TLS in golang http and grpc server - http

I've seen that some app developed in Go run without tls enabled from the app, rather enabled in its proxy server(nginx). The requests coming to the app is encrypted at the nginx side only. So the Go http server is served using only http.ListenAndServe.
While using gRPC, I've seen the gRPC server served without tls enabled, and the client dial with insecure mode enabled.
I assumed all of this because you only need enable tls only if you serve requests coming from outside(external networks). If you use http and grpc for internal services communication within internal network in microservices architecture, you don't need enable tls at all since it only adds overhead. Is this true?
How is tls properly applied in Golang development for http and gRPC server?


Dispatching grpc requests to multiple servers via Nginx

Having a grpc client and server and they are exchanging messages in grpc unary mode. I want to log all the messages the client sends to the server without changing a single line of code in both client or server. I came across to Nginx with its new graceful grpc support. Is it possible to route grpc messages from client to server via Nginx while sending a copy of them to a remote logging service? If No, please let me know if there are any other tools out there that do the same stuff.

http over wiregarud vs pure https

I have a HTTP service running on a server that is to be used by my android application. I am thinking about various way to so that clients can send data to server in a secure manner. One common way is to use HTTPS protocol and have an load-balancer or a proxy that do the SSL termination.
Instead, I am thinking of using wiregaurd as a secure medium for communication. So I will first install wiregarud client as a part of my android application and send all the traffic through this wiregarud channel to the server which is being served from an http endpoint.
Which of the two approaches are better in terms of security and speed?

grpc - is TLS necessary if https enabled?

I'm newbie of grpc and have played with simple grpc clients of java, go, and python. I know basic http and https but not familiar with protocal details. So this question may be rediculous to you but I didn't find any explaination online.
I know grpc has insecure(go: grpc.WithInsecure(), python: grpc.insecure_channel, java: usePlaintext()) and secure mode(TLS). and grpc is based on httpv2, and http has security mode(https).
So what if use insecure grpc with https? Is the overall data transfer safe?
And what if use TLS grpc with https? Is there performance overhead(becuase I think the messages are encrypted twice)?
Thank you for any answer, any exsiting webpages explaining such topic that will be best!
Insecure implies http. And TLS implies https. So there's no way "to use insecure grpc with https", as at that point it is then http.
There is no double-encryption. The gRPC security mode is the same as the HTTP security mode.
Using gRPC over TLS is highly recommended if you gRPC server is serving requests coming from outside(external network). For example you're creating front end app in javascript serving user requests. Your javascript app make call to your gRPC server for APIs your server provide. Your javascript communicate to your gRPC server through stub created in javascript end. At the end of your gRPC server, you need to set tls mechanism to secure communication between your javascript app and your gRPC server(because requests coming from outside).
gRPC somehow mostly used for internal services communication inside internal network in microservice architecture. You don't need to set tls for internal network usage since requests coming from your own environment from within your watch.
If you want to apply something like "gRPC over HTTPS", then you need something like gateway to map your http call to your gRPC server. Check this out.
You need to compile your proto file as gateway service definitions as well using provided tools. Now you can create your normal http server with tls enabled through something like http.ListenAndServeTLS(...). Dont forget to register your grpc server to the http server using the service definitions compiled from the proto file. With this all your requests to are encrypted with tls to your http server like normal rest apis do, but get proxied to gRPC server you defined. There's no need to enable tls at your gRPC server since it has been enabled in your http server.

Intercepting application HTTP/HTTPS traffic with a proxy

As part of my job,
I need to intercept the communication between a native windows application to a web server.
My connection to the environment is through an SSL-VPN.
The application (.exe) is installed on my PC and is communicating in HTTPS with the web server over port 1912.
Usually I use Burp proxy in order to intercept the communication between a browser and a server (configuring the proxy through the browser config). Yet,
In this implementation (native windows application) I cannot figure out how to route the traffic to a proxy.
Is there any specific proxy or configuration which I can use in order to that and use Burp (because it is a web proxy.. I need to mess with HTTP requests)?
First thing you have to understand is whether this native application is programmed to use proxy. If it can use proxy, it could obtain proxy information from the Windows system or you might need to configure just for the application inside the application.
Other possibility it to use the default gateway, and redirect requests with HTTP response 3XX to your proxy. It might work depending on your native application. The default gateway might just act as a proxy.
I suppose here you are not talking about reverse proxy and forward proxy caching (

Pros and cons of using a Http proxy v/s https proxy?

