lavaan WARNING: some observed variances are (at least) a factor 1000 times larger than others; use varTable(fit) to investigate - r

I am trying to evaluate the sem model from a dataset, some of the data are in likert scale i.e from 1-5. and some of the data are COUNTS generated from the computer log for some of the activity.
Whereas while performing the fits the laveen is giving me the error as:
lavaan WARNING: some observed variances are (at least) a factor 1000 times larger than others; use varTable(fit) to investigate
To mitigate this warning I want to scale some of the variables. But couldn't understand the way for doing that.
Log_And_SurveyResult <- read_excel("C:/Users/Aakash/Desktop/analysis/Log-And-SurveyResult.xlsx")
model <- '
Reward =~ REW1 + REW2 + REW3 + REW4
ECA =~ ECA1 + ECA2 + ECA3
Feedback =~ FED1 + FED2 + FED3 + FED4
Motivation =~ Reward + ECA + Feedback
Satisfaction =~ a*MaxTimeSpentInAWeek + a*TotalTimeSpent + a*TotalLearningActivityView
Motivation ~ Satisfaction'
fit <- sem(model,data = Log_And_SurveyResult)
summary(fit, standardized=T, = T)
fitMeasures(fit, c("cfi", "rmsea", "srmr"))
I want to scale some of the variables like MaxTimeSpentInAWeek and TotalTimeSpent
Could you please help me figure out how to scale the variables? Thank you very much.

As Elias pointed out, the difference in the magnitude between the variables is huge and it is suggested to scale the variables.
The warning gives a hint and inspecting varTable(fit) returns summary information about the variables in a fitted lavaan object.
Rather than running scale() separately on each column, you could use apply() on a subset or on your whole data.frame:
## Scale the variables in the 4th and 7h column
Log_And_SurveyResult[, c(4, 7)] <- apply(Log_And_SurveyResult[, c(4, 7)], 2, scale)
## Scale the whole data.frame
Log_And_SurveyResult <- apply(Log_And_SurveyResult, 2, scale)

You can just use scale(MaxTimeSpentInAWeek). This will scale your variable to mean = 0 and variance = 1. E.g:
Log_And_SurveyResult$MaxTimeSpentInAWeek <-
Log_And_SurveyResult$TotalTimeSpent <-
Or did I misunderstand your question?


