Creating a function that determines the impact of an outlier - r

My big-picture goal is to demonstrate the difference outliers can have on a dataset's average. I'm trying to create a function that uses the size of an outlier "k" as an input and outputs the average. Basically, the function needs to take any value "k" (which is the outlier) and return the average of vector x if the first value of x were replaced with k. For example, say the dataset is the heights of a population of students. The first value is supposed to be 71.3 cm but the kid accidentally put 713 cm. In this case, I want my function to tell me what would be the average of my vector if there was an outlier of value 713 (k = 713). So far I have the following, where x is the name of the dataset of heights.
average_err <- function(k) {
x[1] <- k
Then calculate the average if there was an outlier of 713
However, my output is always identical to my input. Will someone please help me?

I would suggest:
average_err <- function(x,k) {
In the above, instead of replacing one of the x-values with an outlier, you're adding an outlier to the existing x-vactor. As #SteveM suggested, you should also have the function take x as an argument
x <- rnorm(25)
average_err(x, 100)
# [1] 3.627824
You could also build it to print both the mean of the original x, x with k and the difference:
average_err <- function(x,k) {
m1 <- mean(x)
m2 <- mean(c(x,k))
d <- m2-m1
out <- data.frame(mean = c(m1, m2, d))
rownames(out) = c("x", "x,k", "difference")
# mean
# x -0.2270631
# x,k 3.6278239
# difference 3.8548870

I'm not sure if I understand well, but I would rather replace "mean(x[1])" with "mean(x)" in your case. If you write mean(x[1]), you will do the average of one value only, the one you have replace with the outlier k.
average_err <- function(k) {
x[1] <- k


Seeking an lapply like function for a list of lists

I have a list in R which looks something like this
f <- function(x) b0 + b1*x
Nsim <- 100
my.list <- vector("list", Nsim)
for(i in 1:Nsim){
x <- rep(0,1000)
y <- x
y[1] <- f(x[1])
for(j in 2:1000){
x[j] <- x[j-1] + rnorm(1,0,0.1)
y[j] < f(x[j])
my.list[[i]]$x <- x
my.list[[i]]$y <- y
In reality, f is the result of an optimisation routine and x tracks the input value over time and y is the function values which are generated. So in essence, I have Nsim time series. I want to plot metrics of these time series over time by averaging over the index i. For instance, the average performance of the algorithm over time.
At the moment I'm doing this with a bespoke function for each metric I want to calculate (e.g. mean squared error of x from the true value of x, another for generating error bars and so on). I want to use something like lapply to average over i so I can visualise how x and y evolve over time but that doesn't do the right thing.
Is what I want to output is a pointwise summary of the results. As an analogy, if my.list[[i]]$x was instead stored as a matrix, I could take colMeans() to see the average value of x over "time".
Is there a function/package which is good for working with lists of lists?
At least for what has been presented there is no real reason to use a list of lists. The x's are all the same and equal to 1, 2, 3, ... so this could be represented by a matrix with the x component being implicit or represented by row names or we could represent this as a ts object or zoo object. In the last two cases if X is the object time(X) is the common x.
mat <- sapply(my.list, "[[", "y")
library(zoo); zoo(mat)
Alternately, get rid of my.list and construct one of these directly in the code.

R code Gaussian mixture -- numerical expression has 2 elements: only the first used

I'm trying to create a Gaussian Mix function according to these parameters:
For each sample, roll a die with k sides
If the j-th side appears from the roll, draw a sample from Normal(muj, sdj) where muj and sdj are the mean and standard deviation for the j-th Normal distribution respectively. This means you should have k different Normal distributions to choose from. Note that muj is the mathematical form of referring to the j-th element in a vector called mus.
The resulting sample from this Normal is then from a Gaussian Mixture.
n, an integer that represents the number of independent samples you want from this random variable
mus, a numeric vector with length k
sds, a numeric vector with length k
prob, a numeric vector with length k that indicates the probability of choosing the different Gaussians. This should have a default to NULL.
This is what I came up with so far:
n <- c(1)
mus <- c()
sds <- c()
prob <- c()
rgaussmix <- function(n, mus, sds, prob = NULL){
if(length(mus) != length(sds)){
stop("mus and sds have different lengths")
for(i in 1:seq_len(n)){
rolls <- c(NA, n)
rolls <- sample(c(1:length(mus)), n, replace=TRUE)
avg <- rnorm(length(rolls), mean=mus[rolls], sd=sds[rolls])
rolls <- c(NA, n)
rolls <- sample(c(1:length(mus), n, replace=TRUE, p=prob))
avg <- rnorm(length(rolls), mean=mus[rolls], sd=sds[rolls])
rgaussmix(2, 1:3, 1:3)
It seems to match most of the requirements, but it keeps giving me the following error:
numerical expression has 2 elements: only the first usednumber of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length
I've tried looking at the lengths of multiple variables, but I can't seem to figure out where the error is coming from!
Could someone please help me?
If you do seq_len(2) it gives you:
[1] 1 2
And you cannot do 1:(1:2) .. it doesn't make sense
Also you can avoid the loops in your code, by sampling the number of tries you need, for example if you do:
[1] -0.507961 8.568335 20.279245
It gives you 1st sample from the 1st mean, 2nd sample from 2nd mean and so on. So you can simplify your function to:
rgaussmix <- function(n, mus, sds, prob = NULL){
if(length(mus) != length(sds)){
stop("mus and sds have different lengths")
prob = rep(1/length(mus),length(mus))
rolls <- sample(length(mus), n, replace=TRUE, p=prob)
avg <- rnorm(n, mean=mus[rolls], sd=sds[rolls])
You can plot the results:
plot(density(rgaussmix(10000,c(0,5,10),c(1,1,1))),main="mixture of 0,5,10")

