Should the kernel pass data from a tap interface to an application listening on INADDR_ANY? - networking

I have an application that creates, listens on and writes to a tap interface. The software will read(tun_fd,...) and perform some action on that data, and it will return data to the system as UDP packets via write(tun_fd,...).
I assign an IP to the interface,\24 so that a socket application can bind to it and so that the kernel will pass any packets for the virtual subnet to the tap interface.
The software generate frames with IP/UDP packets with the destination IP being that assigned to the interface, and a source IP existing in the same subnet. The source and dest mac address match that of the tap device. Those frames are written back to the kernel with write(tun_fd,...).
If I open said tap interface in wireshark I will see my frames/packets as I expect to, properly formatted, expected ports, expected macs and IPs. But if I try to read those packets with netcat -lvu ${MY_UDP_PORT} I don't see anything.
Is this expected behavior?
Update 1
INADDR_ANY is a red herring. I have the problem even when explicitly binding to an interface / port as in this pseudo code:
#> # make_tap_gen is a fake program that creates a tap interface and pushes UDP packets to
#> ./make_tap_gen tun0
#> ip addr add dev tun0
#> netcat -lvu 1234
Update 2
I modified my code to be able to switch to a tun as opposed to a tap and I experience the same issue (well formatted packets in Wireshark but no data in socket applications).
Update 3
In the kernel documentation for tuntap it says
Let's say that you configured IPv6 on the tap0, then whenever
the kernel sends an IPv6 packet to tap0, it is passed to the application
(VTun for example). The application encrypts, compresses and sends it to
the other side over TCP or UDP. The application on the other side decompresses
and decrypts the data received and writes the packet to the TAP device,
the kernel handles the packet like it came from real physical device.
This implies to me that a write(tun_fd,...) where the packet was properly formatted and destined for an IP assigned to some interface on the system should be received by any application listening to${MY_UDP_PORT}

Yes, data written into the tuntap device via write(tun_fd...) should get passed to the kernel protocol stack and distributed to listening sockets with matching packet information just like the frame had arrived over a wire attached to a physical ethernet device.
It requires that the packets be properly formed (IP checksum is good, UDP checksum is good or 0). It requires that the kernel know how to handle the packet (is there an interface on the system with a matching destination IP?). If it's a tap device it may also require that your application is properly ARP'ing (although this might not be necessary for a 'received' packet from the perspective of a socket application listening to an address assigned to the tap device).
In my case the problem was silly. While I had turned on UDP checksum verification in wireshark I forgot to turn on IP header verification. An extra byteswap was breaking that checksum. After fixing that I was immediately able to see packets written into the TAP device in a socket application listening on the address assigned to that interface.


What is the border of roles of network interfaces in MCUs?

I am an embedded software developer who has any experience with TCPIP on connected devices. Also, I am not a software protocol expert, so I am a bit confusing about TCPIP protocol stack + responsiblities of its various phy layers.
First of all, I have experiences with such protocols like UART, SPI, CAN, USB... As you know, the phy layer directly affects you while selecting the protocol you used at the software level. For example, if you use usb and you build a software protocol on it, you do not occasionally deal with some details like checking corrupted frame in your sofware protocol, because phy layer of it guarantees this operation. CAN also has some CAN Controller facilities like crc and bit stuffing so, it is really reliable. But the situation is not the same for simple peripherals like UART/USART. Let's say you are using a bluetooth module to upgrade your firmware, you need to be aware of almost everything that can occur while communicating like delays, corrupted frames, payload validating etc.
Briefly, i am trying to understand the exact role of newtork interfaces come included in MCUs, that are interfaced with RJ45 phy sockets directly. In another words, imagine that I wrote a server application on my pc. Also i configured and ran an application in my development board which has an RJ45 socket and it runs as a client. Also imagine they established a connection over TCP. So, what will be the situation at the client side, when i send a 32 bytes of data to the socket from the server side? What will I see at the lowest level of MCU that is an RxCompleteInterrupt()? Are the data I sent and some other stuffs appended to the TCP packet guaranteed to be delivered by the eth controller in the MCU and ethernet controller of my PC? OR am i responsible (or the stack i used) check all the things necessary to validate whether the frame is valid or not?
I tried to be as clear as it would be. Please if you have experience, then try to write clean comments. I am not a TCPIP expert, maybe I used some wrong terminology, please focus the main concept of the question.
Thanks folks.
If you don't have any prior experience with the TCP/IP protocol suite, I would strongly suggest you to have a look at this IBM Redbook, more specifically at chapters 2, 3 and 4.
This being said:
So, what will be the situation at the client side, when i send a 32
bytes of data to the socket from the server side? What will I see at
the lowest level of MCU that is an RxCompleteInterrupt()?
You should have received an Ethernet frame in your buffer. This Ethernet frame should contain an IP packet. This IP packet should contain a TCP packet, which payload should consist in your 32 bytes of data. But there will be several exchanges between the client and the server prior to your data to be received, because of TCP being a connection-oriented protocol, i.e. several Ethernet frames will be sent/received.
Are the data I sent and some other stuffs appended to the TCP packet
guaranteed to be delivered by the eth controller in the MCU and
ethernet controller of my PC? OR am i responsible (or the stack i
used) check all the things necessary to validate whether the frame
is valid or not?
The TCP packet will ultimately be delivered, but there there are not warranties that your Ethernet frames and IP packets will be delivered, and will arrive in the right order. This is precisely the job of TCP, as a connection-oriented protocol, than to do what is needed so that the data you are sending as a TCP payload will ultimately be delivered. Your MCU hardware should be the one responsible for validating the Ethernet frames, but the TCP/IP stack running on the MCU is responsible for validating IP and TCP packets and the proper delivery of the data being sent/received over TCP.
You can experiment with TCP on a Linux PC using netcat, and capture the exchange using Wireshark or tcpdump.
Create a 'response' file containing 32 bytes:
echo 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKL > response.txt
Start Wireshark, and filter on lo interface using filter tcp port 1234
Start a TCP server listening on TCP port 1234, which will send the content of response.txt upon receiving a connection from the client:
netcat -l 1234 < response.txt
In another console/shell, connect to the server listening on tcp/1234, and display what was received:
netcat localhost 1234
On Wireshark, you should see the following Wireshark Network Capture, and be able to expand all frames/packets of the full exchange using the IBM Redbook as a reference.
Your 32 bytes of data will be in the payload section of a TCP packet sent by the server.

