How to generate master.key on Rails 6? - ruby-on-rails-6

How can I get rails to generate a master key? I'm wanting it to decrypt the credentials file in a production environment.
This is how I tried to generate a new key:
config$ rm credentials.yml.enc
config$ EDITOR=vim rails credentials:edit
File encrypted and saved.

In case anyone is looking for a way to generate an encryption key that is exactly 32 characters:
$ bundle exec rails secret | cut -c-32
=> 8d000d7e7233facfc8300b9a3fe0421e
Then save that to your .env as:
# Generated by:
# bundle exec rails secret | cut -c-32
# If one is already setup, you may need to ask someone for it.

So it turns out I had RAILS_MASTER_KEY set as an environment variable from testing. Rails was referencing that instead of generating a new key. I unset the environment variable and it's now working.


How can I encrypt just the values of a .env file?

I need the names of the keys for a build pipeline in GitHub actions, the values of the keys encrypted in the repo but decrypted in my local environment.
I need the .env file like this (decrypted) in my local environment:
ACCESS_KEY = mykeysecret123
ANOTHER_KEY = key2secret
And like this (encrypted) in the GitHub repo:
ACCESS_KEY = f4d5dfa6f5da4f6as5dfsdhgzxcvr4
ANOTHER_KEY = dhjdujfk5f64f8ghjdj5j56jhjh4jhf
Very similar to what transcrypt does, but transcypt encrypts the whole file, and I need the key names of the file to be not-encrypted, so when the build runs in Github actions it can find the names of the variables. The build does not need the actual secret values. It's failing becase I have a config file with:
import { ACCESS_KEY, ANOTHER_KEY} from 'react-native-dotenv'
And when the build looks for those names in the .env file, it can't find them if the file is encrypted with transcrypt or git-crypt or any other encrypting tool that encrypts the whole file.
There is a nice tool by Mozilla that encrypts only the values and not the keys of your secret file
Follow the detailed tutorial video here :
react-native-dotenv maintainer here! I took a look at your screenshots and I'm noticing a couple issues:
Make sure to remove all spaces in the .env file around the =, e.g. ACCESS_KEY=f4d5dfa6f5da4f6as5dfsdhgzxcvr4.
you need to do import { ACCESS_KEY, ANOTHER_KEY } from '#env'

Envrypt sql_alchemy_conn in airflow config file (ansible)

Is there a way to encrypt the airflow config file sql_alchemy_conn string , the password shown in example is plaintext . What options are there to secure it. Also if the password has special chars how it must be escaped in the config file
Trying to install airflow using airflow role.
# See:
value: "postgresql+psycopg2://"
Way to encrypt password, couldn't find how to encrypt this.
You can provide the database URI through environment variables instead of the config file. This doesn't encrypt it or necessarily make it more secure, but it at least isn't plainly sitting in a permanent file.
In your airflow.cfg you can put a placeholder:
sql_alchemy_conn = override_me
Then set AIRFLOW__CORE__SQL_ALCHEMY_CONN=postgresql+psycopg2://... in an environment variable when you bring up Airflow components. This way of setting and overriding configuration options through environment variables is detailed in the docs, but the basic format is AIRFLOW__{SECTION}__{KEY}=<value>.
There are 2 ways of securing this as mentioned in docs:
1) Environment Variable:
You can override the setting in airflow.cfg by setting the following environment variable:
This way you can keep the setting in airflow.cfg as empty so no one can view the password.
2) Get string by running command:
You can also derive the connection string at run time by appending _cmd to the key like this:
sql_alchemy_conn_cmd = bash_command_to_run

