Plotting results with missing categories in interaction with emmeans - r

I have a quite "messy data". I have a model with a interaction between two factors. And I want to plot it. So:
f1 <- structure(list(tipo = c("digitables", "digitables", "digitables",
"digitables", "digitables", "digitables", "digitables", "digitables",
"payments", "payments", "payments", "payments", "payments", "payments",
"payments", "payments", "traditionals", "traditionals", "traditionals",
"traditionals", "traditionals", "traditionals", "traditionals",
"traditionals"), categoria = c("Advice", "Digital banks", "Exchange",
"FinTech", "Insurance", "Investments", "Lending", "Payments and transfers",
"Advice", "Digital banks", "Exchange", "FinTech", "Insurance",
"Investments", "Lending", "Payments and transfers", "Advice",
"Digital banks", "Exchange", "FinTech", "Insurance", "Investments",
"Lending", "Payments and transfers"), Total = c(63L, 450L, 279L,
63L, 36L, 108L, 567L, 549L, 63L, 450L, 279L, 63L, 36L, 108L,
567L, 549L, 35L, 250L, 155L, 35L, 20L, 60L, 315L, 305L), Frequencia = c(44L,
266L, 118L, 9L, 14L, 45L, 134L, 242L, 33L, 68L, 2L, 10L, 3L,
8L, 11L, 78L, 27L, 226L, 142L, 10L, 20L, 45L, 300L, 245L), Perc = c(69.84,
59.11, 42.29, 14.29, 38.89, 41.67, 23.63, 44.08, 52.38, 15.11,
0.72, 15.87, 8.33, 7.41, 1.94, 14.21, 77.14, 90.4, 91.61, 28.57,
100, 75, 95.24, 80.33), Failure = c(19L, 184L, 161L, 54L, 22L,
63L, 433L, 307L, 30L, 382L, 277L, 53L, 33L, 100L, 556L, 471L,
8L, 24L, 13L, 25L, 0L, 15L, 15L, 60L)), row.names = c(NA, -24L
), class = "data.frame")
# Packages
library(emmeans) #version 1.4.8. or 1.5.1
# Works as expected
m1 <- glm(cbind(Frequencia, Failure) ~ tipo*categoria,
data = f1, family = binomial(link = "logit"))
l1 <- emmeans(m1, ~categoria|tipo)
plot(l1, type = "response",
comparison = T,
by = "categoria")
Using by="tipo" results:
# Doesn't work:
plot(l1, type = "response",
comparison = T,
by = "tipo")
Error: Aborted -- Some comparison arrows have negative length!
In addition: Warning message:
Comparison discrepancy in group digitables, Advice - Insurance:
Target overlap = -0.0241, overlap on graph = 0.0073
If I use comparison = F as suggested by explanation supplement vignette, it works. However, it does not show me the arrows, which are very important.
Q1 - Is there a work around for it? (Or is it impossible due to my data?)
As we can see from the last plot, there is a category with probability = 1 (categoria=Insurance and tipo=traditionals). So, I delete only this row of my data frame, and I try to redo the plotting, and results to me:
f1 <- f1 %>%
filter(!Perc ==100)
m1 <- glm(cbind(Frequencia, Failure) ~ tipo*categoria,
data = f1, family = binomial(link = "logit"))
l1 <- emmeans(m1, ~categoria|tipo)
plot(l1, type = "response",
comparison = T,
by = "categoria")
Error in if (dif[i] > 0) lmat[i, id1[i]] = rmat[i, id2[i]] = wgt * v1[i] else rmat[i, :
missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
Q2 - How to plot my results even when I have a missing level of one variable (with respect to another variable?). I would expect that the Insurance facet would have only have the payments and digitables levels (while the others remain the same).

First, please don't ever re-use the same variable names for more than one thing; that makes things not reproducible. If you modify a dataset, or a model, or whatever, give it a new name so it can be distinguished.
As documented, comparison arrows cannot always be computed. This is such an example. I suggest displaying the results some other way, e.g. using pwpp() or pwpm()
There was a bug in handling missing cases. This has been fixed in the GitHub version:
f2 <- f1 %>%
filter(!Perc ==100)
m2 <- glm(cbind(Frequencia, Failure) ~ tipo*categoria,
data = f2, family = binomial(link = "logit"))
l2 <- emmeans(m2, ~categoria|tipo)
plot(l2, type = "response",
comparison = TRUE,
by = "categoria")
plot(l2, type = "response",
comparison = TRUE,
by = "tipo")
## Error: Aborted -- Some comparison arrows have negative length!
## (in group "payments")


Issues when obtaining RMSE and R2 from predictions on test data

I have a training data (train.dat) and test data (test.dat). I would like to run my linear regression, elastic, tree and random forest model on the test data after training it on the training data.
From there, I would like to get the RMSE and R2 to observe the predictive accuracy of the model. However, I have 2 issues:
When I train my random forest model on test data, I get the error: Error in predict.randomForest(modelFit, newdata) : missing values in newdata. Other models are fine
I can only extract the RMSE and R2 values for my tree model, while the other models return NAs. A screenshot is below
Can anyone tell me what has gone wrong with my code?
