how to get latest execution time of a dag run in airflow - airflow

I tried below code but still i am getting issue
from airflow.models DagModel
def get_latest_execution_date(**kwargs):
session = airflow.settings.Session()
f = open("/home/Insurance/InsuranceDagsTimestamp.txt","w+")
Insurance_last_dag_run = session.query(DagModel)
for Insdgrun in Insurance_last_dag_run:
if Insdgrun is None:
f.write(Insdgrun.dag_id+","+ Insdgrun.execution_date+"\n")
t1 = PythonOperator(
Is there any way how to fix and get the latest dag run time information

There are multiple ways to get the most recent execution of a DagRun. One way is to make use of the Airflow DagRun model.
from airflow.models import DagRun
def get_most_recent_dag_run(dag_id):
dag_runs = DagRun.find(dag_id=dag_id)
dag_runs.sort(key=lambda x: x.execution_date, reverse=True)
return dag_runs[0] if dag_runs else None
dag_run = get_most_recent_dag_run('fake-dag-id-001')
if dag_run:
print(f'The most recent DagRun was executed at: {dag_run.execution_date}')
You can find more info on the DagRun model and it's properties in the Airflow Docs located here.

The PythonOperator op_args parameter is templatized.
The callable only writes the latest execution date to a file so you can implement the function the following way:
def store_last_execution_date(execution_date):
'''Appends latest execution date to a file
:param execution_date: The last execution date of the DagRun.
with open("/home/Insurance/InsuranceDagsTimestamp.txt", "w+") as f:
t1 = PythonOperator(


Airflow: Get the status of the prior run for a task

I'm working with Airflow 2.1.4 and looking to find the status of the prior task run (Task Run, not Task Instance and not Dag Run).
I.e., DAG MorningWorkflow runs a 9:00am, and task ConditionalTask is in that dag. There is some precondition logic that will throw an AirflowSkipException in a number of situations (including timeframe of day and other context-specific information to reduce the likelihood of collisions with independent processes)
If ConditionalTask fails, we can fix the issue, clear the failed run, and re-run it without running the entire DAG. However, the skip logic reruns and will often now skip it, even though the original conditions were non-skipping.
So, I want to update the precondition logic to never skip if this taskinstance ran previously and failed. I can determine if the taskinstance ran previously using TaskInstance.try_number orTaskInstance.prev_attempted_tries, but this doesn't tell me whether it actually tried to run originally or if it skipped (i.e., if we clear the entire DagRun to rerun the whole workflow, we would want it to still skip).
An alternative would be to determine whether the first attempted run was skipped or not.
#Kevin Crouse
In order to answer your question, we can take advantage of from airflow.models import DagRun
To provide you with a complete, answer I have created two functions to assist you in resolving similar quandaries in the future.
How to return the overall state/success of a specific dag_id passed as a function arg?
def get_last_dag_run_status(dag_id):
""" Returns the status of the last dag run for the given dag_id
1. Utilise the find method of DagRun class
2. Step 1 returns a list, so we sort it by the last execution date
3. I have returned 2 examples for you to see a) the state, b) the last execution date, you can explore this further by just returning last_dag_run[0]
dag_id (str): The dag_id to check
List - The status of the last dag run for the given dag_id
List - The last execution date of the dag run for the given dag_id
last_dag_run = DagRun.find(dag_id=dag_id)
last_dag_run.sort(key=lambda x: x.execution_date, reverse=True)
return [last_dag_run[0].state, last_dag_run[0].execution_date]
How to return the status of a specific task_id, within a specific dag_id?
def get_task_status(dag_id, task_id):
""" Returns the status of the last dag run for the given dag_id
1. The code is very similar to the above function, I use it as the foundation for many similar problems/solutions
2. The key difference is that in the return statement, we can directly access the .get_task_instance passing our desired task_id and its state
dag_id (str): The dag_id to check
task_id (str): The task_id to check
List - The status of the last dag run for the given dag_id
last_dag_run = DagRun.find(dag_id=dag_id)
last_dag_run.sort(key=lambda x: x.execution_date, reverse=True)
return last_dag_run[0].get_task_instance(task_id).state
I hope this helps you in your journey to resolve your issues.
For posterity, here is a complete dummy Dag to demonstrate the 2 functions working.
from airflow import DAG
from airflow.operators.dummy import DummyOperator
from airflow.operators.python import PythonOperator
from airflow.models import DagRun
from datetime import datetime
def get_last_dag_run_status(dag_id):
""" Returns the status of the last dag run for the given dag_id
dag_id (str): The dag_id to check
List - The status of the last dag run for the given dag_id
List - The last execution date of the dag run for the given dag_id
last_dag_run = DagRun.find(dag_id=dag_id)
last_dag_run.sort(key=lambda x: x.execution_date, reverse=True)
return [last_dag_run[0].state, last_dag_run[0].execution_date]
def get_task_status(dag_id, task_id):
""" Returns the status of the last dag run for the given dag_id
dag_id (str): The dag_id to check
task_id (str): The task_id to check
List - The status of the last dag run for the given dag_id
last_dag_run = DagRun.find(dag_id=dag_id)
last_dag_run.sort(key=lambda x: x.execution_date, reverse=True)
return last_dag_run[0].get_task_instance(task_id).state
with DAG(
tags = ['SO'],
start_date = datetime(2022, 1, 1),
schedule_interval = None,
catchup = False,
is_paused_upon_creation = False
) as dag:
t1 = DummyOperator(
task_id = 'start'
t2 = PythonOperator(
task_id = 'get_last_dag_run_status',
python_callable = get_last_dag_run_status,
op_args = ['YOUR_DAG_NAME'],
do_xcom_push = False
t3 = PythonOperator(
task_id = 'get_task_status',
python_callable = get_task_status,
do_xcom_push = False
t4 = DummyOperator(
task_id = 'end'
t1 >> t2 >> t3 >> t4