The JVM allows proxy properties http.proxyHost and http.proxyPort for specifying a HTTP proxy server and https.proxyHost and https.proxyPort for specifying a HTTPS proxy server .
I was wondering whether there are any advantages of using a HTTPS proxy server compared to a HTTP proxy server ?
Is accessing a https url via a HTTPS proxy less cumbersome than accesing it from a HTTP proxy ?
HTTP proxy gets a plain-text request and [in most but not all cases] sends a different HTTP request to the remote server, then returns information to the client.
HTTPS proxy is a relayer, which receives special HTTP request (CONNECT verb) and builds an opaque tunnel to the destination server (which is not necessarily even an HTTPS server). Then the client sends SSL/TLS request to the server and they continue with SSL handshake and then with HTTPS (if requested).
As you see, these are two completely different proxy types with different behavior and different design goals. HTTPS proxy can't cache anything as it doesn't see the request sent to the server. With HTTPS proxy you have a channel to the server and the client receives and validates server's certificate (and optionally vice versa). HTTP proxy, on the other hand, sees and has control over the request it received from the client.
While HTTPS request can be sent via HTTP proxy, this is almost never done because in this scenario the proxy will validate server's certificate, but the client will be able to receive and validate only proxy's certificate, and as name in the proxy's certificate will not match the address the socket connected to, in most cases an alert will be given and SSL handshake won't succeed (I am not going into details of how to try to address this).
Finally, as HTTP proxy can look into the request, this invalidates the idea of security provided by HTTPS channel, so using HTTP proxy for HTTPS requests is normally done only for debugging purposes (again we omit cases of paranoid company security policies which require monitoring of all HtTPS traffic of company employees).
Addition: also read my answer on the similar topic here.
There are no pros or cons.
And there are no "HTTPS proxy" server.
You can tell the protocol handlers which proxy server to use for different protocols. This can be done for http, https, ftp and socks. Not more and not less.
I can't tell you if you should use a different proxy for https connections or not. It depends.
I can only explain the difference of an http and https request to a proxy.
Since the HTTP Proxy (or web proxy) understands HTTP (hence the name), the client can just send the request to the proxy server instead of the actual destenation.
This does not work for HTTPS.
This is because the proxy can't make the TLS handshake, which happens at first.
Therefore the client must send a CONNECT request to the proxy.
The proxy establishes a TCP connection and just sends the packages forth and back without touching them.
So the TLS handshake happens between the client and destenation.
The HTTP proxy server does not see everything and does not validate destenation servers certificate whatsoever.
There can be some confusion with this whole http, https, proxy thing.
It is possible to connect to a HTTP proxy with https.
In this case, the communication between the client and the proxy is encrypted.
There are also so called TLS terminating or interception proxy servers like Squid's SSL Peek and Splice or burp, which see everything.
But this should not work out of the box, because the proxy uses own certificates which are not signed by trusted CAs.
If you mean connecting to a HTTP proxy server over TLS by saying HTTPS proxy, then
I was wondering whether there are any advantages of using a HTTPS
proxy server compared to a HTTP proxy server ?
The advantage is that your client's connection to proxy server is encrypted. E.g. A firewall can't not see which host you use CONNECT method connect to.
Is accessing a https url via a HTTPS proxy less cumbersome than
accesing it from a HTTP proxy ?
Everything is the same except that with HTTPS proxy, brower to proxy server connection is encrypted.
But you need to deploy a certificate on your proxy server, like how a https website does, and use a pac file to configure the brower to enable Connecting to a proxy over SSL.
For more details and a practical example, check my question and answer here HTTPs proxy server only works in SwitchOmega
Unfortunately, "HTTPS proxy" has two distinct meanings:
A proxy that can forward HTTPS traffic to the destination. This proxy itself is using an HTTP protocol to set up the forwarding.
In case the browser is trying to connect to a website using HTTPS, the browser will send a CONNECT request to the proxy, and the proxy will set up a TCP connection with the website and mirror all TCP traffic sent on the connection from the browser to the proxy onto the connection between the proxy and the website, and similarly mirror the response TCP packet payload from the webite to the connection with the browser. Hypothetically, the same mechanism using CONNECT could be used with HTTP traffic, but practically speaking browsers don't do that. For HTTP traffic, they send the actual HTTP request to the proxy, including the full path in the HTTP command (as well as setting the Host header):
So, by this definition, HTTPS Proxy is a proxy that understands the CONNECT directive and can support HTTPS traffic going between the browser and the website.
A proxy that uses HTTPS protocol to secure client communication.
In this mode (sometimes referred to as "Secure Proxy"), the browser uses the proxy's own certificate to perform TLS handshake with the proxy, and then sends either HTTP or HTTPS traffic, (including CONNECT requests), on that connection as per (1). So, the connection between the browser and the proxy is always protected with a TLS key derived using the proxy's certificate, regardless of whether the traffic itself is encrypted with a key negotiated between the browser and the website. If HTTPS traffic is proxied via a secure proxy, it is double-encrypted on the connection between the browser and the proxy.
For example, the Proxy Switcher Chrome plugin has two separate settings to control each of these funtionalities:
As of 2022, the option to use a secure proxy is not available in MacOS and Windows manual proxy configuration UI. But a secure proxy may be specified in a PAC file used in automatic proxy configuration using the HTTPS proxy directive. It is up to the consuming application to support the HTTPS directive; most major browsers, except Safari, and many desktop apps support it.
NOTE: Things get a bit more complicated because some proxies that proxy HTTPS traffic don't simply forward TCP packet payload, as described in (1), but act as Intercepting Proxies. Using a spoofed website certificate, they effectively perform a Man-in-the-Middle attack (well, it's not necessarily an attack because it's expected behavior). Whereas the browser thinks it's using the website's certificate to set up a TLS tunnel with a website, it's actually using a spoofed certificate to set up TLS tunnel with the proxy, and the proxy sets up the TLS tunnel with the website. Then proxy has visibility into the HTTPS requests/responses. But all of that is completely orthogonal to whether the proxy is acting as a secure proxy as per (2).
