I saw the similar question here . but my problem still remains. Although I make sure that work with .ipnb , I don't have toolbar and notebook name?
I've figured it out here!
!jt -t solarizedd -T -N -kl
I'm using bigbluebutton (2.3-dev) in Ubuntu 18.04 server I installed it using bbb-install (# wget -qO- https://ubuntu.bigbluebutton.org/bbb-install.sh | bash -s -- -v bionic-230-dev -s bbb.example.com -e info#example.com -a -w) and its work perfect.
Now I want to make some changes in html5-client (https://doamin/html5client/join?sessionToken=e)
I found the file path - /usr/share/meteor/bundle and it's served from this path /usr/share/meteor/bundle/programs/web.browser but problem is this is a build file so I can't make any changes because every time this file is new generator when stop and start or restart.
I want to add one link in left side menu (http://prntscr.com/umy63l). How can I do this and where I can do this?
Thanks in advance!
Did you install a dev environement for bbb-html5 ? You can find the doc about it here :
I'm currently using Hyper terminal on a mac, but this question also applies to other types of terminals, e.g. iTerm
How do you change the terminal title from username#devicename:~ into just ~ or zsh.
Currently my shell is zsh with oh-my-zsh installed. I'm not looking for workarounds through powerline or themes.
One more question:
How do you reset back after running echo -n -e "\033]0;SERVER\007"?
Within ~/.zshrc
Uncomment the following line to disable auto-setting terminal title.
I'm using this in my .zshrc:
# oh-my-zsh seems to enable this by default, not desired for
# workflow of controlling terminal title.
function set_terminal_title() {
echo -en "\e]2;$#\a"
Have you googled to search for an answer? How about the following:
echo -n -e "\033]0;YOUR TITLE HERE\007"
With iterm 2 3.3.3 there's a setting under preferences->profiles->general-basics->title that you can set to PWD (and a few other options). It seems they changed a few things related to this recently and this overrides whatever is in the .zshrc.
I'm guessing one of these options might turn of this behavior as well. In my case PWD is exactly what I want.
For Mac, first:
brew install wmctrl
then for Mac or Linux
wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -N "~"
in the active window. Type man wmctrl if you want to say ways to select a window that is not active.
This works for me:
case $TERM in xterm*)
precmd () {print -Pn "\e]0;%~\a"}
Is there a way to show the command which is currently running at a tmux pane?
I tried 'history', but it does not seem to show the commands which I had executed at tmux.
I also tried 'ps -ef', but it does not show the full command in the case like "./a.sh ; ./b.sh"
I found several answers online that include ps ... | tail -1. Unfortunately, these don't always work because sometimes the order of the commands is swapped, e.g. for two separate panes I get:
$ ps -t /dev/pts/12 -o args=
mpv some_movie.mp4
$ ps -t /dev/pts/10 -o args=
micro some_file.txt
I really wanted a single line of output so that I could show it in the status bar, but what I ultimately ended up going with is ps --forest via run-shell. It seems to always reliably show the correct order and with more information should there be nested commands running (e.g. via a bash script). Its output looks like:
$ ps --forest -o args -g $$
\_ ps --forest -o args -g 1695
So in my .tmux.conf, I've got:
bind '`' run-shell 'ps --forest -o pid,args -g #{pane_pid}'
It will replace the contents of your pane with the output from the ps --forest command. Once you type esc or ^C, the ps output disappears, and your pane goes back to whatever it was doing :) Ends up looking like:
running script.sh, which calls other-script.sh, which sleeps for 30s
viewing pane process tree via keybinding
(Old question but for future reference)
Try: tmux list-panes -t <your_pane_name> -F '#{pane_current_command}'
Try setting pane-border-status to bottom or top in your configuration file, with the tmux command prompt or just running tmux set pane-border-status bottom. Borders should appear around the panes and info about the current process appears much like in a regular terminal window's title bar.
I suspect the command wasn't written to the history file as the shell with the stuck/long-running job wasn't done yet.
You might try pstree -U to see process in their parent/child tree.
I use putty to access my Server Ubuntu.
In the console, when I start a tail -f, everything is fine.
But if I start this from a command (in a shortcut, I write putty.exe -m see_log.txt), the result is horrible :
and not easily readable.
How can I solve it?
Enable this function and save as a default setting on your putty configuration:
I am wondering if anybody is able to get the vim prompt working properly using Mac OSx Mountain Lion the latest version. I am able to edit in vim mode on the command line but I have seen with zsh before that you can go into Vim mode which launches a vim editor and you can write you command there and then write and quit and it will add it to the next line in the terminal. There may be a plugin to do this I am not sure? Any help would be great.
This answer was posted here:
Basically, if you're using vi mode, you can add the following lines to your .zshrc:
autoload -U edit-command-line
zle -N edit-command-line
bindkey -M vicmd v edit-command-line
And you can press ESC-V to edit the current line in whatever your default editor is.
You can adjust the last line ("bindkey...") if you want to change the key binding used.