Airflow | How DAG got started

Does anyone know how to get the way a DAG got started (whether it was on a scheduler or manually)? I'm using Airflow 2.1.
I have a DAG that runs on an hourly basis, but there are times that I run it manually to test something. I want to capture how the DAG got started and pass that value to a column in a table where I'm saving some data. This will allow me to filter based on scheduled or manual starts and filter test information.
From an execution context, such as a python_callable provided to a PythonOperator you can access to the DagRun object related to the current execution:
def _print_dag_run(**kwargs):
dag_run: DagRun = kwargs["dag_run"]
print(f"Run type: {dag_run.run_type}")
print(f"Externally triggered ?: {dag_run.external_trigger}")
Logs output:
[2021-09-08 18:53:52,188] {} INFO - Exporting the following env vars:
Run type: backfill
Externally triggered ?: False
dag_run.run_type would be: "manual", "scheduled" or "backfill". (not sure if there are others)
external_trigger docs:
external_trigger (bool) -- whether this dag run is externally triggered
Also you could use jinja to access default vairables in templated fields, there is a variable representing the dag_run object:
bash_task = BashOperator(
bash_command="echo dag_run type is: {{ dag_run.run_type }}",
Full DAG:
from airflow import DAG
from airflow.models.dagrun import DagRun
from airflow.operators.python import PythonOperator
from airflow.utils.dates import days_ago
default_args = {
"owner": "airflow",
def _print_dag_run(**kwargs):
dag_run: DagRun = kwargs["dag_run"]
print(f"Run type: {dag_run.run_type}")
print(f"Externally triggered ?: {dag_run.external_trigger}")
dag = DAG(
tags=["example_dags", "params"],
with dag:
python_task = PythonOperator(
bash_task = BashOperator(
bash_command="echo dag_run type is: {{ dag_run.run_type }}",

