I have the following database with several entries per individual:
I want to create a new data frame with just 1 row per record_id. But it has to fulfill that if the individual (record_id) has a data$var == 1. The outcome data frame must indicate 1.
So, the outcome would be like this:
I have tried this:
DF1 <- data %>%
group_by(record_id) %>%
mutate(class = ifelse(var==1,1,0)) %>%
I know it's not the best way, I was planning to obtain afterwards the unique values... But it did not make the trick.
If your 'var' is all zeroes or ones, you can also use max():
# A tibble: 4 x 2
record_id new_var
<dbl> <dbl>
1 2 1
2 3 1
3 15 1
4 21 0
You can use mean() with the mutate to detect if there exsist any non zero value inside a group like,
data %>%
group_by(record_id) %>%
mutate(var = ifelse(mean(var)!=0,1,0)) %>%
# A tibble: 4 x 2
# Groups: record_id [4]
# record_id var
# <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 21 0
# 2 15 1
# 3 2 1
# 4 3 1
We can do
data %>%
group_by(record_id) %>%
summarise(var = +(mean(var) != 0))
Or using slice
data %>%
group_by(record_id) %>%
slice_max(n = 1, order_by = var)
I have the following data set
I would wish to create a data set based on this dat1. I would wish to have an R code that creates n s02 automatically as s02__0, s02__1, s02__2, s02__3, s02__4, in which case my n==5. Then based on the ID in dat1, the code should allocate each s02 to the respective s02__0 to s02__4 in the data frame. These rows are uniquely identified by another ID_2 created based on the number of rows. If incase the s02 are less in the row created, then the remaining cells should be allocated ##N/A##. if the s02 are more than the n, then another new row with an increment from the unique ID_2 is formed to accommodate the extra s02 and every blank cell is still filled with ##N/A##.
From the dataset above, I would wish to have the following output
This can produce what you want:
dat2 <- dat1 %>% group_by(id) %>% mutate(id2 = ifelse(s02<=5,1,2)) %>% ungroup() %>%
group_by(id,id2) %>% mutate(val=1:n()-1,nid = cur_group_id()) %>% ungroup() %>%
select(-id2) %>% mutate(id=paste0(id,'.',nid),val=paste0('s02','.',val)) %>% select(-nid) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = c(val),values_from = s02) %>%
mutate(id=gsub("\\..*","", id)) %>% group_by(id) %>%
mutate(id2=1:n()) %>% select(order(colnames(.)))
# A tibble: 4 x 7
# Groups: id [3]
id id2 s02.0 s02.1 s02.2 s02.3 s02.4
<chr> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 1 1 1 2 3 4 NA
2 2 1 1 2 3 4 5
3 3 1 1 2 3 4 5
4 3 2 6 7 NA NA NA
I have long data where a given subject has 4 observations. I want to only include a given id that meets the following conditions:
has at least one 3
has at least one of 1,2 OR NA
My data structure:
df <- data.frame(id=c(1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3), a=c(NA,1,2,3, NA,3,2,0, NA,NA,1,1))
My unsuccessful attempt (I get an empty data frame):
df %>% dplyr::group_by(id) %>% filter(a==3 & a %in% c(1,2,NA))
An option is to group by 'id', create a logic to return single TRUE/FALSE as output. Based on the OP's post, we need both values '3' and either one of the values 1, 2, NA in the column 'a'. So, 3 %in% a returns a logical vector of length 1, then wrap any on the second set where we do a comparison with multiple values or check the NA elements (is.na), merge both logical output with &
df %>%
group_by(id) %>%
filter((3 %in% a) & any(c(1, 2) %in% a|is.na(a)) )
# A tibble: 8 x 2
# Groups: id [2]
# id a
# <dbl> <dbl>
#1 1 NA
#2 1 1
#3 1 2
#4 1 3
#5 2 NA
#6 2 3
#7 2 2
#8 2 0
I have done this a bit of a long way to show how an idea could work. You can consolidate this a bit.
