyter nbextension enable toc2/main
jupyter nbextension enable execute_time/ExecuteTime
jupyter nbextension enable hide_input/main
jupyter nbextension enable splitcell/splitcell
jupyter nbextension enable code_prettify/code_prettify
Then the variable inspector, table of contents, split cell, hide inputs and code prettify buttons appear in the notebook page. Other extensions can be tried replacing command's <require path> which can be found under the older version's notebook extensions tab that doesn't have the problem.
Change old path notebook/js/mathjaxutils to base/js/mathjaxutils.js to load the dependency correctly.
This solve my problem.
For details see this Github issue about this bug.

jupyter not found after pip install jupyter

After many different ways of trying to install jupyter, it does not seem to install correctly.
May be MacOS related based on how many MacOS system python issues I've been having recently
pip install jupyter --user
Seems to install correctly
But then jupyter is not found
where jupyter
jupyter not found
Not found
Trying another install method found on SO
pip install --upgrade notebook
Seems to install correctly
jupyter is still not found
where pip /usr/local/bin/pip
What can I do to get the command line jupyter notebook command working as in the first step here: https://jupyter.readthedocs.io/en/latest/running.html#running
Short answer: Use python -m notebook
After updating to OS Catalina, I installed a brewed python: brew install python.
It symlinks the Python3, but not the python command, so I added to my $PATH variable the following:
to make the brew python the default python command (don't use system python, and now python2.7 is deprecated). python -m pip install jupyter works, and I can find the jupyter files in ~/Library/Python/3.7/bin/, but the tutorial command of jupyter notebook doesn't work. Instead I just run python -m notebook.
My MacOS has python 2.7, I installed python3 with brew, then the following commands work for me
brew install python3
brew link --overwrite python
pip3 install ipython
python3 -m pip install jupyter
You need to add the local python install directory to your path. Apparently this is not done by default on MacOS.
export PATH="$HOME/Library/Python/<version number>/bin:$PATH"
and/or add it to your ~/.bashrc.
Try solving this with Conda or Poetry.
Poetry makes it a lot easier to manage Python dependencies (including Jupyter) and build a virtual environment.
Here are the steps to adding Jupyter to a project:
Run poetry add pandas jupyter ipykernel to add the dependency
Run poetry shell to create a shell within the virtual environment
Run jupyter notebook to to fire up a notebook with access to all the virtual environment dependencies
The other suggested solutions are just band-aids. Conda / Poetry can give you a sustainable solution that's easy to maintain and will shield you from constant Python dependency hell.
