Procedural way to generate signal combinations and their output in r - r

I have been continuing to learn r to transition away from excel and I am wondering what the best way to approach the following problem is, or at least what tools are available to me:
I have a large data set (100K+ rows) and several columns that I could generate a signal off of and each value in the vectors can range between 0 and 3.
sig1 sig2 sig3 sig4
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
1 0 1 1
1 0 1 1
0 0 1 1
0 1 2 2
0 1 2 2
0 1 1 2
0 1 1 2
I want to generate composite signals using the state of each cell in the four columns then see what each of the composite signals tell me about the returns in a time series. For this question the scope is only generating the combinations.
So for example, one composite signal would be when all four cells in the vectors = 0. I could generate a new column that reads TRUE when that case is true and false in each other case, then go on to figure out how that effects the returns from the rest of the data frame.
The thing is I want to check all combinations of the four columns, so 0000, 0001, 0002, 0003 and on and on, which is quite a few. With the extent of my knowledge of r, I only know how to do that by using mutate() for each combination and explicitly entering the condition to check. I assume there is a better way to do this, but I haven't found it yet.
Thanks for the help!

I think that you could paste the columns together to get unique combinations, then just turn this to dummy variables:
# Create sample data
data <- data.frame(sig1 = c(1,1,1,1,0,0,0),
sig2 = c(1,1,0,0,0,1,1),
sig3 = c(2,2,0,1,1,2,1))
# Paste together
data <- data %>% mutate(sig_tot = paste0(sig1,sig2,sig3))
# Generate dummmies
data <- cbind(data, dummy(data$sig_tot, sep = "_"))
# Turn to logical if needed
data <- data %>% mutate_at(vars(contains("data_")), as.logical)


table() function does not convert data frame correctly

I am trying to convert a data.frame to table without packages. Basically I take cookbook as reference for this and tried from data frame, both named or unnamed vectors. The data set is stackoverflow survey from kaggle.
moreThan1000 is a data.frame stores countries those have more than 1000 stackoverflow user and sorted by number column as shown below:
moreThan1000 <- subset(users, users$Number >1000)
moreThan1000 <- moreThan1000[order(moreThan1000$Number),]
when I try to convert it to a table like
tbl <- table(moreThan1000)
tbl <- table(moreThan1000$Country, moreThan1000$Number)
tbl <- table(moreThan1000$Country, moreThan1000$Number, dnn = c("Country","Number"))
after each attempt my conversion look like this:
Why moreThan1000 data.frame do not send just related countries but all countries to table? It seems to me conversion looks like a matrix.
I believe that this is because countries do not relate to each other. To each country corresponds a number, to another country will correspond an unrelated number. So the best way to reflect this is the original data.frame, not a table that will have just one 1 per row (unless two countries have the very same number of stackoverflow users). I haven't downloaded the dataset you're using, but look to what happens with a fake dataset, order by number just like your moreThan1000.
dat <- data.frame(A = letters[1:5], X = 21:25)
table(dat$A, dat$X)
21 22 23 24 25
a 1 0 0 0 0
b 0 1 0 0 0
c 0 0 1 0 0
d 0 0 0 1 0
e 0 0 0 0 1
Why would you expect anything different from your dataset?
The function "table" is used to tabulate your data.
So it will count how often every value occurs (in the "number"column!). In your case, every number only occurs once, so don't use this function here. It's working correctly, but it's not what you need.
Your data is already a tabulation, no need to count frequencies again.
You can check if there is an object conversion function, I guess you are looking for a function as.table rather than table.

How to determine the uniqueness of each column values in its own dynamic range?

Assuming my dataframe has one column, I wish to add another column to indicate if my ith element is unique within the first i elements. The results I want is:
c1 c2
1 1
2 1
3 1
2 0
1 0
For example, 1 is unique in {1}, 2 is unique in {1,2}, 3 is unique in {1,2,3}, 2 is not unique in {1,2,3,2}, 1 is not unique in {1,2,3,2,1}.
Here is my code, but is runs extremely slow given I have nearly 1 million rows.
for(i in 1:nrow(df)){
k <- sum(df$C1[1:i]==df$C1[i]))
Is there a quicker way of achieving this?
The following works:
x$c2 = as.numeric(! duplicated(x$c1))
Or, if you prefer more explicit code (I do, but it’s slower in this case):
x$c2 = ifelse(duplicated(x$c1), 0, 1)

Mutate Cumsum with Previous Row Value

I am trying to run a cumsum on a data frame on two separate columns. They are essentially tabulation of events for two different variables. Only one variable can have an event recorded per row in the data frame. The way I attacked the problem was to create a new variable, holding the value ‘1’, and create two new columns to sum the variables totals. This works fine, and I can get the correct total amount of occurrences, but the problem I am having is that in my current ifelse statement, if the event recorded is for variable “A”, then variable “B” is assigned 0. But, for every row, I want to have the previous variable’s value assigned to the current row, so that I don’t end up with gaps where it goes from 1 to 2, to 0, to 3.
I don't want to run summarize on this either, I would prefer to keep each recorded instance and run new columns through mutate.
Event Value Variable Total.A Total.B
1 1 A 1 0
2 1 A 2 0
3 1 B 0 1
4 1 A 3 0
Event Value Variable Total.A Total.B
1 1 A 1 0
2 1 A 2 0
3 1 B 2 1
4 1 A 3 1
You can use the property of booleans that you can sum them as ones and zeroes. Therefore, you can use the cumsum-function:
DF$Total.A <- cumsum(DF$variable=="A")
Or as a more general approach, provided by #Frank you can do:
uv = unique(as.character(DF$Variable))
DF[, paste0("Total.",uv)] <- lapply(uv, function(x) cumsum(DF$V == x))
If you have many levels to your factor, you can get this in one line by dummy coding and then cumsuming the matrix.
X <- model.matrix(~Variable+0, DF)
apply(X, 2, cumsum)

