Materialize css modal validation - css

I am using Materialize css to design my post. Suppose I have a form in modal and I and post it to server.
In that form I am checking if all fields are having value.
<div class="input-field">
<input type="text" id="title" class="validate" required="" aria-required="true">
<label for="title">Title</label>
The title field is required. But when I click on a submit button in modal it is closing even if title field has empty value. Is there any way to keep the modal open for validation error in Materialize css v1.

Think about this is in separate steps. The form submission only takes place at the end of the chain, when our criteria have been met.
User Submits form
We check the form
We feedback to user
Depending on the results of 2, we may either go back to step 1, or on to step 3.
Modal Structure:
<div id="modal1" class="modal">
<div class="modal-content">
<div class="input-field">
<input type="text" id="title" class="validate" required="" aria-required="true">
<label for="title">Title</label>
<span class="helper-text" data-error="Please enter your name" data-success="Thankyou!"></span>
<div class="modal-footer">
<a id="submit-button" href="#!" class="btn">Submit</a>
We add optional helper-text span for user feedback, as per the documentation.
The Javascript:
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
// init modal
var elems = document.querySelectorAll('.modal');
var instances = M.Modal.init(elems);
// get button
var button = document.querySelector('#submit-button');
// Run our own function when clicked
button.addEventListener("click", checkForm);
// Function checks for input
function checkForm() {
var input = document.querySelector('#title');
if(input.value) {
// submit form
// add valid class to show helper
// close modal
// clear form
input.value = '';
// remove valid class
} else {
// prompt user for input
We grab the value of the text input, and based on that, add a valid or invalid class - this is the built in materialize stuff that hides or shows the relevant message that we set in data-error and data-success.
The only thing you need to add to this is the actual form submission - so something like form.submit().


How to Disable submit button on form after user click in the submit button angular 6

This is what I want my button to do .
I want my button to be disable until the user enter all the values need it in the form.
Once the user enter all the values in the form the user should be able to click in the submit button.
Then after the user click in the submit button this button should be disables again
I try this something like this
<div class="field is-grouped">
<p class="control">
<button class="button is-info"
[disabled]="!aFormGroup.dirty || !FormGroup.valid "
onClick= "this.disabled=true"
submit() {..}
my button get disable when the user click in the button but I don't get any results from the api .
It seem that nothing is send to the api
This works
<div class="field is-grouped">
<p class="control">
<button class="button is-info"
[disabled]="!aFormGroup.dirty || !FormGroup.valid "
submit() {..}
but my button is not disable after the user click on it
You can define a public boolean field in the component and bind the value to the [disabled] attribute in the html.
[disabled]="!aFormGroup.dirty || !aFormGroup.valid || isDisabled"
and set the value to true in the submit method.
Here is a little example

Can helpers detect new elements created by createElement()?

I have a page with table. Each table row, has two links "delete", and "edit". "delete" works fine.
I would like to do this scenario:
When user clicks on row "edit" link, a small window appears with the fields of this row.
User decide to edit or not.
User may press "Save Changes", or "Cancel".
I did the option of small window with JavaScript document.createElement(), and the window appears successfully.
But I would like to add helpers for "Save Changes", and "Cancel" buttons.
I can't do this using helpers{
'submit form#newForm': function (events) {
// some actions
'click #edit': function () {
var px = 'px';
// Create an Overlay
var myOverlay = createOverlay();
// Create edit window display it over the Overlay
var editWindow = createPopup(300, 400);
// Create elements and append it to edit window
var editForm = editWindowForm(this._id,;
'click #delete': function () {
if (confirm("Are you sure?")) {
Codes.remove({_id: this._id})
'submit form#editForm': function (event) {
console.log("Clicked"); // This doesn't displayed
And this is the form after displaying it.
<form id="editForm" style="margin-right: 3em; margin-left: 3em;">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="itemCode" class="control-label">Code</label>
<input id="itemCode" name="itemCode" class="form-control" placeholder="Enter code">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="itemName" class="control-label">Name</label>
<input id="itemName" name="itemName" class="form-control" placeholder="Enter name">
<input type="submit" value="Save Changes" class="btn btn-primary">
<input type="button" value="Cancel" class="btn btn-info">
But when I press on "Save Changes" button, no print from console.log() and the form is making the normal submit and the page reloads again.
So, what I'm missing?
By the way that's the output of the console:
<form id=​"editForm" style=​"margin-right:​ 3em;​ margin-left:​ 3em;​">​…​</form>​
Define edit form as a template. Use event handlers as usual to handle save and cancel button clicks.
To render it, either just put it inside the page template with '#if sessionEditPopup' or if you must do it yourself then use UI.renderWithData docs here
BTW manually modifying DOM using jquery etc is something to be avoided unless there is no other way and is not the Meteor way of doing things.
Add event on click save the data into Session because Session can access globally.
And Take the data from using session,
So when u change the session value that will automatically change your page content.
Here is the link may be useful for U

Semantic-ui search - access object properties not used in 'searchFields'