R Quantreg: Singularity with categorical survey data

For my Bachelor's thesis I am trying to apply a linear median regression model on constant sum data from a survey (see formula from A.Blass (2008)). It is an attempt to recreate the probability elicitation approach proposed by A. Blass et al (2008) - Using Elicited Choice Probabilities to Estimate Random Utility Models: Preferences for Electricity Reliability
My dependent variable is the log-odds transformation of the constant sum allocations. Calculated using the following formula:
PE_raw <- PE_raw %>% group_by(sys_RespNum, Task) %>% mutate(LogProb = c(log(Response[1]/Response[1]),
My independent variables are delivery costs, minimum order quantity and delivery window, each categorical variables with levels 0, 1, 2 and 3. Here, level 0 represent the none-option.
Data snapshot
I tried running the following quantile regression (using R's quantreg package):
LAD.factor <- rq(LogProb ~ factor(`Delivery costs`) + factor(`Minimum order quantity`) + factor(`Delivery window`) + factor(NoneOpt), data=PE_raw, tau=0.5)
However, I ran into the following error indicating singularity:
Error in, y, tau = tau, ...) : Singular design matrix
I ran a linear regression and applied R's alias function for further investigation. This informed me of three cases of perfect multicollinearity:
minimum order quantity 3 = delivery costs 1 + delivery costs 2 + delivery costs 3 - minimum order quantity 1 - minimum order quantity 2
delivery window 3 = delivery costs 1 + delivery costs 2 + delivery costs 3 - delivery window 1 - delivery window 2
NoneOpt = intercept - delivery costs 1 - delivery costs 2 - delivery costs 3
In hindsight these cases all make sense. When R dichotomizedthe categorical variables you get these results by construction as, delivery costs 1 + delivery costs 2 + delivery costs 3 = 1 and minimum order quantity 1 + minimum order quantity 2 + minimum order quantity 3 = 1. Rewriting gives the first formula.
It looks like a classic dummy trap. In an attempt to workaround this issue I tried to manually dichotomize the data and used the following formula:
LM.factor <- rq(LogProb ~ Delivery.costs_1 + Delivery.costs_2 + Minimum.order.quantity_1 + Minimum.order.quantity_2 + Delivery.window_1 + Delivery.window_2 + factor(NoneOpt), data=PE_dichomitzed, tau=0.5)
Instead of an error message I now got the following:
Warning message:
In, y, tau = tau, ...) : Solution may be nonunique
When using the summary function:
> summary(LM.factor)
Error in base::backsolve(r, x, k = k, upper.tri = upper.tri, transpose = transpose, :
singular matrix in 'backsolve'. First zero in diagonal [2]
In addition: Warning message:
In summary.rq(LM.factor) : 153 non-positive fis
Is anyone familiar with this issue? I am looking for alternative solutions. Perhaps I am making mistakes using the rq() function, or the data might be misrepresented.
I am grateful for any input, thank you in advance.
Reproducible example
#### Raw dataset (PE_raw_SO) ####
# quantile regression (produces singularity error)
LAD.factor <- rq(
LogProb ~ factor(`Delivery costs`) +
factor(`Minimum order quantity`) + factor(`Delivery window`) +
data = PE_raw_SO,
tau = 0.5
# linear regression to check for singularity
LM.factor <- lm(
LogProb ~ factor(`Delivery costs`) +
factor(`Minimum order quantity`) + factor(`Delivery window`) +
data = PE_raw_SO
# impose assumptions on standard errors
summary(LM.factor, se = "iid")
summary(LM.factor, se = "boot")
#### Manually created dummy variables to get rid of
#### collinearity (PE_dichotomized_SO) ####
LAD.di.factor <- rq(
LogProb ~ Delivery.costs_1 + Delivery.costs_2 +
Minimum.order.quantity_1 + Minimum.order.quantity_2 +
Delivery.window_1 + Delivery.window_2 + factor(NoneOpt),
data = PE_dichotomized_SO,
tau = 0.5
summary(LAD.di.factor) #backsolve error
# impose assumptions (unusual results)
summary(LAD.di.factor, se = "iid")
summary(LAD.di.factor, se = "boot")
# linear regression to check for singularity
LM.di.factor <- lm(
LogProb ~ Delivery.costs_1 + Delivery.costs_2 +
Minimum.order.quantity_1 + Minimum.order.quantity_2 +
Delivery.window_1 + Delivery.window_2 + factor(NoneOpt),
data = PE_dichotomized_SO
summary(LM.di.factor) #regular results, all significant
Link to sample data + code: GitHub
The Solution may be nonunique behaviour is not unusual when doing quantile regressions with dummy explanatory variables.
See, e.g., the quantreg FAQ:
The estimation of regression quantiles is a linear programming
problem. And the optimal solution may not be unique.
A more intuitive explanation for what is happening is given by Roger Koenker (the author of quantreg) on r-help back in 2006:
When computing the median from a sample with an even number of
distinct values there is inherently some ambiguity about its value:
any value between the middle order statistics is "a" median.
Similarly, in regression settings the optimization problem solved by
the "br" version of the simplex algorithm, modified to do general
quantile regression identifies cases where there may be non
uniqueness of this type. When there are "continuous" covariates this
is quite rare, when covariates are discrete then it is relatively
common, atleast when tau is chosen from the rationals. For univariate
quantiles R provides several methods of resolving this sort of
ambiguity by interpolation, "br" doesn't try to do this, instead
returning the first vertex solution that it comes to.
Your second warning -- "153 non-positive fis" -- is a warning related to how the local densities are calculated by rq. Occasionally, it could be possible that local densities of the quantile regression function end up being negative (which is obviously impossible). If this happens, rq automatically sets them to zero. Again, quoting from the FAQ:
This is generally harmless, leading to a somewhat conservative
(larger) estimate of the standard errors, however if the reported
number of non-positive fis is large relative to the sample size then
it is an indication of misspecification of the model.