transpose row to column in R using qdap

I have been using the wfm function in "qdap" package for transposing the text row values into columns and ran into problem when the data contains numbers along with text. For example if the row value is "abcdef" the transpose works fine but if the value is "ab1000" then the truncation of numbers happen. Can anyone help with suggestions on how to work around this?
Approach tried so far:
input <- read.table(header=F, text="101 ab0003
101 pp6500
102 sm2456")
colnames(input) <- c("id","channel")
output <- t(with(input, wfm(channel, id)))
output <-
expected_output<- read.table(header=F,text="1 1 0
0 0 1")
colnames(expected_output) <- c("ab0003","pp6500", "sm2456")
I think maybe wfm isn't the right tool for this job. It seems you don't really have sentences that you want to split into words. So you're using a function with a lot of overhead unnecessarily. What you really want it to tabulate the values you have by another grouping variable.
Here are two approaches. One using qdapTools's mtabulate, another using base R's table:
mtabulate(with(input, split(channel, id)))
## ab0003 pp6500 sm2456
## 101 1 1 0
## 102 0 0 1
t(with(input, table(channel, id)))
## channel
## id ab0003 pp6500 sm2456
## 101 1 1 0
## 102 0 0 1
It may be possible your MWE is not reflecting the complexity of the data, if this is the case it brings us back to the original problem. wfm uses tmpackage as a backend to make some of the manipulations. So we'd need to supply something to the ldots (...). I re-read the documentation and this is a bit confusing (I have added this info in the dev version) but we want to pass removeNumbers=FALSE to TermDocumentMatrix as seen here:
output <- t(with(input, wfm(channel, id, removeNumbers=FALSE)))
## ab0003 pp6500 sm2456
## 101 1 1 0
## 102 0 0 1

Dynamic Network In R

I am currently working on dynamic temporal network.
Header: Time Sender Receiver
1 1 2
1 1 3
2 2 1
2 2 1
3 1 2
3 1 2
The above is a sample of my dataset.
There are 3 time periods (sessions) and the edgelists between nodes.
I want to compute centrality measures by each time period.
I am thinking about writing a script that compute centrality measures within the same period of the time.
However I am just wondering whether there might be R libraries that can handle this problem.
Is there anyone who knows about?
I tried to write the code for subsetting data based on Time as follows:
uniq <-unique(unlist(df$Time))
[1] 1 2 3
for (i in 1:length(uniq)){
t[i]<-subset(df, Time==uniq[i])
net[i] <-as.matrix(t[i])
netT[i]<-net[i][,-3] #removing time column
#### getting edgelist
g [i]=graph.edgelist(netT [i], directed=T)
however, I've got a error message ( Error in t[i] <- subset(df, Time == uniq[i]) :
object of type 'closure' is not subsettable)
Do you know why? I am kind of new to R so it is hard to figure it out.
I guess t[i] is the problem. I don't know how to assign t[i] as a data frame.
The networkDynamic R library is helpful for this sort of thing (disclaimer: I'm a package maintainer)
# a data frame with your input data
# add another time column to define a start and end time for each edge spell
# create a networkDynamic object using this edge timing info
# load the sna library with static network measures
# apply degree measure to static networks extracted at default time points
[1] 2 1 1
[1] 1 1 0
[1] 1 1 0
You could try the igraph library. I'm not familiar with it, but i find this question interesting enough to code up an answer, so here we go:
Because you've got a directed network (senders and receivers) you're going to need to two measures of centrality: indegree and outdegree.
Calculating this is fairly simple, the complication is splitting by time points. So for each time point we need to do the following:
Create an adjacency matrix indicating for each row (sender) the number of connections to each column (receiver).
From that we can simply add up the connections in the rows to get the outdegree, and the connections in the columns for the indegree.
Assuming your data is stored in a data.frame named df we can use split to split your data.frame by time point:
nodes <- unique(c(unique(df$Sender), unique(df$Receiver)))
centrality <- lapply(split(df, df$Time), function(time.df) {
adj <- matrix(0, length(nodes), length(nodes), dimnames=list(nodes, nodes))
for (i in 1:nrow(time.df)) {
sender <- time.df[i, "Sender"]
receiver <- time.df[i, "Receiver"]
adj[sender, receiver] <- adj[sender, receiver] + 1
list(indegree=colSums(adj), outdegree=rowSums(adj))
names(centrality) <- paste0("Time.Point.", 1:length(centrality))
If we run the code on your data (I've replaced the Senders and Receivers with letters for clarity):
> centrality
a b c
0 1 1
a b c
2 0 0
a b c
2 0 0
a b c
0 2 0
a b c
0 2 0
a b c
2 0 0
