What does "Activity Time" mean? - google-analytics

I'm trying to get Google Analytics Reporting API on Json.
I got the data correctly but cannot understand the meaning of the columns.
What does "Activity Time" mean?
Is it the time user access the webpage?

Activity is the number of minutes that you have been active throughout the day.
Active users are those who have sent a hit to Analytics within the last five minutes. Active users per page is the number of users who have sent their most recent hit from that page.
It also shows the referrals for active users and the pages through which these users entered your site and their geographic locations.
Ways to use Real-Time
With Real-Time, you can immediately and continuously monitor the effects that new campaigns and site changes have on your traffic. Here are a few of the ways you might use Real-Time:
monitor whether new and changed content on your site is being viewed
understand usage of your mobile app through event tracking
see whether a one-day promotion is driving traffic to your site or app, and which pages these users are viewing
monitor the immediate effects on traffic from a blog/social network post or tweet
verify that the tracking code is working on your site or app
monitor goal completions as you test changes to your site


How do I know that Google Analytics 4 installed with Google Tag Manager is working?

I believe I have followed the instructions for adding Google Tag Manager to the letter -- including adding the scripts to all pages of my website. I then added the tag for Google Analytics 4. I have tested this tag many times via the Preview and Debug mode in Google Analytics. In debug mode, I could see when pages were loading, in terms of the basic functions. I have also gone live and have supposedly had this functioning for a few weeks now. If I monitor the Real-Time Report in Google Analytics , then call up my website, I can see my activities showing up including additional tags for monitoring YouTube videos and their progress. When monitoring the Network activity in the browser debug tools, I see data is being sent and replies (presumably from Google) acknowledging them with a 204 thumbs up.If I go to another computer under another name, I can also get those visits to show in the Real-Time data. However, there has been no data accumulating for website visitors. My website is new and does not get a lot of hits, but it gets many more than GA is reporting. I see something like 23 for the last three weeks. Cloudflare Analytics shows over 1,100 unique visitors in the last month with between 30 and 97 new visitors per day. There must be something simple I have missed but I cannot seem to find the answer anywhere through searches or YouTube video aids. How can I install GA4 and know for sure that the data is being accumulated by Analytics at Google? I really want this to work.
Google Analytics Report -- One Month
Cloudflare One Month Requests
Cloudflare One Month Unique Visitors

Are google analytics capable of measuring these kind of informations?

Our application is written in React (frontend) and NodeJS (backend), we have 2 roles in the application, host and audience. Host can access host page (i.e. domain/host/{eventId}), while audience can access audience page (i.e. domain/audience/{eventId}.
Since I have never used google analytics, I was wondering is it possible to track how many hosts navigated to host page while more than 10 audience members are active in audience page using google analytics? Also, is it possible to track if host was more than 10 minutes on specific URL (for example domain/host/{eventId})?
For first question you have to check users number in Analytics i.e. with a segment which specifies the path you are interested in.
For the second you Havre to set an event time based to send to Analytics after 10 minutes from opening the page. Then you can find that aggregated data in the reports.

How to let know to Google Analytics that my user is still online?

We have a dashboard application that shows some realtime data. Usually use case is that user open some dashboard and let it opened several hours and looks at it during the time. Data on the dashboard are updated on the background. Google Analytics doesn't know that the dashboard page is still opened and results about realtime online users in GA are bad.
How to let know to Google Analytics that the user is still online?
I think about using GA events, but I do not know if it is the best way.
You can know it with a margin of 5 minutes:
Active users are those who have sent a hit to Analytics within the last five minutes.
Active users per page is the number of users who have sent their most recent hit from that page.

