I've been trying to programmatically scroll a list (accordion) in an Ionic-Angular app and I’ve been having no success at all.
I reproduced it in this stackblitz: https://stackblitz.com/edit/stack-overflow-ionic-scroll-problem?file=src/app/home/home.page.ts
When you click on an item, it expands and I want it to align to the top of the screen (with the title visible). In this example, I am using scrollIntoView() to get it to the top but it disappears behind the toolbar.
I've tried many things to get it to align properly (including setting a "scroll-margin-top" as suggested on many posts) but this hasn't worked for me.
Also, I can't seem to be able to use the scrollBy() or scrollTo() method... they do nothing at all.
Can anybody help me figure this out and get this precise example to work? Thanks in advance!
The problem is in the property [fullscreen]="true" of the <ion-content> tag.
The property fullscreen of ion-content, according to the ionic documentation...
If true, the content will scroll behind the headers and footers. This effect can easily be seen by setting the toolbar to transparent.
In ionic when you use the option fullscreen as in <ion-content [fullscreen]="true"> it adds the following style to the ion-content tag:
--offset-top: 56px;
The goal of the [fullscreen]="true" is to create the effect of the content scrolling behind the header.
As a side effect, part of the <ion-content> is hidden behind the <ion-header>.
Fullscreen property and scrollIntoView()
According to w3schools...
The scrollIntoView() method scrolls the specified element into the visible area of the browser window.
So, in your code, when you call scrollIntoView() of a group it is working exactly as expected. The screen is scrolled until the top o the group is into the visible area of the browser. The problem is that the <ion-header> is covering part of the top of this visible area.
If you remove the [fullscreen]="true" of the <ion-content>tag the scroll will work as you expect.
But you will loose the effect created by the fullscreen property (content scrolling behing the header).
Fullscreen property of ion-content tag:
This Stackblitz example opens a simple dialog which contains a radio group in the mat-dialog-content div.
You can see that the dialog-content shows an ugly scrollbar:
This does not happen when other components are used: e.g. input, etc.
Using chrome dev-tools, I can see that the mat-radio-buttons have a height of 20px:
but the mat-radio-group only has a height of 17px:
Is this a bug in angular material components (the example uses version 12.0.4), or is there a simple workaround/css that we can use to get rid of the scrollbar?
I've tried explicitly setting the height on the mat-radio-group, but this has no effect.
in production we do of course have many dialogs and some of them are large and need the scrollbars
we need an application wide solution/workaround
simply hiding the scrollbars is not okay: it must remain auto so that the dialog can react to size changes (e.g. user rotates device, some items are shown/hidden dynamically, etc.
For now we came up with a workaround that fixes the issue in all our 30+ dialogs.
The nice thing is that we can apply it in one place, in styles.scss:
.mat-dialog-content {
padding-bottom: 10px !important;
We just add a padding to the bottom of the dialog content area and then scrollbars: auto works as expected in all our dialogs (small and large). i.e. when you make the browser window larger/smaller, the scrollbar is automatically shown/hidden.
And it also works when there are multiple mat-radio-groups in one dialog.
The additional padding between the content and bottom dialog-actions is acceptable for our ui.
Stackblitz example with workaround
The reason this happens is due to the ripple effect on the radio button - which takes up additional space and causes the scrollbar to show. See https://github.com/angular/components/issues/20344
There are a number of ways to resolve this, such as using padding or margins on the components or on the dialog content itself like you did. The important thing is that there is enough space added to accommodate the ripple.
I have a component sidebar which the user can scroll down. If the user clicks a button (external to the component) I use [ngClass] to add position:fixed to sidebar, and sidebar returns to its' original position. How can I prevent scrolling on sidebar without returning sidebar to its' origin position?
Edit: It was recommended that I provide code to explain my problem, so I created a stackblitz here.
The main pieces of the stackblitz example are the app.component, and the sidebar.component. To see my problem, scroll down on the sidebar, then click the stopScroll button, and see how the sidebar is moved back to its' original spot.
This is possible without any crazy scripting, but it requires you specify a fixed size for the container. By changing the overflow property of the container, we can "lock" the scroll to a specific spot.
Take a look at this StackBlitz
I have a website using the fantastic fullPageJS plugin, and it does what it does very, very well.
I have however, an issue on mobile devices, where the sliding hamburger menu does not scroll with touch controls when the menu height exceeds that of the ViewPort, as in this picture:
How do I force the side menu to accept touch-based scrolling?
You should make use of the fullpage.js option called normalScrollElements.
As detailed in fullpage.js docs:
normalScrollElements: (default null) If you want to avoid the auto scroll when scrolling over some elements, this is the option you need to use. (useful for maps, scrolling divs etc.) It requires a string with the Javascript selectors for those elements. (For example: normalScrollElements: '#element1, .element2'). This option should not be applied to any section/slide element itself.
Additionally, you can call fullpage_api.setAllowScrolling(false) when opening the modal. That will prevent fullpage.js to scroll up or down when using the mousewheel or trackpad.
You can set it back to the default value when closing the menu by using fullpage_api.setAllowScrolling(true).
You should try to add overflow: scroll if you haven't already.
I'm using Primefaces 5.3, and AdminLTE 2 as a template for my website (Which based on bootsrap).
The problem is when I open a dialog box, this dialog gets hidden by the top navbar, and this topbar doesn't get disabled I can still click on its links.
[![enter image description here][2]][2]
As you can see in that picture a portion of the dialog box is hidden by the top nav bar.
How can I solve this problem ?
Without a sample code to work and check your issue. Here is a probable solution that i can suggest to you. Check the z-index of the navbar and the dialog. Try setting z-index for both where the dialog box z-index value is greater than the navbar.
I've got div with overflow="scroll" on it, which is displaying content (icefaces app). I've got event for right mouse button with displaying context menu of element of this content, but context menu is displaying inside of this div, i must scroll to see this context menu. This context menu is hidden div - after mouse click it's set to visible.
It's physically putted inside of scroll panel (and it unfortunatelly must be inside). Anyone have idea how to resolve this problem (i tried everything from google). Maybe some js trick or something like that? ;)
Problem is that i need it out of this scroll ;)
Thanks a lot.