I'm trying to graph excess deaths for 2020 against confirmed covid-19 deaths.
I have 2 dataframes, one x_worldwide_weekly_deaths (covid-19) and the other containing excess deaths, I want to add an excess deaths column to x_worldwide_weekly_deaths and match by both ISO3 country code, and week number;
Not every country tracks excess deaths so I want those not within the original excess df to have an NA value
Likewise, not every country who track excess deaths are as up to date, some have 37 weeks of data, others might only have 24, so I want the NA values for the missing weeks also
Using the below, I've gotten halfway there, countries not on the original list have NA and those who are have a value, however it only uses the first value rather than changing total per week
x_worldwide_weekly_death_values["excess_2020"] <- excess_death_2020$DTotal[match(x_worldwide_weekly_death_values$ISO3,
Example of the data not in the original excess_death_2020 file which have had NA's added successfully
ISO3 administrative_~ population pop_density_km2 week_number weekly_deaths date excess_2020
<chr> <chr> <int> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <date> <dbl>
1 AFG Afghanistan 37172386 56.937760009803 1 0 2020-01-06 NA
2 AFG Afghanistan 37172386 56.937760009803 2 0 2020-01-13 NA
3 AFG Afghanistan 37172386 56.937760009803 3 0 2020-01-20 NA
dput() for the above:
structure(list(ISO3 = c("AFG", "AFG", "AFG"), administrative_area_level_1 = c("Afghanistan",
"Afghanistan", "Afghanistan"), population = c(37172386L, 37172386L,
37172386L), pop_density_km2 = c("56.937760009803", "56.937760009803",
"56.937760009803"), week_number = c(1, 2, 3), weekly_deaths = c(0,
0, 0), date = structure(c(18267, 18274, 18281), class = "Date"),
excess_2020 = c(NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_)), row.names = c(NA,
-3L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"))
Compared to Austria, where the week 1 value has been added to all cells
ISO3 administrative_a~ population pop_density_km2 week_number weekly_deaths date excess_2020
<chr> <chr> <int> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <date> <dbl>
1 AUT Austria 8840521 107.1279668605~ 1 0 2020-01-06 1610
2 AUT Austria 8840521 107.1279668605~ 2 0 2020-01-13 1610
3 AUT Austria 8840521 107.1279668605~ 3 0 2020-01-20 1610
dput() for the above:
structure(list(ISO3 = c("AUT", "AUT", "AUT"), administrative_area_level_1 = c("Austria",
"Austria", "Austria"), population = c(8840521L, 8840521L, 8840521L
), pop_density_km2 = c("107.127966860564", "107.127966860564",
"107.127966860564"), week_number = c(1, 2, 3), weekly_deaths = c(0,
0, 0), date = structure(c(18267, 18274, 18281), class = "Date"),
excess_2020 = c(1610, 1610, 1610)), row.names = c(NA, -3L
), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"))
Expected output for excess_2020 column would be the DTotal column figures associated to the Week number; Week 1 = 1610, Week 2 = 1702, Week 3 = 1797
ISO3 Year Week Sex D0_14 D15_64 D65_74 D75_84 D85p DTotal R0_14 R15_64 R65_74 R75_84 R85p
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 AUT 2020 1 b 1 220 221 481 687 1610 4.07e-5 0.00196 0.0134 0.0399 0.157
2 AUT 2020 2 b 8 231 261 490 712 1702 3.26e-4 0.00206 0.0158 0.0407 0.163
3 AUT 2020 3 b 12 223 272 537 753 1797 4.89e-4 0.00198 0.0165 0.0446 0.173
dput() for the above
structure(list(ISO3 = c("AUT", "AUT", "AUT"), Year = c(2020,
2020, 2020), Week = c(1, 2, 3), Sex = c("b", "b", "b"), D0_14 = c(1,
8, 12), D15_64 = c(220, 231, 223), D65_74 = c(221, 261, 272),
D75_84 = c(481, 490, 537), D85p = c(687, 712, 753), DTotal = c(1610,
1702, 1797), R0_14 = c(4.07296256273503e-05, 0.000325837005018803,
0.000488755507528204), R15_64 = c(0.00195783568851069, 0.00205572747293622,
0.00198453344789947), R65_74 = c(0.0133964529296798, 0.0158211502925177,
0.0164879420672982), R75_84 = c(0.0399495248686277, 0.0406970211759409,
0.044600613003021), R85p = c(0.157436284517545, 0.163165406952681,
0.172561167746305), RTotal = c(0.00948052042945739, 0.0100222644539978,
0.0105816740445559), Split = c(0, 0, 0), SplitSex = c(0,
0, 0), Forecast = c(1, 1, 1), date = structure(c(18267, 18274,
18281), class = "Date")), row.names = c(NA, -3L), class = c("tbl_df",
"tbl", "data.frame"))
I tried a few variations of the below with little success
x_worldwide_weekly_deaths["excess_2020"] <- excess_death_2020$DTotal[excess_death_2020$Week[match(x_worldwide_weekly_death_values$week_number
Should I not be using match() on multiple criteria or am I not formatting it correctly?
