Do not release all feature already merged into dev branch - git-flow

We have 2 features A and B already merged into dev branch, branch dev using for test environment and both 2 features are tested. Now we just want to release only feature A, how to do it ? Did our git flow is wroong ?

Your git-flow looks fine so far. It is simply not meant to be used to release develop partially.
Whatever gets merged onto develop is meant to be released.
Here are some solutions you could use:
(1) Do not merge (or better don't even start working on it) a feature until you want to release it.
(2) If you want to merge unfinished features add a feature toggle to easily turn on and off whatever is on develop.
Heads-up: not everyone thinks this is good software design - me included. But for the sake of completeness I wanted to mention it.
(3) Also not a good approach but technically possible: Revert the features you don't want to release on your release branch. This might be your only option now if you don't want to re-write the commit history (which you should not).
(4) Create a new release branch starting at the commit just before feature B was merged in and cherry-pick feature A into that release branch.


Using git for feedback from proof readers

I am currently writing a text with R bookdown and asked two friends to read my text and give comments, corrections and general feedback. My source files for the text are stored on GitHub and I would like my collaborators to make changes in the files (one for each chapter) with the help of git. However, none of us are really experts on git. This makes it hard to figure out what a suitable workflow is.
For now, we decided that each one of them creates himself a branch so that he does not directly push into the master branch. After I have read their changes I would like to decide what I merge into the master branch and what not. So far, it looks like each change needs to be in a separate commit because I am not able to merge single lines from a specific commit (not sure if that is at all possible). However, this seems like a lot of annoying and unnecessary commits to create. So, I guess I am looking for a way to avoid that and/or general pointers towards a good workflow for such kind of projects.
A useful command will be git cherry-pick, it allows you to select specific commits from a branch.
A general good practice is that commits should be self contained (if applied alone they make sense) and they target a specific feature (in the use case mentioned, that could be a paragraph or a section or a chapter).
In the end, if you would like to apply only specific changes of a commit, that would have to happen manually, someone has to decide which parts to apply and which not. A commit can be edited using git rebase -i <branch name> before being merged. This question might also be useful.
I finally found what worked for me in here. Basically, on my master branch I had to use
git merge --no-commit --no-ff branch-to-merge
This will merge all changes into my master branch but does not immediatly commit the changes so that they can still be staged/unstaged. Then, I can decide what line change to include by staging the line changes I want to keep and discard all other line changes. Finally, I commit all staged line changes et voilĂ , that's what I wanted to get.
Sidenote: I am using gitkraken and as a beginner with git I enjoy using the GUI but the merge part with the options "no-commit" and "no-fast-forwarding" had to be done via the git console (at least I could not find a way to to that using the GUI). Choosing which lines to stage and which to discard is then an easy task via the GUI.

Please point out the disadvantage of my git flow

Hi guys! I'm new to git so this is something that keeps concerning me till now ...
As you guys already knew, below is the most popular git flow. But to me sometimes, I did have some problem with creating new feature branch from develop branch. Because if someone before me, who already committed and merged something bad into develop branch and after that, without knowing I create a new branch base on it, then I will work on a branch with potentially broken, right ?
Then in my new team, I saw a git flow like this:
Every feature branch is created from master
When a feature is complete it is merged into the develop branch (testing env)
If tester sees there's no problem with develop branch then:
A release branch is created from master
Merge all the completed feature into the release branch. (and test 1 more time on STG env)
No need to merge back release branch into develop branch. If there's any problem, fix it on feature branch and merge it into develop branch (test again) and if it's ok, merge it into release branch.
Merge release branch into master.
Doing it this way ensures that every time a new feature branch creates, it have already gone through 2 phase of testing or so I think...
Please give me advice on this one, is it good or not ? Or is there any disadvantage that I dont know. My new team has been working on this git flow for few years and there's no problem until now. But when I suggest it to my friend, they don't like the idea saying that I should have followed the popular one... I'm kinda confused right now. Thank you very much.
First of all, git-flow is just a framework. There is no reason why you should not adjust it to your needs.
But there are some disadvantages in creating branches that way:
(1) Your testers might (and most certainly will at some point) still miss a bug which then will end up on master. We are all humans and it's simply impossible - no matter how many testers and test phases you have - to produce software that is completely bug-free. master is just your new develop.
(2) The more important issue here: you always have to wait until new features are on master to continue working on them. Often bigger features are split into multiple issue / user stories / whatever to make them easier to work on. You would normally merge part 1 into develop (considering it's a shippable feature in itself) and then continue working on this using develop as your base.
This is going to be hard (meaning delayed using your master-base method).