Logistic Regression in R: glm() vs rxGlm()

I fit a lot of GLMs in R. Usually I used revoScaleR::rxGlm() for this because I work with large data sets and use quite complex model formulae - and glm() just won't cope.
In the past these have all been based on Poisson or gamma error structures and log link functions. It all works well.
Today I'm trying to build a logistic regression model, which I haven't done before in R, and I have stumbled across a problem. I'm using revoScaleR::rxLogit() although revoScaleR::rxGlm() produces the same output - and has the same problem.
Consider this reprex:
df_reprex <- data.frame(x = c(1, 1, 2, 2), # number of trials
y = c(0, 1, 0, 1)) # number of successes
df_reprex$p <- df_reprex$y / df_reprex$x # success rate
# overall average success rate is 2/6 = 0.333, so I hope the model outputs will give this number
glm_1 <- glm(p ~ 1,
family = binomial,
data = df_reprex,
weights = x)
exp(glm_1$coefficients[1]) / (1 + exp(glm_1$coefficients[1])) # overall fitted average 0.333 - correct
glm_2 <- rxLogit(p ~ 1,
data = df_reprex,
pweights = "x")
exp(glm_2$coefficients[1]) / (1 + exp(glm_2$coefficients[1])) # overall fitted average 0.167 - incorrect
The first call to glm() produces the correct answer. The second call to rxLogit() does not. Reading the docs for rxLogit(): it states that "Dependent variable must be binary".
So it looks like rxLogit() needs me to use y as the dependent variable rather than p. However if I run
glm_2 <- rxLogit(y ~ 1,
data = df_reprex,
pweights = "x")
I get an overall average
exp(glm_2$coefficients[1]) / (1 + exp(glm_2$coefficients[1]))
of 0.5 instead, which also isn't the correct answer.
Does anyone know how I can fix this? Do I need to use an offset() term in the model formula, or change the weights, or...
(by using the revoScaleR package I occasionally painting myself into a corner like this, because not many other seem to use it)
I'm flying blind here because I can't verify these in RevoScaleR myself -- but would you try running the code below and leave a comment as to what the results were? I can then edit/delete this post accordingly
Two things to try:
Expand data, get rid of weights statement
use cbind(y,x-y)~1 in either rxLogit or rxGlm without weights and without expanding data
If the dependent variable is required to be binary, then the data has to be expanded so that each row corresponds to each 1 or 0 response and then this expanded data is run in a glm call without a weights argument.
I tried to demonstrate this with your example by applying labels to df_reprex and then making a corresponding df_reprex_expanded -- I know this is unfortunate, because you said the data you were working with was already large.
Does rxLogit allow a cbind representation, like glm() does (I put an example as glm1b), because that would allow data to stay same sizeā€¦ from the rxLogit page, I'm guessing not for rxLogit, but rxGLM might allow it, given the following note in the formula page:
A formula typically consists of a response, which in most RevoScaleR
functions can be a single variable or multiple variables combined
using cbind, the "~" operator, and one or more predictors,typically
separated by the "+" operator. The rxSummary function typically
requires a formula with no response.
Does glm_2b or glm_2c in the example below work?
df_reprex <- data.frame(x = c(1, 1, 2, 2), # number of trials
y = c(0, 1, 0, 1), # number of successes
trial=c("first", "second", "third", "fourth")) # trial label
df_reprex$p <- df_reprex$y / df_reprex$x # success rate
# overall average success rate is 2/6 = 0.333, so I hope the model outputs will give this number
glm_1 <- glm(p ~ 1,
family = binomial,
data = df_reprex,
weights = x)
exp(glm_1$coefficients[1]) / (1 + exp(glm_1$coefficients[1])) # overall fitted average 0.333 - correct
df_reprex_expanded <- data.frame(y=c(0,1,0,0,1,0),
trial=c("first","second","third", "third", "fourth", "fourth"))
## binary dependent variable
## expanded data
## no weights
glm_1a <- glm(y ~ 1,
family = binomial,
data = df_reprex_expanded)
exp(glm_1a$coefficients[1]) / (1 + exp(glm_1a$coefficients[1])) # overall fitted average 0.333 - correct
## cbind(success, failures) dependent variable
## compressed data
## no weights
glm_1b <- glm(cbind(y,x-y)~1,
exp(glm_1b$coefficients[1]) / (1 + exp(glm_1b$coefficients[1])) # overall fitted average 0.333 - correct
glm_2 <- rxLogit(p ~ 1,
data = df_reprex,
pweights = "x")
exp(glm_2$coefficients[1]) / (1 + exp(glm_2$coefficients[1])) # overall fitted average 0.167 - incorrect
glm_2a <- rxLogit(y ~ 1,
data = df_reprex_expanded)
exp(glm_2a$coefficients[1]) / (1 + exp(glm_2a$coefficients[1])) # overall fitted average ???
# try cbind() in rxLogit. If no, then try rxGlm below
glm_2b <- rxLogit(cbind(y,x-y)~1,
exp(glm_2b$coefficients[1]) / (1 + exp(glm_2b$coefficients[1])) # overall fitted average ???
# cbind() + rxGlm + family=binomial FTW(?)
glm_2c <- rxGlm(cbind(y,x-y)~1,
exp(glm_2c$coefficients[1]) / (1 + exp(glm_2c$coefficients[1])) # overall fitted average ???