Really appreciate any help and suggestions!
dplyr is reaaly good/easy for this kind of thing. Here's a simplified example that achieves both of your goals (adding NA for countries that are not in the excess death data, and adding NA for weeks that are not in the excess death data)...
x_worldwide_weekly_death_values <-
~iso3c, ~week, ~covid_deaths,
"AFG", 1, 0,
"AFG", 2, 10,
"AFG", 3, 30,
"AFG", 4, 50,
"AUT", 1, 120,
"AUT", 2, 200,
"AUT", 3, 320,
"AUT", 4, 465,
"XXX", 1, 10,
"XXX", 2, 20,
"XXX", 3, 30,
"XXX", 4, 40,
excess_death_2020 <-
~iso3c, ~week, ~DTotal,
"AFG", 1, 0,
"AFG", 2, 0,
"AFG", 3, 0,
"AUT", 1, 1610,
"AUT", 2, 1702,
"AUT", 3, 1797,
x_worldwide_weekly_death_values %>%
left_join(excess_death_2020, by = c("iso3c", "week"))
#> # A tibble: 12 x 4
#> iso3c week covid_deaths DTotal
#> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 AFG 1 0 0
#> 2 AFG 2 10 0
#> 3 AFG 3 30 0
#> 4 AFG 4 50 NA
#> 5 AUT 1 120 1610
#> 6 AUT 2 200 1702
#> 7 AUT 3 320 1797
#> 8 AUT 4 465 NA
#> 9 XXX 1 10 NA
#> 10 XXX 2 20 NA
#> 11 XXX 3 30 NA
#> 12 XXX 4 40 NA
I repost here what I posted on stats exchange, having been told it was better suited for stack overflow. Here is the structure of my dataset for reproducibility :
structure(list(numero = c("133", "62", "75", "76", "86", "281"
), tranche_age = c("20-30", "20-30", "20-30", "20-30", "20-30",
"20-30"), tranche_anciennete = c("5 ans et moins", "5 à 10 ans",
"5 ans et moins", "5 ans et moins", "5 à 10 ans", "5 à 10 ans"
), code_statut = c("C", "E", "E", "E", "E", "E"), code_contrat = c("A",
"A", "A", "A", "A", "A"), taux_demploi_mois = c(100, 100, 100,
100, 100, 100), echelon = c("E1", NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), niveau = c("N7",
NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), brut_mensuel = c(NA, 786.13, 1156.95, 1156.95,
904.79, 904.79), estimation_annuelle = c(NA, 10219.69, 15040.35,
15040.35, 11762.27, 11762.27), annee = c(2017, 2017, 2017, 2017,
2017, 2017), primes_en_montant = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), primes_en_pourcentage =
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_), brut_mensuel_ETP = c(NA,
786.13, 1156.95, 1156.95, 904.79, 904.79)), row.names = c(NA, -6L), class = c("tbl_df",
"tbl", "data.frame"))
Each worker is identified with one number ("numero"), which doesn't change from year to year. I would like to compute a new variable, to add to this dataframe, representing the evolution of the "estimation_annuelle" (which is the yearly wage) of each worker, from year to year (from 2017 to 2021), and then the average annual growth rate over the 5 years. Then, I would like to view those who have less than a 2% raise on one year (2017-2018 for example), and see whether it has been caught up in the following years or no (that is, if one's wage has increased by less than 2% between 2017 and 2018, if the wage increased one had between 2018 and 2019 compensated, and by how much, the insufficient raise on the previous yearly period).
