Which Claims should I use to map an ADFS user to GCIP - firebase

We have a SaaS product on the firebase platform, one of our customer asked us to provide a SSO experience to their users. They have an old ADFS as an IdP.
I though first to use Passport-Saml but then noticed that firebase auth could use Google Cloud Identity Platform for custom SAML IdP.
It worked pretty well and we got a user logged in first try. However, the user created in firebase is pretty empty.
Here is the user from the auth creation hook:
customClaims: {
disabled: false
displayName: null
email: null
emailVerified: false
metadata: {
creationTime: "2020-09-21T22:43:36Z"
lastSignInTime: "2020-09-21T22:43:36Z"
passwordHash: null
passwordSalt: null
phoneNumber: null
photoURL: null
providerData: [
0: {
providerId: "saml.xxxx"
uid: "xxxx"
tokensValidAfterTime: null
uid: "xxxx"
On the ADFS side, our customer has configured the claims to map LDAP as
E-mail-Addresses -> E-mail Address
SAM-Account-Name -> Name ID
If anyone has an idea on which SAML claim maps to firebase user attribute I would be very grateful, no luck in the doc.
I created the ServiceProvider.xml using saml tools
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<md:EntityDescriptor xmlns:md="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:metadata"
<md:SPSSODescriptor AuthnRequestsSigned="false" WantAssertionsSigned="false" protocolSupportEnumeration="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol">
<md:AssertionConsumerService Binding="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST"
index="1" />
And did a bit more testing using saml test which was a great sandbox

The answer is twofold:
The ServiceProvider.xml file needs to specify the nameid format as email address
And the claim mapping from ADFS needs to be
E-mail-Addresses -> Name ID


How to get Google refresh token with knpuniversity/oauth2-client-bundle?

I use knpuniversity/oauth2-client-bundle and league/oauth2-google to connect users in my Symfony 4 web app using a "Sign in with Google" feature. I followed this tuto. I registered my app in Google.
I set access_type: offline in the knpu.oauth2.client.google configuration (config/packages/knpu_oauth2_client.yaml file)
I try to get the user refresh token in my GoogleAuthenticator::getUser(League\OAuth2\Client\Token\AccessToken $credentials) method (which extends KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Security\Authenticator\SocialAuthenticator).
Unfortunately, $credentials->getRefreshToken() always returns null.
Why don't I get the user refresh token ?
As per documentation, "Refresh tokens are only provided to applications which request offline access". So, when instantiating the provider you need to set the accessType.
use League\OAuth2\Client\Provider\Google;
$provider = new Google([
'clientId' => '{google-client-id}',
'clientSecret' => '{google-client-secret}',
'redirectUri' => 'https://example.com/callback-url',
'accessType' => 'offline',
In knpu_oauth2_client configuration, you can do:
type: google
client_id: '%env(OAUTH_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID)%'
client_secret: '%env(OAUTH_GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET)%'
redirect_params: {}
access_type: offline

How to properly configure Amplify Analytics?