Xunit - Moq - Autofixture changes.. are the removed features coming back?

It seems that Xunit no longer supports extending TraitAttributes. They have sealed the class.
There are also some other issues with Autofixture's plugin for AutoData() where we can inject random created data through an attribute. There are a few work around's for this, however I am attempting to evaluate this for a larger product overall. I liked the demo's since they could do small things like SQL, Excel, custom Attributes for category.
It seems there was more functionality before the changes. I have looked at the site and still see some of the features are returning and there isn't much information.
Is there a new set of functionality coming out? Or possibly a change that will allow us to recreate the older functionality in a new way? It seems the SQL and Excel have a work around, however I can't find any information about when the latest version will be compatible with "Autofixture with data theories" Nuget package. I really like what I have seen, though I can say I don't like breaking changes when I look at enterprise solutions. I cringe a little when I think about if I had this in place in an enterprise and I had made a lot of custom attributes, or used Moq and Autofixture to populate and now all my tests were broken. So I guess the other question is, does Xunit seem to change a lot with breaking changes? There is the other option of moving Xunit back a version. Though at some point I would need to know if these things would be fixed or if they were permanently removed, since I wouldn't want to spend time using functionality that is being removed.
Another is AutoFixtureMoqAutoDataAttribute that doesn't load without that side Nuget package. With the side nuget packages not being updated.
I guess the end question may be.. Does anyone know of any plans to get these features to work with the current version of xunit so that I can start implementing and then expect to do mass replaces later? Or are these permanently breaking changes where we shouldn't implement anything that is currently missing.
Thank you in advance.
Short answer
If you want to use 1.x with AutoFixture, use AutoFixture.Xunit.
If you want to use 2.x with AutoFixture, use AutoFixture.Xunit2.
Explanation 2.0 introduced breaking changes, compared to 1.x (e.g. 1.9.2). For AutoFixture, we wanted to make sure that AutoFixture supports both. There are people who want to upgrade to 2.x as soon as possible, but there are also people who, for various reasons, will need to stay with 1.x for a while longer.
For the people who wanted or needed to stay with 1.x for the time being, we wanted to make sure that they'd still get all the benefits of various bug fixes and new features for the AutoFixture core, so we're maintaining two parallel (but feature complete) Glue Libraries for AutoFixture and
As an example, we've just released AutoFixture 3.30.3, which addresses a defect in AutoFixture itself. This bug fix thus becomes available for both 1.x and 2.x users.
Thus, when you need to migrate from 1.x to 2.x, you should uninstall AutoFixture.Xunit and instead install AutoFixture.Xunit2. As far as I know, there should be feature parity between the two.
AutoFixture.Xunit and AutoFixture.Xunit2 don't use the [Trait] attribute, so I don't know exactly what you have in mind regarding this.
Again, when it comes to AutoFixture.AutoMoq, it doesn't depend on, so I don't understand the question here as well. It sounds like a separate concern, so you may want to consider asking a separate question.