I have tried a code to compute the variable evolution from year to year, which doesn't work :
test <- liste_complete %>%
group_by(annee, numero) %>%
select(numero, annee, estimation_annuelle)%>%
for(i in 1:length(test$estimation_annuelle)) {
print((test[i+1,] - test[i,])/test[i,])
And I have not found anything to compute the average annual growth rate (here is the formula : https://investinganswers.com/dictionary/a/average-annual-growth-rate-aagr), nor computed whether the insufficient increase for those who are concerned has been made up for in the following years.
Could anyone help ?
We can use a summarise then a match.
df$annee <- c(2017, 2017, 2018,2018, 2019,2019)
df$brut_mensuel[1] <- 11000
# first, summarise
summary <- df %>% select(numero, annee, estimation_annuelle, brut_mensuel) %>%
group_by(annee) %>% summarise(estimation_annuelle=mean(brut_mensuel)) %>% arrange(annee) %>%
mutate(salaire_annee_prec = lag(estimation_annuelle),
# matching
df$variation_annee_prec <- summary$variation_annee_precedente[match(df$annee,summary$annee)]
# A tibble: 6 x 15
numero tranche_age tranche_anciennete code_statut code_contrat taux_demploi_mois echelon niveau brut_mensuel estimation_annuelle annee primes_en_montant
<chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 133 20-30 5 ans et moins C A 100 E1 N7 11000 NA 2017 0
2 62 20-30 5 à 10 ans E A 100 NA NA 786. 10220. 2017 0
3 75 20-30 5 ans et moins E A 100 NA NA 1157. 15040. 2018 0
4 76 20-30 5 ans et moins E A 100 NA NA 1157. 15040. 2018 0
5 86 20-30 5 à 10 ans E A 100 NA NA 905. 11762. 2019 0
6 281 20-30 5 à 10 ans E A 100 NA NA 905. 11762. 2019 0
primes_en_pourcentage brut_mensuel_ETP variation_annee_prec
<dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
2 NA 786. NA
3 NA 1157. -0.804
4 NA 1157. -0.804
5 NA 905. -0.218
6 NA 905. -0.218
I want to calculate the weighted variance using the weights provided in the dataset, while group for the countries and cities, however the function returns NAs:
library(Hmisc) #for the 'wtd.var' function
weather_winter.std<-weather_winter %>%
group_by(country, capital_city) %>%
The provided output from the console (when in long format):
# A tibble: 35 x 3
# Groups: country [35]
country capital_city winter
<chr> <chr> <dbl>
3 BELGIUM Brussels NA
6 CYPRUS Nicosia NA
8 DENMARK Copenhagen NA
9 ESTONIA Tallinn NA
10 FINLAND Helsinki NA
# … with 25 more rows
This is the code that I used to get the data from a wide format into a long format:
weather_winter <- weather_winter %>% pivot_longer(-c(31:33))
weather_winter$name <- NULL
names(weather_winter)[4] <- "winter"
Some example data:
structure(list(`dec-wet_2011` = c(12.6199998855591, 12.6099996566772,
14.75, 11.6899995803833, 18.2899990081787), `dec-wet_2012` = c(13.6300001144409,
14.2199993133545, 14.2299995422363, 16.1000003814697, 18.0299987792969
), `dec-wet_2013` = c(4.67999982833862, 5.17000007629395, 4.86999988555908,
7.56999969482422, 5.96000003814697), `dec-wet_2014` = c(14.2999992370605,
14.4799995422363, 13.9799995422363, 15.1499996185303, 16.1599998474121
), `dec-wet_2015` = c(0.429999977350235, 0.329999983310699, 1.92999994754791,
3.30999994277954, 7.42999982833862), `dec-wet_2016` = c(1.75,
1.29999995231628, 3.25999999046326, 6.60999965667725, 8.67999935150146
), `dec-wet_2017` = c(13.3400001525879, 13.3499994277954, 15.960000038147,
10.6599998474121, 14.4699993133545), `dec-wet_2018` = c(12.210000038147,
12.4399995803833, 11.1799993515015, 10.75, 18.6299991607666),
`dec-wet_2019` = c(12.7199993133545, 13.3800001144409, 13.9899997711182,