My code:
tr.Control <- trainControl(method = "repeatedcv",
number = 10,
repeats = 5,
classProbs = FALSE,
lm7 <- train(Lifeexp ~ . + Govthealth*Privhealth,
data = train.dat,
method = 'lm',
trControl = tr.Control,
preProc = c("center", "scale")
alpha.vec <- seq(0, 1, by = 0.1)
lambda.vec2 <- seq(0, 30, length.out = 50)
elastic.grid <- expand.grid(alpha = alpha.vec, lambda = lambda.vec2)
elastic4 <- train(Lifeexp ~ ., data = train.dat,
method = 'glmnet',
trControl = tr.Control,
verbose = FALSE,
tuneGrid = elastic.grid,
preProc = c("center", "scale")
cp.vec <- seq(10^-4, 0.1, length.out = 50 )
tree2 <- train(Lifeexp ~ ., data = train.dat
, trControl = tr.Control
, method = "rpart"
, preProcess = c("center", "scale")
, tuneGrid = expand.grid(cp = cp.vec)
rf1 <- train(
Lifeexp ~ .,
data = train.dat,
method = "rf",
trControl = tr.Control ,
preProc = c("center", "scale"),
ntree = 1000,
tuneGrid = expand.grid(mtry = seq(1, ncol(train.dat)-1)
regression.pred <- predict(lm7, newdata = test.dat, na.action = na.pass, type = "raw")
elastic.pred <- predict(elastic4, newdata = test.dat, na.action = na.pass, type = "raw")
tree.pred <- predict(tree2, newdata = test.dat, na.action = na.pass, type = "raw")
rf.pred <- predict(rf1, newdata = test.dat, na.action = na.pass, type = "raw")
test.statistics <- data.frame(
RMSE.regression = RMSE(regression.pred, test.dat$Lifeexp),
Rsquare.regression = R2(regression.pred, test.dat$Lifeexp),
RMSE.el = RMSE(elastic.pred, test.dat$Lifeexp),
Rsquare.el = R2(elastic.pred, test.dat$Lifeexp),
RMSE.tree = RMSE(tree.pred, test.dat$Lifeexp),
Rsquare.tree = R2(tree.pred, test.dat$Lifeexp)
structure(list(GDP = c(402.1030419, 442.2030419, 543.3030419,
520.8966027, 254.2432569, 124.4608003, 341.5541149, 772.3135303,
478.6685897, 191.8789042, 592.4010975, 1033.912431, 138.4288795,
622.4988457, 642.7767443, 317.3893069, 269.8711377, 709.5819646,
585.07655, 780.190201, 3122.362815, 3893.596078, 1166.610276,
1674.825261, 3690.113268, 4241.788782, 2441.741991, 4043.662051,
9040.566251, 963.8417858, 2234.579866, 10330.61561, 1944.137621,
2136.440243, 567.5286729, 567.930736, 2292.445156, 2028.18197,
371.6785662, 519.5343268, 987.409723, 1482.403063, 1196.586858,
1955.588006, 6941.235848, 1038.90854, 3102.713363, 3139.966054,
3032.427138, 7328.615629, 869.6965166, 2799.648876, 617.2304355,
1126.683318, 4094.362119, 7708.100996, 10385.96443, 11683.94962,
718.1878292, 3243.231125, 3100.280468, 11286.24302, 8920.762105,
201.4671636, 785.5022829, 1510.324871, 1831.001912, 8141.913127,
12027.36588, 6967.24523, 7691.345097, 3233.295943, 367.5566093,
1357.563719, 1489.876911, 977.2736357, 1508.942737, 2007.736363,
5076.342992, 7273.563207, 948.3318545, 2146.996385, 95.18825018,
390.0933261, 2566.59695, 52022.1256, 57373.68668, 19095.467,
28149.87001, 39435.8399, 20600.37525, 23041.53473, 44141.87814,
47518.63604, 24190.24962, 46232.98962, 26891.44645, 61350.34791,
28364.64508, 50152.34014, 22303.96133, 23635.92922, 41531.9342,
47603.02763, 9600.18513, 12042.95373, 26917.75898, 20324.25356,
20087.59199, 36000.52012, 25423.07201, 32018.06325, 43024.92384,
73191.11632, 12663.36453, 30693.59308, 18440.37852, 38577.38166,
33994.40657, 21290.86038, 50950.03434, 53024.05921, 13663.02162,
13641.10272, 41945.33167, 1731.209509, 4492.727604, 11861.75616,
47236.96023, 23509.54339, 26123.97387, 74605.77451), Health = c(22.23474948,
36.44474948, 45.58774948, 46.38774948, 3.333203815, 5.359203815,
16.69390488, 19.46990488, 33.22835541, 5.300580788, 29.97179604,
33.59179604, 5.971383095, 62.66848373, 67.22848373, 8.23568,
14.98141193, 32.6487999, 10.22661548, 16.19961548, 92.18703461,
98.65987461, 143.7665911, 159.7515106, 308.6578979, 402.5568979,
99.5689502, 111.4155502, 292.8907166, 198.2263198, 221.1403198,
705.336568, 176.6524443, 200.7054443, 12.56211728, 17.72411728,
76.7208786, 98.4562786, 9.55682529, 16.01162529, 26.5686245,
33.565445, 69.66563616, 89.45643616, 275.2236792, 32.77552414,
122.5689168, 198.7124574, 221.7829742, 539.567627, 43.70681763,
108.6149597, 33.2254878, 42.36598, 60.2569, 705.1993408, 891.1377563,
992.5689563, 31.84200096, 77.2356478, 277.45864, 891.7641602,
932.325129, 15.23564, 54.30473709, 74.231488, 200.564125, 665.2514038,
755.36985, 384.9183044, 445.20158, 262.5267029, 11.56898, 45.25077438,
109.0749969, 122.02145, 42.568412, 62.25963211, 172.0576935,
200.562134, 91.17743683, 120.236549, 11.23587, 18.82835197, 99.23568,
4952.777344, 5236.3654, 1101.36589, 1674.2854, 3309.480957, 1654.5687,
1845.321045, 4449.542969, 5000.36545, 1998.634277, 6054.23658,
1900.2356, 7025.36987, 1000.5689, 5036.2356, 1233.36545, 2334.651855,
4597.244629, 5698.2547, 1500.3698, 2000.23564, 2573.740234, 3002.36547,
1520.453613, 3214.546387, 1569.3254, 2873.848145, 3644.802734,
4587.235478, 1122.02145, 2211.019043, 462.5890808, 1061.365601,
