encrypt an emacs org mode file - encryption

I would like to do full file encryption of an org mode file. I would like just to have a password to open it - I believe its called symmetric encryption - no keyrings, public keys, etc because I know nothing about that.
So far I have learned that all I have to do is save an org mode file ending in .gpg or .org.gpg, and when I save, I get:
Select recipients for encryption.
If no one is selected, symmetric encryption will be performed.
- ‘m’ to mark a key on the line
- ‘u’ to unmark a key on the line
I just click OK and I am prompted for the password. Wonderful.
When I close Emacs and view the file in another text editor, I can see the file is encrypted. Wonderful.
The problem comes in when I open the encrypted file - Emacs does not prompt me for the password. Emacs does report it decrypted the file and then it opens it.
I would like to be prompted for the password.
I have tried many different commands in both .emacs and in the file itself and nothing works. Eg:
(setq epa-file-cache-passphrase-for-symmetric-encryption nil)
I find that most articles seem to be old or for different versions of gpg or different types of encryption and so the commands suggested are not suitable.
What is the minimum amount of commands and what are those commands that I need to use to make sure encryption/decryption functions properly and securely and i will be prompted for the password each time I open the file?
I am using:
gpg (GnuPG) 2.2.20
libgcrypt 1.8.5

See this question on the Emacs SE site. It's a matter of configuring the default-cache-ttl setting in ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf. The default is 300 seconds (5 mins), so the password is cached in gpg-agent for that long. Setting it to 0 makes sure that it is not cached.


How to change the password via ssh on airOS8 for UBNT WA v8.x boards

How can I change the user's password over ssh connection (not via browser interface) on the UBNT (Ubiquity Network) device, more specifically airOS8 WA v8.x board?
I want to avoid the ridiculous restriction imposed by their web interface on the password complexity (the only thing they don't require in the password is the unicorn's blood). I don't feel comfortable with someone else telling me what my passwords should look like (for my own well being, of course), so I'd like to change it via ssh connection, where this restriction is not being imposed.
I followed the discussion on their forums, which is just a useless bike-shedding over the opinions if the developers should impose such restrictions (without the switch to turn that off) or not.
I found the way to do this and wanted to share with others, who need to do the same thing.
First, log in to your device over an ssh connection. Then, issue a passwd command to change your password. If you now just reboot your device, the new password won't be saved, so read on.
Next, you need to copy the new password hash to a file named /var/tmp/system.cfg. So, first, type cat /etc/passwd, to see the new password hash, which should look something like this:
where ssssssss is the Salt and hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh is the Hash of the new password. We need to copy all that to the /var/tmp/system.cfg file, so type:
vi /var/tmp/system.cfg and in there, find the line that starts with users.1.password= and change it to be like this (press 'I' for Insert operation):
where Salt and Hash will be something randomly generated. When you finish changing that line, press Escape key and then save/quit the file (pressing colon, 'w', 'q' and Enter key, like ':wq')
Once you're back in the shell, type save to save this configuration permanently and then type reboot to check if your password survived the reboot process.
That should be it.
Thanks, but much better is to use a hash of default password ubnt, to get it, just run grep users.1.password /var/etc/default.cfg

Change Solaris 10 password with script

Can somebody help me to create a script that changes my password for a Solaris based server? I am not the root user. Usually I change my password like this: I type in the terminal "passwd" then it asks me to enter login password, I insert it, then it ask for the new password, I insert it, then it asks to re-enter new password, I insert it. Does anybody knows how to do this via script? Or even better how to change the password by a command written in only one line?
I want to create a java app that connects to the server and changes the password.
What you're trying to do is deliberately almost impossible to accomplish - because it's a very, very bad, insecure idea to script passwords. Doing so almost certainly compromises the password and therefore the account and everything it has access to.
The Solaris passwd utility uses getpassphrase() to read passwords directly from the controlling terminal - the keyboard. You can find the source code here.
From the getpassphrase() man page:
The getpass() function opens the process's controlling terminal,
writes to that device the null-terminated string prompt, disables
echoing, reads a string of characters up to the next newline character
or EOF, restores the terminal state and closes the terminal.
The getpassphrase() function is identical to getpass(), except
that it reads and returns a string of up to 257 characters in length.

