How to force Flyway to show SQL error message instead of default SQL state :99999 code:17110 - flyway

I have set flyway.errorOverride=99999:17110:E in the flyway.conf file But still don't see the actual SQL error instead I am getting the same (SQL state: 99999, code: 17110).
I am using the Flyway Runner plugin in Jenkins.

Try to add this setting into config file of flyway on the server side.
But you have to know this option is available only in teams (non-free) editions.


Schema not updating when publish web app from Visual Studio

I am building an ASP.NET MVC EF app with code-first migrations and hosting it in Azure with Azure SQL DB. The first time I published this, it went fine. But since then my models changed, and my schema in the Azure DB is not getting updated to match. When I deploy, I do have "Execute Code First Migrations" checked. When that wouldn't work, I deleted my DB and then recreated it in the Azure portal, figuring that would trigger it getting updated. But then that didn't work, so I set AutomaticMigrationsEnabled = True in the migration Configuration. It is STILL not working, so currently my DB in Azure has none of my tables. HOW can I get the DB in Azure to be forced to update to match my models so the published site will work?? I did try looking for if there's a way to script the VS local DB to a Create query and execute that in SQL management studio, but couldn't find how to do that.
If you have made sure that you have selected update database in the publish setting, and the connection string is correctc and its still not updating. Maybe the following will help for you:
I sometimes get an issue like this, it is quite frustrating, My publish file is correct and my settings are set to allow SQL updates to occur during publishing. But sometimes the database hasn't been updated and I get a nice "backing context has changed" error, sometimes the culprit is the migration table that hasn't been updated. Unfortunately the only sure way to get your databases in sync is to check what migration history they are both at, by comparing [dbo].[__MigrationHistory]
If your published server is missing the latest migration history, then you can generate an SQL script of that by typing into the package manager console:
Update-Database -Script -TargetMigration [migration name]
'migration name' should be the name of the last migration that your published server had, visual studio will generate sql script that can be used to bring the database up to the latest migration from that target migration.
Sometimes (though very rarely, its only happened once or twice for me) the above doesn't work for whatever reason (usually because migration files have been deleted), if that is the case then its a good idea to script the whole database, and cherry pick the sql you need from that.
Update-Database -Script -SourceMigration:0
This will generate a script for every migration, you can then cherry pick based on the changes you've made. The 'latest' changes will be closer to the bottom of the file. every migrational change will start with an if check:
IF #CurrentMigration < '201710160826338_mymigration'
You can use this to pick the bits that you need, if you do pick the SQL be sure to include the update to the migration history. It will be at the end of the if block and look something like this:
INSERT [dbo].[__MigrationHistory]([MigrationId], [ContextKey], [Model], [ProductVersion])
VALUES (N'201710101645265_test', N'API.Core.Configuration', 'Some long checksum')
Including the migration history will ensure that visual studio doesn't have the problem again.
Hope this helps.

Login and account registration broken on MVC application

Hello I'm new to MVC and have been looking for a solution to my problem for the last couple days with no avail.
I've created a simple blog engine using ASP.NET MVC, after installing it on IIS on my local PC, I quickly realized I needed a database for the login service to work.
So I elected to use LocalDB on a PC that I plan to use as a server. I moved my files over to the PC and installed everything I needed. As soon as I installed SQLExpress with LocalDB and reset the site, everything was working perfectly. However, I noticed some minor typos on a section of the site that's not easily edited. Stupidly, I reinstalled the website entirely from a new build instead of just updating the view that needed correction like a smart person would do.
Now every time I attempt to login to an excising account or create a new one I simply get the error
Cannot attach the file 'C:\inetpub\wwwroot\App_Data\aspnet-FacetBlog-20161020065352.mdf' as database 'aspnet-FacetBlog-20161020065352'.
From what I've learned, It's something to do with my LocalDB instance, but fixes I've found online seem to have no effect.
Admittingly, I'm pretty naive with it comes to SQL, so hopefully the fix is simple. If I've failed to provide vital information please tell me and I'll update the question. Additionally, an explanation of what exactly went wrong would be much appreciated. Thank you for your time.
When reinstalling your site, probably you had deleted database file aspnet-FacetBlog-20161020065352.mdf in your database directory. Since deleting MDF file doesn't affect registered SQL Express instance, SQL Express thinks the database still exists and trying to connect but failed.
First, try to attach the DB using SSMS query like this:
EXEC sp_attach_db #dbname=N'aspnet-FacetBlog-20161020065352.mdf', #filename1=N'App_Data\aspnet-FacetBlog-20161020065352.mdf', #filename2=N'App_Data\aspnet-FacetBlog-20161020065352.ldf'
NB: I assumed your MDF file location stands in App_Data directory, change it to your actual database directory.
If attempt to attach by query doesn't work, try these steps:
Stop IIS/IIS Express pool if it still running.
Open a Windows Powershell instance on your server PC (install it first if doesn't exist).
Run the following command:
sqllocaldb.exe stop v11.0
sqllocaldb.exe delete v11.0
sqllocaldb.exe start v11.0
Recreate the DB instance on your project, including data connection in Server Explorer (remove then create).
Re-run the project in development machine, then copy all required files to server PC. The database instance should be (re-)generated at this time.
Restart IIS/IIS Express pool on server PC.
Additionally you may run Update-Database command from Package Manager Console to ensure database integrity.
If those solutions still won't work altogether, simply rename your database files and attach it on your project, verify the connection string then retry step (5) and (6) above.
Related problems:
EF5: Cannot attach the file ‘{0}' as database '{1}'
Cannot attach the file ".mdf" as database "aspnet-"
Delete .mdf file from app_data causes exception cannot attach the file as database
Cannot attach the file 'C:\inetpub\wwwroot\MvcApplication10\App_Data\aspnet-MvcApplication10-20130909002323.mdf' as database 'aspnet-MvcApplication10-20130909002323'

