How can I prevent Windows10 from sending a TCP RST to a particular IP nad PORT? - tcp

I have been analyzing packets sent out from my IP to a game server.
The connection to the server was getting reset for some reason and after packet capture, I could see that there are TCP RST packets sent at the time of the disconnection.
I have tried to use advance firewall to specifically only restrict the TCP RST packets to the game server to see if that will prevent this disconnection. However I am unable to specify the flag level details in the rules.
How can I accomplish this configuration?
Is there any third party firewall that can do this?
Thank you


TCP handshake fails. What causes an ACK to go missing?

The goal is to make an http request from the client browser to my server. Simple stuff; however I'm hitting a wall with the networking portion. In order to expose my server to WAN I have used one of my public IPs and NAT to translate to the private ip of my server on inbound traffic and to my public IP on outbound traffic.
The issue is that I can't make a connection. Specifically I can't get the last part of the TCP handshake. Using a test setup with Wireshark on the client and server I can see that the client send the SYN -> the server receives the SYN -> the server sends a SYN/ACK -> the client receives a SYN/ACK -> the the client send an ACK -> the server DOES NOT receive the ACK. It waits for a moment then does a retransmission. Eventually resetting.
I have tried adding various firewall rules even though I don't think it could be the firewall because the first packets make a successful round trip.
I've turned windows firewall off(the server)
I've tried disabling TCP checksum offloading
I've looked for network anti virus settings on the server and on the sonic wall(the router)
I would expect the the tcp connection to complete. I can't for the life of me think of a reason why the ACK would consistently go missing.
That is another thing. The behavior is consistent.
pings also work just fine.
NOTE: The server is actually a VM and the physical server that manages it is in my network.
Any guidance on what to try and where to look would be very much appreciated. Thanks.
UPDATE: I can make connection using port 5000(It's another port I have opened on the firewall). Port 80 still doesn't work though.
In my case this was caused by COX not allowing inbound traffic to port 80. I'm not sure why the first portions of the tcp handshake were getting through. If anyone can explain that part leave a comment.

How to Listen on tcp port without it answering?

I been implementing a packet forwarder in C, and stumbled with this interesting issue.
I noticed that if i listen on tcp port with winsock, it sends back a syn-ack when a syn is recieved. If i dont listen, its sends rst-ack to indicate that the port is closed. I wish that the port wont answer at all, because i'm sniffing directly on the interface with winpcap.
Is there any solution or workaround to my problem? I had the same problem with UDP, but of course opening the port fixed it and prevented ICMP host unreachable. Now i nedd a solution to TCP.
If you want to forward a packet without making connection, then it's better to use iptables to desgin some rules. TCP is a reliable transmission protocol, which means if you want to receive packets(it doesn't care if you want to use it or just forward), then it must estalishes a connection with three way handshake.

TCP Retransmission after Reset RST flag

I have around 20 clients communicating together with a central server in the same LAN. The clients can make transaction simultaneously with the server. The server forward each transaction to external appliance in the network. Sometimes it works, sometimes my application shows a "time out" message in a client screen (randomly)
I mirrored all traffic and found TCP Retransmission after TCP Reset packets for the first TCP Sequence. I immediately thought about packet loss but all my cables/NIC are fine, and I do not see DUP ACK in the capture.
It seems that RST packets may have different significations.
What causes those TCP Reset?
Where should I focus my investigation: network or application design ?
I would appreciate any help. Thanks in advance.
Judging by the capture, I assume your central server is What's happening is the clients are initiating a connection to the server with a SYN packet and the server responds with a RST. This is typical if the server has no application listening on that particular port e.g. the webserver application isn't running and a client tries to connect to port 80.
The clients are all connecting to different ports on the server, which is unusual for an central server, but not unheard of. The destination ports the clients are connecting to on the server are: 11007, 11012, 11014, 11108, and 11115. Is that normal for the application? If not, the clients should be connecting to whatever port the application server is listening on.
The reason for the retransmits is that instead of giving up on the connection upon receiving a RST from the server, the client tries to initiate the connection again so Wireshark considers it a retransmission.

What will happen if I send a SYN packet to the server when there has already been a TCP connection established?

The SYN packet has the same source dest IP address & port with the established connection, so what will happen in this case?
The server will silently drop the packet since it already has a connection in the ESTABLISHED state, one of the four values from (client-ip, src-port, server-ip, dest-port) must be different for the new SYN to be accepted.
The server will attempt a new connection.
in tech terms it will send a syn,ack packet and wait for the client to finish the tcp handshake
and open the connection.
will explain the process alot better than me.
the server will send some information to identify the connection in its syn,ack packet.
and that information is used to keep that connection seperate from others.
Most the time, the ports will not be the same
but when it is, it can cause problems with low grade nat routers,
They try to rewrite that ports that are used, and can get the connections confused.

UDP Client - Open Ports?

So right now I'm using only TCP for my clients - they connect to the server, open socket and freely getting packets.
But what if I will decide to use also UDP in my game? Will they gonna have to open ports? For example, if they are using a regular WiFi, can I send UDP to the client without having opening ports problem?
TCP and UDP are just two examples of transport layer implementations. Both of them are using term 'port' to determine which app should receive incoming packet, but they could be routed/filtered differently by routers/switches/firewalls/etc.
So the answer is no. You will have similar problems with opening ports. Just except 'TCP port xxx should be opened' you have to demand 'UDP port xxx should be opened'.
In most home networks firewall rules allow outgoing packets (requests) to any remote port (on your server for example, where this port should be opened). And when such a packet goes through a router - it creates temporary rule to allow answers come back to the local port from which request packet.
So, normal scenario is like that:
Packet originated from home computer with IP Lets say it has source UDP port 55555, source IP address and destination port 8888.
Packet reaches home router. As it is going from inside - router allows it to pass through and creates rule say for 2 minutes to allow packets targeted to to UDP port 55555.
Packet reaches corporate router before your server. It has rule to pass packets for port 8888 so packet is allowed to go.
Your server receives the packet and processes it. In response it creates packet for IP and UDP port 55555.
Corporate router allows response to go.
Home router allows response to go according to temporary rule.
Your computer receives the response.
Corporate computers and routers often more restrictive to ensure security, so second point could restrict packet if your user (IP is in corporate network.
It is very simplified as in reality there's almost always things like NAT and rules are more complex... But in general it gives the idea how it works internally.
