JupyterLab in a psychology experiment where participants use JupyterLab - jupyter-notebook

I'm preparing a series of experiments investigating how people learn while interacting with JupyterLab.
Like any psychology experiment, this will require experimental control, meaning that I need disable parts of the interface to prevent participants from going off task during the study.
It would also be helpful to put JupyterLab in a particular state for each user, e.g. extensions active and tabs/panes in a particular layout.
Any suggestions along the above would be appreciated. I have previously set up a JupyterHub (TLJH) and developed an extension, so I have some background knowledge on this topic.

Maybe you could use workspaces to 'setup' Jupyterlab when participants first come in? They're stored as json files (you can find the workspace directory using jupyter lab paths).
You can disable extensions with jupyter labextension disable <extension name>, even the non listed ones such as the filebrowser.
I think you will need to add your own extension too, to remove some of the 'elements' you don't want or re-organise them (such as some buttons in the toolbars, etc.).


sharing a jupyter notebook on a server

I made a jupyter notebook that can read hdf5 files and use some functions to analyze the data. I would like to put this jupyter notebook on a server containing different hdf5 files and make it available for people who are working in other places. An exemple of functions would be to see the expression of some genes in a sample. Those people could open this jupyter notebook and add a list of specific genes to look at.
I am looking at JupyterLab, but I can see that people can read and modify the notebook. I would like that even if they modify it, when they finish, the notebook is as it was before they opened it. Do you think it is possible to do that ? I think I could do it locally with "read-only" but I don't know how to do it on jupyterLab.
I am a newbie for things related to servers. I will really appreciate your help and suggestions.
Thanks a lot :)
Some suggestions:
You could supply the notebook via a code sharing resource like GitHub and let them clone/copy/download use it as they see fit via their own resources. This insures they aren't changing your source notebook. And you don't have to worry about computational resources because they can run it where they prefer such as on their own cluster or at a cloud center.
Typically, I'd suggest the MyBinder project at https://mybinder.org/ for what you describe as it lets you share temporary active sessions that launch on remote servers. You set up a Github repository with notebooks and the data or a way to retrieve the data built in the notebook and when the temporary session launches, users can work through your notebook. This way they can extend and modify and run their own data and not change your source notebook. However, the resources are limiting as it is free, see here.
solve for sediment transport
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A quick introduction to RNAseq
I've seen others use Code Ocean, see an example here.
There are other national/government-funded centers that allow similar hosting of services and resources that can be shared with others. CyVerse is one that is now running in the United States and several place, such as CyVerseUK in association with the Earlham Institute, and elsewhere. They offer notebooks to be served via their VICE apps in their Discover environment. Their resource allows more computational power and storage than the free, public MyBinder service.
You can use Mercury framework. It is an open-source tool that converts Python notebooks into interactive documents, like web apps, reports, dashboards, slides.
It requires an YAML header in the first cell in the notebook. In the header you define the presence of the notebook in the Mercury (title, description, show-code). Additionally, you can add widgets to the notebook. Widgets are directly connected to variables in the notebook. The variables which values are controlled by widgets should be in the separate cell.
The example notebook
The example notebook with YAML header
The YAML header
There are two widgets defined in the below YAML header. The name and points widgtes have the same name as variables in the code. User can change the widgets values, click Run and the notebook will be executed with new values.
title: My notebook
description: Notebook with plot
show-code: False
input: text
label: What is your name?
value: Piotr
input: slider
label: How many points?
value: 200
min: 10
max: 250
The Web Application from Notebook
The final notebook after execution can be downloaded as standalone HTML or PDF file.
The Mercury framework is built on top of Django. It can be deployed on any machine with Python available. The deployment for Heroku is very simple, and can be done with two commands (you need to have Heroku CLI tool):
heroku create my-amazing-web-app-name-here
git push heroku main
Please make sure that there is Procfile created for Heroku deployment with:
web: mercury run$PORT
You can also deploy Mercury with docker-compose. Please check the docs for more details. You can also check the article on how to share Jupyter Notebook with non-programmers with Mercury tool.
You can install a local Gitlab server instead of publishing on Github. Then publish your Jupyter notebooks in Gitlab. Share your server URL with people. Our company is running all internally.