Using dag_run variables in airflow Dag

I am trying to use airflow variables to determine whether to execute a task or not. I have tried this and it's not working:
if '{{ params.year }}' == '{{ params.message }}':
run_this = DummyOperator (
task_id = 'dummy_dag'
I was hoping to get some help making it work. Also is there a better way of doing something like this in airflow?
I think a good way to solve this, is with BranchPythonOperator to branch dynamically based on the provided DAG parameters. Consider this example:
Use params to provide the parameters to the DAG (could be also done from the UI), in this example: {"enabled": True}
from airflow.decorators import dag, task
from airflow.utils.dates import days_ago
from airflow.operators.python import get_current_context, BranchPythonOperator
params={"enabled": True},
def branch_from_dag_params():
def _print_enabled():
context = get_current_context()
enabled = context["params"].get("enabled", False)
print(f"Task id: {context['ti'].task_id}")
print(f"Enabled is: {enabled}")
def task_a():
def task_b():
Define a callable to the BranchPythonOperator in which you will perform your conditionals and return the next task to be executed. You can access the execution context variables from **kwargs. Also keep in mind that this operator should return a single task_id or a list of task_ids to follow downstream. Those resultant tasks should always be directly downstream from it.
def _get_task_run(ti, **kwargs):
custom_param = kwargs["params"].get("enabled", False)
if custom_param:
return "task_a"
return "task_b"
branch_task = BranchPythonOperator(
task_a_exec = task_a()
task_b_exec = task_b()
branch_task >> [task_a_exec, task_b_exec]
The result is that task_a gets executed and task_b is skipped :
Task id: task_a
Enabled is: True
Let me know if that worked for you.

DAG marked as "success" if one task fails, because of trigger rule ALL_DONE

I have the following DAG with 3 tasks:
start --> special_task --> end
The task in the middle can succeed or fail, but end must always be executed (imagine this is a task for cleanly closing resources). For that, I used the trigger rule ALL_DONE:
end.trigger_rule = trigger_rule.TriggerRule.ALL_DONE
Using that, end is properly executed if special_task fails. However, since end is the last task and succeeds, the DAG is always marked as SUCCESS.
How can I configure my DAG so that if one of the tasks failed, the whole DAG is marked as FAILED?
Example to reproduce
import datetime
from airflow import DAG
from airflow.operators.bash_operator import BashOperator
from airflow.utils import trigger_rule
dag = DAG(
start = BashOperator(
bash_command='echo start',
special_task = BashOperator(
bash_command='exit 1', # force failure
end = BashOperator(
bash_command='echo end',
end.trigger_rule = trigger_rule.TriggerRule.ALL_DONE
This post seems to be related, but the answer does not suit my needs, since the downstream task end must be executed (hence the mandatory trigger_rule).
I thought it was an interesting question and spent some time figuring out how to achieve it without an extra dummy task. It became a bit of a superfluous task, but here's the end result:
This is the full DAG:
import airflow
from airflow import AirflowException
from airflow.models import DAG, TaskInstance, BaseOperator
from airflow.operators.bash_operator import BashOperator
from airflow.operators.dummy_operator import DummyOperator
from airflow.operators.python_operator import PythonOperator
from airflow.utils.db import provide_session
from airflow.utils.state import State
from airflow.utils.trigger_rule import TriggerRule
default_args = {"owner": "airflow", "start_date": airflow.utils.dates.days_ago(3)}
dag = DAG(
schedule_interval="0 0 * * *",
description="Answer for question",
start = BashOperator(task_id="start", bash_command="echo start", dag=dag)
failing_task = BashOperator(task_id="failing_task", bash_command="exit 1", dag=dag)
def _finally(task, execution_date, dag, session=None, **_):
upstream_task_instances = (
TaskInstance.dag_id == dag.dag_id,
TaskInstance.execution_date == execution_date,
upstream_states = [ti.state for ti in upstream_task_instances]
fail_this_task = State.FAILED in upstream_states
print("Do logic here...")
if fail_this_task:
raise AirflowException("Failing task because one or more upstream tasks failed.")
finally_ = PythonOperator(
succesful_task = DummyOperator(task_id="succesful_task", dag=dag)
start >> [failing_task, succesful_task] >> finally_
Look at the _finally function, which is called by the PythonOperator. There are a few key points here:
Annotate with #provide_session and add argument session=None, so you can query the Airflow DB with session.
Query all upstream task instances for the current task:
upstream_task_instances = (
TaskInstance.dag_id == dag.dag_id,
TaskInstance.execution_date == execution_date,
From the returned task instances, get the states and check if State.FAILED is in there:
upstream_states = [ti.state for ti in upstream_task_instances]
fail_this_task = State.FAILED in upstream_states
Perform your own logic:
print("Do logic here...")
And finally, fail the task if fail_this_task=True:
if fail_this_task:
raise AirflowException("Failing task because one or more upstream tasks failed.")
The end result:
As #JustinasMarozas explained in a comment, a solution is to create a dummy task like :
dummy = DummyOperator(
and bind it downstream to special_task :
Thus, the DAG is marked as failed, and the dummy task is marked as upstream_failed.
Hope there is an out-of-the-box solution, but waiting for that, this solution does the job.
To expand on Bas Harenslak answer, a simpler _finally function which will check the state of all tasks (not only the upstream ones) can be:
def _finally(**kwargs):
for task_instance in kwargs['dag_run'].get_task_instances():
if task_instance.current_state() != State.SUCCESS and \
task_instance.task_id != kwargs['task_instance'].task_id:
raise Exception("Task {} failed. Failing this DAG run".format(task_instance.task_id))

