Generated token from "useradd" operation does not work - mesibo

I've been told by support to write here, so:
I'm using the "useradd" endpoint to add users for my app. However, after the user is successfully created, the token I'm getting does not actually work.
Weirdly enough I can see it in the dashboard, but shortly after I try using it on the client JS code, it disappears from there.
Seems like some sort of weird bug to me, but not sure. 🤷‍♂️
Also: When I either regenerate the token on the dashboard by hand before trying it, or add it after it disappears, that one would work.

Post your code and how you are generating token. Whatever unique string you use for generating token MUST also be used when you call setAppName
Read tutorials here

Turns out if was because the backend normalises whatever app id I use.
So "GoneWithTheWind" becomes "gonewiththewind", and hence if you use "GoneWithTheWind" in the JS setAppName call, it won't work.
(And your token will disappear for some reason as well.)
Leading- and trailing whitespaces are stripped as well.
Also, numeric "app id" is fine, just make sure that it's used as a string in the JS code, so for example: setAppName("4567").


Symfony PHPUnit integration test not able to check full body text

My use case is simple: I am sending text emails, i am trying to make integrations tests in order to check the full text body of the message, please note I don't want to check if message contain a string, i am looking for format and structure. No fancy check since it is just text.
The current public API, as in documentation, and as I see in code allows me to check only whether the message contains a string assertEmailTextBodyContains().
I did read:, from MailerAssertionsTrait can only get a RawMessage, i tried, but did not get a strait way to wrap it within an Email.
What am I missing?
Is there any technical/non technical issue preventing to have such Constraint implemented?
Something like: assertEmailTextBodySameAs() for example.
Just for the sake of documentation.
After informing my self more, i realise that in my ignorance i was looking for an idiomatic syntax in the MailerAssertionsTrait instead what i needed was just to use the IsIdentical constraint from phpunit.
$this->assertThat($email->getTextBody(), new IsIdentical($expectedText), 'Mail body are not the same');
Why such assertion is not built in in trait i did assume it is just to keep it simple allowing others like me to extend later on easily, it is just an speculation though.

Identifying obfuscation/encription method

I have following string:
It's a query parameter generated by form on a page. (This is done server-side in We are able to submit this form programatically and get the string we need (it just leads to a detail page of an object [realworld parcel/building, publicly accessible]) and redirect our user to it. However I would like to know, if there is a way to decrypt/deobfuscate this string to know what it contains and if we could possibly just generate these without going through the form (it's a multi step form).
The string also has some sort of expiration, so I sadly cannot provide a link to the result page, as it would stop working after like 10 minutes or so.
It feels a bit like it's base64, but after trying to run it through base64 -d, it says it's invalid.
It's likely base64 with + and / replaced with - and _ to make it more browser-friendly.
Though even if it's base64-encoded, it may just be a completely random key. You won't nessesarily be able to decode it to something readable.

Paw app query request

Hi I am attempting to initiate a query to my backend on Kinvey which is backed by a MongoDB. They require passing URL parameters as such:
I have tried every imaginable way of setting up these parameters in PAW but either get a success response with no filtering of the data or an error message of URL not supported when I try using a Raw Query String.
I have ran the query using their (Kinvey) backend API interface and it works fine in filtering the results so the problem definitely lies within PAW. I am currently using version 3.0.9. Any suggestions or is this just a bug that needs to be fixed?
I've just tried this setup in Paw and I have a few recommendations:
Paw will URL-encode the chars { and " as you can see if you open the HTTP preview in the bottom panel
Trying to send a similar query via Chrome (to test with another app to make sure Paw behaves correctly), I see that the query is URL encoded (try this query{"firstName":"James"} you'll see that the browser actually URL-encodes the characters { and " when sending. So the behavior is the same with Paw.
I don't think these two chars ({ and ") are valid HTTP if they are not URL-encoded, so I'm sure your server is expecting them encoded anyway
Testing this exact query in Paw, works for me, so please try these exact steps: go to URL Params, in the first column enter query and {"firstName":"James"} in the second column. Then using the HTTP preview mentioned above, make sure Paw is sending the request you're expecting.
Lastly, it's more like a tip, but as your value is JSON, I recommend that you use the JSON dynamic value to generate the JSON. It will be visually better for you, and will make sure you send valid JSON. For that, right click on the value field, and select Values > JSON. Here's some example:

how to create this nonce?

I need a bit of help understanding what this means:
Required argument
nonce - available from the get_nonce method (call with vars controller=posts >and method=create_post)
How should I create that nonce?
I'm trying:
wp_nonce_field( 'posts', 'create_post' );
Note that you don't have to use the wordpress nonce functionality directly, instead use Json Api's given method in the post controller.
You may try the solution of bbottema
First you need a nonce (Number used ONCE), which is a temporary key you'll use to be able to invoke the API with:
This gives you a nonce number (be sure to use &callback=? as it marks the content as jsonp, or you'll get a similar -but invalid- nonce).
Then use this nonce to create a post:'+nonce+'&title='+title+'&content='+content+'&status=publish (or draft, or leave it out altogether)
Make sure you have the 'posts' controller enabled in your wordpress plugin JSon API settings. Check this manual for what JSon data structures you can expect back from these calls.
Now, here's the tricky part: you need to be already logged into the wordpress site, because with this JSon API, you can't log in. I haven't figured that part out yet, so I'm still looking for a good solution myself. I tried manually posting and also width ajax but with limited results considering I'm missing a WordPress test cookie in my headers (at least this is the main difference I see when logging in from the site and doing it manually)
JSON API USER Does not work, it will only work if you are logged in to the website with an account of ADMIN ROLE!.. otherwise it won't create valid nonce

How secured is the simple use of addslashes() and stripslashes() to code contents?

Making an ad manager plugin for WordPress, so the advertisement code can be almost anything, from good code to dirty, even evil.
I'm using simple sanitization like:
$get_content = '<script>/*code to destroy the site*/</script>';
//insert into db
$sanitized_code = addslashes( $get_content );
When viewing:
$fetched_data = /*slashed code*/;
//show as it's inserted
echo stripslashes( $fetched_data );
I'm avoiding base64_encode() and base64_decode() as I learned their performance is a bit slow.
Is that enough?
if not, what else I should ensure to protect the site and/or db from evil attack using bad ad code?
I'd love to get your explanation why you are suggestion something - it'll help deciding me the right thing in future too. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
addslashes then removeslashes is a round trip. You are echoing the original string exactly as it was submitted to you, so you are not protected at all from anything. '<script>/*code to destroy the site*/</script>' will be output exactly as-is to your web page, allowing your advertisers to do whatever they like in your web page's security context.
Normally when including submitted content in a web page, you should be using htmlspecialchars so that everything comes out as plain text and < just means a less then sign.
If you want an advertiser to be able to include markup, but not dangerous constructs like <script> then you need to parse the HTML, only allowing tags and attributes you know to be safe. This is complicated and difficult. Use an existing library such as HTMLPurifier to do it.
If you want an advertiser to be able to include markup with scripts, then you should put them in an iframe served from a different domain name, so they can't touch what's in your own page. Ads are usually done this way.
I don't know what you're hoping to do with addslashes. It is not the correct form of escaping for any particular injection context and it doesn't even remove difficult characters. There is almost never any reason to use it.
If you are using it on string content to build a SQL query containing that content then STOP, this isn't the proper way to do that and you will also be mangling your strings. Use parameterised queries to put data in the database. (And if you really can't, the correct string literal escape function would be mysql_real_escape_string or other similarly-named functions for different databases.)