Trying to figure out why Google Analyics report more users than our own stack

Comparison is between the Google Analytics script and a "chat widget" loaded in a iframe on the onload event. The iframe is not loaded if the useragentlooks like a crawler. The code in the iframe creates a websocket connection and then a user is upserted in our backend.
I'm looking at one website where we currently get around 2/3 of new users reported by Google Analytics as users in our backend.
With the new Google Analytics UI, it's not clear to me how much crawlers are actually filtered or not (e.g. is Google Analytics always filtering Google Crawler?). That could explain a lot.
Our "tracking id" is saved in localstorage which is a bit more persistent than a cookie, but I can't see it making a big difference.
The extra loading time and the websocket connection can probably explain a bit (old browsers that don't support TLS 1.2, baldy configured proxies, etc) can explain some of it, but 1/3 seems big.
Any insights in Google Analytics metrics or other ideas are welcome.
Bot traffic in Google Analytics is not filtered by default. You can enable it in View Settings.
Also it's possible to pass User Agent strings into Google Analytics as a custom dimension and then create filter to exclude sessions based on User Agents that you know to be bots.
The second reason of difference may be that GA tracker fires when page starts to load, but "chat widget" when window is loaded. Some bounced sessions (and users) are counted by GA, but not counted by "chat widget".

GA shows Bad Event Tracking Code message

since these days, Google Analytics start to show message "Bad Event Tracking Code" for several my projects. Even for one mobile app profile.
The message:
"The Landing Pages report has a (not set) entry. Verify that tracking code for property Mobilni Aplikace sends a _trackPageview hit and that it does this before sending any events."
I didn't change anything in these projects, so I don't understand what Google Analytics want.
Has somebody similar issue?
Google Analytics just recently added a means of notifying you of problems so you didn't have to change anything to cause this issue. It could be preexisting.
EDIT: Solution 1 and 2 may help, but what worked was "Solution 3" -- Upgrade to Universal Analytics and increase session length.
Solution 1 - Send less tracking data
If the Google Analytics property is for a high traffic site without Google Analytics Premium you are limited to 10 million hits per month including events Data Limits - Analytics Help. In this case analytics may have recorded a user's event but the pageview was ignored to keep your account within limits.
If you could be flirting with this limit try sending less event tracking by reinventing or removing some event tracking entirely. If you are blatantly violating the data limits track only a subset of users by setting the Sample Rate in your analytics.js (or ga.js) code.
Solution 2 - Find the problematic event code
If you are not going over the data limits you have an event being sent before a pageview.
Methods of debugging "(not set) entry present in reports for property" are described on this page What the value (not set) means - Analytics Help.
Verifying this issue:
Go to the Analytics property with the issue and click Behavior reports > Site Content > Landing Pages
If you see landing page = (not set), this is generally due to a session with no page or screen view level hits included.
It’s possible to have a session that doesn’t include a page or a screen view, but does include another kind of interaction hit type, like an Events or Ecommerce hit type.
Debugging this issue:
Identify which hit type is causing the issue:
use the advanced filter (found at the top of the data table) to
restrict the data to include page/screen views matching exactly 0
For each of these 3 reports:
Behavior > Events
Acquisition > Social > Plugins
Conversions > Ecommerce reports
Note: The "page/screen views" dimension may have disappeared in advanced filters under those reports, I will update this answer when I find out more.
Solution 3 - Session is expiring before user leaves site
You can configure a visitor's session length for your property in Session Settings under Tracking Info.
The default length of time for a session or campaign. An individual session or campaign for a given user ends after the amount of time specified here has passed (counting from the start of the session or campaign), so long as the session or campaign has not been stopped though another means. Learn more about Learn more about session and campaign timeout handling.
If the user's session expires but they haven't left the page and another event triggers there will be no page view before the event has triggered. In this case your site would fall under this category:
The length of a session and campaign depends on your site and business. Here are a few ideas to get you started thinking about session and campaign timeouts:
Lengthen the session time if you have a lot of content and expect users to take a long time engaging with that content. Conversely, shorten the session time if the site has a small amount of content. 5
Increase the session length under Session Settings so these events will still have an associated pageview.
Note: You can only configure the session length if you're using Universal Analytics.
Google Analytics is currently in the process of migrating to a new operating system, the tracking code you have given in the comments appears to be the classic code. based on the information you have given in relation to your application, I believe you would be affected by phase 2 of the migration which has recently taken place
You can find a timeline of migrations along with instructions about how to upgrade your applications the the new analytics.js tracking code here:
