Change google form questions based on spreadsheet and other questions - google-forms

I'm currently working on some code for a Google Form for a family football pool we do every year. I have it made to where the user selects their name from a list of competitors and then selects the team they want to pick that week. Each player cannot pick a team more than once and no more than 8 players can select any given team in one week.
Is there a way to gray out teams based on the teams a player already picked? I have a spreadsheet with everyone's name and the teams they picked. I manually update it based on last weeks results, each player is listed in a row with all the teams they picked in the cells next to their name.
Also how do I gray out teams that have already been picked by 8 players that week?


What is the chart lines in google analytics overview display?

when I look in Google analytics under visitors overview there is a line chart that tell me how many users per day I have had. But these numbers does not add up to the ones below that show users, new users, sessions and so on. What does the line chart actually tell me? If I for example export the report to an excel file by day I get a lot higher number of users per day compared to exporting by month which is much lower. Can someone explain the difference. I wanted to know the number of visits to the site per day....
While the trend tells you how many individual users visited the site per day, the "Users" below represents you the de-duplicated count of users who came to the site during the time frame applied.
Example: you visit the same site on 4 separate days during a particular week, the line chart will identify you as a visitor on all 4 days (4 daily users). While the User count below counts you an "one" user for the week.

Google Analytics Graph Values Do Not Add up to Number in Box

Chart from Google Analytics
As I worked on my sites monthly report for visits/trends, I noticed that the user number provided in text (value 4539) is different the the number you get when you add each day's plot point together along the blue line (value of 5110). I have the graph set for users, and also made sure the time frame for data was the same, but I am not sure what why these numbers differ so much.
Can someone explain this to me? Apparently I am an idiot.
Edit #1: This is the default settings under Reports > Audience > Overview. I have no dimensions added or anything more than just the strictly default settings.
User numbers are time dependent. That is to say, a user may come back more than once in a month, and GA knows that because it's detecting the cookie dropped in their browser. So, if Person A visited your site on Monday he counts as one user, and a report for Monday counts him as that. If he comes back on Tuesday and you look at a user report just for Tuesday, he is again one user. So, in individual daily reports Person A is counted as one user, in 2 reports. If you look at a report for the week, he counts as one user, because GA knows that he was person coming back to your site twice in one week.

Difference between Active Users and Retained Users

Can someone explain me the difference between the 2 APP metrics, Active Users and Retained Users. I am looking at these metrics through flurry API and I am grouping my data at month level.
I am not able to understand what is my Retained users number mean at a month level.
Retained users plots two lines. The blue line is the number of users who installed the app in a given month, week or year. The green line identifies how many of these users had at least one session with your app in the past week.
The two lines will generally converge for the current month so use weekly or daily views to analyze the current month.

Graph design (for neo4j) for sports tournaments

I want to use a graph database for a web application that tracks the players, matches, leagues for a given sport say volleyball. Below is the 1st level model I came up with. I would like to support the below statistics for this web application
Show all the leagues played by a player.
Show all the matches played by a player in each league.
Player's current team and his previous teams.
How many times the player was a captain and all the leagues for which he was the captain.
All leagues played by a team.
How many times the team was a winner or runner.
NOTE: Right click on the image and open it in a new tab to see the original image.
You model looks good, however after looking at your use cases, I have a few questions/suggestions:
I'll give these in Cypher as it's easiest to show in this format.
Show all the leagues played by a player.
START player=node:Player('indexForPlayer')
MATCH player-[PLAYED]->match-[PART_OF]->league
RETURN league
Show all the matches played by a player in each league.
START player=node:Player('indexForPlayer')
MATCH player-[PLAYED]->match-[PART_OF]->league
RETURN match, collect(league)
Player's current team and his previous teams.
START player=node:Player('indexForPlayer')
MATCH player-[BELONGED_TO]->team
How many times the player was a captain and all the leagues for which he was the captain.
How do you determine if they were a captain of a league?
How many times the team was a winner or runner.
You might want to put this as a relationship such as (match)-[WINNER]->(team) this way to find out how many wins your team has, all you have to do is count the WINNER relationship.
Data Model
Add a property to the Match node for date played. I'm unfamiliar with sports, but Year may not be enough if they can swap teams within a year, however Neo4j doesn't really have a good method for dealing with time, other than a 'seconds since epoch ` type system.

A Drupal view to show the top rated node per day, each day for a year?

I have a site with user generated stories. Stories are nodes. Stories are rated with Fivestar.
I want to create a calendar style view to list the top rated story - every day, for the current year. So at the end I will have a list of 365 stories.
I'm not sure how to approach this, any help would be great.
You could make a View that takes a Date argument, where you'll pass a specific day', and return results sorted by Fivestar rating, and limiting the View to 1 result.
Then in your custom calendar, loop over every day, and each time, calling the View and showing the result, which will be the 'top rated' note. Though this might be somewhat overkill, it's suitable for a Block which shows today's current top rated Node. I wouldn't actually use it for a whole month or even year view.
Another option could be, that every 24 hours - and a little past midnight - you use that View to get the top rated note for the previous day, and store or flag it as the top rated.
That way, only 1 Node a day will be flagged or stored, and you could build a view that lists all stored/flagged nodes, ordered by date. Rating is irrelevant here, since the View you ran in Cron already picked up the top rated one. Theme this View as a grid, and maybe with an argument Month, and you are close to a Calendar like Month view of your top rated Nodes per day.
Last option would be to build a View, which gets all nodes, and sort them by rating, and group them by day. Then make sure you only print 1 per group, namely, the top rated one.