1256.56897, 1987.2145, 5186.632813, 6547.2356, 990.32658, 1053.891602,
4201.3698, 122.02145, 238.0044861, 712.2356, 1513.565918, 2015.18042,
2985.23, 8021.80957), Govthealth = c(1.25689, 2.032658, 2.495758057,
2.965478, 1.985478, 2.209019899, 2.882325411, 3.21458, 7.3134408,
1.032568, 5.433434963, 7.235478, 1.239725351, 8.535984039, 10.323589,
1.236589, 3.562868595, 4.673761368, 2.32547, 4.648055553, 23.70949936,
33.235687, 51025478, 71.8605423, 205.9026794, 295.2356, 31.2587,
51.99817276, 154.70401, 56.32588, 73.30036926, 399.23568, 66.3265,
99.82849121, 2.23568, 3.246135235, 10.43734169, 15.235478, 3.569877,
5.623521328, 5.849419594, 8.32665, 35.3654457, 44.96020508, 195.3657,
14.55177689, 35.235698, 61.02356, 81.59127045, 284.7705994, 23.43979454,
43.92045593, 22.36587, 30.42416763, 181.3415375, 385.9675598,
576.0806274, 602.3258, 25.36730576, 66.235687, 92.2147, 401.4833984,
502.3698, 2.0214578, 10.70767879, 15.36987, 112.3698, 481.0765686,
502.36987, 226.7909851, 300.65478, 55.95266342, 2.36547, 11.85855961,
35.50076675, 45.235698, 25.36954, 34.36005783, 126.9312592, 156.3257,
23.53768349, 39.235687, 4.235687, 6.570708275, 45.36987, 3399.406006,
4500.321547, 990.36547, 1368.160278, 2804.857178, 1000.365, 1375.334717,
3458.573975, 4120.325, 1456.037842, 4100.368, 1500.36578, 6925.325445,
990.58795, 4125.25658, 998.25998, 1827.566895, 3482.541016, 4800.3256,
989.325, 1254.325, 1756.99939, 1998.23569, 1104.429321, 2521.927002,
1800.3256, 2315.543701, 2931.431641, 331.0256, 548.32, 1388.55896,
351.3133545, 898.4367065, 997.02145, 956.32547, 3488.651855,
4400.23556, 558.36987, 785.0509033, 3000.3658, 100.36987, 162.3498688,
162.365, 543.0645752, 1458.283813, 2000.3694, 2495.23877), Privhealth = c(14.3698,
25.36698, 36.01279831, 49.36875, 1.23569, 2.278559208, 8.061329842,
10.3658, 5.059076786, 3.25698, 20.38587761, 30.65877, 4.726452827,
22.79703331, 32.65878, 6.32589, 10.38636589, 19.33849907, 8.326589,
11.07592678, 67.27728271, 74.23658, 63.235698, 83.74517059, 88.83229828,
96.32568, 49.32658, 59.41738892, 138.1631165, 100.23564, 147.8399658,
300.23568, 71.02584, 90.6206665, 8.365984, 11.47062778, 61.48280716,
74.254785, 7.235647, 10.26313496, 19.40570831, 23.65879, 33.25478,
44.17641068, 189.32658, 17.06592751, 75.325689, 89.32658, 136.7345276,
238.6507721, 19.86775017, 63.43461227, 7.325478, 19.23568, 25.321547,
319.0157471, 311.9694214, 442.03695, 3.889117956, 15.3654, 115.02365,
488.0875244, 552.0325698, 10.3658, 36.04922485, 45.362154, 45.23548,
182.7733917, 202.3654, 142.2067719, 202.325, 197.0276337, 9.32658,
32.95304871, 70.28269196, 90.3256, 15.021457, 27.89465141, 44.9021492,
60.32568, 43.03323364, 60.325845, 8.325698, 11.45799065, 60.32568,
1553.358765, 2330.2354, 201.0214578, 305.5347595, 503.7982178,
301.23565, 469.9864197, 990.9689331, 1200.36987, 542.5964966,
1823.021457, 312.0215478, 1100.32145, 301.02145, 1100.3256, 320.365478,
507.0849609, 1114.720093, 2001.23548, 401.14567, 662.03214, 816.2644653,
998.32546, 416.0243225, 692.6192017, 402.32564, 558.3044434,
713.3709106, 998.32658, 302.0214, 793.8995972, 111.2757187, 162.9289398,
212.3657, 442.32598, 1698.060913, 2226.32568, 145.2365, 268.8859863,
902.32568, 42.36587, 75.64861298, 332.65478, 970.5014648, 556.8964233,
700.32658, 5526.447266), Population = c(12412308L, 20779953L,
29185507L, 37172386L, 47887865L, 66224804L, 87639964L, 109224559L,
14539612L, 18905478L, 27013212L, 28087871L, 6216341L, 32428167L,
42723139L, 8449913L, 10946445L, 15049353L, 181413402L, 211513823L,
241834215L, 267663435L, 3565890L, 5122493L, 7261539L, 9956011L,
18029824L, 23194257L, 28208035L, 223158L, 279398L, 515696L, 1432905L,
1794571L, 95212450L, 122283850L, 158503197L, 195874740L, 107647921L,
142343578L, 179424641L, 212215030L, 22071433L, 26459944L, 31989256L,
77991755L, 106651922L, 36800509L, 44967708L, 51216964L, 18777601L,
20261737L, 3286542L, 3089027L, 2913021L, 36870787L, 40788453L,
44494502L, 591021L, 754394L, 149003223L, 195713635L, 209469333L,
8975597L, 14312212L, 16249798L, 3119433L, 4577378L, 4999441L,
70878L, 71625L, 3786695L, 873277798L, 1234281170L, 34545013L,
41801533L, 56558186L, 62952642L, 67195028L, 69428524L, 12697723L,
14439018L, 67988862L, 79910412L, 95540395L, 22031750L, 24982688L,
57247586L, 58892514L, 62766365L, 9967379L, 10251250L, 10895586L,
11433256L, 30685730L, 37057765L, 5140939L, 5793636L, 4986431L,
5515525L, 79433029L, 82211508L, 81776930L, 82905782L, 10196792L,
10805808L, 11121341L, 10731726L, 56942108L, 59277417L, 254826L,
281205L, 318041L, 352721L, 4660000L, 7623600L, 2045123L, 2991884L,
4137309L, 14951510L, 16615394L, 17231624L, 3329800L, 3857700L,
4841000L, 38110782L, 38258629L, 3047132L, 5076732L, 2048583L,
2073894L, 7824909L), Lifeexp = c(50.331, 55.841, 61.028, 64.486,
47.099, 51.941, 61.627, 66.24, 55.564, 54.404, 67.611, 70.478,
61.974, 57.099, 62.973, 45.746, 48.069, 55.251, 62.32, 65.772,
