node_modules CSS files not compiling in production Webpacker - css

I am working on a Rails application, which I am using the font-awesome free npm package.
I am including the font-awesome assets in applcation.js pack:
require("#fortawesome/fontawesome-free/js/all"); // this line
Everything works fine in development and in production as well.
Then I added another package splideJS, which contains a CSS file in node_modules. I have imported the css file in application.js pack like fontawesome:
This works on development but not in production. Why?
My thinking is that webpacker only compiles js files, but not CSS in production. So I tried to make webpacker compile CSS files by using stylesheet_pack_tag and created application.scss file inside packs folder.
// packs/application.scss
#import "#splidejs/splide/dist/css/splide.min";
// application.html.haml
= stylesheet_pack_tag "application", media: "all"
Now webpacker is compiling splideJS stylesheets, and it is working in production. BUT font-awesome stopped working. Why?
Another question, What is this line for in webpacker.yml? It's set to false only in production, I tried to change it to true, but also it doesn't work.
# Production depends on precompilation of packs prior to booting for performance.
compile: false

I don't know if this will help you, but the way I imported Splide on Rails 6 (working on dev and prod) was using the "import" option on application.js and mounting it:
import Splide from '#splidejs/splide';
document.addEventListener('turbolinks:load', () => {
// Call your functions here, e.g:
// initSelect2();
new Splide( '.splide' ).mount();
For the CSS, I imported like you did on application.scss:
#import "#splidejs/splide/dist/css/splide.min";
I hope this may help you.


How use bootstrap-sass efficiently?

I'm currently discovering modules with npm, and I went to use bootstrap-sass. Now that the modules were downloaded, I was looking for a solution to compile scss into the static folder of the application, and also the js bootstrap files.
But according to npmjs documentation of the modules, I can't found a simple solution which is not to move the js files myself and compile the scss bootstrap files from node_modules with something like node-sass.
What is the simplest way to use this module correctly and with the possibility to custom ?
Edit :
For now, I am using the following scripts/files :
"compile-js": "browserify assets/static/js/main.js | uglifyjs > assets/static/js/bundle.js",
"compile-sass": "node-sass assets/scss/app.scss assets/static/css/app.css --output-style compressed"
#import "../../node_modules/bootstrap-sass/assets/stylesheets/_bootstrap-sprockets.scss";
#import "../../node_modules/bootstrap-sass/assets/stylesheets/_bootstrap.scss";
global.jQuery = require("jquery")
const bootstrap = require('bootstrap-sass');
I've never used bootstrap-sass before, but the documentation implies that a build tool to preprocess the SCSS is a prerequisite for using this module. While it's no longer the shiniest tool in the shed, Gulp is very capable of handling this task as well as moving the files from node_modules to your project root directory for you.
Here's a breakdown of one approach to implement this:
Create three subfolders in your project root directory and call them sass, css and javascript.
Create a file in the sass folder and call it app.scss. Open it and paste this: #import './node_modules/bootstrap-sass/assets/stylesheets/_bootstrap.scss';. When the file is converted into CSS, all of the Bootstrap modules will be there. Beneath the #import statement on line 1, feel free to write whatever style rules you want.
Assuming you have already run npm init and have a package.json file in your project directory, run npm install gulp -D in your terminal. This installs gulp (my task runner of choice!).
Run npm install gulp-sass --save-dev. This installs the gulp plugin that will preprocess the Bootstrap SASS into CSS.
Create a file in your root directory (not in any of the subfolders) called gulpfile.js
Copy and paste this text into gulpfile.js:
(note: for this to work, your SASS and CSS folders must be called sass and css, respectively, unless you change their names in the following code.)
var gulp = require('gulp');
var sass = require('gulp-sass');
gulp.task('sass-to-css', function () {
return gulp.src('./sass/*.scss')
.pipe(sass().on('error', sass.logError))
gulp.task('javascript', function () {
return gulp.src('./node_modules/bootstrap-sass/assets/javascripts/bootstrap.min.js')
gulp.task('default', ['sass-to-css', 'javascript']);
Lastly, run the command gulp in your terminal to execute the gulpfile, which will do two things:
Preprocess and move all of the SASS into your css folder.
Copy bootstrap.min.js from node_modules into your project's javascript folder.
Of course, don't forget to link to these assets in your HTML.
I whipped up this gulpfile on the fly and it works on my machine, but if you decide to try this approach then feel free to ask if something throws an error. Best of luck on your project.