DNN 8 Installation

I have been trying to setup a dev. environment of DNN8 on my system. On installation wizard page, its keep giving DB connection error mentioned below.
Database Information: Unable to connect to database.
Database Connection Error ERROR: Index #: 0
Source: .Net SqlClient Data Provider
Class: 20
Number: 2
I guess it has nothing to do with folder permission but its DB problem. I have SQL SERVER 2012 express edition installed. My system in on domain. Maybe it has something to do with that, I don't know.
I followed every step in the following video by Chris Hammond on youtube.
except changing the name "" with something else.
Please help. Thank you in advance.
If you are using SQL Express, with the default "instance" settings, don't "configure" the DB settings, leave them as the DEFAULT settings on the setup wizard and it should work from there.
If you renamed the instance name, then you will need to customize the settings.

Creating a database project with Visual Studio - can't find database after running?

I am following this tutorial ( in order to create a database-first app with Entity Framework.
I hit "Run" and everything seems to be working, but in the next part of the tutorial (, when I try to add a connection, it's not in the drop-down menu in the "Connection Properties" box under "Select or enter a database name".
Which server is the database on? I didn't specify anything about the server when I created the project for the first tutorial, and I figured that it would be on the default LocalDB that comes with Visual Studio (server name: (localdb)\MSSQLLocalDB), but the database isn't there. Any ideas where I should look or what to try?
Maybe use . (a dot) as Server Name?
Open your Web.config file and check your <connectionStrings> this is where the data source of the database will be. As shown:
However, which version of SQL Server do you have? As this can determine what the correct connection string will be.
Hit Windows+R. And run the following:
%LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server Local DB\Instances
You may have multiple instances, it would be worth checking each one. So it would be:
(localdb)(name of instance)
This article may also be of use to you:
What could be the case is that you have to run the application you created, and then do something to touch the database like creating / registering a user. After registration you can find the database on the specified location in your web.config settings. This was the solution in my case.

ASP.NET MVC4 Code First - 'Cannot attach the file as database' exception

I'm using Code First concept in Entity Framework and I'm constantly getting the following exception while starting application:
Cannot attach the file 'C:\Users\Admin\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\
Projects\Pro\Pro.Web\App_Data\Pro.mdf' as database 'Pro'.
I've put this in Global.asax.cs but also without success:
Database.SetInitializer(new DropCreateDatabaseIfModelChanges<ProWebContext>());
var ctx = new ProWebContext();
I've checked under App_Data directory and there no database created. Also, under Server Explorer there is nothing under Data Connections. Everything was working fine yesterday and today not working at all. I've tried to connect to LocalDB with SQL Server Management studio but it says it cannot connect to local database. Any ideas what could be a problem?
I found the solution. With newest SQL Server Management studio there is no problem in connecting to the local database. Connection needs to be established like this:
After logging in we can still see old database present even if there is nothing under App_Data directory and under Data Connections in Server Explorer in Visual Studio. When we delete that database from SQL Server Management studio and start application again there will be no more errors while attaching database.
I was facing the same error when I saw this but I couldn't delete the database using SQL Server Management Studio so I remembered IDatabaseInitializer.
Setting a database initializer for my Code First context solved the issue. In my case adding an initializer to always drop the DB worked (I added the code in the static constructor of my context, most people add it in Global.asax):
static SomeDbContext()
System.Data.Entity.Database.SetInitializer(new DropCreateDatabaseAlways<SomeDbContext>());
There are other initializers of course.
I just got into the same problem, and yet the answers above helped, the solution was different.
In my case, I was reusing a project that has already created it´s database. And since the name in the config was the same, it was throwing the exception, missleading the real solution.
It worth checking the database is not created and is different than the ones you used before. Change the name and go ahead.
I deleted the mdf file manually so the code will recreate it again, and had the same problem. I solved it by running update-database command in the package manager console.
