I need to populate my database with the User-ID report data for each user (The report I am referring to can be found in Google Analytics > Reports > User Explorer (> click on the user id)).
I am looking at the documentation, but cannot seem to find any dimensions or metrics that I can use to accomplish this: https://ga-dev-tools.appspot.com/dimensions-metrics-explorer/?authuser=1
I wish I had some code examples, however the alternative method would be to run this script (with all the other functions that I will not include in here for simplicity):
def get_user_Activity(analytics, VIEW_ID, user_id, start_date, end_date):
# Use the Analytics Service Object to query the Analytics Reporting API V4.
return analytics.userActivity().search(
"viewId": VIEW_ID,
"user": {
"type": "USER_ID",
"userId": user_id
"dateRange": {
"startDate": start_date,
"endDate": end_date
"activityTypes": [
Which will yield this dictionary for each user-id:
{'sessions': [{'sessionId': '1579xxxx',
'deviceCategory': 'desktop',
'platform': 'Windows',
'dataSource': 'web',
'activiti es': [{'activityTime': '2020-01-22T12:48:20.971410Z',
source': '(direct)',
'medium': '(none)',
'channelGrouping': 'Direct',
'campaign': '(not set)',
'keyword': '(not set)',
'hostname': 'example.com',
'landingPagePath': '/somelandingpage',
'activityType': 'PAGEVIEW',
'customDimension': [{'index': 1}],
'pageview': {'pagePath': '/some/page', 'pageTitle': 'SOME Title'}},
{'activityTime': '2020-01-22T12:48:20.970754Z',
'source': '(direct)',
'medium': '(none)',
'channelGrouping': 'Direct',
'campaign': '(not set)',
'keyword': '(not set)',
'hostname': 'example.com',
'landingPagePath': '/somelandingpage',
'activityType': 'PAGEVIEW',
'customDimension': [{'index': 1}],
'pageview': {'pagePath': '/some/other/path', 'pageTitle': 'SomeTitle'}},...
etc ..............
The trouble of this method is that I would have to go calculate most of the metrics that I am interested in, instead, I would prefer to merely collect the metrics and populate the DB.
If the needed "ga:dimension(s)" and "ga:metric(s)" could please be provided, it would be highly appreciated.
There's no built-in support for userId-level reporting in Google Core Reporting API, so you'll have to calculate all the necessary metrics on your side based on what's available in the Activity API responses.
The only alternative is having a user-level custom dimension with the same value as user ID. However, this only works if you have this tracking implemented in advance.
I am trying to do a server side call to Google Analytics 4 with a valid Measurement ID (G-0GHN4RGNDQ) it's a test one, so OK to share here, see https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/protocol/v1/parameters#v and the debug call here:
I get this error
"hitParsingResult": [ {
"valid": false,
"parserMessage": [ {
"messageType": "ERROR",
"description": "The value provided for parameter 'tid' is invalid. Please see https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/protocol/v1/parameters for details.",
"messageCode": "VALUE_INVALID",
"parameter": "tid"
} ],
"hit": "/debug/collect?v=1\u0026tid=G-0GHN4RGNDQ\u0026cid=555\u0026t=event\u0026ec=MyCategory\u0026ea=MyAction\u0026el=MyLabel"
} ],
"parserMessage": [ {
"messageType": "INFO",
"description": "Found 1 hit in the request."
} ]
I can successfully make gtag calls using that same Measurement ID and the events show up in Google Analytics... however I can't seem to get it to work via the /debug/ url above.
Any help appreciated.
You appear to be using the endpoint for
Measurement Protocol (Universal Analytics)
However yet you state you are trying to use Google Analytics 4 which implies GA4 and not Universal analytics.
You should be using Measurement Protocol (Google Analytics 4)
POST /mp/collect HTTP/1.1
HOST: www.google-analytics.com
Content-Type: application/json
For validating hits check this page page
Remember the measurement protocol is used to send Data TO Google Analytics not request data from google analytics.
I am using the Analytics Reporting API v4 to get a report with this body:
'viewId': XXX,
'dateRanges': {
'startDate': "2021-03-16",
'endDate': "2021-04-14"
'metrics': [
"ga:itemQuantity", "ga:itemRevenue"
'samplingLevel': 'LARGE',
'pageSize': 100000,
'hideTotals': False,
'dimensions': ["ga:source", "ga:date", "ga:dimension4"]
If I compare the total itemRevenue with what I have on Analytics interface in the "Product performance" report, I have the same results for the whole period but if I check on a subperiod I have some different numbers.
I did the same test with a start_date="2021-04-09" and end_date="2021-04-15" and this time I always have different results. The missing rows always match ga:source=affiliation.
If I remove the ga:dimension4 (corresponding to userType in the interface), my results are always the same.
Could someone explain why my results are not consistent between the API and the interface?
I want to switch from Google Analytics Reporting API to Google Analytics Data API (GA4)
In Reporting API it was possible to retieve all view id for account (used to send requests) by special endpoint. In Analytics Data API there is no view id, but there is Property ID which is used to send requests. But I didn't find any endpoint to get Property ID through REST. Is it even possible or it's only available from https://analytics.google.com/ admin panel?
Also in Reporting API to send requests I used utm marks in dimensionFilterClauses array like this:
How can I do it with Google Analytics Data API (GA4)?
You can use the Admin API to list all GA4 Properties that you have access to. The method is accountSummaries.list.
The response will contain for example...
"propertySummaries": [
"property": "properties/215...",
"displayName": "You GA4 Property Name"
For the utm marks, you'll need to translate those dimension names from GA3 to GA4. This page provides the equivalent dimensions in GA4. For example, ga:source in GA3 is similar to source in GA4. Note that ga:keyword and ga:adContent are not yet available in GA4.
I'm using firebase analytics with my android app.
I followed this article https://firebase.google.com/docs/analytics/screenviews?hl=en and now I'm tracking screens manually.
As you can see below it's working
Now I try to retrieve this data with the runReport-method https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/data/v1/rest/v1alpha/TopLevel/runReport as follows
"dimensions": [{
"name": "screen_view"
"name": "firebase_screen"
"metrics": [{
"name": "myMetric?"
I get the return message
Field screen_view is not a valid dimension
I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
Here's your reference of all the dimensions and APIs you can use: https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/data/v1/api-schema
I think what you're having issues with is that the "screen_view" dimension doesn't exist. This is because if you go into your Firebase Console. "screen_view" is actually an EVENT.
So in your case, to solve, you would actually have to get the dimension "eventName" and FILTER for the "screen_view" name.
I am looking to implement a page view tracking system on one of my websites.
The website is a directory where suppliers can advertise their services. Suppliers have a unique profile page on the site, e.g mysite.com/directory/abc-profile.html
The idea is that suppliers can log in to their account area on the site and view stats on how many people are visiting their profile. Ideally I want to display this as :
Total views | Total today | This week | This month | This year
It does not matter if the data is not completely up to date.
I already have Google Analytics tracking code installed on the site. Is it possible to use the Google Analytics API to retrieve this data? If so, what kind of query do I need to make? I had a look on the documentation but could not figure whether the functions allow this or not.
I am using PHP and MySQL on the server.
Yes - you will need to use the Google Analytics API for this. I would suggest checking out the Query Explorer to get a feel for the queries you will need to create.
You will require numerous queries to get all the data you need (adjusting the starting date):
- Total Views
- This Year
- This Month
- This Week (i.e. last 7 days - from which you could also get Total Today).
Here is an example query:
Alternatively, you might want to consider www.embeddedanalytics.com (disclosure - I work with them). We have a service/platform that allows website owners to embed GA based charts/statistics without having to learn the GA API. We have a CMS version which will do exactly what you need (where you script the call to pass the page path). We have done something like this with a number of podcast sharing sites.
Google suggests using Reporting API V4 now. The accepted answer uses V3.
Here is a V4 request example:
POST https://analyticsreporting.googleapis.com/v4/reports:batchGet?key={YOUR_API_KEY}
"reportRequests": [
"viewId": "YOUR_VIEW_ID",
"dimensions": [
"name": "ga:pagePath"
"metrics": [
"expression": "ga:pageviews"
"dimensionFilterClauses": [
"filters": [
"operator": "EXACT",
"dimensionName": "ga:pagePath",
"expressions": [
"dateRanges": [
"startDate": "2009-12-31",
"endDate": "2016-09-28"
YOUR_API_KEY - for auth related things follow this page
YOUR_VIEW_ID - you can use the Account Explorer to find a View ID. (or Admin -> View -> View Settings -> View ID).
For more documentation details and a "Try it!" console follow this page.
You should be able to add a filter on the landing page. I am assuming that each user's site has its own start page. This returns only the data for that user. If you want the code on how to do this I suggest you google: Google analytics core reporting API PHP tutorial
Another idea would be to let the user add there Google Analytics account to there profile. Then you can output the google analytics code onto there page. Then they can track there own google analytics data and you won't need to deal with any of it.
Thought I would provide an updated version as the others are showing for V3 and V4 - for anyone using the latest API for Google Analytics Data API (GA4). This is just grabbing the total users, over a date range for a specific path.
Note that the POST is hitting the v1 beta address as this was the latest at the time.
POST https://analyticsdata.googleapis.com/v1beta/properties/PROPERTY_ID:runReport
"dateRanges": [
"startDate": "YYYY-MM-DD",
"endDate": "YYYY-MM-DD"
"dimensions": [
"name": "pagePath"
"dimensionFilter": {
"filter": {
"fieldName": "pagePath",
"stringFilter": {
"matchType": "CONTAINS",
"value": "/YOUR/PATH"
"metrics": [
"name": "totalUsers"