The header block has 3 inspector controls defined:
But inside the block definition there is no InspectorControls tag:
Also in the rich text control there is no InspectorControls definition.
How are the inspector controls for the header block being added?
The InspectorControls are a slot that exposes a way for plugin/block developers to easily add/insert content into the UI.
Its reasonable to expect that the "Heading Block" source would also contain InspectorControls,
however, given that InspectorControls use useDisplayBlockControls it then becomes a little less obvious how/where they are added..
Digging a bit deeper into the Sidebar (packages/edit-post/src/components/sidebar/settings-sidebar/index.js) where the "Block" component is defined, we find that BlockInspector is actually used:
{ sidebarName === 'edit-post/block' && <BlockInspector /> }
Which eventually leads to gutenberg/packages/block-editor/src/components/block-inspector/ and the revelation that the BlockInspector contains an InspectorControls slot..
<InspectorControls.Slot bubblesVirtually={ bubblesVirtually } />
slotName={ InspectorAdvancedControls.slotName }
bubblesVirtually={ bubblesVirtually }
Ref: packages/block-editor/src/components/block-inspector/index.js
The block displays the controls for the attributes it supports, eg for Heading: "typography", "color" and "advanced > custom css" are displayed.
Is there a way to add a css class name to empty paragraphs in ckeditor so I can target them with css?
Empty paragraphs in ckeditor are not really empty because they contain a br tag so I can not use :empty to target them.
From what I can see, the good thing is that those <br> inside empty paragraphs have an attribute which makes them easy to target.
In the future, you might use a pure CSS solution like this one.
p:has(> br[data-cke-filler="true"]) {
/* styles here */
For now, you either have to style the directly.
Depending on what you're trying to accomplish, maybe applying css to the <br> would suffice.
br[data-cke-filler="true"] {
/* styles here */
And if you are able to run javascript in ckeditor. This can easely be done today.
Examples : with jQuery
$( "p:has(br[data-cke-filler="true"])" ).addClass( "MyEmptyParagraphsClass" );
$( "br[data-cke-filler="true"]" ).parent().addClass( "MyEmptyParagraphsClass" );
Example : with Native Javascript
var brs = Document.querySelectorAll("br[data-cke-filler="true"]");
brs.forEach(function(br) {
In CKEditor 4, you can have a configuration file.
And you can add the custom config with the options here.
In your case, you might need these options :
config.ignoreEmptyParagraph = false;
config.fillEmptyBlocks = false; // Prevent filler nodes in all empty blocks.
Meanwhile in CKEditor 5, you can try these documentations about Block Widget :
Adding a css class to block elements
Inline and block content
I created a custom css snippet for nth-of-type keyword in css. But it doesn't seem to work. All other snippets work perfectly.
<!-- Optional: Set a tabTrigger to define how to trigger the snippet -->
<!-- Optional: Set a scope to limit where the snippet will trigger -->
But when I enter the tab trigger and press tab it just puts a colon ahead. Also I have installed Emmet and I think it might be conflicting with something here.
Also I've saved the snippet in the correct directory.
As Philipp Sander says 'noty' is not an element. it's a content of the <tabTrigger>. CSS won't work for content.
You can use tag/an element name or you can use class/id property in an element, and use that class/id value to select that element.
Id property :
<tabTrigger id="noty_element">noty</tabTrigger>
styles for Id:
#noty_element {
//your styles
class property :
<tabTrigger class="noty_element">noty</tabTrigger>
styles for Id:
.noty_element {
//your styles
I am currently using the Flatiron Template in Squarespace 6. Each image in the gallery currently displays the image, a title, and -view- under it. I am looking to change -view- to a different name (a city to be specific) that is unique to each gallery item.
The source code for one of the grid items is this:
Y.use('squarespace-ui-base', function(Y) {".project-item .meta h1").plug(Y.Squarespace.TextShrink);
<!-- Main Grid -->
<div id="grid" data-collection-id="53ebab59e4b0c8271c405596">
<div class="item">
<a href="/diesel-pop-up-brooklyn-nyc/" data-dynamic-load data-dynamic-receiver="#detail_53ee8134e4b020d5c7faa7b3" >
<div class="wrapper">
<div class="project-title">
<h2>DIESEL POP-UP</h2>
<h3>— view —</h3>
<img class="thumbnail loading" data-src="" data-image="" data-image-dimensions="480x642" data-image-focal-point="0.5,0.5" alt="2.jpg" data-load="false" />
<noscript><img src=""></noscript>
I have tried using this in the custom CSS section (just to attempt at targeting one item) but it has only effected the page that the image links to, not the image itself.
.project-item[data-dynamic-href='/diesel-pop-up-brooklyn-nyc/'] {
background-color: red;
Is there a code that can target each individual element?
Go to:
Page > Settings > Advanced > Header injection (Index page)
Then paste the following:
<script src="//"></script>
$(document).ready(function () {
$(".item:nth-child(1) h3").text("1st item");
$(".item:nth-child(2) h3").text("2nd item");
$(".item:nth-child(3) h3").text("3rd item");
$(".item:nth-child(4) h3").text("4th item");
Cool. Now you can change the text in the quotations (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th item) to whatever text you want to replace 'view'. If you have more than 4 galleries in the index, you can copy a line and paste it below, but just make sure to increase the nth-child item from (4) to (5).
Hope that helps!
