Can multiple requests affect users in one single IIS instance? -

I'm having a problem on my application. It's an ASP.NET application set up on IIS 10.
Let's say one system page is accessible by 20 users. The page works perfectly (no logical error on coding) every action works and delivers the expected values requested by users.
The problem is, whenever someone requests let's say, the same method as another user at the same time (with different values), the application randomly throws an error to one of these users. We've checked for log errors and all of them are system index out of range errors, which never happened in our QA server.
I randomly thought about testing that exact scenario (adding different values with another user at the same time) and I saw it happen for the first time on the QA server. We've managed to reproduce the error multiple times.
While we don't discard the possibility that this could be another issue, did anyone else experience something like that?
The question is: Can IIS manage the same requests, multiple times at the same time within the same instance without any trouble? Does it run on multiple threads or something like that?
Thanks for taking time for answering this, if you need any info

Stick to your question
Yes IIS can handle very easily (more efficient as well)
As per your application concern without code I can't point out but you may consider few points
Is it happening for just one method or for all. If it happening for just one that means you are trying to use such a code that may used by another user
You are using such a array or list which is null or empty for other user. Like a user has First Name Followed by Last Name But other user don't fill last name and you are using that last name property
May be u r using HttpContext and trying to use same as for different users
May be You are using types which are not Thread safe
So these can be possible cases but without code we can't assume.

About your problem, for multiple requests from different user, iis will create a thread in the application pool for each request. For multiple requests from the same user, it will only run in one thread and affect only the user's instance. Unless the instance or resource is a shared resource and your code does not perform any lock operations.
IIS, including most web servers, use threads to process requests, so multiple requests will be executed in parallel unless you place a lock. A web server usually has a minimum and a maximum number of work programs. These work programs are adjusted according to the CPU or memory of the current hardware. If resources are exhausted, new requests will be queued until new resources are available.
So what you need to do may be to modify the application code to take multi-threading and synchronization into consideration.


Static variable across multiple requests

In order to improve speed of chat application, I am remembering last message id in static variable (actually, Dictionary).
Howeever, it seems that every thread has own copy, because users do not get updated on production (single server environment).
private static Dictionary<long, MemoryChatRoom> _chatRooms = new Dictionary<long, MemoryChatRoom>();
No treadstaticattribute used...
What is fast way to share few ints across all application processes?
I know that web must be stateless. However, for every rule there is an exception. Currently all data stroed in ms sql, and in this particular case some piece of shared memory wil increase performance dramatically and allow to avoid sql requests for nothing.
I did not used static for years, so I even missed moment when it started to be multiple instances in same application.
So, question is what is simplest way to share memory objects between processes? For now, my workaround is remoting, but there is a lot of extra code and I am not 100% sure in stability of this approach.
I'm assuming you're new to web programming. One of the key differences in a web application to a regular console or Windows forms application is that it is stateless. This means that every page request is basically initialised from scratch. You're using the database to maintain state, but as you're discovering this is fairly slow. Fortunately you have other options.
If you want to remember something frequently accessed on a per-user basis (say, their username) then you could use session. I recommend reading up on session state here. Be careful, however, not to abuse the session object -- since each user has his or her own copy of session, it can easily use a lot of RAM and cause you more performance problems than your database ever was.
If you want to cache information that's relevant across all users of your apps, ASP.NET provides a framework for data caching. The simplest way to use this is like a dictionary, eg:
Cache["item"] = "Some cached data";
I recommend reading in detail about the various options for caching in ASP.NET here.
Overall, though, I recommend you do NOT bother with caching until you are more comfortable with web programming. As with any type of globally shared data, it can cause unpredictable issues which are difficult to diagnosed if misused.
So far, there is no easy way to comminucate between processes. (And maybe this is good based on isolation, scaling). For example, this is mentioned explicitely here: ASP.Net static objects
When you really need web application/service to remember some state in memory, and NOT IN DATABASE you have following options:
You can Max Processes count = 1. Require to move this piece of code to seperate web application. In case you make it separate subdomain you will have Cross Site Scripting issues when accesing this from JS.
Remoting/WCF - You can host critical data in remoting applcation, and access it from web application.
Store data in every process and syncronize changes via memcached. Memcached doesn't have actual data, because it took long tim eto transfer it. Only last changed date per each collection.
With #3 I am able to achieve more than 100 pages per second from single server.