Visualising a three way interaction between two continuous variables and one categorical variable in R

I have a model in R that includes a significant three-way interaction between two continuous independent variables IVContinuousA, IVContinuousB, IVCategorical and one categorical variable (with two levels: Control and Treatment). The dependent variable is continuous (DV).
model <- lm(DV ~ IVContinuousA * IVContinuousB * IVCategorical)
You can find the data here
I am trying to find out a way to visualise this in R to ease my interpretation of it (perhaps in ggplot2?).
Somewhat inspired by this blog post I thought that I could dichotomise IVContinuousB into high and low values (so it would be a two-level factor itself:
IVContinuousBHigh <- mean(IVContinuousB) + sd (IVContinuousB)
IVContinuousBLow <- mean(IVContinuousB) - sd (IVContinuousB)
I then planned to plot the relationship between DV and IV ContinuousA and fit lines representing the slopes of this relationship for different combinations of IVCategorical and my new dichotomised IVContinuousB:
IVCategoricalControl and IVContinuousBHigh
IVCategoricalControl and IVContinuousBLow
IVCategoricalTreatment and IVContinuousBHigh
IVCategoricalTreatment and IVContinuousBLow
My first question is does this sound like a viable solution to producing an interpretable plot of this three-way-interaction? I want to avoid 3D plots if possible as I don't find them intuitive... Or is there another way to go about it? Maybe facet plots for the different combinations above?
If it is an ok solution, my second question is how to I generate the data to predict the fit lines to represent the different combinations above?
Third question - does anyone have any advice as to how to code this up in ggplot2?
I posted a very similar question on Cross Validated but because it is more code related I thought I would try here instead (I will remove the CV post if this one is more relevant to the community :) )
Thanks so much in advance,
Note that there are NAs (left as blanks) in the DV column and the design is unbalanced - with slightly different numbers of datapoints in the Control vs Treatment groups of the variable IVCategorical.
FYI I have the code for visaualising a two-way interaction between IVContinuousA and IVCategorical:
A<-ggplot(data=data,aes(x=AOTAverage,y=SciconC,group=MisinfoCondition,shape=MisinfoCondition,col = MisinfoCondition,))+geom_point(size = 2)+geom_smooth(method='lm',formula=y~x)
But what I want is to plot this relationship conditional on IVContinuousB....
Here are a couple of options for visualizing the model output in two dimensions. I'm assuming here that the goal here is to compare Treatment to Control
theme_set(theme_classic() +
theme(panel.background=element_rect(colour="grey40", fill=NA))
dat = read_excel("Some Data.xlsx") # I downloaded your data file
mod <- lm(DV ~ IVContinuousA * IVContinuousB * IVCategorical, data=dat)
# Function to create prediction grid data frame
make_pred_dat = function(data=dat, nA=20, nB=5) {
nCat = length(unique(data$IVCategorical))
d = with(data,
data.frame(IVContinuousA=rep(seq(min(IVContinuousA), max(IVContinuousA), length=nA), nB*2),
IVContinuousB=rep(rep(seq(min(IVContinuousB), max(IVContinuousB), length=nB), each=nA), nCat),
IVCategorical=rep(unique(IVCategorical), each=nA*nB)))
d$DV = predict(mod, newdata=d)
IVContinuousA vs. DV by levels of IVContinuousB
The roles of IVContinuousA and IVContinuousB can of course be switched here.
ggplot(make_pred_dat(), aes(x=IVContinuousA, y=DV, colour=IVCategorical)) +
geom_line() +
facet_grid(. ~ round(IVContinuousB,2)) +
ggtitle("IVContinuousA vs. DV, by Level of IVContinousB") +
You can make a similar plot without faceting, but it gets difficult to interpret as the number of IVContinuousB levels increases:
aes(x=IVContinuousA, y=DV, colour=IVCategorical, linetype=factor(round(IVContinuousB,2)))) +
geom_line() +
#facet_grid(. ~ round(IVContinuousB,2)) +
ggtitle("IVContinuousA vs. DV, by Level of IVContinousB") +
labs(colour="", linetype="IVContinuousB") +
scale_linetype_manual(values=c("1434","11","62")) +
Heat map of the model-predicted difference, DV treatment - DV control on a grid of IVContinuousA and IVContinuousB values
Below, we look at the difference between treatment and control at each pair of IVContinuousA and IVContinuousB.
ggplot(make_pred_dat(nA=100, nB=100) %>%
group_by(IVContinuousA, IVContinuousB) %>%
arrange(IVCategorical) %>%
summarise(DV = diff(DV)),
aes(x=IVContinuousA, y=IVContinuousB)) +
geom_tile(aes(fill=DV)) +
scale_fill_gradient2(low="red", mid="white", high="blue") +
labs(fill=expression(Delta*DV~(Treatment - Control)))
If you really want to avoid 3-d plotting, you could indeed turn one of the continuous variables into a categorical one for visualization purposes.
For the purpose of the answer, I used the Duncan data set from the package car, as it is of the same form as the one you described.
# the data
# the fitted model; education and income are continuous, type is categorical
lm0 <- lm(prestige ~ education * income * type, data = Duncan)
# turning education into high and low values (you can extend this to more
# levels)
edu_high <- mean(Duncan$education) + sd(Duncan$education)
edu_low <- mean(Duncan$education) - sd(Duncan$education)
# the values below should be used for predictions, each combination of the
# categories must be represented:
prediction_mat <- data.frame(income = Duncan$income,
education = rep(c(edu_high, edu_low),each =
type = rep(levels(Duncan$type), each =
predicted <- predict(lm0, newdata = prediction_mat)
# rearranging the fitted values and the values used for predictions
df <- data.frame(predicted,
income = Duncan$income,
edu_group =rep(c("edu_high", "edu_low"),each = nrow(Duncan)),
type = rep(levels(Duncan$type), each = nrow(Duncan)*2))
# plotting the fitted regression lines
ggplot(df, aes(x = income, y = predicted, group = type, col = type)) +
geom_line() +
facet_grid(. ~ edu_group)