Transferring data between two computers connected with a switch from a high level language

I'll start with stating that I know very little about networking and the whole OSI model.
My goal is to create a tiny network(for now my laptop and a raspberry Pi) using an unmanaged network switch. On higher layer transmissions(level 3+) I would simply set the destination IP address for a packet. From what I've read on Wikipedia a network switch operates at the data link layer which means it uses MAC addresses.
How does one send data to a device on a local area network when it's connecting with something that only supports MAC addresses. More importantly, how does one do it from a high level language like Java or C#?
TL;DR The the OSI model is about abstraction and programing languages use operating system calls to implement this abstraction. The Rasberry Pi is running a full OS and will send and receive network data addressed to its assigned IP address. You do not need to specify MAC address.
You want to communicate with a Raspberry Pi from your Laptop. To do this you first connect them to the dumb switch and assign both devices an IP address in the same subnet, on physical interfaces connected to the dumb switch. Let say that your laptop's physical ethernet connection is assigned and Rasberry Pi's physical ethernet connection is assigned (If you do not understand my notation look at CIDR). IP addresses are Layer 3 constructs. Now your application will use an Operating System socket to create a TCP or UDP connection(see UDP java example here) with a layer 4 address (application port). Everything higher than Layer 4 is handled by your application.
Layer 2 and lower is handled by the OS. When your application tries to send data through the socket, the Operating System determines which physical interface to send data from by looking at the destination IP address. This lookup uses the OS Routing Table. Assuming you have a normal routing table, the OS will pick the interface that has ab IP with the same subnet as the destination IP. So if you send data to, your OS will send data from because it has the same subnet of 10.0.0. Now the OS has selected an interface, it still does not know what Layer 2 MAC address to send the Layer 3 IP packet to. The main reason the OS does not know this is because IP addresses can change, but Layer 2 MAC addresses should not. Anyhow the OS sends out an ARP request which tries to get the MAC address for an IP address. If the devices are connected properly, the OS gets a MAC address for the desired IP address and begins to send data to that MAC address. The switch (smart or dumb) makes sure the message gets to the desired MAC address. At the receiving end, the OS receives the packet and send the data in the packet to sockets bound to the Layer 4 address (application port).
Side note: it is technically possible to send data to just a MAC address using RAW sockets but it is extremely technical.
Liam Kelly's answer provides great insight on abstraction of data sending. I will try to provide complementary information.
Network switch operation
While most switches operate at data level, there are some that can perform some operation at higher levels:
layer 3: Within the confines of the Ethernet physical layer, a layer-3 switch can perform some or all of the functions normally
performed by a router.
layer 4: [...] capability for network address translation, but then adds some type of load distribution based on TCP sessions.
layer 7: [...] distribute the load based on uniform resource locators (URLs), or by using some installation-specific technique to
recognize application-level transactions.
RAW sockets usage
As already specified, these require fairly advanced programming skills. They are also severely restricted in non-server versions of modern Windows Operating Systems (source) due to security concerns:
TCP data cannot be sent over raw sockets.
UDP datagrams with an invalid source address cannot be sent over raw sockets. The IP source address for any outgoing UDP datagram must
exist on a network interface or the datagram is dropped. This change
was made to limit the ability of malicious code to create
distributed denial-of-service attacks and limits the ability to send
spoofed packets (TCP/IP packets with a forged source IP address).
A call to the bind function with a raw socket for the IPPROTO_TCP protocol is not allowed.
If .NET is a viable option for you, I would take Pcap.Net for a spin, as it allows various operations at packet level using high level programming (including LINQ).