How to share code with continuous integration

I've just started working in a continuous integration environment (TeamCity). I understand the basic idea of not getting so abstracted out in your code that you are never able to build it to test functionality, etc. However, when there is deep coding going on, occasionally it will take me several days to get buildable code--but in the interim other team members may need to see my code.
If I check the code in, it breaks the build. However, if I don't check it in, my team members are unable to see the most recent work. I'm wondering how this situation is best dealt with.
A tool like Code Collaborator (Google link, is down..) would allow your peers to see your code, without you committing it. Instead, you just submit it for review.
It's a little extra trouble for them to run it though.
Alternatively, setup a second branch/fork of your codebase for you to work in, your peers can sync to that, and it won't break the build server. When you're done working in your own branch, you can merge it back with mainline/trunk/whatever.
In a team environment, it is usually highly undesirable for anybody to be in an unbuildable state for days. I try to break large code deliveries to as many buildable check-ins as I can. At minimum, create and check in your interfaces even if you do not have the implementation ready so others can start to code against them.
One of the primary benefits of Continuous Integration is that it shows you when things break and when things are fixed. If you commit those pieces of code that break the system, other developers will be forced to get it into a working state before continuing the development. This is a good thing because it doesn't allow code changes to be made on top of broken things (which could cause issues where a co-workers code worked on the broken system, but doesn't work once the initial break is fixed).
This is also a prime example of a good time to use branches/forks, and simply merge to the trunk when all the broken things are fixed.
I am in exactly the same situation here.. As build engineer I have this working beautifully.
First of all, let me break down the branches / projects. #Dolph Mathews has already mentioned branching and tbh, that is an essential part of getting your setup to work.
Take the main code base and integrate it into several personal or "smaller" team branches. i.e. branch_team_a, branch_team_b, branch_team_c
Then set up teamcity to build against these branches under different project headings. So you will eventually have the following: Project Main, Project Team A, Project Team B, Project Team C
Thirdly, then setup developer checkins so that they run pre-commits builds for the broken down branches.. You can find the TC plugin for this under tools and settings.. They have it for IntelliJ or VS.
You now have your 3-tier setup..
- Developer kick starts a remote-run pre-commit build from their desktop against their project. If it passes, it get's checked into the repository i.e. branch_team_a
- Project Team A passes after several check-ins; at which point you integrate your changes from branch_team_A to main branch
- Project Main builds!
If all is successful then you have a candidate release.. If one part fails, projects a, b or c. it doesn't get checked into main. This has been my tried and tested method and works everytime. It also vastly improves team communication.

Only increase build number for formal release?

what's your strategy to increase build number?
Most software has a hierarchy of version numbers:
The "marketing" version number (like "Windows 7")
The major version number - usually incremented when there's a major new version that breaks some compatibility with a previous version, adds a major new capability, requires purchasing an upgrade, or more.
The minor version number - upgraded every time there's a bug-fix or minor feature enhancement that's released to the public
The build number - this should be incremented every time any change is made to the program, so that if someone finds a problem in a nightly build or beta-test version, you can identify exactly which version was being tested. This number is often a revision number directly from your version control system like Subversion, or a timestamp, or something similar that makes it easy for you to roll back the code to that version if necessary.
All the dlls must have the same version number for one release.
Build number consists of "MajorVersion.MinorVersion.BuildNumber.Revision", usually I keep the Revision Number to be 0. Only the first 3 numbers are changed.
For every nightly build, BuildNumber will be incremented automatically. I will manually increase majorversion and minorversion if the changes are sufficiently big.
Every checkin should be tagged a version, use the subversion current version as the part of the build exe version.
It's quite reasonable to increase the build number for just every build. This way testers can tell more exactly which build they find a bug in and when it is verified to be fixed.
We have a build number that's incremented on every build (formal or otherwise). We use a CruiseControl.NET labeller for this.
We have a version number that's incremented by hand only on formal releases, and we define that centrally in one of the CC.NET scripts, which are held in source control.
Like everyone says, increment the build number for every build. We set the major/minor numbers by hand when we do a branch, a branch is usually done a few weeks before release, then that branch gets regression tested. Builds done on the branch still get incremented though.