69.205, 71.509, 69.872, 71.73, 73.428, 74.405, 70.865, 72.594,
74.493, 61.529, 70.173, 78.627, 61.608, 52.192, 45.9, 46.267,
50.896, 54.332, 60.1, 62.82, 65.264, 67.114, 66.165, 71.111,
76.516, 68.793, 71.095, 63.307, 56.048, 57.669, 71.333, 75.439,
71.836, 73.955, 76.562, 73.576, 75.278, 76.52, 60.884, 71.46,
66.343, 73.619, 75.672, 53.595, 66.56, 69.57, 75.654, 78.769,
80.095, 74.619, 77.672, 71.46, 57.865, 66.693, 62.764, 65.095,
70.248, 70.623, 74.184, 76.931, 50.64, 61.195, 70.551, 73.025,
75.317, 81.69512195, 82.74878049, 75.8804878, 77.74146341, 80.40243902,
76.05195122, 77.72195122, 80.18292683, 81.59512195, 79.13658537,
81.94878049, 74.80536585, 81.35121951, 74.81317073, 81.83414634,
75.2277561, 77.92682927, 79.98780488, 80.99268293, 76.93902439,
77.88780488, 80.38780488, 81.28780488, 79.77804878, 82.03658537,
78.03634146, 79.65365854, 81.89756098, 82.66097561, 76.60731707,
81.60243902, 73.142, 74.358, 75.398, 76.87804878, 80.70243902,
81.76097561, 75.37804878, 78.63658537, 81.85853659, 70.8902439,
73.74878049, 75.29512195, 81.54146341, 79.42195122, 81.02926829,
82.24634146), Govted = c(1.23568, 2.31245, 3.47945, 5.32658,
2.365, 3.98311, 4.49659, 6.32547, 3.5398, 1.023568, 3.63172,
5.16365, 2.32871, 2.38901, 2.52076, 1.23568, 2.97156, 3.34389,
0.984578, 1.36589, 2.81228, 4.326587, 1.2365897, 1.9654789, 2.3658,
3.58851, 3.23568, 5.97161, 4.96645, 1.23568, 3.21548, 6.32547,
2.32657, 6.99139, 1.32658, 2.012457, 3.214587, 4.235687, 2.51681,
1.83782, 2.28687, 3.9854587, 2.36587, 3.22803, 3.71993, 3.26766,
5.32568, 5.12579, 5.44358, 5.72174, 2.36578, 1.71774, 2.3265,
3.43017, 2.65897, 4.58031, 5.01971, 6.32658, 5.51379, 6.64043,
2.36587, 5.6488, 6.32658, 1.235687, 1.53379, 2.16286, 3.24578,
6.63445, 7.02824, 2.36578, 3.325478, 3.215487, 3.23568, 3.37769,
2.32657, 3.23654, 3.323568, 5.25346, 3.50844, 5.32658, 1.54406,
4.60449, 3.326589, 4.235478, 4.17277, 5.55006, 6.32365, 4.05552,
4.06533, 5.74164, 4.021547, 5.32658, 6.40799, 6.9874564, 5.442,
6.32658, 7.32658, 8.9854587, 5.33591, 7.32658, 3.0215478, 3.21547,
4.91368, 6.3265, 2.04608, 3.23019, 4.32658, 5.023658, 4.29886,
4.35239, 4.25224, 6.44717, 6.97848, 7.235689, 5.43073, 5.54157,
2.985467, 3.124578, 3.32652, 5.22879, 5.48909, 4.236587, 5.321457,
6.323658, 7.5698745, 3.26587, 4.9936, 2.325647, 3.08044, 5.56251,
5.965871, 4.92605)), row.names = c(1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 5L, 6L, 7L,
8L, 11L, 13L, 15L, 16L, 18L, 23L, 24L, 25L, 26L, 27L, 29L, 30L,
31L, 32L, 33L, 34L, 35L, 36L, 37L, 38L, 39L, 41L, 42L, 44L, 45L,
46L, 49L, 50L, 51L, 52L, 53L, 54L, 55L, 56L, 57L, 58L, 60L, 62L,
64L, 65L, 66L, 67L, 70L, 71L, 73L, 74L, 75L, 78L, 79L, 80L, 82L,
84L, 85L, 87L, 88L, 89L, 91L, 92L, 93L, 95L, 96L, 99L, 100L,
103L, 105L, 107L, 111L, 112L, 113L, 114L, 115L, 116L, 119L, 120L,
121L, 122L, 124L, 127L, 128L, 129L, 130L, 131L, 133L, 134L, 135L,
136L, 138L, 140L, 141L, 144L, 145L, 148L, 149L, 150L, 151L, 152L,
153L, 154L, 155L, 156L, 158L, 159L, 161L, 162L, 163L, 164L, 165L,
167L, 170L, 171L, 172L, 173L, 175L, 176L, 177L, 178L, 180L, 181L,
182L, 185L, 187L, 191L, 192L, 195L), class = "data.frame")
structure(list(GDP = c(199.9863423, 156.3857186, 389.3980332,
229.4902871, 497.6320261, 749.552711, 826.6215305, 248.0293672,
261.8689977, 899.6599081, 11373.233, 7076.662423, 5324.61704,
5931.453886, 5082.354757, 715.9137121, 2124.05677, 6374.028196,
463.6186318, 4102.48135, 5268.848504, 4333.482973, 564.7796095,
2258.183141, 3749.75325, 302.5771636, 3772.870012, 2860.43156,
4787.780171, 1614.640122, 749.9085236, 4717.143026, 443.3141934,
2009.978857, 483.952592, 366.1728076, 841.9729898, 563.0577411,
1317.890706, 18211.27459, 21679.24784, 42943.90227, 21448.36196,
47450.31847, 30743.54768, 58041.39844, 24285.46682, 46459.97325,
20825.78421, 34483.204, 21043.57493, 41715.02928, 8794.631229,
26149.41108, 33692.01083, 12599.53358, 15420.91116, 23852.32703,
64581.94402, 9107.477079, 10201.30354, 38428.3855, 37868.296,
82796.54716), Health = c(6.22435541, 8.909747124, 39.22274712,
8.625580788, 4.22284155, 42.34384155, 47.44484155, 10.74555809,
18.80055809, 45.32365, 324.6654166, 602.659668, 504.5536499,
594.8854499, 239.3392792, 22.55662414, 91.84031677, 624.335527,
30.56891763, 128.3355597, 74.23569, 505.4589408, 22.23569, 69.80043793,
311.6526794, 19.73552704, 251.0935822, 211.589745, 250.7455292,
35.25698, 47.90106964, 292.54782, 18.56432343, 70.5685123, 10.56888,
17.38329887, 50.66987, 75.201547, 78.18682861, 1022.5487, 1632.427612,
4002.325, 1452.369, 5044.135254, 2496.047119, 6011.536621, 1655.866211,
4099.587891, 1125.365, 4400.325, 1496.87854, 3000.23568, 336.2356,
2023.143677, 3216.223633, 809.1994019, 956.21547, 820.6981812,
1989.235, 446.3265, 796.6470337, 2985.12, 3737.802979, 9658.23
), Govthealth = c(2.65987, 3.350677967, 8.32365, 1.337858081,
0.235689, 8.714180946, 11.02365, 2.356894, 4.656533241, 5.958777,
