Map to an array within an object within an array - dictionary

I am still having trouble understanding how to use the map function. In this case my payload is a JSON object that contains an array of "orders" with each "order" being an object... How do I create a map that would let me get to the array of "ContactEmailAddresses"?
"orders": [
"OrderGroupNumber": 1,
"Requester": {
"Name": "Mickey Mouse"
"ContactEmailAddresses": [
"CreatedByEmailAddress": ""
"OrderGroupNumber": 2,
"Requester": {
"Name": "Donald Duck"
"ContactEmailAddresses": [
"CreatedByEmailAddress": ""
"OrderGroupNumber": 3,
"Requester": {
"Name": "Goofy"
"ContactEmailAddresses": [
My current attempt that doesn't work is:
payload.*orders map (order, index) ->

%dw 2.0
output application/json
payload.orders flatMap $.ContactEmailAddresses


Combine multiple json to single json using jq

I am new to jq and stuck with this problem for a while. Any help is appreciable.
I have two json files,
In file1.json:
"version": 4,
"group1": [
"content": "old content"
"group2": [
And in file2.json:
"group1": [
"name" : "newitem1"
"content": "new content"
"group2": [
"name" : "newitem2"
Expected result is:
"version": 4,
"group1": [
"content": "old content"
"name" : "newitem1"
"group2": [
"name" : "newitem2"
Criterial for merge:
Has to merge only group1 and group2
Match only by name
I have tried
jq -S '.group1+=.group1|.group1|unique_by(.name)' file1.json file2.json
but this is filtering group1 and all other info are lost.
This approach uses INDEX to create a dictionary of unique elements based on their .name field, reduce to iterate over the group fields to be considered, and an initial state created by combining the slurped (-s) input files using add after removing the group fileds to be processed separately using del.
jq -s '
[ "group1", "group2" ] as $gs | . as $in | reduce $gs[] as $g (
map(del(.[$gs[]])) | add; .[$g] = [INDEX($in[][$g][]; .name)[]]
' file1.json file2.json
"version": 4,
"group1": [
"name": "olditem1",
"content": "new content"
"name": "newitem1"
"group2": [
"name": "olditem2"
"name": "newitem2"

How to write this Fulfillment codes(including output)?

First of all, I tried to write how to save users input data to google sheet after developing the simple codes. It's able to work. Thank Mr.Master for providing this tutorial(Below the link).
Reference Mr.Master:
Next, I bumped into the problem below the code. I didn't know how to write it in Fulfillment. Could someone realize it to teach me?
Tool: Dialogflow, Google sheet, Firebase.
Theme: Order process
I tried to write Forhere() there. However, it didn't work.(First code)
function Forhere(agent){
forhere, howmanypeople, whattime, namelist
} = agent.parameters;
const data1 = [{
Forhere: forhere,
HowManyPeople: howmanypeople,
Time: whattime,
Name: namelist
}];'......', data1);
{/*....This code is a result of test(second one)
"responseId": "d0f44937-e58a-4b71-b6dc-ec2d6c39337b-f308a5c4",
"queryResult": {
"queryText": "黃大哥",
"parameters": {
"forhere": [
"howmanypeople": [
"whattime": [
"date_time": "2019-09-19T14:00:00+08:00"
"namelist": [
"allRequiredParamsPresent": true,
"outputContexts": [
"name": "projects/test-tyrpxs/agent/sessions/5dd26d5c-bd99-072c-3693-41f95a3a348d/contexts/forhere",
"lifespanCount": 4,
"parameters": {
"howmanypeople": [
"namelist.original": [
"howmanypeople.original": [
"forhere": [
"whattime.original": [
"welcome": "嗨",
"whattime": [
"date_time": "2019-09-19T14:00:00+08:00"
"namelist": [
"welcome.original": "hi",
"forhere.original": [
"intent": {
"name": "projects/test-tyrpxs/agent/intents/ec0f55c4-e9c9-401f-bce7-d2478c40fb85",
"displayName": "ForHere"
"intentDetectionConfidence": 1,
"diagnosticInfo": {
"webhook_latency_ms": 4992
"languageCode": "zh-tw"
"webhookStatus": {
"code": 4,
"message": "Webhook call failed. Error: Request timeout."
You can use below code
let forhere= agent.parameters.forhere;
let howmanypeople= agent.parameters.howmanypeople;
let whattime= agent.parameters.whattime;
let namelist= agent.parameters.namelist;
then use this variables in your api call.
To T.Ali:
Dialogflowfirebasefulfillment&Error message:
Although I think this error didn't show where these mistakes are.
Dialogflow Request body: {"responseId":"ab277bc6-3bcc-4c4b-9a94-192b9ecfb8af-f308a5c4","queryResult":{"queryText":"黃大哥","parameters":{"forhere":"內用","whattime":{"date_time":"2019-09-20T12:00:00+08:00"},"howmanypeople":3,"namelist":"黃大哥"},"allRequiredParamsPresent":true,"outputContexts":[{"name":"projects/test-tyrpxs/agent/sessions/5dd26d5c-bd99-072c-3693-41f95a3a348d/contexts/forhere","lifespanCount":4,"parameters":{"welcome":"嗨","welcome.original":"hi","forhere":"內用","forhere.original":"內用","whattime":{"date_time":"2019-09-20T12:00:00+08:00"},"whattime.original":"明天中午","howmanypeople":3,"howmanypeople.original":"3","namelist":"黃大哥","namelist.original":"黃大哥"}}],"intent":{"name":"projects/test-tyrpxs/agent/intents/ec0f55c4-e9c9-401f-bce7-d2478c40fb85","displayName":"ForHere"},"intentDetectionConfidence":1,"languageCode":"zh-tw"},"originalDetectIntentRequest":{"payload":{}},"session":"projects/test-tyrpxs/agent/sessions/5dd26d5c-bd99-072c-3693-41f95a3a348d"}
Error: No handler for requested intent
at WebhookClient.handleRequest (/srv/node_modules/dialogflow-fulfillment/src/dialogflow-fulfillment.js:317:29)
at exports.dialogflowFirebaseFulfillment.functions.https.onRequest (/srv/index.js:105:9)
at cloudFunction (/srv/node_modules/firebase-functions/lib/providers/https.js:57:9)
at /worker/worker.js:783:7
at /worker/worker.js:766:11
at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:132:7)
at process._tickDomainCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:219:9)
Furthermore, I've write below the code worked formally(input users data to google sheet).
enter image description here