I am using the Semantic UI search for the title property of my data object. data has other fields and I want to access them when an object is selected. For example, I want to put the value from the uuid property in a hidden input.
Is there a Semantic UI way of doing this? - I couldn't figure it out from the documentation (I know I can go and search through all data.title's for the selected one, but ... there probably is another way).
source: data,
searchFields: [
,onSelect : function(event){
//...some other code
$("#tags").append('<input type="hidden" value="'+ value_from_my_uuid_field +'"');
<div class="ui search">
<div class="ui icon input">
<i class="search icon"></i>
<input class="prompt" type="text" placeholder="Search subjects...">
<div class="results"></div>
Thank you.
The search widget has an onSelect callback you can register (docs) When your user selects a suggestion from the search response, your callback will be called with the selection:
onSelect: function(result) {
// do something with or whatever
I had a similar problem (but with ajax source data) and I finally ended up adding hidden content-tags to the results (on server side) like <div style='display:none;' class='id'>12345</div>.
And in the onSelect-callback I search the result (with jquery) for this content:
onSelect : function(event){
var $result = $(this);
var id = $result.find(".id").html();
// Return 'default' triggers the default select behaviour of the search module.
return "default";
Semantic UI actually provides a way of accessing any of the object's properties.
I used both dropdown and search classes, as shown in the docs with hidden input values for the properties.
<template name="search_drop">
<div class="ui floating dropdown labeled search icon button">
<i class="search icon"></i>
<span class="text">Search subjects...</span>
<div class="menu">
{{#each subjects}}
<div class="item" data-id="{{}}" data-value="{{this.value}}" data-child="{{this.haschildren}}">{{}}
subjects contains my objects with id, name, value, haschildren properties.
Template.search_drop.rendered = function(){
onChange: function(value, text, $choice){
console.log(value); //will output the equivalent of {{}}
console.log($choice[0].attributes); //list of attributes
console.log($choice[0].attributes["data-id"].value); //the equivalent of {{}}

How to read checkbox/radio value in freemarker?

I'm working with share forms in alfresco and trying to read the values of ticked checkboxes and checked radio buttons form a form. I extended both the user creation and userprofile form with these input controls and so far I have been unsuccessful at reading the textual values of said controls. Below is a snippet of code:
<div class="row">
<span class="label"><input id="${el}-input-spokenEnglish" type="checkbox" name="spokenLanguages" value="${msg("label.anglais"!"")?html}" /> ${msg("label.anglais")}</span>
<span class="label"><input id="${el}-input-spokenSpanish" type="checkbox" name="spokenLanguages" value="${msg("label.espagnol"!"")?html}" /> ${msg("label.espagnol")}</span>
<span class="label"><input id="${el}-input-spokenGerman" type="checkbox" name="spokenLanguages" value="${msg("label.allemand"!"")?html}" /> ${msg("label.allemand")}</span>
<span class="label"><input id="${el}-input-spokenChinese" type="checkbox" name="spokenLanguages" value="${msg("label.chinois"!"")?html}" /> ${msg("label.chinois")}</span>
<span class="label">${msg("label.otherLanguages")} : </span>
<span class="input"><input id="${el}-input-spokenLanguages" type="text" size="30" maxlength="256" value="" <#immutablefield field="spokenLanugages" /> /> </span>
unfortunately I get nothing so far from whatever is returned and would gladly appreciate some insight into this.fre
If you look at userprofile.get.html.ftl, you'll see the following snippet:
<script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[
var userProfile = new Alfresco.UserProfile("${args.htmlid}").setOptions(
This means it's triggering a client-side JS file from Alfresco, in this case profile.js (see the head file). So just adding some input fields isn't enough.
You need to extend the client-side JS file.
In the function onEditProfile it gets the Dom elements.
But that's just for showing the actual fiels 'after' it's saved.
In profile.js you'll see: form.setSubmitAsJSON(true); that you have a json object from which you can get your fields.
And in it does a loop on the
for (var i=0; i<names.length(); i++)
var field = names.get(i);
// look and set simple text input values
var index = field.indexOf("-input-");
if (index != -1)
{[field.substring(index + 7)] = json.get(field);
// apply person description content field
else if (field.indexOf("-text-biography") != -1)
{["persondescription"] = json.get(field);
This probably means that you haven't extended the contentmodel of the cm:person object with your new properties.

CSS Hidden DIV Form Submit

Using CSS, when a link is clicked it brings up a hidden DIV that contains a form. The user will then enter information and then submit the form. I'd like the hidden DIV to remain visible, and a 'success message' to be displayed after submission. Then the user will have the option of closing the DIV. I can't get it to work without reloading the page, which causes the DIV to become hidden again. Any ideas?
Click Me
<div id="hideshow" style="visibility:hidden;">
<div id="fade"></div>
<div class="popup_block">
<div class="popup">
<a href="javascript:hideDiv()">
<img src="images/icon_close.png" class="cntrl" title="Close" />
<h3>Remove Camper</h3>
<form method="post" onsubmit="email.php">
<p><input name="Name" type="text" /></p>
<p><input name="Submit" type="submit" value="submit" /></p>
<div id="status" style="display:none;">success</div>
<!--END POPUP-->
<script language=javascript type='text/javascript'>
function hideDiv() {
if (document.getElementById) { // DOM3 = IE5, NS6
document.getElementById('hideshow').style.visibility = 'hidden';
else {
if (document.layers) { // Netscape 4
document.hideshow.visibility = 'hidden';
else { // IE 4 = 'hidden';
function showDiv() {
if (document.getElementById) { // DOM3 = IE5, NS6
document.getElementById('hideshow').style.visibility = 'visible';
else {
if (document.layers) { // Netscape 4
document.hideshow.visibility = 'visible';
else { // IE 4 = 'visible';
Forms by default submit content by changing to the specified page in its 'action' attribute. You will need to build additional scripts to prevent it from doing that and submit the data using either AJAX or jQuery then process the result.
Or you could simply use whatever language you're programming in to set the default visibility for the division. If the form data exists, display it by default, otherwise hide it by default.
How about using an AJAX call to post the form instead of posting back the whole page?
Instead of using a "submit" type for your button, you can use a "button" type and use a script called by onclick which will use ajax to submit the form and do whatever is necessary.
This defeats slightly the meaning of a form, but works well. You might also want to think about using a javascript library like prototype or similar (jquery, etc) that gives you the functionality to create a get or post array of your form in order to make it easier.