198.23568, 319.1759033, 207.0215302, 302.654789, 123.2336197,
9.32658, 29.2992878, 300.5689, 12.02589, 52.658912, 22.03256,
222.325689, 16.3258, 50.29269791, 129.758316, 3.900079966, 163.0175018,
102.369, 156.8104706, 4.36987, 5.465222836, 75.36987, 3.839128733,
14.32589, 3.25478, 5.880064487, 12.36547, 18.02584, 30.97570801,
990.365478, 1116.231445, 3201.0245, 996.598723, 3721.796387,
2074.39917, 5042.459961, 1229.708252, 3167.418213, 889.32658,
3698.23598, 944.5585938, 1998.02365, 200.365778, 1396.733398,
2517.370117, 577.3640747, 662.32589, 298.1834717, 702.369, 456.325,
568.7339478, 889.36547, 1045.900513, 3987.3654), Privhealth = c(1.36589,
1.832908154, 7.325698, 5.431494236, 2.36589, 29.85413742, 35.3698,
4.23568, 8.9836483, 22.3658, 152.36589, 263.3545532, 225.5363922,
301.325478, 111.575592, 10.23568, 60.89479446, 336.02145, 12.36587,
75.36987, 34.3265, 223.02145, 2.0215478, 11.81901455, 180.9026947,
15.41190529, 85.28456879, 45.321478, 86.49634552, 25.36987, 39.00668716,
220.32145, 14.22738075, 49.326545, 7.02145, 11.50323391, 20.36587,
33.021456, 45.45627975, 400.23568, 516.1798096, NA, 400.32547,
1322.338745, 421.6481018, 969.076416, 426.0691833, 931.8737793,
302.1245, 886.02154, 517.4750366, 889.32547, 90.3256, 626.4102173,
698.8658447, 231.8352966, 301.0324, 522.5147705, 1236.021458,
117.3658, 227.9130707, 1965.3256, 2691.985107, 6600.3256), Population = c(9404500L,
11148758L, 18143315L, 23941110L, 5283814L, 7527394L, 9100837L,
17354392L, 23650172L, 19077690L, 31528585L, 365734L, 2118874L,
2448255L, 29027674L, 61895160L, 93966780L, 57779622L, 17325773L,
21670000L, 2866376L, 32618651L, 530804L, 685503L, 174790340L,
12155239L, 3962372L, 70419L, 69650L, 4802000L, 4077131L, 3726549L,
1056575549L, 1352617328L, 20147590L, 27275015L, 10432421L, 11881477L,
87967651L, 17065100L, 19153000L, 66460344L, 27691138L, 34004889L,
5339616L, 5547683L, 5176209L, 5363352L, 56719240L, 60421760L,
6289000L, 8882800L, 2095344L, 15925513L, 4350700L, 38042794L,
37974750L, 4027887L, 5638676L, 1998161L, 1988925L, 6715519L,
7184250L, 8513227L), Lifeexp = c(46.096, 45.09, 63.798, 62.288,
58.824, 68.736, 70.879, 45.853, 46.229, 58.893, 75.997, 75.905,
56.665, 63.373, 74.41, 66.366, 69.823, 63.857, 69.509, 76.812,
78.458, 71.594, 52.878, 68.384, 70.116, 58.432, 77.452, 66.843,
71.116, 70.386, 69.902, 73.6, 62.505, 69.416, 55.5, 58.472, 58.1,
44.649, 74.837, 76.99463415, 79.23414634, 81.35609756, 77.42195122,
81.24634146, 76.59268293, 79.1, 77.46585366, 79.87073171, 76.97073171,
82.94634146, 78.95365854, 82.80243902, 72.15, 77.98780488, 80.70243902,
76.24634146, 77.75365854, 77.95121951, 83.14634146, 73.20487805,
75.41219512, 77.24243902, 79.6804878, 83.55121951), Govted = c(3.27054,
5.24797, 4.71484, 2.97515, 1.36587, 4.00675, 6.32547, 1.023658,
2.46167, 4.32658, 4.53477, 4.11747, 8.34961, 10.23547, 2.8673,
2.36587, 5.326545, 6.15899, 2.41093, 2.11189, 2.46866, 1.06738,
3.21547, 4.02447, 3.94893, 1.65599, 4.68696, 1.856231, 2.032145,
1.56897, 2.18109, 4.236587, 4.32479, 5.326587, 0.36589, 1.01218,
1.45426, 2.36589, 5.13722, 4.6764, 4.89147, 7.3265, 5.99199,
5.36993, 8.08434, 8.55955, 5.71688, 6.54071, 3.325687, 5.32658,
6.12262, 6.32658, 1.326587, 4.58512, 7.00241, 5.06843, 6.32547,
3.3213, 5.32658, 3.32365, 4.32657, 4.52294, 4.7814, 5.9658745
)), row.names = c(9L, 10L, 12L, 14L, 17L, 19L, 20L, 21L, 22L,
28L, 40L, 43L, 47L, 48L, 59L, 61L, 63L, 68L, 69L, 72L, 76L, 77L,
81L, 83L, 86L, 90L, 94L, 97L, 98L, 101L, 102L, 104L, 106L, 108L,
109L, 110L, 117L, 118L, 123L, 125L, 126L, 132L, 137L, 139L, 142L,
143L, 146L, 147L, 157L, 160L, 166L, 168L, 169L, 174L, 179L, 183L,
184L, 186L, 188L, 189L, 190L, 193L, 194L, 196L), class = "data.frame")
You can use the following code
#Remove the NA from the data freme
test.dat <- na.omit(test.dat)
regression.pred <- predict(lm7, newdata = test.dat, type = "raw")
elastic.pred <- predict(elastic4, newdata = test.dat, type = "raw")
tree.pred <- predict(tree2, newdata = test.dat, type = "raw")
rf.pred <- predict(rf1, newdata = test.dat, type = "raw")
test.statistics <- data.frame(
RMSE.regression = RMSE(regression.pred, test.dat$Lifeexp),
Rsquare.regression = R2(regression.pred, test.dat$Lifeexp),
RMSE.el = RMSE(elastic.pred, test.dat$Lifeexp),
Rsquare.el = R2(elastic.pred, test.dat$Lifeexp),
RMSE.tree = RMSE(tree.pred, test.dat$Lifeexp),
Rsquare.tree = R2(tree.pred, test.dat$Lifeexp)
# RMSE.regression Rsquare.regression RMSE.el Rsquare.el RMSE.tree Rsquare.tree
# 1 8.201072 0.3910896 8.115006 0.3984145 6.369994 0.6446954

Boxplot labelling outliers returns an error using data rownames

I am trying to label the outliers in my boxplot using the text function so I can find out from which class the outliers are coming from. I've stored the rownames of my data in variable "rownames" using names(vehData) to get the row names. When I apply this however, I get an error.