CosmosDB, help flatten and filter by nested array

I'm trying to flatten and filter my json data that is in a CosmosDB.
The data looks like below and I would like to flatten everything in the array Variables and then filter by specific _id and Timestamp inside of the array:
"_id": 21032,
"FirstConnected": {
"$date": 1522835868346
"LastUpdated": {
"$date": 1523360279908
"Variables": [
"_id": 99999,
"Values": [
"Timestamp": {
"$date": 1522835868347
"Value": 1
"_id": 99998,
"Values": [
"Timestamp": {
"$date": 1523270312001
"Value": 8888
If you want to flatten data from the Variables array with properties from the root object you can query your collection like this:
SELECT root._id, root.FirstConnected, root.LastUpdated, var.Values
FROM root
JOIN var IN root.Variables
WHERE var._id = 99998
This will result into:
"_id": 21032,
"FirstConnected": {
"$date": 1522835868346
"LastUpdated": {
"$date": 1523360279908
"Values": [
"Timestamp": {
"$date": 1523270312001
"Value": 8888
If you want to even flatten the Values array you will need to write something like this:
SELECT root._id, root.FirstConnected, root.LastUpdated,
var.Values[0].Timestamp, var.Values[0]["Value"]
FROM root
JOIN var IN root.Variables
WHERE var._id = 99998
Note that CosmosDB considers "Value" as a reserved keyword and you need to use an escpape syntax. The result for this query is:
"_id": 21032,
"FirstConnected": {
"$date": 1522835868346
"LastUpdated": {
"$date": 1523360279908
"Timestamp": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"Value": 8888
Check for more details
If you're only looking for filtering by the nested '_id' property then you could use ARRAY_CONTAINS w/ the partial_match argument set to true. The query would look something like this:
WHERE ARRAY_CONTAINS(c.Variables, {_id: 99998}, true)
If you also want to flatten the array, then you could use JOIN
FROM v IN c.Variables
WHERE v._id = 99998

return all entity values from watson conversation dialog

I'm working with Watson Conversation, inside a dialog.
I want to return all values of one entity in an array context variables.
The following works
"context": {
"toppings_array":["#toppings[0]","#toppings[1]"] works.
I'd like to find a generic solution, such as
"context": {
The above sample sets the toppings_array value to the first element of the entity (e.g. #toppings[0]).
You can do the following:
"context": {
"toppings_array": "<? entities['toppings'] ?>"
You would end up with something like:
"entity": "toppings",
"location": [
"value": "pepperoni",
"confidence": 1
"entity": "toppings",
"location": [
"value": "sprinkles",
"confidence": 1
Just Use # Topping.values . It will return all the values in form of array in context variable.

How to add array of ids to entity that doesn't have them

I have my schema set up almost exactly how I want it in redux state, except I want to add an array of form ids to the formTemplate object.
It would look like this:
// Normalized Form Templates
1: {
id: '1',
isGlobal: true,
name: 'Form Template Name',
forms: [1, 2], // This is the line I want to add...but how?
// Normalized Forms
1: {
id: '1',
createdAt: '2016-12-28T23:30:13.547Z',
name: 'Form 1',
parentTemplate: '1',
pdfs: [1, 2],
2: {
id: '2',
createdAt: '2016-12-28T23:30:13.547Z',
name: 'Form 2',
parentTemplate: '1',
pdfs: [],
Here is my schema
import { schema } from 'normalizr'
const formTemplate = new schema.Entity('formTemplates', {}, {
processStrategy: value => ({
name: value.attributes.title,
isGlobal: value.attributes.is_global,
const form = new schema.Entity('forms', {
pdfs: [pdf],
}, {
processStrategy: value => ({
createdAt: value.attributes.created_at,
name: value.attributes.title,
parentTemplate: value.attributes.form_template_id,
pdfs: [],
const pdf = new schema.Entity('pdfs')
export default {
data: [form],
included: [formTemplate],
This is an example of the API response that I'm normalizing
"data": [
"id": "5",
"type": "provider_forms",
"attributes": {
"title": "Form 1",
"created_at": "2017-01-02T06:00:42.518Z",
"form_template_id": 1
"relationships": {
"form_template": {
"data": {
"id": "1",
"type": "form_templates"
"documents": {
"data": [ // some pdf data here ]
"included": [
"id": "1",
"type": "form_templates",
"attributes": {
"title": "Form Template",
"created_at": "2016-12-29T22:24:36.201Z",
"updated_at": "2017-01-02T06:00:20.205Z",
"is_global": true
You won't be able to do this with Normalizr because the form template entity has no context back to the forms entities. Your actions/reducer need to handle this.
Okay I figured out a way to do this. I changed my formTemplate entity to map them in manually like so:
const formTemplate = new schema.Entity('formTemplates', {}, {
processStrategy: (value, parent) => {
// eslint-disable-next-line eqeqeq
const childrenForms = => form.attributes.form_template_id ==
return {
name: value.attributes.title,
isGlobal: value.attributes.is_global,
forms: =>,