Dealing with Long running processes in ASP.NET

I would like to know the best way to deal with long running processes started on demand from an ASP.NET webpage.
The process may consist of various steps (like upload files to the server, run SSIS packages on them, execute some stored procedures etc.) and sometimes the process could take up to couple of hours to finish.
If I go for asynchronous execution using a WCF service, then what happens if the user closes the browser while the process is running, how the process success or failure result should be displayed to the user? To solve this, I choose one-way WCF service calls, but the problem with this is I need to create a process table and store the result (and error messages if it fails in any of the steps and which steps have completed successfully) in that table which is an additional overhead because there are many such processes with various steps that the user can invoke from the web page and user needs to be made aware of the progress (in simplest case, the status can be "process xyz running") and once it is done, the output needs to be displayed to the user (for example by running a stored procedure).
What is the best way to design the solution for this?
As I see it, you have three options
Have a long running page where the user waits for the response. If this is several hours, you're going to have many usability problems, so I wouldn't even consider it.
Create a process table to store the results of operations. Run service functions asynchronously and delegate logging the results to the service. There can be a page that the user refreshes which gets the latest results of this table.
If you really don't want to create a table, then store all the current process details in the users' session state, and have a current processes page as above. You have the possible issue that the session might timeout, or the web app might restart and you'll lose all this.
I can't see that number 2 is such a great hardship. You could make the table fairly generic to encompass all types of processes: process details could just be encoded as binary or xml and interpreted by the web application. You then have the most robust solution.
I cant say what the best way would be but using Windows Workflow Foundation for such long running processes is definitely one way to go about it.
You can do tracking of the process to see what stage it is at, even persist it if you have steps where it is awaiting user input etc.
WF provides a lot of features out of the box (especially if your storage medium is SQL Server) and may be a good option to consider. might help give you some more insight into the same.
I think you are in the right track. You should run the process asynchronously, store the execution somewhere (a table), and keep status of the running process in there.
Your user should see a pending display label while the process is executing, and a finished label with the result when the process finished. If the user closed the browser, she will see the result of her running process next time she logs in.

Queuing using the Database or MSMQ?

A part of the application I'm working on is an swf that shows a test with some 80 questions. Each question is saved in SQL Server through WebORB and ASP.NET.
If a candidate finishes the test, the session needs to be validated. The problem is that sometimes 350 candidates finish their test at the same moment, and the CPU on the web server and SQL Server explodes (350 validations concurrently).
Now, how should I implement queuing here? In the database, there's a table that has a record for each session. One column holds the status. 1 is finished, 2 is validated.
I could implement queuing in two ways (as I see it, maybe you have other propositions):
A process that checks the table for records with status 1. If it finds one, it validates the session. So, sessions are validated one after one.
If a candidate finishes its session, a message is sent to a MSMQ queue. Another process listens to the queue and validates sessions one after one.
What would be the best approach?
Where do you start the process that will validate sessions? In your global.asax (application_start)? As a windows service? As an exe on the root of the website that is started in application_start?
To me, using the table and looking for records with status 1 seems the easiest way.
The MSMQ approach decouples your web-facing application from the validation logic service and the database.
This brings many advantages, a few of which:
It would be easier to handle situations where the validation logic can handle 5 sessions per second, and it receives 300 all at once. Otherwise you would have to handle copmlicated timeouts, re-attempts, etc.
It would be easier to do maintanance on the validation service, without having to interrupt the rest of the application. When the validation service is brought down, messages would queue up in MSMQ, and would get processed again as soon as it is brought up.
The same as above applies for database maintanance.
If you don't have experience using MSMQ and no infrastructrure set up, I would advice against it. Sure, it might be the "proper" way of doing queueing on the Microsoft platform, but it is not very straight-forward and has quite a learning curve.
The same goes for creating a Windows Service; don't do it unless you are familiar with it. For simple cases such as this I would argue that the pain is greater than the rewards.
The simplest solution would probably be to use the table and run the process on a background thread that you start up in global.asax. You probably also want to create an admin page that can report some status information about the process (number of pending jobs etc) and maybe a button to restart the process if it for some reason fails.
What is validating? Before working on your queuing strategy, I would try to make validating as fast as possible, including making it set based if it isn't already so.
I have recently been investigating this myself so wanted to mention my findings. The location of the Database in comparison to your application is a big factor on deciding which option is faster.
I tested inserting the time it took to insert 100 database entries versus logging the exact same data into a local MSMQ message. I then took the average of the results of performing this test several times.
What I found was that when the database is on the local network, inserting a row was up to 4 times faster than logging to an MSMQ.
When the database was being accessed over a decent internet connection, inserting a row into the database was up to 6 times slower than logging to an MSMQ.
Local database - DB is faster, otherwise MSMQ is.