Flywaydb multiple config files for migration is failing

We have tried to migrate some SQL versions in a single database and it went well. When to tried to implement the migrations for multiple databases at the same time by passing multiple config files is failing.
The issue is it takes only the last config file and the migration is performed only for the database mentioned in the last config file, when passed the multiple config files in "-configFiles" parameter.
Below is the screenshot of the same, it took only flywayconfdb.conf file and left other files.
[oracle#localhost flyway-5.1.4]$ ./flyway -configFiles=/home/oracle/flyway/flyway-5.1.4/conf/flyway.conf,/home/oracle/flyway/flyway-5.1.4/conf/flywayjiradb.conf,/home/oracle/flyway/flyway-5.1.4/conf/flywayconfdb.conf info
Flyway Community Edition 5.1.4 by Boxfuse
Database: jdbc:oracle:thin:#//XXXXXXXXX:1521/confdb (Oracle 12.2)
Schema version: << Empty Schema >>
| Category | Version | Description | Type | Installed On | State |
| No migrations found |
Please help us in resolving the same.
Flyway merges the config files. It doesn't do a separate migration for each one.
For each config file, Flyway adds the content to a Properties map. Properties has only one value per key, so if the same key appears in a second config file it would overwrite the previous value. This is why it seems like just the settings from the last config file are used.
It allows you to define some common settings somewhere, for example in ~/flyway.conf, which could be merged with some more specific settings, e.g. in individual projects.
But it doesn't allow you to migrate multiple databases in a single run. You need to run Flyway once per database:
./flyway -configFiles=/home/oracle/flyway/flyway-5.1.4/conf/flywayjiradb.conf info
./flyway -configFiles=/home/oracle/flyway/flyway-5.1.4/conf/flywayconfdb.conf info
The documentation describes the Overriding Order as:
Command-line arguments
Environment variables
Custom config files
Flyway command-line defaults
With settings defined higher up the list having greater precedence.
The documentation gives the following example:
The means that if for example flyway.url is both present in a config
file and passed as -url= from the command-line, the command-line
argument will take precedence and be used.
The Custom config files (-configFiles) lines could be expanded as:
Command-line arguments
Environment variables
Custom config file n
Custom config file 2
Custom config file 1
Flyway command-line defaults
And a corresponding example could be:
The means that if for example flyway.url is both present in custom config file 1 and custom config file 2, the custom config file 2 settings will take precedence and be used.
Similarly, if the flyway.url was also in custom config file n that would override that setting from custom config file 2.

sbt publishSigned on Sonatype Nexus via Travis CI with using pgpPassphrase

I've build an OSS project
The Travis-ci pipeline works perfectly, but for 1 final step.
I followed these guides:
Locally I got all steps working fine and actually published to the Nexus.
In the .travis.yml I import the key before install (Encrypted in env)
- echo "$PGP_SECRET" | base64 --decode | gpg --import
- echo "$PGP_TRUST" | base64 --decode | gpg --import-ownertrust
The $PGP_PASS is also encrypted in Travis env and available for the build.sbt
I checked it actually gets the key in this command
pgpPassphrase := sys.env.get("PGP_PASS").map(_.toArray)
Now if Travis runs the command
sbt publishSigned
It still prompts for a passphrase for my key
You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for user:
"com.datlinq.datalabs (Key for Datalabs OSS) "
2048-bit RSA key, ID 305DA15D, created 2017-09-01
Enter passphrase:
I don't know what I should do to make this work
This moment in time is captured:
build log:
So, the reason it prompted for a password and ignored all sbt based configurations was due to the fact the build script used the local gnupg installation instead of the one packaged with sbt-pgp (bouncy castle).
The local gpg wants you to manually enter the password the first time. A bit hard using TravisCI
So the solution was ignore the local gpg and use the bundled one, that uses the pgpPassphrase setting
Looking back to the documentation:
In one of the first lines it actual says:
If you’re using the built-in Bouncy Castle PGP implementation, skip this step.
The first step towards using the GPG command line tool is to make sbt-pgp gpg->aware.
useGpg := true
So the solution was to set useGpg := false
For more details look at the current repo:
Or check this blog (which I found later)

Using KeyczarTool to create new keyset

Following the documentation noted in the wiki, I'm trying to use the KeyczarTool to generate new keyset. Anyone else come across this FileNotFoundException? The KeyczarTool.jar has rwx permissions and tried running via sudo.
From docs
Command Usage:
create --location=/path/to/keys --purpose=(crypt|sign) [--name="A name"] [--asymmetric=(dsa|rsa|ec)]
Creates a new, empty key set in the given location.
This key set must have a purpose of either "crypt" or "sign"
and may optionally be given a name. The optional version
flag will generate a public key set of the given algorithm.
The "dsa" and "ec" asymmetric values are valid only for sets
with "sign" purpose.
$ java -jar KeyczarTool-0.71f-060112.jar create --location=/keys --purpose=crypt -name="first key" --asymmetric=rsa
org.keyczar.exceptions.KeyczarException: Unable to write to: /keys/meta
at org.keyczar.KeyczarTool.create(
at org.keyczar.KeyczarTool.main(
Caused by: /keys/meta (No such file or directory)
at Method)
at org.keyczar.KeyczarTool.create(
... 1 more
With the current version of java keyczar the directory "keys" needs to be created first before running the program.
This is a known issue KeyczarTool should create directories automatically.
As #jbtule kindly pointed out you must create the keys dir first. But also include . before the slash.
Correct working command is:
$ java -jar KeyczarTool-0.71f-060112.jar create --location=./keys --purpose=crypt -name="first key" --asymmetric=rsa
