Google Analytics management API v3 Service Unavailable - google-analytics

we are getting today a "Service Unavailable" response (with status 500) from Google APIs, in particular for the following call
Looking at Analytics service status at seems the service is up & running.
Do you know if something is changed from yesterday?
Our calls are done via scheduled job on a daily bases and yesterday they were responsive


LinkedIn Sign In API recently intermittently failing

I'm having intermittent issues with signing in to LinkedIn with the LinkedIn Sign In API.
By intermittent I mean, I have two LinkedIn accounts, and as of this week one of them is unable to use the API to sign in to external services, such as the LinkedIn application I develop.
I'm authenticating via Auth0, whose engineers have confirmed there is an issue:
Over the last few weeks, the current version of the LinkedIn API for
has been intermittently failing when fetching the user
profile, causing a small number of users to fail to log in. The cause
of this issue is currently unknown, and is coming from LinkedIn
The Auth0 response i'm getting is the following (I've replaced senstivie response values with 'XX'):
{"name":"a0.response.invalid","message":"unknown error","json":{"error":"invalid_request","error_description":"InternalOAuthError: failed to fetch user profile (status: 500 data: {\n \"errorCode\": 0,\n \"message\": \"Internal API server error\",\n \"requestId\": \"XX\",\n \"status\": 500,\n \"timestamp\": 1550474289966\n})","state":"XX"},"status":0}
I know this API is being depreciated in March, but it's imperative that this API continues to work until the decommission date. I'm wondering if anyone has found a work around or solution to this issue, as it's impacting my ability to run real-world trials of my application scheduled in this week.
I've contacted LinkedIn support who directed me here.
Auth0 recently released a change to LinkedIn social connection, allowing you to use the new LinkedIn API (Version 2). You can change this by going to Connections-->Social-->LinkedIn-->Strategy Version dropdown and select Version 2. This should fix most of the login issues with the old deprecated version of LinkedIn API. More information post.

Can the quota on QnAMaker Preview subscription be raised or removed?

We recently started receiving 403 Quota Exceeded error responses from the QnAMaker Preview API when calling the get answer endpoint. I suppose this is because the monthly quota of getting answers has been exceeded.
My question is if there is a way to upgrade the QnAMaker Preview subscription so that quota would at least be higher and we could continue using the service? And to do it so that we could still be using the Preview version and would not be required to migrate to the GA version.
The reason why we are hesitant to migrate to GA is that it does not have the Train API the preview version has. Train API is very important to our business goals.
We are right now not increasing quota for the preview stack, as we want the users to move to GA stack.
We are working on enabling the Train API. Can you drop a mail to describing your scenario and how you are using the Train API. We might be able to suggest some workarounds.

Google Analytics "daily Limit Exceeded Quota error" & register application properly with gapi.class.php

I used gapi.class.php and have another analytics-dash.php template which I'm calling as an include on a page template in WP. This shows a chart and stats of analytics on the front end of WP to my admin and authors. This template is connected to my site's GA profile ID and all is well, it works and shows the stats. However, the first night after implementation we received the error "GDatadailyLimitExceededQuota" on the site. I have since removed the include script from my page template so the error will not show.
These are the steps I took to try and fix the problem:
I researched into the error "dailyLimitExceededQuota", which I researched and Google's API states the following:
"If quota is exceeded, Google Analytics API returns an error for additional requests:
HTTP status code 403 Forbidden and a message indicating that the specific account has insufficient quota to proceed...
50,000 requests per project per day
10 queries per second (QPS) per IP.
To get full quota, you must register your application in the Google Developers Console. When you register a new application, you are given a unique client ID to identify each application under that project."
Then I realized I needed to register with Google's Developer Console as the quota limit is very low for testing without registering.
I registered the application and turned on the Analytics API in the console. I'm not sure what else I am to do after registering the application.
I followed the instructions to increase the quota (Configuration and Reporting API Limits and Quotas)
by using this form:
Analytics API quota request
I went through the steps on the form to make sure I am setting this up correctly. On that form, it states the following:
"Quotas that CAN be increased:
Per project daily limit of 50,000 requests/day.
Per project daily limit of 500 uploads/day.
Quotas that CANNOT be increased:
Per profile (user) limit of 10,000 requests/day [403 Error with Message about Profile limit: dailyLimitExceeded]
Per profile (user) limit of 10 concurrent requests per profile [403 Error: quotaExceeded]
Per IP limits of 10 queries/second (QPS) [403 Error: userRateLimitExceeded]"
... proceed to check that we "Verify that the quota you are asking for can be increased. See the list above."
This is referring to the quotas that can and cannot be increased (above). Since we received error "dailyLimitExceed", and this is associated with "per profile (user) limit of 10,000 requests/day" - this is under the list that CANNOT be increased. However this was before registering the application with Google's Developer Console so I'm thinking now, since I registered it as an application/project, it can be considered to have a daily limit of 50,000 requests/day. Then if I enable it again on our website, I'm thinking the error would not show, however this I am unsure because I'm not sure if I setup the registration fully. Could it be that simple to register an application?
The next step on the form states:
"(4) Verify your API requests are properly registered with a Developers Console Project. Check the Reports Developers Console. If total requests in the traffic report is 0 then your API requests are not registered to your project ID and you are not currently getting your full quota."
However, it is going to show 0 currently because I removed the include script from our website! So I'm thinking the only way to test against this (#4 on form) is to put the script back in. Then if the error shows, that could mean that either it is not communicating with the registered application I just created, or it simply exceeds the limit. Therefore I would need to fill out this form, which I did, to ask for a quote increase. However, I'm hesitant to put the script back in to display the analytics chart until I hear back from Google (not sure how long it takes for them to respond to the increase quota request) because I don't want another dailyLimitExceeded error to be thrown and show on the front end.
Any thoughts? Thank you very much for your consideration in helping.

Our application cannot access anymore to customersdata through Google apps Marketplace

Our Marketplace application ID is 691703567391.
Since 4-5 days, the application cannot access any customer data from the marketplace by using provisionning API and group provisionning APIs.
( and
Whatever request our application is making, the response is always :
401(Client Error)!!1
That's an error.
There was an error in your request.
That's all we know.
For instance we did the GET request on the following URL : and reponse was error 401.
After checking in console, it appears that the Oauth1 reigtsred app has completely disappeared from our Cloud console (see screenshot)
Now only the Oauth2 app is available. I AM SURE THIS IS THE CAUSE OF THE PROBLEM.
Now here are the abnormal behaviours :
1/ We are getting errors for any request we make on user or group provisionning
2/ Oauth 1 registered app is not in the console anymorre for this listing.
3/ WE CANNOT UNPUBLISH the listing in Google Apps Marketplace.
help us !
Is it possible you tried to create an OAuth 2 client ID in the same Developer Console project as your original Apps Marketplace developer console project?
I believe that might be a cause of this issue.
Your screenshot didn't come through in the post.

Google calendar API calls blocked by captcha

I have successfully written a tool to display upcoming calendar events on a website using Google's calendar API (v2). I am using the username/password method outlined at Today an instance of this code would not return data or a decent error message. I finally logged into the web server and browsed directly to and logged in using the credentials. I was challenged by Google's captcha and then my code worked.
How do I get around API calls being blocked by Google's captcha security? I don't want to have to re-code for magic cookies but I will if I have to. I have read some about generating tokens but I dont know if that is something I have to do once or every time the code is called.
If your app is a service that is getting used by many people, you might be running into API call bandwidth limitation. That is, google is limiting the number of API requests per time interval.
If this IS getting used by many people, you may have to upgrade to a paid account.