How to get the directory information in the workspace of Light Table?

Opening recent workspace shows the directories and files that I opened before, then how to get the directory location of them? I tried right click, but I see no information.
I expect something like this from Code Runner.
[I'm a member of the open source Light Table team.]
Light Table doesn't provide that info as you expect.
I agree that that would be a really useful feature, especially when you have multiple directories with the same name in different paths.
Maybe a tooltip when you hover over a directory that shows the full path would be the minimal change that would be helpful.
If you're willing to contribute, or know someone that is, feel free to create new issues in the GitHub repo for each of the Code Runner features you'd like to be implemented. Otherwise, add them to the feature wishlist wiki page.
These features could be implemented as plugins but I think some of them might arguably be fine implemented in the core app code. Pull requests welcome!

How to upgrade (merge) web.config with web deploy (msdeploy)?

I'm trying to set up a deployment chain for some of our ASP.NET applications. The tool of choice is Web Deploy (msdeploy) - for now. Unfortunately I'm stuck on a problem.
A high level overview of the chain is thus:
Web developer creates the code and checks it in SVN;
Buildserver sees the update and builds the msdeploy .zip package of the website;
The .zip package is automatically put inside our installer and sent to various clients;
The clients run the installer on their webserver(-s);
The installer uses msdeploy internally to deploy the .zip package and create a new website or upgrade an existing one.
Msdeploy makes it easy to deploy a new instance, but I'm stumped about how to perform an "upgrade" install. The main problem is the web.config file. Each client will most certainly have made some customizations there to suit their specific environment. The installer itself offers to set some more critical parameters at the first-time installation (achieved by msdeploy's parameter mechanism), but they can do others by hand.
On the other hand, we developers also occasionally make changes to web.config, adding some new settings or removing obsolete ones. So I can't just tell msdeploy to ignore the file entirely. I need some kind of advanced XML modification mechanism. It could be a script that the developers maintain, but then it needs to be run ONLY at upgrades, not new installs.
I've no idea how to accomplish this.
Besides that, sometimes there's also some completely weird upgrade logic. For example, the application comes with our company logo, but some clients have replaced that .png file to show their own logo. Recently we needed to update the logo - but only for clients that hadn't replaced it with their own.
Similarly, there might be some cache folders that might need to be cleaned at SOME upgrades but not at others. Or folders with user content that may not be touched (but come with default content at the initial installation). Etc.
How do you normally achieve this dual behavior for msdeploy packages? Do I really need to create 2 distinct packages for every application?
Suggestion from personal experience:
Isolate customisations
Your customers should have the ability to customise their set up and the best way is to provide them with something like an override file. That way you install the new package and follow by superimposing your customer's customisations on top of your standard setup. If its a brand new install then there will be nothing to superimpose.
> top-level --
> standard files |
images | This will never be touched or changed by customer
settings.txt |
> customer files --
images | Customer hacks this to their heart's content
settings.txt_override |
Yes, this does mean that some kind of merging process needs to happen and there needs to be some script that does that but this approach has several advantages.
For settings that suddenly become redundant just issue a warning to that effect
If a customer has their own logo provide the ability to specify this in the override file
The message is clear to customers. Stay off standard files.
If customers request more customisable settings then write the default if it does not exist into the override file during upgrades.
Vilx, in answer to your question, the logic for knowing whether it is an upgrade or not must be contained in the script itself.
To run an upgrade script before installation
msdeploy -verb:sync -source:contentPath="C:\Test1" -dest:contentPath="C:\Test2" -preSync:runcommand="c:\UpgradeScript.bat"
Or to run an upgrade script after installation
msdeploy -verb:sync -source:contentPath="C:\Test1" -dest:contentPath="C:\Test2" -postSync:runcommand="c:\UpgradeScript.bat"
More info here
As to how you know its an upgrade your script could check for a text file called "version.txt" and if it exists the upgrade bat script will run. Version to be contained within the text file. Bit basic but it should work.
This also has the added advantage of giving you the ability of more elegantly merging customer's custom settings between versions as you know which properties could be overriden for that particular version.
There are some general suggestions (not specific to msdeploy), but I hope that helps:
I think you'll need to provide several installers anyway: for the initial setup and for each version-to-version upgrade.
I would suggest to let your clients to merge the config files themselves. You could just provide them either detailed desciption of waht was added/changed/removed, and/or include the utility that simplifies the merge. Maybe this and this links will give you some pointers.
as for merging the replaced logos, other client's customization, I think the best approach would be to support branding your application. I mean - move all branding details to the place where your new/upgrade installers won't touch that.
as for the rest of the adjustments made by your clients, they do that on their own risk, so the only help you could provide them is to include the detailed list of changes (maybe even the list of changed files since the previous version) and the How-To article about merging the sources with tools like Araxis Merge or similar
Or.. you could create a utility and include it to the installer, which will try to do all the tricky merging stuff on client's machine. I would not recommend this way as it requires a lot of efforts/resources to maintain.
One more thing: you could focus on backup-ing the previous client copy before upgrade. So even client will have troubles with upgrading - that will be always possible to roll back. The only thing here for you is to provide a good feedback channel which your clients can use to shoot their troubles. This feedback will allow you to figure out what the troubles your clients have and how to make their upgrade process more comfortable.
I would build on what the above have said, but I would do it with transformations, and strict documentation about who configures what. The way you have it now relies on customer intervention against a config that is mission critical to the app deploy process.
Create three config file areas. One for development, one for the "production generic" build, and one that is an empty template for the customer to edit.
The development instance should be self explanatory. This is the transform that takes the production generic template and creates a web config for your development server. (it sounds like you are shooting for a CI type process here)
The "production generic" transform should set the app up for a hypothetically perfect instance of the app. This is what the install would look like if the architect had his way.
The customer transform is used by the customers to set up the web config as required to meet their own needs. Write some documentation and see what happens. Edit the docs as you help customers through the process.
It that what you were looking for? Thoughts?

