Firebase create user with customClaim - firebase

I'm using the Firebase SDK on a React Native app. I'm authenticating users with onAuthStateChanged - works great.
If it doesn't return a user, they can sign up using their phone number.
For that I use the following on submitting the phone activation code:
const credential = firebase.auth.PhoneAuthProvider.credential(
await firebase.auth().signInWithCredential(credential).then((response) => {// creating a record on firestore. onAuthStateChanged will be re-triggered and store the user and token in state});
I would also like to set custom claims for the user. How do I do that? I cannot use admin SDK since this is the frontend and I also don't want to. I could fire a call to my graphQL to do it, but there is probably a way to add a custom claim in the flow above. How?

There is no supported way to modify custom claims from within a client app. Since custom claims are normally used to give special secure authorizations, it obviously be a security hole to allow user to assign claims to themselves. That's why it's recommended to use the Admin SDK on a secure backend you control.

Custom claims can only be set from a trusted environment. Otherwise anyone could make any claim they want about themselves, which defeats their purpose of securely adding information to a user profile.


Have one user signup another user with custom fields in firebase/flutter

I am trying to determine if the following scenario is possible with flutter and firebase:
we have users within the company who will be given access to the app, where on the homepage will be a signup another user button where they enter in that user's email and password, they get signed up, and then the original user specifies custom fields for the 2nd user, such as company name, role, position, etc.
Is this possible with flutter and firebase?
Have asked the flutter google group and was told about custom authentications, but from what I see that is just an external authentication system and doesn't show me how to let one user create another users profile with fields.
Any ideas?
The first thing to consider is whether those properties need to be in the user profile at all. The user profile is sent with every request, and should only contain information that is relevant for securing access. If you have additional information to store about the user, you should store it elsewhere (such as in one of Firebase's databases) using the UID of each user as its key.
Assuming that the information is about security (such as the role seems to be, there is no secure way to let one user set security properties (typically referred to as claims) from client-side code. As soon as this is allowed from client-side code, anyone could set such properties for anyone else. That's why setting custom claims for a user is only possible with Firebase's Admin SDKs, which are designed to run in a trusted environment - such as your development machine, a server you control, or Cloud Functions.
There are a few other options, but it's important to realize they're all implemented on top of the above approach.
There is an experimental extension that allows you to set auth claims by writing a document into Firestore, which something like this (JavaScript syntax, but the Flutter code will be similar):
role: "admin",
groups: ["example1", "example2"],
Now of course you'll want to make sure that you secure writing to the user_claims collection, as otherwise you'll end up with the same security risk I mentioned in the first paragraph, where everyone can claim any role they want.
Alternatively you can write your own server-side API (for example on Cloud Functions) that you expose to your application, and that then calls the Admin SDK. Here too, it is important to secure access to this API, to ensure only authorized users can call it.

How do I change user's sign in method without changing UID in Firebase Auth?

I want to provide a way that users can change their sign in method in my App using Firebase Auth.
For example, if previously a user signed up using Email and Password, then he/she wants to switch to Facebook or Google Sign in method. Then how do I do this without changing the user's UID ?
Probably something like:
.signInWithEmailAndPassword('', 'password')
.then((userCredential) {
userCredential.user.updateSignInMethod(method: facebook)
.then((userData) => loginWithFacebookProcedure());
Is it possible? If yes, how to do that ?
There is no direct ability to "switch" authentication providers with Firebase Authentication. Once an account signs up with a provider (such as email/password), that option will always be available to the user of that account.
What you can do instead is link additional providers to an existing account, which will allow the user to authenticate using any of the providers linked to that account. Until you unlink them.
So, if you really want to "switch", you will actually have to link to another provider, then unlink the old provider. But that seems like a waste of effort when you can simply retain all of the linked providers for the user to choose from.

