Customize CSS in Kibana 7 - css

I have a React application with an integrated iframe which loads an example Kibana dashboard. But now,I have to change the styling of this Kibana Dashboard, namely the background color of tables, button colors and font styles.
First, I tried to use a plugin, but this does only work for previous Kibana versions. Since I have to stay with v7, this is no option.
Next, I tried to modify the CSS-stylesheets in Kibana itself, for example: /usr/share/kibana/optimize/bundles/
But when I reload the application in Chrome,go "Inspect" and look at there, nothing changed in that file! What am I doing wrong? I changed this exact file in my local Kibana folder (/usr/share/kibana/optimize/bundles/ and it is saved. Why is it not applied when restarting Kibana, although my changes are saved in this file? I also deleted the Cache, with no success.
I followed the instructions over here, with no success (CSS stylings are not applied).
Does anyone have an idea and can help me?

You will need to gzip and brotli the css file and put it back to its original location, I do it all the time in docker ELK


Styling not refreshing for old visitors on WordPress

I’m working on correcting a styling of an element on an WP-based eCommerce site.
The site has both SCSS and CSS files.
To make things quick, I edited the CSS via Appearance -> Customize -> Additional CSS.
However, when I was done and published my changes (and solved the issue), only those new to the website sees the difference.
Those who have visited the site prior to the deployment of the solution, still see the distorted number layout
I also suspected that the SCSS gets compiled every refresh but when I checked the File Manager (cPanel), only the CSS files get modified.
I’m feeling this might be a cache-related issue. I have already disabled a cache plugin (WP Rocket). However, the problem still persists.
What possible issue am I experiencing?
Edit: I did try to use Incognito and the change did reflect. However, the users of the site are non-techy people and don't know how to refresh.
The site is using GoDaddy as the host. Is it possible the issue is on that part?
Thank you

Fresh install of, can't add/edit content/HTML blocks using OOTB Elemental theme

I'm having issues adding and editing content blocks in a main area using the out of the box Elemental theme. I've made no modifications to the theme or global areas whatsoever. Concrete5 installs and configures with no errors (green checkmarks on all required items) and looks great until I try to edit a page to add or edit a content block to an area.
This is my first foray into the world of Concrete5 and I have to say I'm definitely impressed so far. I'm just hoping I can get this resolved so I can really use it, so any help is definitely appreciated!
Things I've tried
At first I suspected it was just a matter of waiting for any weird page locks to clear, but I logged out and left it overnight and I'm having the same problem this afternoon.
Next I came across suggestions that it could be an issue with a parent or other element having too high of a Z-index, but I was unable to find a parent with a higher index.
I've checked the JavaScript console and only have one error which I don't believe is related, but I could be wrong.
Error: - "Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user's experience."
Checked my webserver's error log, nothing but a missing file (iphone4.jpg).
Verified that the MD5 checksum of my zip file matches that listed on the Concrete5 website.
I've installed Concrete5 from the same zip file on a different domain and am seeing the exact same issue.
Installed Concrete5 in my test environment. Exact same symptom.
The environment
Host: Dreamhost
Cloudflare: NOT enabled
PHP version: 5.6 (5.3.3 in the environment I was testing the install in)
Web server: Apache 2.2.22
Database: mysql 5.1.56
Browser: Chrome v44, Microsoft Edge v20, Firefox v40
Reproducing the issue
Here's one way I can reproduce the issue:
Create a new Empty Page.
Click the Empty Main Area and select Add Block.
Click Content in the left block menu.
After a consistent 6 second delay, the content editor appears. A bit weird to see a delay, but the editor looks OK.
Add content. Nothing fancy, for testing I've just been typing "This is my edit."
Click Save.
The editor toolbar disappears, but everything but the Content block is still greyed out and inactive/inaccessible. (See screenshot)
Refresh the page and everything is accessible again, I'm still in edit mode, but my Content Block is gone.
I get the same result if I add a Content Block to an existing page (Home), if I edit an existing Content Block. Clicking Cancel on the editor toolbar has the same result, but leaves me viewing the HTML of the content in the editor.
HTML, Feature, and Form blocks all seem to go in just fine.
This works just fine on my 5.7 sites on Dreamhost
<IfModule pagespeed_module>
# ----- Google's mod_pagespeed can break c5 request URLs
ModPagespeedDisableFilters trim_urls
# ModPagespeed off
Whelp, Dreamhost has a feature called Page Speed Optimization turned on by default. This feature uses an Apache module developed by Google called mod_pagespeed. Disabling this eliminates the issue.
Error: - "Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user's experience."
As we do plan on using Google Analytics, I'm testing that now to make sure I can still use it with mod_pagespeed by pasting the Google tracking code into the Tracking Codes section of C5's settings. If I can't, I'll be asking another question!
Edit: I tried disabling mod-pagespeed's url re-writing as per this suggestion, but to no avail.
Edit 2: Google Analytics works just fine if I put the tracking code into Concrete5 instead of Dreamhost.