df %>%
group_by(id) %>%
mutate(has_3 = sum(a == 3, na.rm = T) > 0,
keep_me = has_3 & (sum(is.na(a)) > 0 | sum(a %in% c(1, 2)) > 0)) %>%
filter(keep_me == TRUE) %>%
select(id, a)
id a
<dbl> <dbl>
1 1 NA
2 1 1
3 1 2
4 1 3
5 2 NA
6 2 3
7 2 2
8 2 0
As I read it, the filter should keep ids 1 and 2. So I would use combo of all/any:
df %>%
group_by(id) %>%
filter(all(3 %in% a) & any(c(1,2,NA) %in% a))
I've tried searching a number of posts on SO but I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here, and I imagine the solution is quite simple. I'm trying to group a dataframe by one variable and figure the mean of several variables within that group.
Here is what I am trying:
target_vars = c("Ozone","Temp","Solar.R")
airquality %>% group_by(Month) %>% select(target_vars) %>% summarise(rowSums(.))
But I get the error that my lenghts don't match. I've tried variations using mutate to create the column or summarise_all, but neither of these seem to work. I need the row sums within group, and then to compute the mean within group (yes, it's nonsensical here).
Also, I want to use select because I'm trying to do this over just certain variables.
I'm sure this could be a duplicate, but I can't find the right one.
Sorry, my original question was not clear. Imagine the grouping variable is the calendar month, and we have v1, v2, and v3. I'd like to know, within month, what was the average of the sums of v1, v2, and v3. So if we have 12 months, the result would be a 12x1 dataframe. Here is an example if we just had 1 month:
Month v1 v2 v3 Sum
1 1 1 0 2
1 1 1 1 3
1 1 0 0 3
Then the result would be:
Month Average
1 8/3
You can try:
airquality %>%
select(Month, target_vars) %>%
gather(key, value, -Month) %>%
group_by(Month) %>%
Sum=sum(value, na.rm = T)) %>%
# A tibble: 5 x 4
Month n Sum Average
<int> <int> <int> <dbl>
1 5 3 7541 2513.667
2 6 3 8343 2781.000
3 7 3 10849 3616.333
4 8 3 8974 2991.333
5 9 3 8242 2747.333
The idea is to convert the data from wide to long using tidyr::gather(), then group by Month and calculate the sum and the average.
This seems to deliver what you want. It's regular R. The sapply function keeps the months separated by "name". The sum function applied to each dataframe will not keep the column sums separate. (Correction # 2: used only target_vars):
sapply( split( airquality[target_vars], airquality$Month), sum, na.rm=TRUE)
5 6 7 8 9
7541 8343 10849 8974 8242
If you wanted the per number of variable results, then you would divide by the number of variables:
sapply( split( airquality[target_vars], airquality$Month), sum, na.rm=TRUE)/
5 6 7 8 9
2513.667 2781.000 3616.333 2991.333 2747.333
Perhaps this is what you're looking for
library(tidyr) # forgot this in original post
airquality %>%
group_by(Month) %>%
nest(Ozone, Temp, Solar.R, .key=newcol) %>%
mutate(newcol = map_dbl(newcol, ~mean(rowSums(.x, na.rm=TRUE))))
# A tibble: 5 x 2
# Month newcol
# <int> <dbl>
# 1 5 243.2581
# 2 6 278.1000
# 3 7 349.9677
# 4 8 289.4839
# 5 9 274.7333
I've never encountered a situation where all the answers disagreed. Here's some validation (at least I think) for the 5th month
airquality %>%
filter(Month == 5) %>%
select(Ozone, Temp, Solar.R) %>%
mutate(newcol = rowSums(., na.rm=TRUE)) %>%
summarise(sum5 = sum(newcol), mean5 = mean(newcol))
# sum5 mean5
# 1 7541 243.2581