BackgroundWorker From ASP.Net Application

We have an ASP.Net application that provides administrators to work with and perform operations on large sets of records. For example, we have a "Polish Data" task that an administrator can perform to clean up data for a record (e.g. reformat phone numbers, social security numbers, etc.) When performed on a small number of records, the task completes relatively quickly. However, when a user performs the task on a larger set of records, the task may take several minutes or longer to complete. So, we want to implement these kinds of tasks using some kind of asynchronous pattern. For example, we want to be able to launch the task, and then use AJAX polling to provide a progress bar and status information.
I have been looking into using the BackgroundWorker class, but I have read some things online that make me pause. I would love to get some additional advice on this.
For example, I understand that the BackgroundWorker will actually use the thread pool from the current application. In my case, the application is an ASP.Net web site. I have read that this can be a problem because when the application recycles, the background workers will be terminated. Some of the jobs I mentioned above may take 3 minutes, but others may take a few hours.
Also, we may have several hundred administrators all performing similar operations during the day. Will the ASP.Net application thread pool be able to handle all of these background jobs efficiently while still performing it's normal request processing?
So, I am trying to determine if using the BackgroundWorker class and approach is right for our needs. Should I be looking at an alternative approach?
Thanks and sorry for such a long post!
In your case it actually sounds like the solution you will be looking for is multifaceted (and not a simple in and done project).
Since you said that some processes can last for hours that is absolutely not something for ASP.NET to own. This should be ran inside a windows service and managed with native windows threading.
You will need to implement some type of work queue in your service and a way to communicate with the queue. One way is to expose a WCF service for all actions your service will govern. Another would be to have service poll a database table and pick up work from the table.
To be able express the status of the process you will want the ASP.NET application to be able to have some reference to the processID for example the WCF service returns a guid identifier. Then you have a method that when you give it the processID it will return the status of the process. You can then implement the polling of that service call using AJAX and display any type of modal you wish.
Another thing to remember is that you need to design your processes to have knowledge of where it is and where it will be when it is finished so it can track the state it's in. For example, BatchJobA is run and will have 1000 records to process. The service needs to know what record it's on or what the current % of competition is for it to be able to return information to the UI. For sql queries that take a very long time to execute this can be very problematic to accurately gauge where it is unless you do alot of pre and post processing of temp tables that you can in the middle of it read the status of the temp tables to understand where it is.
Based on what you are saying I think that BackgroundWorker is not a good choice.
Furthermore keeping this functionality as a part of your main app can be problematic, specifically because you do not want the submitted processing to be interrupted if the main app recycles. You can play with asynch processing but it still will be a part of the main app AppDomain - all of it will die if the app recycles.
I would suggest buidling a separate app implementing this functionality. In a similar situation I separated background processing to a Windows service and hosted a web service in it as a means of communication
You might consider a slightly different approach.
For example, have a command and control table in which you send commands like "REFORMAT PHONE NUMBERS" or whatever.
Then have a windows service monitoring that table. Whenever a record shows up, run the command.
This eliminates any sort of worry about a background thread. Further you have a bit more flexibility with regards to what's in the queue, order of operations including priority, etc. Finally, you would have a definitive list of what is running or needs to run.
As an option, instead of a windows service you might just use a SQL job to execute every so often to watch your control table and perform the requested action.

How do I prevent static member variables from being accessed by more than one request at a time in IIS?

I’m having some trouble with understanding how IIS is handling static variables on its threads. My understanding has always been that if IIS has 4 worker processes that it can handle 4 requests simultaneously and that it would be the same as having 4 separate threads running the website. Any static variables would persist in each individual thread. The reason I’m a bit confused is that I have a scope that I’ve made which manages connections and caching transactions. When I’m testing the app I don’t notice any issues but after I’ve compiled it and hit it at the same time from two different locations I seem to get a sort of conflict. Now if these worker processes are separate why would this be? Can more than one request be processed on a single worker thread at the same time? This is tremendously important as there are unique ID’s that are held in these static members to handle escalation of the objects that manage these functions and it appears that they are trying to access the same object.
I'm running this on Vista's IIS server on an x64 machine.
For values that need to persist through the thread on a single request, I put these values into Web.HttpContext.Current.Items which seems to do the trick.
<ThreadStatic()> can be used but it may not be available during the entirity of the request process. In one module that I have, is only used on a variable to indicate if that thread has already loaded the settings for the cahcing server. If true then the tread (not is ready to fetch data from the caching server.
First concept to change: if you're using ASP.NET, they are ASP.NET threads, not IIS threads.
Second, this is a .NET issue. static variables are shared throughout the AppDomain in .NET. Since you'll have one AppDomain per IIS application (more or less), that means your static variables will be shared across all worker threads in the application.
There will be a lot more than four threads, and they'll all be sharing the same variables, which means you'll either need to do locking, or you'll need to not use static variables.
Whatever your understanding has always been, I suggest you go back and figure out where you got that understanding from; then update it, because it doesn't have much to do with ASP.NET.
EDIT: The subject has changed, so I'll change the answer a little.
You have to interlock access to these variables. Alternatively, you should consider reevaluating your design. Your design apparently assumed some different model for access to statics. This assumption has turned out not to be correct. It's possible that this assumption may have cascaded throughout your design. You should reevaluate your design in the light of reality.
Each worker process runs in its own AppDomain, so each WP will have its own instance of a static variable.
In the answer here it suggests the AppDomain is shared across WPs which is incorrect.
You should be using the .NET connection pooling though and you should investigate the using(IDisposable){} method of scoping your connections.