10.5299997329712, 12.3099994659424), `dec-wet_2020` = c(15.539999961853,
16.5200004577637, 11.1799993515015, 14.7299995422363, 13.5499992370605
), `jan-wet_2011` = c(8.01999950408936, 7.83999967575073,
10.2199993133545, 13.8899993896484, 14.5299997329712), `jan-wet_2012` = c(11.5999994277954,
11.1300001144409, 12.5500001907349, 10.1700000762939, 22.6199989318848
), `jan-wet_2013` = c(17.5, 17.4099998474121, 15.5599994659424,
13.3199996948242, 20.9099998474121), `jan-wet_2014` = c(12.5099992752075,
12.2299995422363, 15.210000038147, 9.73999977111816, 9.63000011444092
), `jan-wet_2015` = c(17.6900005340576, 16.9799995422363,
11.75, 9.9399995803833, 19), `jan-wet_2016` = c(15.6099996566772,
15.5, 14.5099992752075, 10.3899993896484, 18.4499988555908
), `jan-wet_2017` = c(9.17000007629395, 9.61999988555908,
9.30999946594238, 15.8499994277954, 11.210000038147), `jan-wet_2018` = c(8.55999946594238,
9.10999965667725, 13.2599992752075, 9.85999965667725, 15.8899993896484
), `jan-wet_2019` = c(17.0699996948242, 16.8699989318848,
14.5699996948242, 19.0100002288818, 19.4699993133545), `jan-wet_2020` = c(6.75999975204468,
6.25999975204468, 6.00999975204468, 5.35999965667725, 8.15999984741211
), `feb-wet_2011` = c(9.1899995803833, 8.63999938964844,
6.21999979019165, 9.82999992370605, 4.67999982833862), `feb-wet_2012` = c(12.2699995040894,
11.6899995803833, 8.27999973297119, 14.9399995803833, 13.0499992370605
), `feb-wet_2013` = c(15.3599996566772, 15.9099998474121,
17.0599994659424, 13.3599996566772, 16.75), `feb-wet_2014` = c(10.1999998092651,
11.1399993896484, 13.8599996566772, 10.7399997711182, 7.35999965667725
), `feb-wet_2015` = c(11.9200000762939, 12.2699995040894,
8.01000022888184, 14.5299997329712, 5.71999979019165), `feb-wet_2016` = c(14.6999998092651,
14.7799997329712, 16.7899990081787, 4.90000009536743, 19.3500003814697
), `feb-wet_2017` = c(8.98999977111816, 9.17999935150146,
11.7699995040894, 6.3899998664856, 13.9899997711182), `feb-wet_2018` = c(16.75,
16.8599987030029, 12.0599994659424, 16.1900005340576, 8.51000022888184
), `feb-wet_2019` = c(7.58999967575073, 7.26999998092651,
8.21000003814697, 7.57999992370605, 8.81999969482422), `feb-wet_2020` = c(10.6399993896484,
10.4399995803833, 13.4399995803833, 8.53999996185303, 19.939998626709
), country = c("SERBIA", "SERBIA", "SLOVENIA", "GREECE",
"CZECHIA"), capital_city = c("Belgrade", "Belgrade", "Ljubljana",
"Athens", "Prague"), weight = c(20.25, 19.75, 14.25, 23.75,
14.25)), row.names = c(76L, 75L, 83L, 16L, 5L), class = "data.frame")
Your code seems to provide the right answer, now there's more data:
# Groups: country [4]
country capital_city winter
<chr> <chr> <dbl>
1 CZECHIA Prague 27.2
2 GREECE Athens 14.6
3 SERBIA Belgrade 19.1
4 SLOVENIA Ljubljana 16.3
Is this what you were looking for?
I took the liberty of streamlining your code:
weather_winter <- weather_winter %>%
pivot_longer(-c(31:33), values_to = "winter") %>%
weather_winter.std <- weather_winter %>%
group_by(country, capital_city) %>%
summarise(winter = wtd.var(winter))
With only one "winter" column, there's no need for the across().
Finally, you are not using the weights. If these are needed, then change the last line to:
summarise(winter = wtd.var(winter, weights = weight))
To give:
# A tibble: 4 x 3
# Groups: country [4]
country capital_city winter
<chr> <chr> <dbl>
1 CZECHIA Prague 26.3
2 GREECE Athens 14.2
3 SERBIA Belgrade 18.8
4 SLOVENIA Ljubljana 15.8
I have two datasets on the same 2 patients. With the second dataset I want to add new information to the first, but I can't seem to get the code right.