geom_smooth on a subset of data

Here is some data and a plot:
data = data.frame(y=c(rep(0:1,3),rnorm(18,mean=0.5,sd=0.1)),colour=rep(1:2,12),x=rep(1:4,each=6))
ggplot(data,aes(x=x,y=y,colour=factor(colour)))+geom_point()+ geom_smooth(method='lm',formula=y~x,se=F)
As you can see the linear regression is highly influenced by the values where x=1.
Can I get linear regressions calculated for x >= 2 but display the values for x=1 (y equals either 0 or 1).
The resulting graph would be exactly the same except for the linear regressions. They would not "suffer" from the influence of the values on abscisse = 1
It's as simple as geom_smooth(data=subset(data, x >= 2), ...). It's not important if this plot is just for yourself, but realize that something like this would be misleading to others if you don't include a mention of how the regression was performed. I'd recommend changing transparency of the points excluded.
geom_point(data=subset(data, x >= 2)) + geom_point(data=subset(data, x < 2), alpha=.2) +
geom_smooth(data=subset(data, x >= 2), method='lm',formula=y~x,se=F)
The regular lm function has a weights argument which you can use to assign a weight to a particular observation. In this way you can plain with the influence which the observation has on the outcome. I think this is a general way of dealing with the problem in stead of subsetting the data. Of course, assigning weights ad hoc does not bode well for the statistical soundness of the analysis. It is always best to have a rationale behind the weights, e.g. low weight observations have a higher uncertainty.
I think under the hood ggplot2 uses the lm function so you should be able to pass the weights argument. You can add the weights through the aesthetic (aes), assuming that the weight is stored in a vector:
ggplot(data,aes(x=x,y=y,colour=factor(colour))) +
geom_point()+ stat_smooth(aes(weight = runif(nrow(data))), method='lm')
you could also put weight in a column in the dataset:
ggplot(data,aes(x=x,y=y,colour=factor(colour))) +
geom_point()+ stat_smooth(aes(weight = weight), method='lm')
where the column is called weight.
I tried #Matthew Plourde's solution, but subset did not work for me. It did not change anything when I used the subset compared to the original data. I replaced subset with filter and it worked:
geom_point(data=data[data$x >= 2,]) + geom_point(data=data[data$x < 2,], alpha=.2) +
geom_smooth(data=data[data$x >= 2,], method='lm',formula=y~x,se=F)