git build number c#

I'm trying to embed git describe-generated version info into AssemblyInfo.cs plus some label within ASP.NET website.
I already tried using git-vs-versionino but this assumes Git executable on PATH. However default install of msysgit on Windows does not set this up; it uses git bash. This caused problems.
Now I am looking for a way to utilize libgit2sharp library (for zero external dependencies) to use as build number generator. However this library has no describe command...
git-describe is a UI feature that nobody has implemented in the library or bindings yet (or at least nobody's contributed it), but you can do it yourself fairly easily.
You get a list of the tags and what commits they point to, do a walk down the commits and count how many steps it took to get to a commit that you have in the list you built. This already gives you the information you need. If the steps were zero, then your description would be the tag name only; otherwise you append the number of steps and the current commit's id to it.
There's a work in progress libgit2 pull request that proposes an implementation of git-describe functionalities.
See #1066 for more information.
It's not finished yet. Make sure to subscribe to it in order to be notified of its future progress.
Once it's done, it should be quite easy to bind it and make it available through LibGit2Sharp.

Local personalisations for Vagrant boxes?

As a developer, if I want each and every vagrant box I build from any repository to include my customisations, how would I achieve that?
For example, I have my own vim config, my own tmux config, my own git config, plus there are certain command-line tools I expect on every unix environment I use, such as the aforementioned plus curl and ack.
I would hope Vagrant would include the ability to customise local versions of checked-out box configurations, but I couldn't find out how to do it.
I can't use the normal Vagrantfile because this comes from the repository. I can't create a custom base box, because the Vagrantfile that is checkout out from the repository specifies which base box it wants to use.
Currently the best way I've come up with is to create a repository containing my configs and set it up when I first log in to a newly built Vagrant box by installing all the software I expect through apt-get and then importing my configuration files, but clearly this is frustrating if I'm building a lot of boxes.
Does anyone know how I can automate this?
There are actually a bunch of Vagrantfiles, loaded in a specific order.
The one that's meant for personal/local customisations is located in ~/.vagrant.d/, so any changes you want applied to all boxes build by you, just put them in a ~/.vagrant.d/Vagrantfile.