I need some help understanding how to configure AWS Pinpoint analytics in Amplify. I'm currently using Amplify for Auth and have it configured like this in my index.js file:
export const configureAmplify = () => {
Hub.listen('auth', data => handleAmplifyHubEvent(data))
Hub.listen('analytics', data => handleAmplifyHubEvent(data))
Auth: {
identityPoolId: "redacted",
region: "us-west-2",
userPoolId: "redacted",
userPoolWebClientId: "redacted",
mandatorySignIn: false,
cookieStorage: {
domain: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' ? "localhost" : "redacted",
path: '/',
expires: 1,
secure: false
To add Analytics, I started by adding this to my configureAmplify() function:
Analytics: {
disabled: false,
autoSessionRecord: true,
AWSPinpoint: {
appId: 'redacted',
region: 'us-east-1',
endpointId: `wgc-default`,
bufferSize: 1000,
flushInterval: 5000, // 5s
flushSize: 100,
resendLimit: 5
Upon user sign-in or refresh from cookie storage I called
address: user.attributes.email, // The unique identifier for the recipient. For example, an address could be a device token, email address, or mobile phone number.
attributes: {
channelType: 'EMAIL', // The channel type. Valid values: APNS, GCM
optOut: 'ALL',
userId: user.attributes.sub,
userAttributes: {
After doing this, it seems to me that the data in the Pinpoint console is not accurate. For example, there are currently 44 sessions displayed when no endpoint filter is applied. If I add an endpoint filter by userAttributes: userId then no matter which ID I select, it shows all 44 sessions associated with that user. I suspect that is because the EndpointID is established at startup, and is not changed by the updateEndpoint call.
I have also tried omitting the Analytics key when I initially configure Amplify, and then calling Analytics.configure() after the user is signed in. With this approach, I can construct a user-specific endpointId. However, I think that doing it this way will mean that I don't capture any of the Authentication events (sign-in, sign-up, auth failure), because Analytics is not configured until after they occur.
So my question is what is the proper timing for configuring Amplify Analytics? How can I accurately capture session, auth and custom events, AND uniquely identify them by user id?
It's not necessary to assign a custom endpoint id, amplify will handle it automatically and all events will be tracked per device. Instead, if you really need it, update the endpoint with the userId after sign-in.
The advantage of adding the userId is that all the endpointIds of a user are automatically associated to that userId, thus when you update a user's attribute, it will be synchronized across the endpoints.
As you are using Cognito, Amazon Cognito can add user IDs and attributes to your endpoints automatically. For the endpoint user ID value, Amazon Cognito assigns the sub value that's assigned to the user in the user pool. To learn about adding users with Amazon Cognito, see Using Amazon Pinpoint Analytics with Amazon Cognito User Pools in the Amazon Cognito Developer Guide.

Should firebase auth onCreate trigger have more data?

I'm using functions.auth.user().onCreate() as part of a firestore project, and trying to set up some default data when a new user registers. For the front end, I'm using firebase-ui, with Google and Email/Password providers enabled.
When I sign in with an email and password, the UI widget prompts to enter a name and set a password. I was expecting to see the name as part of the user parameter in the onCreate() function call, but I'm getting practically nothing:
user: { email: 'xxx#yyyy.co.uk',
emailVerified: false,
displayName: null,
photoURL: null,
phoneNumber: null,
disabled: false,
providerData: [],
customClaims: {},
passwordSalt: null,
passwordHash: null,
tokensValidAfterTime: null,
UserRecordMetadata {
creationTime: '2018-11-20T15:06:01Z',
lastSignInTime: '2018-11-20T15:06:01Z' },
uid: 'QDJ5OJTwbvNo2QNDVQV9VsxC2pz2',
toJSON: [Function] }
Not even getting the provider info so I can tell which 'kind' of user registered. It's almost like this function is triggered before the user record has been populated (except the email address does get through). Also, registrations via the Google provider come with a fully-populated user record, so I guess this is a problem with Email/Password specifically.
Is this a bug, or am I missing something? I didn't see anything else useful in the context parameter either.
The fact that displayName is not populated in the Cloud Functions onCreate trigger for email+password is expected. The function is triggered from the first API call (createUserWithEmailAndPassword()), while the display name is set with a second API call (updateProfile).
The usual workaround would be to create a Cloud Function to update the user profile, as shown here: Firebase Auth+Functions | create user with displayName
I also highly recommend filing a feature request to be able to have a Cloud Function triggered on profile changes.

how to use addCredential() function while authenticating

I have a custom user table for managing users.
connection: doctrine
tableName: user
type: string(50)
notnull: true
primary: true
type: string(100)
notnull: true
after user click login with login form, username and password is checked against the database. If it is matched the user is set as authenticated with below line of code..
Now how would I set the credential of the user using the following function? and is it necessary?
what are the values should be in argument of the above method? Please explain more about this.
It's up to you whether to use credentials or not. Credentials just unique strings cached in the session.
$this->getUser()->addCredentials(array('admin', 'user', 'chief', 'asd'));
// or
$this->getUser()->addCredentials('admin', 'user', 'chief', 'asd');
For mode examples look at the tests and/or the sfDoctrineGuardUser plugin.
You can use credentials to secure actions, but it's in the docs.