Rails: Precompiled assets missing node modules

I am using yarn with my rails 5.1 app (not webpacker, just the default asset pipeline).
Running a local server in development environment, I experience no issues with my assets.
But as soon as I precompile my assets (the environment doesn't matter) or let Heroku package my assets, all stylesheets (of node modules) I imported from within my application.sass file don't work anymore.
The reason for that behavior is that sass compiles all files into one output file, but because of some reason appears to miss the #import statements which include node modules and load these files separately.
So this:
#import "components/index.sass"
#import "nodemodule/nodemodule.css"
Compiles to this in development:
// content of "components/index.sass"
// content of "nodemodule/nodemodule.css"
and to this in production:
// content of "components/index.sass"
#import "nodemodule/nodemodule.css"
while loading node_module/nodemodule.css separately as an asset, but the browser cannot resolve it. Javascript works fine.
The links are from my project that you can use as reference
in your asset.rb you need to include the /node_modules path in your default load_path.
If you open the rails console and input Rails.application.config.assets.paths you should see the new path /yourproject/node_modules added.
Then you simply write:
#import "nodemodule.css"
In my case for bootstrap 4 in my application.scss
#import bootstrap/scss/bootstrap
which correspond to the file in node_modules/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss
for jquery.js and bootstrap.js you can check my application.js
I was having the same problem. Inspired by this comment removing file extensions from the imports ended up fixing it.
This didn't work:
#import "#shopify/polaris/styles.css";
#import "#uppy/core/dist/style.css";
#import "#uppy/dashboard/dist/style.css";
while this did:
#import "#shopify/polaris/styles";
#import "#uppy/core/dist/style";
#import "#uppy/dashboard/dist/style";
The node_modules need to be installed with npm install for example, so they're probably not getting installed on Heroku. Check out
Most likely, you need to setup a Node.js buildpack which will install your npm dependencies.
I have finally found the problem. It is a very nasty bug of the sass-rails gem & an unfortunate design of the sprockets component of Rails.
1) sass-rails
#import does not seem to work with node_modules as it does with other assets. While those other assets get compiled into one file, node_modules only get referenced, loaded by the browser as separate sources, but ultimately not being used by the browser.
2) sprockets
Sprockets' require statement does only work if it is at the beginning of a file. Or as they put it in their documentation:
Note: Directives are only processed if they come before any application code. Once you have a line that does not include a comment or whitespace then Sprockets will stop looking for directives. If you use a directive outside of the "header" of the document it will not do anything, and won't raise any errors.
However, in my case, I was importing directives from a file that itself was imported from application.sass.

Rails ExtJS- How to build/compile a css file

I have a Rails and ExtJS application which has all images under
The styles are listed in the following file->
The following file seems to have a compiled version of all styles
I added a new image test.png under graphics folder. How can I compile this into the styles? So far, when I refer to this image in my code, it doesn't show up since it is not in the lt.css file.
Sorry, I didn't see that you have css folder within stylesheet folder.
According to Rails Guide, If you have other manifests or individual stylesheets and JavaScript files to include, you can add them to the precompile array in config/initializers/assets.rb:
Rails.application.config.assets.precompile += ['admin.js', 'admin.css', 'swfObject.js']
SASS & LESS both uses asset helpers asset-url($relative-asset-path) except that SASS is equipped with rails by default, so you could use this helper in your lt.less or lt.scss ( file extension is important )
background: image-url('test.png');
Just change your lt.css to .less or .scss and the image will show up, and it will be precompiled for you, after using asset helper.
In case that you want to compile to production run this from your terminal before deployment:
rake tmp:cache:clear
rake assets:precompile RAILS_ENV=production
I hope it helps

Compilation of Sass using PrePros on Windows

I've inherited a project that uses Sass. I'm a 'NET developer so compiling CSS isn't really something ive had much exposure to. The previous developer told me (as I run on Windows and he runs on a MAC) to install prepros.
The steps I have run through are:
Installed Ruby 2.3.0 for Windows
Installed sass "gem istall sass"
Installed compass "gem install compass"
Installed sass-globbing "gem install sass-globbing"
Installed compass-install-once "gem install compass-install-once"
I then opened Prepros and dragged in my "static folder", which has a structure like so:
components (multiple files in this directory)
screen.css looks like:
#import compass/reset
#import lubalin.css
#import variables
#import typography
#import main
#import components
#import elements
#import shop
#import blog
#import sponsor
#import theme
And the content of the screen.sass files looks like so:
#import "components/*"
In PrePros I changed the compiler to use Ruby Sass instead of Node Sass (on the advice of the previous developer).
Now, when I click on screen.sass in PrePros and click "Process file" I get the error message "Error: It's not clear wghich file to import for '#import "components/*"'.
I found some threads online that suggested that this was due to Windows, and that the wildcard should be changed to #import "components/.", however when I run with this command the error i get is "Error: File to import not found or unreadable: components/."
Strangely, the file that prepros creates i.e. seems to understand perfectly which files to import for components.sass because I can see in the file the following section:
"path": "sass/components.sass",
"imports": [
So it seems strange that PrePros can tell which files to import, yet when I try to compile it doesn't understand!
Lastly, the contents of the compass (config.rb) is:
require 'compass/import-once/activate'
http_path = "/"
css_dir = "css"
sass_dir = "sass"
images_dir = "images"
javascripts_dir = "js"
Can anyone help a Sass newbie that;s out of their depth get PrePros up and running!? What am I doing wrong?
Thanks for your time in advance
In my opinion, if you are a NET Developer you don't need PrePros, because you have Visual Studio good plugin-compilers. Try WebEssentials, it will do all the work for you. WebEssentials compiles SASS/SCSS files automatically when you save it.

Q&A - Angular CLI: Using CSS preprocessors globally

How can I use preprocessors in my ng2 app? I'm using angular-cli and the original docs are not clear enough for me. Besides, I want to use the styles globally, not only component-wide.
Install your CSS compiler: Search npm for your preffered extension language.
Tested and recommended for SASS: npm install node-sass --save-dev
Add your "to be processed" file to src/assets/css (with the normal file extension, e.g. .sass)
Add the style ref to the index.html file:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/css/whatever.css"> - note the .css file extension.
Update your build file (angular-cli-build.js) with the folder of your "to be processed" files. This object HAS to be placed before the vendorNpmFiles-array.:
sassCompiler: { //(lessCompiler or stylusCompiler)
includePaths: [
'app/assets/css' //Only the folder, not your file!
Bonus answer: Why don't I use direct paths to files instead of the includePath? Because you may want to use variable files, so it could get really messy with absolute paths!
The Angular CLI has built in support for Sass/SCSS, Less, and Stylus. See here.
As of the Webpack update to the CLI, there are no extra steps other than renaming your stylesheets with the appropriate extension.
For the previous System.js/Broccoli versions, it was also necessary to install the preprocessor packages to your app, like so: npm install node-sass --save-dev.
It will automatically process the stylesheets within and under the src folder.
