Woocommerce - Order Tracking Link - woocommerce

I want to include a 'check my order status' link in the thank you email. Woocommerce comes with a order tracking form, but the user has to input their order id and email. Is there a way to show the tracking page without going through the input form?
I know my accounts has a view order link, but that would only work if the user is registered.

Yes, you can show an order tracking link in your email. It is a bit convoluted way and will take some time. It is much easier to let the user input his information. This makes things a lot less complicated. But if you absolutely need the order tracking in the email, then,
Put this information somewhere other than your secured site,
Make sure you update this information regularly,
Take the ID of
this information from your database and make a GET endpoint(hoping
its a web application), such that it takes in the ID number of the
information and displays it,
This GET link needs to be embedded
into a HTML form/template which you are sending as the email
If you want the whole implementation, you need to specify the tech stack you are using and other details.

If you want to show one tracking page which page customers/users can search their order status without login, then you can use the plugin Order Tracker for WooCommerce
If you use the plugin then the user can check his/her order status without login/hassle free, and also you don't need to add any extra tracking number, user can search using their order ID and phone number.
you can use it the very easy way, like making a page template or using the [cbwct-order-tracker] shortcode, anytime anywhere, and it’s also working with ajax.
You can watch the video for the plugin documentation on how to use that plugin here is the
Video Tutorial


Place order button to automatically download

I'm new here and was directed to try this forum for my quandary with WooCommerce.
I’ve created downloadable products that are free. – I’m using Storefront WooCommerce Theme for WordPress.
– Before the download is available I would like the users information ie: email, name. I’m using the checkout page (place order) for this and bypassing the cart. So instead of collecting payment I’m collecting contact info. I have customized that page and buttons to only gather the information required for download.
– Once they enter the information they are able to download the file, but only from a different page (another click). I’d like download to automatically download on the place order button click.(I've changed the text to read: download specifications)
In summary:
– I would like to have the file download automatically without the place order summary page more of a thank you for your interest page.
Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Thank you again for any help you can give me.
I'm not sure why the negative votes, I thought this was a place to share and find answers.
I did a work-around which works for now. I may revisit this later. There are still 3 clicks but the flow is a lot nicer.
• I copied the woo thank you php check out template to my child theme and made some custom changes to eliminate the extra order information
• changed button title for smoother flow while still gather the user information in my order information.
• I can trim the template even more but that will take a while because the download function is attached to the order table which is actually the information I want to record.
• Then, I thought about attaching a form to the button at the single product page to capture the user info but that opens another can of worms in record keeping since it won’t populate the order table.
What I wanted to do requires lots of heavy lifting which will take some time for me to figure. If I come up with the answer to my original question I will share with the forum.

Filtering search using checkboxes

I have a form that allows users to search my website. The site has different sections, each one corresponding to a custom post type (it's based on Wordpress), so I've added a filter where the user can check in which of the sections they want to search.
How can I detect which checkboxes have been ticked so that when the results page is loaded they are correctly filtered? Can I do it with $_POST or do I need a cookie?
I'm sure this is pretty simple but I have little experience with forms and posting values, so I need a little direction. Thank you for your help!
The correct option is use GET. This way, filter options will be on url, being able to share, refresh and bookmark.
Also, WordPress already provide some GET filters (taxonomies).
WordPress recommends you to register your GET variables for security.

How to create a user input form with WordPress?

I'm completely new to the whole WordPress scene so I kind of don't know the "WordPress way" of doing the desired task:
Create a form where a user would fill in some details (such as name, surname, upload a video or post a youtube iframe link)
Submit it, once it's done - an admin must verify that everything has been filled out correctly and after that the video can be seen on the website.
Should I write a plugin of some sort that would do that or how does it happen?
Thank you.
The Gravity Forms plugin allows you to do exactly what you're looking to do. With it, you can set up a form that creates a post and sets it to be 'Pending Review' in WordPress. This tutorial contains everything you need to know about what you'll need to do.
If you want to create a Custom Post Type (ie. 'User Page') to better separate user submissions, you'll need to employ this special add-on (as mentioned in the tutorial above).

How to Send / Create Google Analytics Event for Wordpress User Registrations / Logins

This seems like it should be a rather important use case for GA events but I really couldn't find any instruction on the net.
I'd like to create an event for any new registrations on my Wordpress site. If I can append that to logins as well, even better but the former is more important.
I also use WooCommerce so I'd need to ensure registration through that code path is included as well.
I'm familiar enough with adding the GA event code, I'm just not sure where to place it in this instance. I feel as if this functionality should be baked into the platform or most plugins. Maybe it is.
I noticed the 'Google Analytics for Wordpress' plugin has a checkbox for adding tracking code to registration pages however I'm not sure what exactly that does on the GA side? Does it create events? Is this whole question therefore pointless?
Any help here is appreciated.
I noticed the 'Google Analytics for Wordpress' plugin has a checkbox for adding tracking code to registration pages however I'm not sure what exactly that does on the GA side? Does it create events? Is this whole question therefore pointless?
From what I remember, by checking that box you create a custom variable for Logged In Status. By creating a custom variable, you can then create segments off of that and look to see how logged in users use the site compared to non-logged in users.
However, if you simply want to track new registrations, you could add GA event tracking to the submit button when the user submits the registration form.
If I were you, I'd do both.
If there is a page they land on after registering then just register that page as a goal in GA. I get your intent behind registering it as an event, but it might be easier to just do it as a goal.

tracking users with google analytics after they leave my domain to make a purchase and come back

I would like to track where users originally came from when they make a purchase on my site so I know which keywords are more profitable and which websites are best for advertising.
an example is a user is on my site with my google analytics tracking code which has details of where they came from, and then decides to upgrade. they leave my domain to go to my biller (2checkout) complete the purchase and return to my thank you page.
I have transaction code and analytics code on my thank you page and the transactions are showing up with the correct product/amounts in GA however there is no other data and in my reports the referring url is always my biller or a credit card companies authorisation page.
i can manually connect which customer is which by saving their referring data when they first come to the site and then matching it up after they make a sale, but I would like it to show up in my google adwords / analytics account where it is easier to manipulate the data and see trends.
if anyone can help me with this annoying issue I would be vbery greatful, but I fear I may end up living off reports I create and then matching them up with adwords manually :/
One thing you can do is have a click event trigger a custom variable. When the user clicks on whatever link that takes them to your biller, have the custom variable trigger with the information you want to carry over (like the current page URL, some campaign name, whatever). Specify the custom variable's scope as Session or Visit so that it get associated with the thank you page.
An alternative is to do campaign tracking:
That is more or less the same principle as the first suggestion, but with using specified URL parameters. Depending on how your pages are actually coded, you may need to push a virtual page view with the campaign code(s):
