I'm using / setting up the Symfony DoctrineMigrationsBundle v2.2 configured as followed:
name: 'My Migrations'
'DoctrineMigrations': '%kernel.project_dir%/src/Migrations'
table_name: 'migrations'
version_column_name: 'version'
version_column_length: 1024
executed_at_column_name: 'executed_at'
# Seems not to be supported:
# Unrecognized option "execution_time_column_name" under "doctrine_migrations.storage.table_storage"
# execution_time_column_name: 'execution_time'
organize_migrations: false
# custom_template: ~
all_or_nothing: false
The RDBMS is MySQL v8, running (locally) on Ubuntu Desktop v20.04:
$ mysql --version
mysql Ver 8.0.22-0ubuntu0.20.04.2 for Linux on x86_64 ((Ubuntu))
The DEFAULT_CHARACTER_SET_NAME is utf8mb4, the DEFAULT_COLLATION_NAME is utf8mb4_unicode_ci:
`SCHEMA_NAME` = "payment"
| utf8mb4 | utf8mb4_unicode_ci |
While I was playing with the configs, I created two migrations tables (I changed the doctrine_migrations.storage.table_storage.table_name multiple times), somehow... Now, after the configuration has bee completed I want to go the setup through cleanly again from scratch. So I removed both migrations tables and started again. But now I'm getting following error:
$ ./bin/console doctrine:migrations:status
In AbstractMySQLDriver.php line 106:
An exception occurred while executing 'CREATE TABLE migrations (version VARCHAR(1024) NOT NULL, executed_at DATETIME NOT NULL COMMENT '(DC2Type:datetime_immutable)', PRIMARY KEY(version)) DEFAULT CHARACTER
SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci ENGINE = InnoDB':
SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1071 Specified key was too long; max key length is 3072 bytes
In PDOConnection.php line 43:
SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1071 Specified key was too long; max key length is 3072 bytes
In PDOConnection.php line 41:
SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1071 Specified key was too long; max key length is 3072 bytes
I tried to reduce the doctrine_migrations.storage.table_storage.version_column_length, but then I'm running in another error:
$ ./bin/console doctrine:migrations:status
In BaseNode.php line 348:
Invalid configuration for path "doctrine_migrations.storage.table_storage.version_column_length": The minimum length for the version column is 1024.
In ExprBuilder.php line 189:
The minimum length for the version column is 1024.
How to set this up correctly and get the migrations tables generated?
It's not a (clean) solution, but at least a workaround:
Removing the configuration doctrine_migrations.storage.table_storage.version_column_length makes it work again. The resulting configuration looks then like this:
$ bin/console debug:config doctrine_migrations
Current configuration for extension with alias "doctrine_migrations"
name: 'My Migrations'
DoctrineMigrations: /var/www/html/src/Migrations
table_name: migrations
version_column_name: version
executed_at_column_name: executed_at
version_column_length: null
organize_migrations: false
all_or_nothing: false
dir_name: /var/www/html/src/bundles/Wings/DoctrineMigrations
namespace: Application\Migrations
table_name: migration_versions
column_name: version
column_length: 14
executed_at_column_name: executed_at
custom_template: null
I'm using PostgreSQL 9.5 and flyway 5.0.7
Everything worked fine for the previous 6 migrations but now it blocks for the latest
I have the following error :
22:27:45.230 [INFO ] o.f.c.i.u.l.slf4j.Slf4jLog - Flyway Community Edition 5.0.7 by Boxfuse
22:27:45.408 [INFO ] o.f.c.i.u.l.slf4j.Slf4jLog - Database: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:32767/my_db (PostgreSQL 9.5)
22:27:45.566 [INFO ] o.f.c.i.u.l.slf4j.Slf4jLog - Successfully validated 7 migrations (execution time 00:00.061s)
22:27:45.658 [INFO ] o.f.c.i.u.l.slf4j.Slf4jLog - Current version of schema "public": 6
22:27:45.733 [INFO ] o.f.c.i.u.l.slf4j.Slf4jLog - Migrating schema "public" to version 7 - update
Exception in thread "main" org.flywaydb.core.internal.exception.FlywaySqlException:
Unable to insert row for version '7' in Schema History table "public"."flyway_schema_history"
SQL State : 23502
Error Code : 0
Message : ERROR: null value in column "version_rank" violates not-null constraint
Détail : Failing row contains (null, 7, 7, update, SQL, V7__update.sql, -1303600795, postgres, 2018-02-25 22:28:00.536556, 158, t).
at org.flywaydb.core.internal.schemahistory.JdbcTableSchemaHistory.doAddAppliedMigration(JdbcTableSchemaHistory.java:171)
at org.flywaydb.core.internal.schemahistory.SchemaHistory.addAppliedMigration(SchemaHistory.java:146)
at org.flywaydb.core.internal.command.DbMigrate.doMigrateGroup(DbMigrate.java:378)
at org.flywaydb.core.internal.command.DbMigrate.access$400(DbMigrate.java:52)
at org.flywaydb.core.internal.command.DbMigrate$5.call(DbMigrate.java:297)
at org.flywaydb.core.internal.util.jdbc.TransactionTemplate.execute(TransactionTemplate.java:75)
at org.flywaydb.core.internal.command.DbMigrate.applyMigrations(DbMigrate.java:294)
at org.flywaydb.core.internal.command.DbMigrate.migrateGroup(DbMigrate.java:259)
at org.flywaydb.core.internal.command.DbMigrate.access$300(DbMigrate.java:52)
at org.flywaydb.core.internal.command.DbMigrate$4.call(DbMigrate.java:179)
at org.flywaydb.core.internal.command.DbMigrate$4.call(DbMigrate.java:176)
at org.flywaydb.core.internal.database.postgresql.PostgreSQLAdvisoryLockTemplate.execute(PostgreSQLAdvisoryLockTemplate.java:71)
at org.flywaydb.core.internal.database.postgresql.PostgreSQLConnection.lock(PostgreSQLConnection.java:110)
at org.flywaydb.core.internal.schemahistory.JdbcTableSchemaHistory.lock(JdbcTableSchemaHistory.java:148)
at org.flywaydb.core.internal.command.DbMigrate.migrateAll(DbMigrate.java:176)
at org.flywaydb.core.internal.command.DbMigrate.migrate(DbMigrate.java:145)
at org.flywaydb.core.Flyway$1.execute(Flyway.java:1206)
at org.flywaydb.core.Flyway$1.execute(Flyway.java:1168)
at org.flywaydb.core.Flyway.execute(Flyway.java:1655)
at org.flywaydb.core.Flyway.migrate(Flyway.java:1168)
at com.test.MyApplication.main(MainApplication.java:47)
Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: null value in column "version_rank" violates not-null constraint
Détail : Failing row contains (null, 7, 7, update, SQL, V7__update.sql, -1303600795, postgres, 2018-02-25 22:28:00.536556, 158, t).
at org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.receiveErrorResponse(QueryExecutorImpl.java:2422)
at org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.processResults(QueryExecutorImpl.java:2167)
at org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.execute(QueryExecutorImpl.java:306)
at org.postgresql.jdbc.PgStatement.executeInternal(PgStatement.java:441)
at org.postgresql.jdbc.PgStatement.execute(PgStatement.java:365)
at org.postgresql.jdbc.PgPreparedStatement.executeWithFlags(PgPreparedStatement.java:155)
at org.postgresql.jdbc.PgPreparedStatement.executeUpdate(PgPreparedStatement.java:132)
at org.flywaydb.core.internal.util.jdbc.JdbcTemplate.update(JdbcTemplate.java:334)
at org.flywaydb.core.internal.schemahistory.JdbcTableSchemaHistory.doAddAppliedMigration(JdbcTableSchemaHistory.java:165)
... 20 more
Any idea why this column "version_rank" is not generated or not initialized ?
Thanks in advance for your help
You upgraded from Flyway 3.x to 5.x, skipping 4.x. This is not possible as written in the release notes: https://flywaydb.org/documentation/releaseNotes#5.0.0
Upgrade to 4.2.0 first before upgrading to 5.x and everything will work as expected.
Also please take a minute to check the release notes next time you upgrade a major version.
Here's the commit with the metadata table changes if you need to apply the changes manually. I've linked to the version for postgres - search for the version of upgradeMetaDataTable.sql in the folder matching the required dialect.
Fortunately you can apply the changes as a standard flyway migration, as the metadata tables are not used until the end of each script.
E.G. create a migration V999.00__FlywayFix.sql to correct a flyway version table called flyway_table as follows:
DROP INDEX "flyway_table_vr_idx";
DROP INDEX "flyway_table_ir_idx";
ALTER TABLE "flyway_table" DROP COLUMN "version_rank";
ALTER TABLE "flyway_table" DROP CONSTRAINT "flyway_table_pk";
ALTER TABLE "flyway_table" ALTER COLUMN "version" DROP NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE "flyway_table" ADD CONSTRAINT "flyway_table_pk" PRIMARY KEY ("installed_rank");
UPDATE "flyway_table" SET "type"='BASELINE' WHERE "type"='INIT';
it's worked for me for Postgres
CREATE TABLE flyway_schema_history (
installed_rank INTEGER NOT NULL,
version varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
description varchar(200) NOT NULL,
type varchar(20) NOT NULL,
script varchar(1000) NOT NULL,
installed_by varchar(100) NOT NULL,
execution_time INTEGER NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (installed_rank)
INSERT INTO flyway_schema_history (installed_rank, version, description, type, script, checksum, installed_by, installed_on, execution_time, success)
SELECT installed_rank, version, description, type, script, checksum, installed_by, installed_on, execution_time, success
FROM schema_version;
ALTER TABLE schema_version RENAME TO bak_schema_version;
I'm trying to execute a store procedure on a SQL Server 2008.
After about 30 seconds it ends in
SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 20003 Adaptive Server connection timed
out [20003]
I've checked if on the SQL Server remote connections are allowed and they are with a timeout of 600 seconds (default).
This is my config.yml
default_connection: default
default: ...
driver_class: \Lsw\DoctrinePdoDblib\Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDODblib\Driver
host: mssql_freetds
port: "%stage_database_port%"
dbname: "%stage_database_name%"
user: "%stage_database_user%"
password: "%stage_database_password%"
charset: UTF8
timeout: 600 // I don't know if it's correct but it doesn't work even without this
And this is my code
$connection = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager('mssql')
$stmt = $connection->prepare("Exec SP_MyStoreProcedure ?, ?");
$stmt->bindValue(1, $sd->format("Y-m-d") /* This is a date */);
$stmt->bindValue(2, $ed->format("Y-m-d") /* This is a date */);
So, i've found that i should configure time out on freetds configuration because of LswDoctrinePdoDblib. I'v edited the /etc/freetds/freetds.conf file but it still ends up connection after 30 seconds
# $Id: freetds.conf,v 1.12 2007/12/25 06:02:36 jklowden Exp $
# This file is installed by FreeTDS if no file by the same
# name is found in the installation directory.
# For information about the layout of this file and its settings,
# see the freetds.conf manpage "man freetds.conf".
# Global settings are overridden by those in a database
# server specific section
# TDS protocol version
; tds version = 4.2
# Whether to write a TDSDUMP file for diagnostic purposes
# (setting this to /tmp is insecure on a multi-user system)
; dump file = /tmp/freetds.log
; debug flags = 0xffff
# Command and connection timeouts
timeout = 600
connect timeout = 600
host = 192.168.0.xx
port = 1433
timeout = 600
tds version = 8.0
client charset = UTF-8
text size = 20971520
[EDIT 2]
Nothing worked for timeout except this:
default_connection: default
default: ...
driver_class: \Lsw\DoctrinePdoDblib\Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDODblib\Driver
host: mssql_freetds
port: "%stage_database_port%"
dbname: "%stage_database_name%"
user: "%stage_database_user%"
password: "%stage_database_password%"
charset: UTF8
2: 600 # 2 is the equivalent of \PDO::ATTR_TIMEOUT
But the store procedure should end in 17seconds, it waited 10 minutes ending with the same result. I don't know why. It seems to be a FREETDS/SQL SERVER bug or something like that...
[EDIT 3]
Found that the problem was a "NOT IN" clause in the SQL of the stored procedure. I had to replace it with a LEFT JOIN combined with a IS NULL clause in WHERE statement. There's also a "IN" clause but it works. I don't know if it's a FREETDS or a LswDoctrinePdoDblib issue.
This is my first time at LDAP . I have setup an openldap on ubuntu machine and an ldap browser (phpldapadmin) on the remote system .I 'm trying to add two custom attributes to the cn=config and i get a successful message but if i see the attributes or the schema in the ldap browser its no where visible , please let me know where i'm going wrong . Below are the steps i have taken
1)Creating custom.schema file
#file to add custom schemas to the ldap
attributetype (
NAME 'studentid'
DESC 'unique id given to each student of the college'
EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch
SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch
attributetype (
NAME 'pexpiry'
DESC 'indicated the date of password expiry'
EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch
SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch
objectClass (
NAME 'Studentinfo'
DESC 'Studentinfo object classes '
SUP top
MUST ( studentid $ pexpiry $
2)Create an ldif file
#ldif file containing the custom schema
dn: cn=custom,cn=schema,cn=config
objectClass: olcSchemaConfig
cn: custom
olcAttributeTypes: (
NAME 'studentid'
DESC 'unique id given to each student of the college'
EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch
SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch
olcAttributeTypes: (
NAME 'pexpiry'
DESC 'indicated the date of password expiry'
EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch
SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch
olcObjectClasses: (
NAME 'Studentinfo'
DESC 'Studentinfo object class '
SUP top
MUST ( studentid $ pexpiry $
3)Add the ldif file to the cn=config using the below command
ldapadd -x -h -D "cn=admin,cn=config" -W -f ./custom.ldif
It first asks for password , i enter the password and i get the message as
Adding entry "cn=custom,cn=schema,cn=config"
But when i goto browser i don't see the schema nor the attributes there .I tried to add an user it said invalid attributes .
1] Add custom schema in slapd.conf and restart LDAP service.If Everything is ok service will start properly otherwise it will give error.
2] After this if possible use Apache Studio for browsing,i was also not able to see the custom object in other browsers.
When I try to add a user on OpenLDAP 2.4.32 using ldapmodify which has a german umlaut I get a ldap syntax error
ldapmodify.exe" -a -x -H ldap://localhost -D %LDAP_ROOT% -w %LDAP_SECRET%
changetype: add
ldap_add: Invalid DN syntax (34)
additional info: invalid DN
How to add a user with german mmlaut character on OpenLDAP server ?
Check if your databank schema supports Unicode. Check LDAP documentation here:
attributeType ( NAME 'name'
DESC 'name(s) associated with the object'
EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch
SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch
SYNTAX{32768} )
attributeType ( NAME ( 'cn' 'commonName' )
DESC 'common name(s) assciated with the object'
SUP name )
Your attributes should contain:
directoryString Unicode (UTF-8) string