Push all packets received at network interface card into TCP/IP stack

Is it possible to push all packets received at NIC to the TCP/IP stack even if their ethernet address doesn't match my ethernet address? In other words I want to process all incoming packets at my NIC.
Can anyone mention a possible scenario for changing network interface driver code?how could I check the operation of driver code?
In the typical system, this already happens. That is, all you have to do is put the interface into promiscuous mode. The driver then sends all packets it receives to the TCP/IP stack. Check any ordinary network driver, you'll see that in processing received packets, there is no comparison of the MAC (or ethernet) address with the device's MAC address.
Simplifying considerably:
What normally happens is that when you don't have promiscuous mode enabled, the driver configures the device such that it filters on a specific MAC address, only delivering frames that have a matching address or a broadcast address (or occasionally a multicast address, which may or may not also be filtered). When you enable promiscuous mode, the driver simply tells the device not to filter on MAC address but to deliver all frames. The driver then will receive all frames and deliver them to the stack. In linux, this typically happens through a call to netif_receive_skb() or a variant thereof.
The TCP/IP stack itself doesn't care about the MAC address. It will instead look for packets that have an IP address matching one of its own. Any packets received that don't have an IP address belonging to this box are simply discarded -- unless there's a user-mode program trying to receive raw packets (such as tcpdump). [In the latter case, it's still discarded after being delivered to tcpdump.]
If it matches on the IP address, it's then passed up the stack to TCP or UDP [etc] -- where it could also be discarded if it doesn't correspond to a session / port that anything on the box cares about.
But typically packets destined for a MAC address not matching one assigned to this device will not be packets that this machine cares about. Hence, promiscuous mode is usually only enabled for debugging, troubleshooting, forensics (i.e. tcpdump, wireshark, etc). The rest of the time, it's a waste of processing resources since the packets will just be discarded.

Why do I see packets that where source and destination are not my IP address

Im new to the networking world and I'm trying to use wireshark to get a hang of how packets are sent from my machine etc. Hence this question might be a dumb one.
When I open the wireshark packet analyzer GUI (on windows 7) there is a source and destination column. It shows packets where source IP is not mine and the destination IP is not mine either. Why is this happening? My network interface card should be receiving and sending only packets addressed to/sent from my IP address, right?
(attaching a screenshot. My IP address is
On a small LAN all packets are generally broadcast to everyone. By broadcast I mean that the data is physically sent to everyone. When received the network interface determines if the packet was sent to you by looking at the address.
Using Wireshark your network interface can be set into promiscuous mode which means that all packets are captured and sent from the network interface to the CPU. This allows programs like Wireshark to record all those packets and not just the ones addressed for your computer.
Edit: However the packets don't have to be sent to all computers. A hub can be used to connect multiple computers together and acts as just a repeater meaning all packets are always sent everywhere (except on the wire where the packet came from). A switch however is similar but smarter.
If three computers A, B and C are connected to a switch and A sends a packet to B then the packet will first arrive at the switch. If the switch knows what wire B is connected to then it will only send it down that wire. If it doesn't know it sends it everywhere and later if B replies to A the switch will figure out what wire B is on. This means that C will generally never get to see any of the messages sent between A and B once the switch knows what wires A and B are on.

C: packet send to a specific device (mobile devices)

How is a packet received by a wireless devices with thousands of users/devices connected to the same network?
If we are using UDP, will it send the packets to all the devices such that only the authenticated devices will accept the packets and others would reject?
How does the situation change if we use TCP instead of UDP?
UDP and TCP are the same as they are higher layer protocols.
Majorly simplified, but the device opens a tunnel to a GSN (Gateway Serving Node) which is a server installed at the carrier. Which GSN to use is based on the APN (Access Point Name) supplied when the tunnel (PDP context) is requested. The tunnel is assigned an IP address at the GSN and that is the address used for IP communication. Packets will be filtered at the GSN and routed to the specific device. Traffic is tunneled between the GSN and the device using telecom specific protocols. Packets are not broadcast out to all devices and then filtered there.
Ps. I phrased the answer using GPRS terms. Other 2.5/3/4G protocols use the same structure but sometimes have different names.
what you mean by authenticated user?
are you concentrating in application level ? or at lower layers of the n/w?
even it is UDP , it should be thought of sending it to specific IP.even in complex n/w each s/m is an unique entity
Rohith Gowda , actually if you are concentrating on udp packets at Application level (either java, c# ...) u creates the packets for specific ip and sends to an IP,( which is the recivers ip) and the reciver have to grab it , i think you actually want this right? and no need to fear about others with different ip than what you are sending to, because you are in abstracted APP Layer, your doubt will be look after by lower layers.if you want an additional snooping proof just encode the data that you want to send
one Example is (in java)
DatagramPacket (UDP) can be created by invoking a new instance of
DatagramPacket(packet data [],offset ,length ,address* ,port* )
look at the last 2 params they specify the SeverAddress and the Port of transmit to the server
i think you are now clear that the destination server with the ip (Sever-address) listening at the particular port can grab it.