Heroku is using assets that no longer exist in the repo

For my website that I'm hosting on heroku I recently did a change in the color scheme, which involved a little picture that was tiled as a background. I removed said picture, as well as making some other small style adjustments, and my page (locally) looks like this:
The one on Heroku looks like this:
What I noticed throughout the page was that Heroku used some changes, like the removal of some divs that I didn't need anymore, but the style changes were not used. Also, unlike the other questions that are similar to mine, I'm not using Rails. This is a simple html site (using an index.php and composer.json so heroku actually serves it) The changes show up on github, and the activity tab on heroku for the app recognizes the commits. What's going on?
Using dev tools like the Chrome Web Inspector, check on the HTML and CSS being served on the production site and see if your changes are in the code. If your changes are not reflected, try clearing your browser's cache.

Could a cacheing plugin cause css not to edit?

I'm working on a wordpress theme previously coded by another developer. I had some trouble migrating it to another server because of a cache plugin called memcache and now I'm not able to remove a body background from this css file. The developer made two instances where he called a body background image in style.css and master.css. I changed the background even deleted the old one and its still not changing. I Cleared my cache several times even tried it on another machine. I checked it on developer tools and it shows up on 2 different style sheets both of them I changed only 1 is crossed out. If i uncheck that style in developer tools it removes it but I can't figure out why it's not changing. Could a cacheing system the previous developer installed be the issue here?
Try disabling the cache or clearing it from the server. It is the style.css is cached with the server and pulling from there, with higher expirations dates and serving it away from querying the database on every visit. This is a common problem with any caching plugin for Wordpress.

CSS not applying in my DRUPAL 7 site on localhost

I'm working with Drupal 7.2, till now i have worked on somebody's localhost,now i decided to work on my own PC, so i make a copy of original code form other's PC and paste it to my localhost WAMP and also upload database into my localhost/phpmyadmin, but some how its not working at all.
CSS not been applying to the site, its displaying all the content without CSS. can anyone help me for this issue?
I tried out by clearing a cache from admin side as well as from browser.
Not just the cache but the aggregating too make sure you clear all the check boxes
Cache pages for anonymous users
Cache blocks
Even those under bandwidth optimization
Aggregate and compress CSS files.
Aggregate JavaScript files.
Works like a charm. Thanks guys
Presumably you're seeing the Drupal site itself (implying your db/web server/php settings are ok) but just unthemed? Have you tried clearing the Drupal caches? As you lifted the database from another host it's possible you might need to do this to force drupal to rebuild it's menu paths.
You should check the source code of the site on your localhost and check that the file paths to the css style sheets is correct. Using Google Chrome Developer Tool you can update the paths and see when they take affect or just keep updating your templates until you get it right. Also check that any options in the database are using your localhost and not the other domain
You may try following to debug:
Clear Drupal cache from admin/settings/performance.
Rebuild theme registry.
Add a new theme to your site and see if it is rendering the content properly.
I see the same problem, yet no solution suggested has resolved this... I notice in source code that it seems to truncate the css paths to be at site root i.e. < link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href=" media="all" > ... hmm