My first (incomplete) dataset has a patient ID, measurement time (either T0 or FU1), year of birth, date of the CT scan, and two outcomes (legs_mass and total_mass):
df1 <- structure(list(ID = c(115, 115, 370, 370), time = structure(c(1L,
6L, 1L, 6L), .Label = c("T0", "T1M0", "T1M6", "T1M12", "T2M0",
"FU1"), class = "factor"), year_of_birth = c(1970, 1970, 1961,
1961), date_ct = structure(c(16651, 17842, 16651, 18535), class = "Date"),
legs_mass = c(9.1, NA, NA, NA), total_mass = c(14.5, NA,
NA, NA)), row.names = c(NA, -4L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl",
# Which gives the following dataframe
# A tibble: 4 x 6
ID time year_of_birth date_ct legs_mass total_mass
<dbl> <fct> <dbl> <date> <dbl> <dbl>
1 115 T0 1970 2015-08-04 9.1 14.5
2 115 FU1 1970 2018-11-07 NA NA
3 370 T0 1961 2015-08-04 NA NA
4 370 FU1 1961 2020-09-30 NA NA
The second dataset adds to the legs_mass and total_mass columns:
df2 <- structure(list(ID = c(115, 370), date_ct = structure(c(17842,
18535), class = "Date"), ctscan_label = c("PXE115_CT_20181107_xxxxx-3.tif",
"PXE370_CT_20200930_xxxxx-403.tif"), legs_mass = c(956.1, 21.3
), total_mass = c(1015.9, 21.3)), row.names = c(NA, -2L), class = c("tbl_df",
"tbl", "data.frame"))
# Which gives the following dataframe:
# A tibble: 2 x 5
ID date_ct ctscan_label legs_mass total_mass
<dbl> <date> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
1 115 2018-11-07 PXE115_CT_20181107_xxxxx-3.tif 956. 1016.
2 370 2020-09-30 PXE370_CT_20200930_xxxxx-403.tif 21.3 21.3
What I am trying to do, is...
Add the legs_mass and total_mass column values from df2 to df1, based on ID number and date_ct.
Add the new columns of df2 (the one that is not in df1; ctscan_label) to df1, also based on the date of the ct and patient ID.
So that the final dataset df3 looks as follows:
df3 <- structure(list(ID = c(115, 115, 370, 370), time = structure(c(1L,
6L, 1L, 6L), .Label = c("T0", "T1M0", "T1M6", "T1M12", "T2M0",
"FU1"), class = "factor"), year_of_birth = c(1970, 1970, 1961,
1961), date_ct = structure(c(16651, 17842, 16651, 18535), class = "Date"),
legs_mass = c(9.1, 956.1, NA, 21.3), total_mass = c(14.5,
1015.9, NA, 21.3)), row.names = c(NA, -4L), class = c("tbl_df",
"tbl", "data.frame"))
# Corresponding to the following tibble:
# A tibble: 4 x 6
ID time year_of_birth date_ct legs_mass total_mass
<dbl> <fct> <dbl> <date> <dbl> <dbl>
1 115 T0 1970 2015-08-04 9.1 14.5
2 115 FU1 1970 2018-11-07 956. 1016.
3 370 T0 1961 2015-08-04 NA NA
4 370 FU1 1961 2020-09-30 21.3 21.3
I have tried the merge function and rbind from baseR, and bind_rows from dplyr but can't seem to get it right.
Any help?
You can join the two datasets and use coalesce to keep one non-NA value from the two datasets.
left_join(df1, df2, by = c("ID", "date_ct")) %>%
mutate(leg_mass = coalesce(legs_mass.x , legs_mass.y),
total_mass = coalesce(total_mass.x, total_mass.y)) %>%
select(-matches('\\.x|\\.y'), -ctscan_label)
# ID time year_of_birth date_ct leg_mass total_mass
# <dbl> <fct> <dbl> <date> <dbl> <dbl>
#1 115 T0 1970 2015-08-04 9.1 14.5
#2 115 FU1 1970 2018-11-07 956. 1016.
#3 370 T0 1961 2015-08-04 NA NA
#4 370 FU1 1961 2020-09-30 21.3 21.3
We can use data.table methods
setDT(df1)[setDT(df2), c("legs_mass", "total_mass") :=
.(fcoalesce(legs_mass, i.legs_mass),
fcoalesce(total_mass, i.total_mass)), on = .(ID, date_ct)]
ID time year_of_birth date_ct legs_mass total_mass
1: 115 T0 1970 2015-08-04 9.1 14.5
2: 115 FU1 1970 2018-11-07 956.1 1015.9
3: 370 T0 1961 2015-08-04 NA NA
4: 370 FU1 1961 2020-09-30 21.3 21.3
I would like to transform my data from long format to wide by the values in two columns. How can I do this using tidyverse?
Updated dput
structure(list(Country = c("Algeria", "Benin", "Ghana", "Algeria",
"Benin", "Ghana", "Algeria", "Benin", "Ghana"
), Indicator = c("Indicator 1",
"Indicator 1",
"Indicator 1",
"Indicator 2",
"Indicator 2",
"Indicator 2",
"Indicator 3",
"Indicator 3",
"Indicator 3"
), Status = c("Actual", "Forecast", "Target", "Actual", "Forecast",
"Target", "Actual", "Forecast", "Target"), Value = c(34, 15, 5,
28, 5, 2, 43, 5,
1)), row.names
= c(NA, -9L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"))
Country Indicator Status Value
<chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
1 Algeria Indicator 1 Actual 34
2 Benin Indicator 1 Forecast 15
3 Ghana Indicator 1 Target 5
4 Algeria Indicator 2 Actual 28
5 Benin Indicator 2 Forecast 5
6 Ghana Indicator 2 Target 2
7 Algeria Indicator 3 Actual 43
8 Benin Indicator 3 Forecast 5
9 Ghana Indicator 3 Target 1
Expected output
Country Indicator1_Actual Indicator1_Forecast Indicator1_Target Indicator2_Actual
Algeria 34 15 5 28
Appreciate any tips!
foo <- data %>% pivot_wider(names_from = c("Indicator","Status"), values_from = "Value")
works perfectly!
I think the mistake is in your pivot_wider() command
data %>% pivot_wider(names_from = Indicator, values_from = c(Indicator, Status))
I bet you can't use the same column for both names and values.
Try this code
data %>% pivot_wider(names_from = c(Indicator, Status), values_from = Value))
Explanation: Since you want the column names to be Indicator 1_Actual, you need both columns indicator and status going into your names_from
It would be helpful if you provided example data and expected output. But I tested this on my dummy data and it gives the expected output -
# A tibble: 4 x 4
a1 a2 a3 a4
<int> <int> <chr> <dbl>
1 1 5 s 10
2 2 4 s 20
3 3 3 n 30
4 4 2 n 40
Call : a %>% pivot_wider(names_from = c(a2, a3), values_from = a4)
Output :
# A tibble: 4 x 5
a1 `5_s` `4_s` `3_n` `2_n`
<int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 1 10 NA NA NA
2 2 NA 20 NA NA
3 3 NA NA 30 NA
4 4 NA NA NA 40
Data here if you want to reproduce
structure(list(a1 = 1:4, a2 = 5:2, a3 = c("s", "s", "n", "n"),
a4 = c(10, 20, 30, 40)), row.names = c(NA, -4L), class = c("tbl_df",
"tbl", "data.frame"))
Edit : For the edited question after trying out the correct pivot_wider() command - It looks like your data could actually have duplicates, in which case the output you are seeing would make sense - I would suggest you try to figure out if your data actually has duplicates by using filter(Country == .., Indicator == .., Status == ..)
This can be achieved by calling both your columns to pivot wider in the names_from argument in pivot_wider().
data %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = c("Indicator","Status"),
values_from = "Value")
Country `Indicator 1_Ac… `Indicator 1_Fo… `Indicator 1_Ta… `Indicator 2_Ac… `Indicator 2_Fo…
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 Algeria 34 15 5 28 5
This is an excerpt of my dataset:
check = structure(list(currency = c("AED", "ATS", "AUD", "BEF", "BND",
"CAD"), year = c(2005, 2005, 2005, 2005, 2005, 2005), value = c(0,
0, 14628, 0, 27, 1604), month = c("1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1"
), quarter = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)), row.names = c(NA, 6L), class = "data.frame")
Running this code:
check2 = check %>% group_by(currency) %>% mutate(sum = sum(value))
gives me
currency year value month quarter sum
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
1 AED 2005 0 1 1 16259
2 ATS 2005 0 1 1 16259
3 AUD 2005 14628 1 1 16259
4 BEF 2005 0 1 1 16259
5 BND 2005 27 1 1 16259
6 CAD 2005 1604 1 1 16259
Shouldn't it give me a different value for each currency? When I tried to group by different combinations of variables, it gives me the same value 16259. Could someone point out where I did it wrong? Thank you.