SSH Key Permission Denied

I'm trying to set up cloud hosting with Digital Ocean.
Please skip to the bold part with asterisks (***) for the actual problem. Everything below here, above that part is background info.
I need to generate an RSA key pair, so I navigate to my cd ~/.ssh/ directory, then:
ssh-keygen -t rsa
I already have existing id_rsa and id_rsa.pub files, so when prompted:
Enter file in which to save the key (/demo/.ssh/id_rsa):
I enter the following to create a new pair:
I'm then asked for a passphrase, which I simply press return for "no password":
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
I repeat the above for confirmation, and the final output looks as follows (just a demo image):
Now that I have two new files, id_cloudhosting and id_cloudhosting.pub I need to copy the contents of the public file to my Digital Ocean hosting 'Add SSH console'. I do that like so:
cat ~/.ssh/id_cloudhosting.pub
Which returns the contents of the file:
ABCnextTIMEwontyouSINGwithmeHODOR demo#a
I paste the key into my hosting console and it saves successfully.
The next step is where the permission issues start: ****************
I need to "spin up a new server" - step four from their docs. So I enter the following:
cat ~/.ssh/id_worker.pub | ssh root#[my.hosting.ip.address] "cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"
Which should copy the public key as root to a newly created file called authorized_keys
This step never gets created because I'm immediately asked for a password to my host. I didn't ever create one! I pressed return (or enter) at that point, so I do the same when prompted, and get permission denied!
root#[host.ip.address]'s password:
Permission denied, please try again.
root#[host.ip.address]'s password:
Permission denied, please try again.
root#[host.ip.address]'s password:
Permission denied (publickey,password).
How can I rectify these permission denied issues?
It seems as though, by using an unconventional (other than id_rsa) file, I needed to explicitly identify the file by doing the following:
ssh root#droplet.ip.address -i /path/to/private_key_file
...be sure not to use the public_key_file there. I am not connected to the server from my terminal. This is after destroying my previous droplet, creating a fresh one, with fresh key files, as #will-barnwell suggested
Assuming you have followed the linked guide up to and through Step Three, when you create a new server from their Web UI use the "Add SSH Keys" option and select the key you added to your account previously.
When actually spinning up a new server, select the keys that you would
like installed on your server from the "Create a Droplet" screen. You
can select as many keys as you like:
Once you click on the SSH key, the text saying, "Your
root password will be emailed to you" will disappear, and you will not
receive an email confirmation that your server has been created.
The command you were using was to add an ssh key to pre-existing server. Judging from the above quote I bet the password that you are being prompted for is in your email.
When you create a server on Digital Ocean ( or really most cloud hosting services ) a root password is automatically generated for you, unless you set the server up with an authorization key.
Using key authentication is definitely a good security choice, but make sure to read the instructions carefully, don't just copy/paste commands and expect it all to work out.
EDIT: OP's comments on the question have shed additional light on the matter.
New Advice: Blow your server away and set up the SSH keys as suggested, your server is probably unusable if it is not accepting your old SSH key and is prompting you for a password you don't have.
Be careful messing around with your last auth key, add a new one before removing an old one.

Ioncube: encryption for non-php file

I would like to ask a question about ioncube encryption. I have successfully encrypted a *.conf file.
When I run it, it doesn't seems to be running properly.
How can I encrypt a non-php file? Can you give a step by step process?
All steps taken from the latest ionCube Encoder User Guide for Version 9 and the GUI documentation.
Encrypt files
In the command line encoder, you can create encrypted files with the command
--encrypt "fileselector"
You can chain these together to select multiple files, and use Wilcards as selectors. For example:
ioncube_encoder --encrypt "*.conf" --encrypt "*.xml"
In the GUI you can enter these selectors in the 'Source Tab' in your Project settings, under the 'Non-PHP encryption extensions' label:
Loading encrypted files
Once the files are encrypted, you can read their content by calling the function:
mixed ioncube_read_file(string path [,bool &was_encrypted [,string passphrase] ] ] )
For example, if you encrypted the file foo.conf without passphrase, you can get the content back by calling:
$file_content = ioncube_read_file("foo.conf");
Note: This only works from already encoded files, otherwise the encryption would be useless. Furthermore, encrypted files can only be decrypted by files encoded with the same ionCube Encoder, i.e. if you encrypt your files on Machine 1 and try to decrypt them with files encoded on Machine 2, you won't be able to decrypt the file.

Check encrypted file for empty content

I'm using gpg to decrypt files sent to me by a vendor. Everything works fine accept for when the content of the encrypted file is empty (the vendor has told me that there is no content in the files in question).
If I try and decrypt one of these files I get:
gpg: can't handle this ambiguous
signature data
Is there any way to check that the file has no content accept for the header, so that I can set it up to fail more elegantly?
According to this mailing-list post, the official PGP tool has a bug that sometimes causes it to produce malformed messages. You can verify whether this is the case for your particular file by running gpg --list-packets path/to/encrypted/file.pgp and looking at the output. If you see a :onepass_sig packet: followed immediately by a :signature packet: then that's probably what's going on.
In my (limited) experience, this occurs if the sender has tried to encrypt an empty file. Unfortunately, since encryption is designed to make it difficult to see what's inside, it's hard to tell if that's actually the case before you try to decrypt it. gpg's --list-packets output will give you some information, but I've noticed that the :literal data packet: output will usually say "raw data: 0 bytes" even if the message contains a non-empty file.
You can make gpg ignore all signature data in the encrypted file with the --skip-verify option, but then of course you can't tell whether the file you're decrypting comes from a trusted source.
Assuming you are using a unix shell script, you could first do a '[ -s /the/file ]' before attempting the GPG decrypt.