Calculating a correlation coefficient that includes missing values

I'm looking to calculate some form of correlation coefficient in R (or any common stats package actually) in which the value of the correlation is influenced by missing values. I am not sure if this is possible and am looking for a method. I do not want to impute data, but actually want the correlation to be reduced based on the number of incomplete cases included in some systematic fashion. The data are a series of time points generated by different individuals and the correlation coefficient is being used to compute reliability. In many cases, one individual's data will include several more time points than the other individual...
Again, not sure if there is any standard procedure for dealing with such a situation.
One thing to look at is fitting a logistic regression to whether or not a point is missing. If there is no relationship then that provides support for assuming that the missing values won't provide any information. If that is your case then you won't have to impute anything and can just perform your computation without the missing values. glm in R can be used for logistic regression.
Also on a different note, see the use="pairwise.complete.obs" argument to cor which may or may not apply to you.
EDIT: I have revised this answer based on rereading the question.
My feeling is that when there is a datapair that has one of the timeseries showing NA, that pair cannot be used for calculating a correlation as there is no information at that point. As there is no information on that point, there is no way to know how it would influence the correlation. Specifying that an NA reduces the correlation seems tricky, if an observation would be present at a point this could just as easily have improved the correlation.
Default behavior in R is to return NA for the correlation if there is an NA present. This behavior can be tweaked using the 'use' argument. See the documentation of that function for more details.
As pointed out in the answer by Paul Hiemstra, there is no way of knowing whether the correlation would have been higher or lower without missing values. However, for some applications it may be appropriate to penalize the observed correlation for non-matching missing values. For example, if we compare two individual coders, we may want coder B to say "NA" if and only if coder A says "NA" as well, plus we want their non-NA values to correlate.
Under these assumptions, a simple way to penalize non-matching missing values is to compute correlation for complete cases and multiply by the proportion of observations that are matched in terms of their NA-status. The penalty term can then be defined as: 1 - mean(( & ! | (! & A simple illustration follows.
fun = function(x1, x2, idx_rm) {
temp = x2
# remove 'idx_rm' points from x2
temp[idx_rm] = NA
# calculate correlations
r_full = round(cor(x1, x2, use = 'pairwise.complete.obs'), 2)
r_NA = round(cor(x1, temp, use = 'pairwise.complete.obs'), 2)
penalty = 1 - mean(( & ! |
(! &
r_pen = round(r_NA * penalty, 2)
# plot
plot(x1, temp, main = paste('r_full =', r_full,
'; r_NA =', r_NA,
'; r_pen =', r_pen),
xlim = c(-4, 4), ylim = c(-4, 4), ylab = 'x2')
points(x1[idx_rm], x2[idx_rm], col = 'red', pch = 16)
regr_full = as.numeric(summary(lm(x2 ~ x1))$coef[, 1])
regr_NA = as.numeric(summary(lm(temp ~ x1))$coef[, 1])
abline(regr_full[1], regr_full[2])
abline(regr_NA[1], regr_NA[2], lty = 2)
Run a simple simulation to illustrate the possible effects of missing values and penalization:
x1 = rnorm(20)
x2 = x1 * rnorm(20, mean = 1, sd = .8)
# A case when NA's artifically inflate the correlation,
# so penalization makes sense:
myfun(x1, x2, idx_rm = c(13, 19))
# A case when NA's DEflate the correlation,
# so penalization may be misleading:
myfun(x1, x2, idx_rm = c(6, 14))
# When there are a lot of NA's, penalization is much stronger
myfun(x1, x2, idx_rm = 7:20)
# Some NA's in x1:
x1[1:5] = NA
myfun(x1, x2, idx_rm = c(6, 14))