ERROR: Error in which(removeOutliers1 == bxpdat$out, arr.ind = TRUE) :
'list' object cannot be coerced to type 'double'
Completely new to R programming. Completely not sure how to fix this or what I am doing wrong
Thanks in advance for any help!
vehData <-
Samples = 1:6,
Comp = c(95L, 91L, 104L, 93L, 85L,
Circ = c(48L, 41L, 50L, 41L, 44L, 57L),
D.Circ = c(83L,
84L, 106L, 82L, 70L, 106L),
Rad.Ra = c(178L, 141L, 209L, 159L,
205L, 172L),
Pr.Axis.Ra = c(72L, 57L, 66L, 63L, 103L, 50L),
Max.L.Ra = c(10L,
9L, 10L, 9L, 52L, 6L),
Scat.Ra = c(162L, 149L, 207L, 144L, 149L,
Elong = c(42L, 45L, 32L, 46L, 45L, 26L),
Pr.Axis.Rect = c(20L,
19L, 23L, 19L, 19L, 28L),
Max.L.Rect = c(159L, 143L, 158L, 143L,
144L, 169L),
Sc.Var.Maxis = c(176L, 170L, 223L, 160L, 241L, 280L),
Sc.Var.maxis = c(379L, 330L, 635L, 309L, 325L, 957L),
Ra.Gyr = c(184L,
158L, 220L, 127L, 188L, 264L),
Skew.Maxis = c(70L, 72L, 73L,
63L, 127L, 85L),
Skew.maxis = c(6L, 9L, 14L, 6L, 9L, 5L),
Kurt.maxis = c(16L,
14L, 9L, 10L, 11L, 9L),
Kurt.Maxis = c(187L, 189L, 188L, 199L,
180L, 181L),
Holl.Ra = c(197L, 199L, 196L, 207L, 183L, 183L),
Class = c("van", "van", "saab", "van", "bus", "bus")
row.names = c(NA,
6L), class = "data.frame")
#Remove outliers
removeOutliers <- function(data) {
OutVals <- boxplot(data)$out
remOutliers <- sapply(data, function(x) x[!x %in% OutVals])
return (remOutliers)
vehDataRemove1 <- vehData[, -1]
vehDataRemove2 <- vehDataRemove1[,-19]
vehData <- vehDataRemove2
vehClass <- vehData$Class
rownames <- names(vehData) #column names
#Begin removing outliers
removeOutliers1 <- removeOutliers(vehData)
bxpdat <- boxplot(removeOutliers1)
#Also tried using vehicles$Class instead of rownames but get the same error
text(bxpdat$group, bxpdat$out,
rownames[which(removeOutliers1 == bxpdat$out, arr.ind = TRUE)[,1]],
pos = 4)
The boxplot looks like this. I am trying to label the outliers based on the x axis e.g. "Comp", "Circ", "D.Circ", "Rad.Ra", "Max.L.Ra" etc.. & by vehicle class "Van", "Bus" ..
Crammed text issue when identifying class
If it is the outliers in the 2nd boxplot, it would be:
bxpdat <- boxplot(removeOutliers1)
text(bxpdat$group, bxpdat$out,
pos = 4)
Maybe looks better like this, if you adjust the margin and flip the labels:
bxpdat = boxplot(removeOutliers1,las=2,cex=0.5)
text(bxpdat$group, bxpdat$out,
pos = 4,cex=0.5)
I understood the question differently to #StupidWolf. I thought the goal was to replace points indicating outliers with the text of the vehicle class (bus, van or saab). If you simply print the variable name (e.g. Skew.maxis), then you might as well have simply plotted the outliers as points. Unless I'm missing something.