apache airflow - Cannot load the dag bag to handle failure

I have created a on_failure_callback function(refering Airflow default on_failure_callback) to handle task's failure.
It works well when there is only one task in a DAG, however, if there are 2 more tasks, a task is randomly failed since the operator is null, it can resume later by manully . In airflow-scheduler.out the log is:
[2018-05-08 14:24:21,237] {} ERROR - Executor reports
task instance %s finished (%s) although the task says its %s. Was the
task killed externally? NoneType [2018-05-08 14:24:21,238]
{} ERROR - Cannot load the dag bag to handle failure for
. Setting task to FAILED without
callbacks or retries. Do you have enough resources?
The DAG code is:
from airflow import DAG
from airflow.operators.bash_operator import BashOperator
from datetime import timedelta
import airflow
from devops.util import WechatUtil
from devops.util import JiraUtil
def on_failure_callback(context):
ti = context['task_instance']
log_url = ti.log_url
owner = ti.task.owner
ti_str = str(context['task_instance'])
wechat_msg = "%s - Owner:%s"%(ti_str,owner)
jira_desc = "Please check log from url %s"%(log_url)
args = {
'queue': 'default',
'start_date': airflow.utils.dates.days_ago(1),
'retry_delay': timedelta(minutes=1),
'on_failure_callback': on_failure_callback,
'owner': 'user1',
dag = DAG(dag_id='test_dependence1',default_args=args,schedule_interval='10 16 * * *')
load_crm_goods = BashOperator(
load_crm_memeber = BashOperator(
load_crm_order = BashOperator(
load_crm_eur_invt = BashOperator(
crm_member_cohort_analysis = BashOperator(
crm_member_kpi_daily = BashOperator(
I had tried to update the airflow.cfg by adding the default memory from 512 to even 4096, but no luck. Would anyone have any advice ?
Ialso try to updated my JiraUtil and WechatUtil as following, encoutering the same error
import requests
class WechatUtil:
def notify_trendy_user(user_ldap_id, message):
return None
def notify_bigdata_team(message):
return None
import json
import requests
class JiraUtil:
def execute_jql(jql):
return None
def create_incident(projectKey, summary, desc, assignee=None):
return None
(I'm shooting tracer bullets a bit here, so bear with me if this answer doesn't get it right on the first try.)
The null operator issue with multiple task instances is weird... it would help approaching troubleshooting this if you could boil the current code down to a MCVE e.g., 1–2 operators and excluding the JiraUtil and WechatUtil parts if they're not related to the callback failure.
Here are 2 ideas:
1. Can you try changing the line that fetches the task instance out of the context to see if this makes a difference?
def on_failure_callback(context):
ti = context['task_instance']
def on_failure_callback(context):
ti = context['ti']
I saw this usage in the Airflow repo ( It's possible it can be accessed both ways.
2. Can you try adding provide_context=True on the operators either as a kwarg or in default_args?