Thanks for adding the additional data. Unfortunately you cannot do this. Changes in SquareSpace are global changes. You can make a cosmetic change to all galleries but you cannot target a specific gallery by ID. Squarespace object IDs are dynamic and session based. If you target a specific object ID in your CSS, once you refresh the page the ID will change and the CSS will no longer be valid.
However if there is a scenario where you have individual galleries on separate pages then you can work around the global change by inserting the CSS at the "page" level under settings and not a the site level that calls the object category (not the object ID).
Also changing the content of a label is not a css change. That is an HTML change. In Squarespace you cannot modify/hack the actual HTML in the templated versions.
I have a RequiredFieldValidator with Display="Dynamic" on my ASP.NET WebForm. I have assigned it a class using the CssClass property. I want the error message to be displayed using display: block, so I have placed this on the css class in my style sheet.
Unfortunately, the validator places a display: inline on the element on the web page, effectivaly overriding my style sheet value.
Can I get rid of that?
I just realised why this doesn't work. When setting Display="Dynamic" on a validator, it has the effect that it sets style="display: none" on the span tag when rendering. The .net javascript library then switches the inline style of the element between none and inline. That is simply how the dynamic validator works.
So for this to display as a block element, I will need to modify how the client side event validation works. Is it possible to do that?
Using CSS attribute selector and !important I did it. I had to use the "contains" selector to get it working in FF, but now I have tested it in IE10, FF and Chrome and so far it is working. It is really simple.
Here is a sample validator in my aspx page:
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator runat="server" ID="rfvRequired" ErrorMessage="This is required.<br/>This is line 2" ControlToValidate="tbRequired" ValidationGroup="CommonAttributesValidationGroup" SetFocusOnError="True" CssClass="valerror" Display="Dynamic"></asp:RequiredFieldValidator>
Next I have a style for valerror.
display:block !important;
background-color: Yellow;
border: 1px solid #cccccc;
That is it. How it works: when the span changes the style from "display:none" to "display:inline" the attribute selector on the span kicks in and forces it to be a block. You just need to make ONE CSS entry like the one above and make sure you make each validator that class.
An extremely hacky solution I once used (which I'm not proud of, but it worked) was to wrap the RequiredFieldValidator in a <div>, which is a block element; therefore even though your RequiredFieldValidator is inline, it's inside a block div so it'll effectively appear as display:block in most cases.
Told you it was hacky!
Maybe this can help you:
I have found a solution that works by overriding the .net ValidatorUpdateDisplay() method in JavaScript, and needs to be put before the close body tag.
<script type="text/javascript">
function ValidatorUpdateDisplay(val)
if (typeof (val.display) == "string")
if (val.display == "None")
if (val.display == "Dynamic")
{ = val.isvalid ? "none" : "block";
if ((navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Mac") > -1) && (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") > -1))
{ = "inline";
} = val.isvalid ? "hidden" : "visible";
I was about to try a css solution, but after reading what you posted (updated), I think I may stick with mine. I already had to configure my validator on the server for other reasons, so I just check the control type of the "controlToValidate", then for textbox type controls, I add a <br /> tag to the front of the message.
// Inline (if configured)
myvalidator.Text = "<br />My message";
// Normal message and validation summary (if configured)
myvalidator.ErrorMessage = "My Message";
This keeps the line break from rendering in the validation summary, while still looking right for my inline messages.
I think Blackomen's approach is also good, but it needs to be selectively applied as well.
One option is to float the element to make the element act "more like a block".
<div class="form-group clearfix">
<asp:CustomValidator runat="server" Display="Dynamic" CssClass="help-block" />
float: left;
width: 100%;
There is a simple solution which will work now and in the future.
1) Add a class to the validator
2) Use jquery to add an inner element to the validator span or use javascript
function wrapValidators() {
$('.input-error').wrapInner('<span class="block" />');
3) add css to 'block' class "display:block"
Just set float:left to your css
By using above solution if your required field display before your control then simply add new line tag <br/> between your control and required field validator
I have a few labels on my page with a class of 'error', the rule for .error is:
.error {
The markup for the labels is:
<asp:Label ID="lblError" runat="server" CssClass="error" ></asp:Label>
I then set the .Text property of the error label in my code behind.
If I use lblError.Visible = True when I set the text, the label isn't shown. Any ideas why that would be? I'm maybe wrong here but I thought that setting .Visible was like setting the visibility style?
The Visible property affects rendering of the entire element and is unrelated to the CSS visibility attribute. When false, Visible when prevent any HTML from being rendered at all.
To change the css attribute, you will need to do it manually. You can do this by either removing the "error" class from the element (via the CssClass property) or by setting a style="visibility: visible" attribute manually via the Attributes property (since the style attribute overrides a css class):
control.Attributes["style"] = "visibility: visible";
You are getting confused between CSS visibility and the control's server side Visible property. To understand it better I recommend you create a sample page with a label, toggle the Visible property between true and false and view the generated HTML.
What you will find is as follows. As true:
<label runat="server" visible="true">Hello</label>
Will render:
When set to false, it will render:
Have a look at this page, it should clarify things:
As written before:
The Visible property is serverside and determines if the Server will render the control or not (if it's not rendered, no HTML will be created for it, and it's not in the final HTML send to the client).
The Style property controls the style attribute of the element. The element will be rendered but you can control the visibility (CSS).