Provide Support for WP Hooks in Custom Plugin - wordpress

Some wordpress captcha plugin use login_form hook to add their fields. Is it possible to provide support for login_form hook in my plugin's custom form? It means if someone use this hook to add their work it will reflect on my custom plugin's form so that i can get befefit from this.
Please help me :(

Yes, it's possible. For example, through ACF form fields that are saved in the database and can used to fetched for another query through get_post_meta. Check this out:


Elementor Pro Forms - Save Submission Hook

I am familiar with elementor forms new_record hook that I can work with and add some custom actions.
I am looking for a way to add some custom metadata to the save_to_database action elementor has, which saves the form submission in the DB. I have searched and have not found any specific hook that allows me to add custom metadata.
I would like to have on the new_record hook the submission id that was stored and then I can write my own query as needed.
Does anyone know of a way to get the submission id on this hook?

Advanced custom field with short codes

Can i display the data which are in the advanced custom fields using shortcodes without editing theme codes, in my web page front end. If the answer is yes, how can i do this? If not are there any methods to do that easily without deep coding knowledge.
chatGPT says yes but I couldn’t.
Yes, you can. There is an ACF shortcode. See here:
[acf field="field_name"]
You can also pass a post id to get the field of another post:
[acf field="field_name" post_id="123"]
However, this does not work for all field types. But there is a Wordpress plugin with which you can display the custom fields called ACF Views:

How to add text field in custom post without plugin and without using custom field

I'm new to WordPress and doesn't much about it. I am making property listing plugin for WordPress I want to add Price field/(numeric type)
.I don't want to use plugin and custom fields. I want the field as shown
You can use a metabox to add a new box to the Admin Frontend. If its done, you need a filter to handle the inputs value for the backend. For more detailed helped, you need to provide more informations about your plugin.

How to create Custom field in Custom Post-type

I've a custom post-type "video" and i enabled custom fields already.
i need to create three custom fields, 1. video file, 2. video url, 3. video code.
i tried couple of tutorials on tutsplus and other sites but not get working as i need.
anyone can help.
Wordpress has a built in api function, add_meta_box which you can use to output the form fields for your post meta. in the post_type argument you need to put 'video'
In order to capture the form input you need to use the save_post action, take a look here
Easiest way is to use a plugin like Advanced Custom Fields. You'll have a nice interface to add your custom fields and to choose on which post type to show them.

Validating Custom Field

How can I validate WordPress custom fields without using Javascript. I want to validate them using PHP and stop post creation on error.
You can do that using the hook save_post. There are lots of examples in WordPress Answers, check the results for +save_post +update_post_meta is:answer.
If it doesn't validate, use wp_die() and the post won't be saved.