Here is code to answer the question as I understood it, for what it's worth (beginning after defining removeOutliers):
# CHANGE: Create vehClass vector before removing Class from the dataframe
vehClass <- vehData$Class
vehDataRemove1 <- vehData[, -1]
vehDataRemove2 <- vehDataRemove1[,-19]
vehData <- vehDataRemove2
#Begin removing outliers
removeOutliers1 <- removeOutliers(vehData)
bxpdat <- boxplot(removeOutliers1) # use boxplot(vehData) if you plot all the outliers as points
# loop over columns
n_plot <- 1; set.seed(123) # only plot n_plot randomly-chosen outliers
for(i in 1:ncol(vehData)){
# find out which row indices were removed as outliers
diffInd <- which(vehData[[i]] %in% setdiff(vehData[[i]], removeOutliers1[[i]]))
# if none were, then don't add any outlier text
if(length(diffInd) == 0) next
print(paste0("l:", length(diffInd)))
if(length(diffInd) > n_plot){
diffIndPlot <- sample(diffInd, n_plot, replace = FALSE)
} else diffIndPlot <- diffInd
text(x = i, y = vehData[[i]][diffIndPlot],
labels = paste0(vehClass[diffIndPlot], ": ", vehData[[i]][diffIndPlot]))

Plot height of CA

I am rendering CA plot in Shiny using FactoMineR package. While the plot renders nicely, the height of the plot seem to be fixed and it looks constricted. The reproducible data is as follows:
structure(list(MUMBAI = c(5236L, 222L, 24L, 54L, 31L), DELHI = c(4243L,
301L, 54L, 67L, 107L), KOLKATTA = c(2777L, 67L, 270L, 64L, 56L
), HYDERABAD = c(3155L, 101L, 9L, 58L, 32L), PUNE = c(2262L,
496L, 9L, 27L, 38L)), .Names = c("MUMBAI", "DELHI", "KOLKATTA",
), class = "data.frame")
The following is the code that I am using:
res <- CA(ft2, graph = FALSE)
plot(res, autoLab = "yes")
I have tried using
par(pin = c(10,4))
Changing the pin values, but doesn't seem to work.

Fitting gaussian to data geom_point in ggplot2

I have the following data set
structure(list(Collimator = structure(c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L,
1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L,
2L, 2L, 2L, 2L), .Label = c("n", "y"), class = "factor"), angle = c(0L,
15L, 30L, 45L, 60L, 75L, 90L, 105L, 120L, 135L, 150L, 165L, 180L,
0L, 15L, 30L, 45L, 60L, 75L, 90L, 105L, 120L, 135L, 150L, 165L,
180L), X1 = c(2099L, 11070L, 17273L, 21374L, 23555L, 23952L,
23811L, 21908L, 19747L, 17561L, 12668L, 6008L, 362L, 53L, 21L,
36L, 1418L, 6506L, 10922L, 12239L, 8727L, 4424L, 314L, 38L, 21L,
50L), X2 = c(2126L, 10934L, 17361L, 21301L, 23101L, 23968L, 23923L,
21940L, 19777L, 17458L, 12881L, 6051L, 323L, 40L, 34L, 46L, 1352L,
6569L, 10880L, 12534L, 8956L, 4418L, 344L, 58L, 24L, 68L), X3 = c(2074L,
11109L, 17377L, 21399L, 23159L, 23861L, 23739L, 21910L, 20088L,
17445L, 12733L, 6046L, 317L, 45L, 26L, 46L, 1432L, 6495L, 10862L,
12300L, 8720L, 4343L, 343L, 38L, 34L, 60L), average = c(2099.6666666667,
11037.6666666667, 17337, 21358, 23271.6666666667, 23927, 23824.3333333333,
21919.3333333333, 19870.6666666667, 17488, 12760.6666666667,
6035, 334, 46, 27, 42.6666666667, 1400.6666666667, 6523.3333333333,
10888, 12357.6666666667, 8801, 4395, 333.6666666667, 44.6666666667,
26.3333333333, 59.3333333333)), .Names = c("Collimator", "angle",
"X1", "X2", "X3", "average"), row.names = c(NA, -26L), class = "data.frame")
I first scale average counts for both collimator y and n to a make the highest counts 1
df <- ddply(df, .(Collimator), transform,
norm.average = average / max(average))
and plot the curves:
ggplot(df, aes(x=angle,y=norm.average,col=Collimator)) +
geom_point() + geom_line()
Using geom_line is quite unpleasing on the eye and I would rather fit to the data using stat_smooth. Each data set should be symmetric about the mean so I think a Gaussian fit should be ideal. How can I fit a Gaussian to the dataset collimator="y" and collimator="n" in ggplot2 or using base R. Also I would like to output the mean and standard deviation. Can this be done?
By definition your data is not Gaussian but a kind of Gaussian-like shape, and here is the example of the visualization of fitting:
fit <- dlply(df, .(Collimator), function(x) {
co <- coef(nls(norm.average ~ exp(-(angle - m)^2/(2 * s^2)), data = x, start = list(s = 50, m = 80)))
stat_function(fun = function(x) exp(-(x - co["m"])^2/(2 * co["s"]^2)), data = x)
ggplot(df, aes(x = angle, y = norm.average, col = Collimator)) + geom_point() + fit
To obtain the parameters:
fit <- dlply(df, .(Collimator), function(x) {
co <- coef(nls(norm.average ~ exp(-(angle - m)^2/(2 * s^2)), data = x, start = list(s = 50, m = 80)))
r <- stat_function(fun = function(x) exp(-(x - co["m"])^2/(2 * co["s"]^2)), data = x)
attr(r, ".coef") <- co
> ldply(fit, attr, ".co")
Collimator s m
1 n 52.99117 82.60820
2 y 21.99518 86.61268

How to add multiple confidence ellipses to PCA plot in R?

I am very very new to R and stats in general, and am having trouble adding multiple confidence ellipses to a PCA plot.
My interest is in highlighting potential groupings/clusters in the PCA plot with 95% confidence ellipses. I have tried using the dataEllipse function in R, however I cannot figure out how to add multiple ellipses with different centers to the PCA plot (the centers would be at various points that appear to contain a cluster, in this case lithic sources and lithic tools likely made from that source).