How can I create users server side in Meteor?

In the new Meteor auth branch how can I create users server side?
I see how to create them client side with the call to
[Client] Meteor.createUser(options, extra, callback)
But suppose I want to create a Meteor user collection record on startup?
For example, the Administrator account during startup/bootstrapping for an application?
On newer versions of meteor use
username: username,
email : email,
password : password,
profile : {
//publicly visible fields like firstname goes here
note: the password hash is generated automatically
On older versions of meteor use:
mrt add accounts-base
mrt add accounts-password
On some versions of meteor you cannot call SRP password salt generator as Steeve suggested, so try this:
2 - do Meteor.users.insert( )
var newUserId =
emails: ['peter#jones.com'],
profile : { fullname : 'peter' }
note: a user must have EITHER a username or an email address. I used email in this example.
3 - Finally set the password for the newly created account.
Accounts.setPassword(newUserId, 'newPassword');
Probably it's a well known fact now, but for the sake of completing this - there's a new server API for doing this on the auth branch. From the docs on auth:
" [Server] Meteor.createUser(options, extra) - Creates a user and
sends that user an email with a link to choose their initial password
and complete their account enrollment
options a hash containing: email (mandatory), username (optional)
extra: extra fields for the user object (eg name, etc). "
Please note the API is subject to change as it's not on the master branch yet.
For now this has been suggested in the meteor-core google group.
Meteor.users.insert({username: 'foo', emails: ['bar#example.com'], name: 'baz', services: {password: {srp: Meteor._srp.generateVerifier('password')}}});
It works. I tested it in during startup/boot strap.
I would not consider this the permanent or long term answer because I believe the auth branch is still in a great degree of change and I imagine the team behind Meteor will provide some kind of functionality for it.
So, do not depend on this as a long term answer.
At the moment, I believe you cannot. Running
Meteor.call('createUser', {username: "foo", password: "bar"});
comes close, but the implementation of createUser in passwords_server.js calls this.setUserId on success, and setUserId cannot be called on the server unless we're in a client-initiated method invocation (search for "Can't call setUserId on a server initiated method call" in livedata_server.js.
This does seem like something worth supporting. Perhaps the last three lines of createUser, which log the user in, should be controlled by a new boolean login option to the method? Then you could use
Meteor.call('createUser', {username: "foo", password: "bar", login: false});
in server bootstrap code.
I've confirmed that the following code in my server/seeds.js file works with the most recent version of Meteor (Release
if (Meteor.users.find().count() === 0) {
seedUserId = Accounts.createUser({
email: 'f#oo.com',
password: '123456'
Directory (or folder) of server means I'm running the code on the server. The filename seeds.js is completely arbitrary.
The official documentation now describes both the behavior for Accounts.createUser() when run on the client and when run on the server.
Working coffeescript example for Meteor version (server side):
userId = Accounts.createUser
username: 'user'
email: 'user#company.com'
password: 'password'
name: 'user name'
user = Meteor.users.findOne userId
I struggled for some time with this API getting 'User already exists' exception in working code before adding profiles.name to the options and exception disappeared.
reference: Accounts.createUser(options,[callback])
Create user from server side
// Server method
register: function(data) {
try {
console.log("Register User");
user = Accounts.createUser({
username: data.email,
email: data.email,
password: data.password,
profile: {
name: data.email,
createdOn: new Date(),
IsInternal: 0
return {
"userId": user
} catch (e) {
throw e;
// Client call method
Meteor.call('register',{email: "vxxxxx#xxxx.com",password: "123456"}, function(error, result){