determine if user in auth has firebase admin role

In firebase settings, there's a permissions tab. This shows the users/emails that are associated with accounts that have admin access to the firebase project and console.
I could have sworn I once saw a document describing a method or some way of checking if a user account in firebase auth is also an administrator of the firebase project.
I seriously can't tell if it was in a dream (yes I dream code) or if I actually saw it. I often work late nights and fall asleep in front of my computer.
Question: Is there any way to tell if a user is also an administrator of the firebase app?
IE the user email matches an email that’s listed in the IAM/access management section of firebase as an 'owner' role?
Im currently writing an admin panel for my app, so such a feature would be very useful.
If such a thing does not exist, can anyone suggest an alternative way to manage and authorise users that are capable of logging into the admin dashboard to have control over the app? I already understand custom claims so I will use them if no better solution is suggested.
Well, using only the FirebaseAuth through your app, I don't think you can (as far as my knowledge goes). But you can easily implement the Admin SDK to manage your Custom Claims. Basically, you can use the Admin SDK and find out which "role" you want to access.
Referencing Firebase
Custom claims can contain sensitive data, therefore they should only
be set from a privileged server environment by the Firebase Admin SDK.
Custom claims can only be retrieved through the user's ID token.
Access to these claims may be necessary to modify the client UI based
on the user's role or access level. However, backend access should
always be enforced through the ID token after validating it and
parsing its claims. Custom claims should not be sent directly to the
backend, as they can't be trusted outside of the token.
Once the latest claims have propagated to a user's ID token, you can
get them by retrieving the ID token.
Therefore, you'll only need the FirebaseAuth implemented on your app's (client), but will need an extra implementation using a server.
Please see the Firebase use cases, they'll probably fit your needs, and you can pick the one that is "easier" for you.
It turns out it can't do what I wanted in the first place because it's only available on certain triggers.
Here it is: context.authType
The level of permissions for a user. Valid values are:
ADMIN Developer user or user authenticated via a service account. USER
Known user. UNAUTHENTICATED Unauthenticated action null For event
types that do not provide user information (all except Realtime
Although it would be great if we could get this information on callable functions and firebase triggers because it would help further secure hosted backend admin apps for customer service or developers, who have high-level access to admin functions. This variable seems to not be available on callable functions but is available on newUser trigger - which is strange, because how can user signup ever be authenticated anyway?

Firebase Auth on Web - How to add spam protection for email/password login

For my website, I want to build my own login form for email/password based authentication using Firebase authentication instead of using FirebaseUI Web. I'll be using createUserWithEmailAndPassword JS function to create new user accounts. But how can I prevent spam registrations? Usually for web based forms, I would use Google Recaptcha and validate the recaptcha on my server. But here, I'm not using my server for creating the user accounts. I'm making a call on the client side to create the user accounts.
Of course, I'll be using email verification in the flow, but how would I prevent bots from creating the accounts in the first place?
I also understand that Firebase has some sort of limit for the number of requests per min from a single IP, but I would like to go further and try to prevent those registrations.
firebase.auth().createUserWithEmailAndPassword(email, password).catch(function(error) {
// Handle Errors here.
var errorCode = error.code;
var errorMessage = error.message;
// ...
After 2 years, this question is still valid and as far as I see, it is not possible. You probably do not need an answer to this question anymore but it may help others. Even if you succeed in doing something manually, those js functions will stay there and can be called manually by any user who knows how to do it.
If there are no hidden, top secret options which are not available in the documentation, this is not possible. There is a recaptcha option but it is only for Phone Authentication. So, it seems like you have 2 options.
Ignore and delete users who do not verify their email address.
Disable email option from Firebase console and implement your own
email authentication. Generate your own token and log user into
Firebase with that custom token.
I'm following up on frankish's answer. He is totally correct, and I agree I think it's strange that Firebase automatically integrates ReCaptcha when doing phone authentication (and now when doing Phone MFA), but does not provide support in createUserWithEmailAndPassword for passing a recaptcha verifier. Thus, the only way to really get around this is to do something like the following:
Set up ReCaptcha (either V2 or V3) manually on your signup page. Do NOT use firebase. auth. RecaptchaVerifier, that is only for integration with phone authentication.
Immediately after calling createUserWithEmailAndPassword, you need to make a call to your own server that passes up the recaptcha token. There is a Firebase blog post here about how to do that with a Firebase Function: Note I think it's a bit strange that Firebase documented how to do this with server-side functions but didn't directly integrate this with account creation.
The final point is that in your server-side code, after you make the call to validate the recaptcha token, you need to set a custom claim on the Firebase user with the Firebase Admin API. That claim can be something like recaptchaPassed: true (or false). For details on custom claims see
After that, you can then do things based on the value of that custom claim. For example you could read that custom claim in other server-side calls, or you can use it in Firestore security rules (good blog post on this, You could also choose to immediately delete the user server-side (using the admin API), if recaptcha verification fails.
Note it's important to understand that there is nothing that guarantees that some malicious script will call your server-side token verification function after the code on the client calls createUserWithEmailAndPassword. Thus, the only way the rest of your code can guarantee that a particular Firebase user passed recaptcha verification is by looking for your custom claim that you set on the user server-side.

Firebase custom Token with CustomUserClaims

I'm can currently succesfully use Firebase admin node sdk to createCustomToken. I know I can pass the token back to the client and using signInWithCustomToken sign in a user and het the UID. However, I am using custom authentication is the first place is because I'm creating sub-users with limited permissions that adminUser allows. I was hoping to use setCustomUserClaims to attach some data to the sub-users so I can show the correct sub-user ui and set correct security rules in database. However I can't seem to figure out how I can set the customClaims beacuse I don't have the sub-user UID until I call signInWithCustomToken on the client. What is the process to do this correctly?
Code I was hoping to run right after creating a customToken for a subUser
admin.auth().setCustomUserClaims(uid, {subUser: true, viewPermisson: true}).then(() => {
