Error: package or namespace load failed for 'ggplot2': package 'ggplot2' was installed before R 4.0.0: please re-install it Execution halted - r

I'm really stuck and need some help.
After installing R 4.0.2, I'm getting this error message on R visualizations in Power BI Desktop which were previously working
"Error: package or namespace load failed for 'ggplot2':
package 'ggplot2' was installed before R 4.0.0: please re-install it.
Execution halted"
I already tried to:
reinstall R 4.0.2
reinstall RStudio
reinstall ggplot2
reinstall all packages
reinstall Power BI Desktop. My version is August-2020
Still it does not work.
My visualizations were working well before I installed R 4.0.2
My visualizations are working well on other PCs
When I run the code on RStudio I don't get any error
Any thoughts?

You probably need to go here:, but some guesses:
When you did the reinstall, you didn't clean up the old one, so you now have a mix of old and new versions of things. If you can run R code, run
That's where it is finding the bad version of ggplot2. Get rid of it, and reinstall. If that's not enough, run
in the broken copy of R. Completely eradicate every directory mentioned there, and reinstall R and all of your contributed packages. (I don't use Power BI, so this might also require you to wipe out some part of it: do so, and reinstall it.)
After all of this, run
In the last line (or close to it) of what gets printed, you should see something like this:
Built: R 4.0.2; ; 2020-07-16 22:49:23 UTC; unix
If you see that it was built before 4.0.2, then either you missed deleting something, or you (or Microsoft) reinstalled some old version. Then it's probably time to contact that URL above.


Unable to open the R/Cape Package

Currently running R version 3.6.2 and RStudio version 1.2.5033 (both the latest versions as of today).
I have installed the R/Cape package from, although when I try to load the package into R studio using:
I get the following from the RStudio console. RStudio then stops responding. I have tried this in just R as well and R also stops responding.
Can anybody please tell me if they've had any similar experiences and how they resolved them? Or if you've managed to install the 'cape' package how you did so?
The 'cape' library depends on other packages like 'htmltools' and many others. This is not an error message, just a warning. It means that some of the functions from 'tools:rstudio' will be replaced by other functions with the same name. See this answer which already addresses this.
As for the non-responsive behaviour, it is probably unrelated to the warnings discussed above. Try reinstalling R and updating all your packages. In Rstudio, you can update all your packages by clicking Tools > Update Packages > Select All > Install Updates.

gRrain and Rgraphviz not available in the latest 3.6 R version

after updating my R version to 3.6.1 version - the rGrain and rGraphviz packages do not work. First the error was suggesting that the packages are not writable. However after updating some libraries and trying to source it outside from the BiocManager right now the error appears saying that the compilation fails. Does anybody know how to fix it?
I have already tried multiple options like sourcing it outside and directly from BiocManager and other sources however with no results.
I would appreciate any type of help suggesting how to fix or just install packages gRain and Rgraphviz.
Not writable is biocmanager being poorly programmed and somehow wanting to install some secondary packages into the main R folder in program files, rather than the usual R\win-library\ in documents.
You can workaround that by launching the R console or Studio with administrator privileges when installing/updating.

Checking if package installed without errors in R

Background to the problem
I have tried to install the robustlmm package in R, but while trying to install it the R session crashed. I followed the on-screen instructions and deleted the ‘/home/user/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.4/00LOCK-robustlmm’ folder.
I then rebooted my computer and installed the package again in R. This time the R quit itself instead of giving me an error message that it crashed. When I booted up R again, I see that the package is listed among my installed packages, and I can run it.
The actual problem
Is there a way to check if a package in R has been installed correctly? That is, is there some checksum or similar thing for the package (I am not that computer-savvy so do excuse if the terminology is off), that can be compared to the repository in question? If so, how do I do it?
I uninstalled the package and installed it again. The same problem occured again.
I faced the same problem when installing "robustlmm". What I tried and it did not work:
Installing from the CRAN repository in RStudio (which is running on a Debian OS). Both the R session and RStudio have crashed.
Installing it from a downloaded tar.gz file in RStudio, which I downloaded from the CRAN page of the package. The same story happened again.
Installing in RStudio by donwloading directly from the github page using "devtools". Same result.
The solution: I managed to install the package by running R in a terminal and not through RStudio. The package runs OK now (also in RStudio).

RStudio Install Packages and Package Updates both download then fail with cannot open file

Running happily with R 3.4 and RStudio 1.0.143 under Win10 this problem occured bringing project development to a halt. Downloads each occur and are unzipped and then the a presumably first file in the first item gets:
Error in install.packages : cannot open file 'C:/Users/Admin/Documents/R/
Permission denied
and the prompt returns.
Updating to R version 3.4.1 (2017-06-30), RStudio Version 1.0.153 was to no avail. Using the OS to remolve all R versions and trying again with 3.4.1 did not work. Removing R again and deleting the R directory to refresh the library did not work. My virius software like to tell how helpful it has been and has not, so that issue seems unlikely.
Giving the user full control of the R library did not help.
could package-updates be a tag like install-updates?
It looks there is a problem between Java and rJava.
You should try reinstalling Java using chocolatey package manager ( and then reinstall rJava package.
I had a similar issue two weeks ago on a windows laptop.
I had this problem for a long time. only in RStudio.
Install the package on R and Library it. Go to RStudio and require the package.
It works!

errors when installing older dplyr package in R

Im a bit new to R and need to use/adapt someone else code in R.
My supervisor uses R version 3.2.2 with the dplyr package version 0.4.3 (to overcome errors and problems with the original code).
I tried to install the older dplyr package with different methods:
- installed devtools package and then used the url devtools::install_url("")
- manual installation (where I downloaded the file and tried to install it.) Installation seemed to have worked but when I run the code it gives a fatal error massage
Every way I've tried so far either gives a lot of error messages or a fatal error and shutdown.
When using help ?dplyr it gives a pop-up that there is an error. Does anybody have any other ideas to install this package?