Matrix computation with for loop

I am newcomer to R, migrated from GAUSS because of the license verification issues.
I want to speed-up the following code which creates n×k matrix A. Given the n×1 vector x and vectors of parameters mu, sig (both of them k dimensional), A is created as A[i,j]=dnorm(x[i], mu[j], sigma[j]). Following code works ok for small numbers n=40, k=4, but slows down significantly when n is around 10^6 and k is about the same size as n^{1/3}.
I am doing simulation experiment to verify the bootstrap validity, so I need to repeatedly compute matrix A for #ofsimulation × #bootstrap times, and it becomes little time comsuming as I want to experiment with many different values of n,k. I vectorized the code as much as I could (thanks to vector argument of dnorm), but can I ask more speed up?
Preemptive thanks for any help.
x = rnorm(40)
mu = c(-1,0,4,5)
sig = c(2^2,0.5^2,2^2,3^2)
n = length(x)
k = length(mu)
A = matrix(NA,n,k)
for(j in 1:k){
Your method can be put into a function like this
A.fill <- function(x,mu,sig) {
k <- length(mu)
n <- length(x)
A <- matrix(NA,n,k)
for(j in 1:k) A[,j] <- dnorm(x,mu[j],sig[j])
and it's clear that you are filling the matrix A column by column.
R stores the entries of a matrix columnwise (just like Fortran).
This means that the matrix can be filled with a single call of dnorm using suitable repetitions of x, mu, and sig. The vector z will have the columns of the desired matrix stacked. and then the matrix to be returned can be formed from that vector just by specifying the number of rows an columns. See the following function
B.fill <- function(x,mu,sig) {
k <- length(mu)
n <- length(x)
z <- dnorm(rep(x,times=k),rep(mu,each=n),rep(sig,each=n))
B <- matrix(z,nrow=n,ncol=k)
Let's make an example with your data and test this as follows:
N <- 40
x <- rnorm(N)
mu <- c(-1,0,4,5)
sig <- c(2^2,0.5^2,2^2,3^2)
A <- A.fill(x,mu,sig)
B <- B.fill(x,mu,sig)
# [1] TRUE
I'm assuming that n is an integer multiple of k.
As noted in the comments B.fill is quite slow for large values of n.
The reason lies in the construct rep(...,each=...).
So is there a way to speed A.fill.
I tested this function:
C.fill <- function(x,mu,sig) {
k <- length(mu)
n <- length(x)
sapply(1:k,function(j) dnorm(x,mu[j],sig[j]), simplify=TRUE)
This function is about 20% faster than A.fill.

compute samples variance without loops

Here is what I want to do:
I have a time series data frame with let us say 100 time-series of
length 600 - each in one column of the data frame.
I want to pick up 10 of the time-series randomly and then assign them
random weights that sum up to one. Using those I want to compute the
variance of the sum of the 10 weighted time series variables (e.g.
convex combination).
The df is in the form
i can compute it inside a loop but r is vector oriented and it is not efficient.
ntrials = 10000 = NULL
for (x in 1:ntrials))
temp = t(weights[,x]) %*% cov(df[, samples[, x]]) %*% weights[, x] = cbind(, temp)
Not sure what type of "random" you want for your weights... so I'll use a normal distribution scaled s.t. it sums to one:, 100*600, replace=TRUE), ncol=100))
myfun <- function(inc, DF=x) {
w = runif(10)
w = w / sum(w)
t(w) %*% cov(DF[, sample(seq_along(DF), 10)]) %*% w
lapply(1:ntrials, myfun)
However, this isn't really avoiding loops per say since lapply is just an efficient looping construct. That said, for loops in R aren't explicitly bad or inefficient. Growing a data structure, like you're doing with cbind, however, is.
But in this case since you're only growing it by appending a single element it really wont change things much. The "correct" version would be to pre-allocate your vector using ntrials. = vector(mode='numeric', length=ntrials)
The in your loop assign into it using i:
for (x in 1:ntrials))
temp = t(weights[,x]) %*% cov(df[, samples[, x]]) %*% weights[, x][i] = temp

R: looping to search for max of non-monotonic function

Refer to the R code below. The function (someRfunction) operates on a vector and returns a scalar value. The data are pairs (x,y), where x and y are vectors of length n, which may be large.
I want to know the value of x* such that the result of someRfunction on y where {x>x*} is maximized. The function operates on y values and is non-monotonic in x*. I need to evaluate for all x* (i.e. each element of x). Speed is not an issue if executed once, but the code would be executed many times in a simulation. Is there any way to make this code more efficient/faster?
### x and y are vectors of length n
### sort x and y such that they are ordered by descending x
xord <- x[order(-x)]
yord <- y[order(-x)]
maxf <- -99999
maxcut <- NA
for (i in 1:n) {
### yi is a subvector of y that corresponds to y[x>x{i}]
### where x{i} is the (n-i+1)th order statistic of x
yi <- yord[1:(i-1)]
fxi <- someRfunction(yi)
if (fxi>maxf) {
maxf <- fxi
maxcut <- xord[i]
Edit: let someRfunction(yi)=t.test(yi)$statistic.
If you can say anything more about the function, particularly whether it is smooth and whether its gradient can be determine, you will get a better answer. At the moment the only increase in speed will be modest due to the ability to pre-specify a vector to hold the results, omit that if-max clause and then use which.max() on the vector. You might want to look at the function optimx in package "optimx".