Thanks for any help with this!
pca1 <- princomp(lithic_final); pca1
lithic_source <- c("A1", "A1", "A1", "A1", "A2","A2", "A2", "A3","A3","A3","B","B","B","B","B","B","C","C","C","C","C","C","C","D","D","D","D","D","D","D","D","E","E","E","E","E","E","E","E","F","F","G","G","G","G","H","H","H","H","H","H","H","I1","I1","I1","I2","I2","I2","I2","I2","J1","J1","J2","J2","J2","J2","J2","J2","J2","J2","J2","K","K","K","K","K","K","K","L","L","L","L","L","L","L","L","L","L","L","L","L","L","BB1","BB1","BB1","FC","FC","FC","JRPP","JRPP","JRPP","BB2","BB2","BB2","BB2","MWP","MWP","MWP","MWP","RPO","RPO","RPO")
#Plotting the scores with the Lithic Source Info
round(pca1$scores[,1:2], 2)
pca_scores <-round(pca1$scores[,1:2], 2)
plot(pca1$scores[,1], pca1$scores[,2], type="n")
text(pca1$scores[,1], pca1$scores[,2],labels=abbreviate(lithic_source, minlength=3), cex=.45)
#Plotting PCA Scores of EACH SAMPLE for PCA 2 and 3 with Lithic Source Info
round(pca1$scores[,2:3], 2)
pca2_3_scores <-round(pca1$scores[,2:3], 2)
plot(pca1$scores[,2], pca1$scores[,3], type="n")
text(pca1$scores[,2], pca1$scores[,3], labels=abbreviate(lithic_source, minlength=3), cex=.45)
#Plotting PCA Scores of EACH SAMPLE for PCA 3 and 4 with Lithic Source Info
round(pca1$scores[,3:4], 2)
pca3_4_scores <-round(pca1$scores[,3:4], 2)
plot(pca1$scores[,3], pca1$scores[,4], type="n")
text(pca1$scores[,3], pca1$scores[,4], labels=abbreviate(lithic_source, minlength=3), cex=.45)
#Plotting PCA Scores of EACH SAMPLE for PCA 1 and 3 with Lithic Source Info
round(pca1$scores[,1:3], 2)
pca1_3_scores <-round(pca1$scores[,1:3], 2)
plot(pca1$scores[,1], pca1$scores[,3], type="n")
text(pca1$scores[,1], pca1$scores[,3], labels=abbreviate(lithic_source, minlength=3), cex=.45)
#Plotting PCA Scores of EACH SAMPLE for PCA 1 and 4 with Lithic Source Info
round(pca1$scores[,1:4], 2)
pca1_4_scores <-round(pca1$scores[,1:4], 2)
plot(pca1$scores[,1], pca1$scores[,4], type="n")
text(pca1$scores[,1], pca1$scores[,4], labels=abbreviate(lithic_source, minlength=3), cex=.45)
dataEllipse(pca1$scores[,1], pca1$scores[,4],centers=12,add=TRUE,levels=0.9, plot.points=FALSE)
structure(list(Ca.K12 = c(418L, 392L, 341L, 251L, 297L, 238L,
258L, 5L, 2L, 37L), Cr.K12 = c(1L, 12L, 15L, 6L, 9L, 6L, 35L,
7L, 45L, 32L), Cu.K12 = c(89L, 96L, 81L, 63L, 88L, 103L, 104L,
118L, 121L, 90L), Fe.K12 = c(18627L, 18849L, 18413L, 12893L,
17757L, 17270L, 16198L, 2750L, 4026L, 3373L), K.K12 = c(20L,
23L, 28L, 0L, 34L, 17L, 45L, 102L, 150L, 147L), Mn.K12 = c(205L,
212L, 235L, 120L, 216L, 212L, 246L, 121L, 155L, 115L), Nb.K12 = c(139L,
119L, 154L, 91L, 122L, 137L, 137L, 428L, 414L, 428L), Rb.K12 = c(99L,
42L, 79L, 49L, 210L, 243L, 168L, 689L, 767L, 705L), Sr.K12 = c(3509L,
3766L, 3481L, 2715L, 2851L, 2668L, 2695L, 202L, 220L, 217L),
Ti.K12 = c(444L, 520L, 431L, 293L, 542L, 622L, 531L, 82L,
129L, 84L), Y.K12 = c(135L, 121L, 105L, 74L, 144L, 79L, 85L,
301L, 326L, 379L), Zn.K12 = c(131L, 133L, 108L, 78L, 124L,
111L, 114L, 81L, 78L, 59L), Zr.K12 = c(1348L, 1479L, 1333L,
964L, 1506L, 1257L, 1296L, 3967L, 4697L, 4427L)), .Names = c("Ca.K12",
"Cr.K12", "Cu.K12", "Fe.K12", "K.K12", "Mn.K12", "Nb.K12", "Rb.K12",
"Sr.K12", "Ti.K12", "Y.K12", "Zn.K12", "Zr.K12"), row.names = c(NA,
10L), class = "data.frame")
I think you would have received a speedier reply if you had focused on your question instead of all the extraneous stuff. You gave us your commands for plotting a bunch of principal components that had nothing to do with your question. The question is, how do you plot ellipses by group? Your sample data at 10 lines and three groups is not helpful because 3 points is not enough to plot data ellipses. You are using the dataEllipse function in package car which has the simplest answer to your question:
First, a reproducible example:
set.seed(42) # so you can get the same numbers I get
source_a <- data.frame(X1=rnorm(25, 50, 5), X2=rnorm(25, 40, 5))
source_b <- data.frame(X1=rnorm(25, 20, 5), X2=rnorm(25, 40, 5))
source_c <- data.frame(X1=rnorm(25, 35, 5), X2=rnorm(25, 25, 5))
lithic_dat <- rbind(source_a, source_b, source_c)
lithic_source <- c(rep("a", 25), rep("b", 25), rep("c", 25))
Plot ellipses with scatterplot() and add text:
scatterplot(X2~X1 | lithic_source, data=lithic_dat, pch="", smooth=FALSE,
reg.line=FALSE, ellipse=TRUE, levels=.9)
text(lithic_dat$X1, lithic_dat$X2, lithic_source, cex=.75)
Scatterplot can be tweaked to do everything you want, but it is also
possible to plot the ellipses without using it:
sources <- unique(lithic_source) # vector of the different sources
plot(lithic_dat$X1, lithic_dat$X1, type="n")
text(lithic_dat$X1, lithic_dat$X2, lithic_source, cex=.75)
for (i in sources) with(lithic_dat, dataEllipse(X1[lithic_source==i],
X2[lithic_source==i], levels=.9, plot.points=FALSE))
This will work for your principal components and any other data.
Here is a simple solution using a package called ggbiplot (available on github) with Iris data. I hope this is what you were looking for.
pca = prcomp(iris[,1:4])
ggbiplot(pca,groups = iris$Species,ellipse = T,ellipse.prob = .95)
