How to connect form a Guest MacOs to Host Windows localhost -

My OS is Windows 10. I'm using VmWare to run MacOs as a virtual machine. On my host I have web development server running on localhost:44399. I have Nat connection in the settings. I've tried a lot of ways to establish the connection but nothing helped. Already modified the hosts file and so on but I can't access localhost:44399 from MacOs guest. Can anyone help me? Here are the app settings

Instead of localhost, you need put your host IP address. localhost on your guest pointing to your guest no host machine.


How to do port forwarding on VMWare Player 14.1.2 (Ubuntu 18.04 guest, Windows 10 host)?

I have a VMWare Player (14.1.2 build-8497320) running a Ubuntu 18.04 guest on a Windows 10 host. The Ubuntu guest has a LAMP stack that runs a few web applications. I am using NAT to connect the Ubuntu guest to the Windows host's network.
I can access these applications by using the local IP address of the guest (e.g., from my Windows host. But I want to access it like so from my Windows host: http://localhost/mediawiki. I think this should be possible if I can forward the port 80 of my Ubuntu guest to that of the Windows host.
How do I make this happen please? I don't have access to VMWare Workstation and its Virtual Network Editor.
Edit: I should probably add the motivation for wanting to do this. Basically, I want to avoid figuring out the IP address of the virtual machine everytime I access the web applications.
The (further) reason is that the local IP address of the Ubuntu guest might (I suspect) change, and that will affect quite a few things, such as the base URLs configured in the webapps' configuration files (e.g., the $wgServer variable in LocalSettings.php of MediaWiki).
VMWare Player supports port forwarding over NAT natively:
In the file C:\ProgramData\VMware\vmnetnat.conf put under section [incomingtcp] a line like:
80 =
Then restart the VMWare NAT Service :
net stop "VMWare NAT Service"
net start "VMWare NAT Service"
Also: VMWare documentation of this
You can do it using SSH Tunneling for example.
From windows you open a tunnel from the windows port 80 to the ubuntu port 80.
You can do it using Putty on Windows and having the ssh deamon running on ubuntu, which I guess you should already have.
There are many tutorials on how to do this.
I'll add just one link, but you can always google it and find one that suites you.
Portforwarding with SSH (Putty)
For the possible changes in the guest’s ip:
If you can’t fix the ip in settings then perhaps you can edit the windows hosts file and add a host name for the current Ubuntu ip. Then build the urls using the host name. If the ip changes you change it in the hosts file.

Access localhost on the main machine from VMware Workstation 8 for ASP.NET development test

I run an ASP.NET Development Server (that came with MS Visual Studio 2010) on my Windows 7 machine. I'm currently developing an ASP.NET C# web application and to test it on Windows 7 machine I need to navigate my web browser to an address like this:
I also have the VMware Workstation 8 installed on that Windows 7 with other OS as virtual machines. I need to try to load my web app from those virtual machines, but when I type the above address there I get "Cannot display page" error in a browser. Note that I can access internet from a virtual machine itself, but for some reason localhost on the main machine is not accessible.
Any ideas how to set this up?
OK, I got it!
For those who're interested, here's how:
Say, my developement URL on the host computer is:
Download this util, called tcpTrace and run it on a host machine. When it starts configure it as follows:
Listen to port #: 80
Destination Server: localhost
Destination Port #: 59215 (which will be different in your case)
Click OK and let tcpTrace run on the host computer.
On the virtual machine navigate the browser to the IP address of the host computer, for instance in my case:
and it will work!
PS. To get an IP address on the host machine, run ipconfig there (in a command prompt window). Your IP will be presented in the "IPv4 Address" line for network you're connected on.
PS2. Also my Windows 7 (host) doesn't come with any third-party anti-virus or firewall. It has a built-in Windows firewall and MS Security Essentials as an AVP. So if your setup is different one needs to open the incoming port 80.
PS3. Speaking of the VMWare Workstation, the virtual machine's network adapter setting is set on "NAT: Used to share the host's IP address" as it came out-of-box when you install it.
localhost is the local machine (to the OS).
I'm not sure if the VS dev server will allow external connections, you may want to install IIS - either way, you'll have to open up the Windows Firewall to allow external connections.
I'm no VMWare user but each OS will have its own IP address(?) - and that's how you'd connect to the Windows 7/IIS image. http://the.ip.address.of.the.win7.image/

Connect to server in vmware player while host is not connected to a network

I am using VMWare Player 3.1.0 on Host OS Windows 7 Professional 64-bit. My guest is is SUSE Linux ES 10. My guest OS (SUSE) runs JBoss App Server which I access from host using HTTP. I used a "Bridged" connection to set up all this.
My problem:
When I am connected to network on the Host (using wired network adapter) I can connect to the http server on the Guest OS and browse the application. However, when I am disconnected from the network on Host (unplugged the wire), I cannot access to the guest OS app server and browse the application. I use the guest OS ifconfig command to find out ip address of the guest OS. This ip address does not change whether connected or disconnected. I have even tried using Wireless Data card, but that does not work either.
I have tried "NAT" as well as "Host Only" connection and rebooted the guest but it does not work either. I think for some reason the guest OS can only recognize the physical network card (which is disconnected).
I need to run this machine (my laptop) independently of the network because I use this for demo and need to be able to connect from my host OS to Guest OS.
I am not sure I understand exactly what you are trying to do, but I do know setting up a working NAT configuration will offer you the most flexibility.
Click the networking icon and select settings, Select NAT.
Follow these steps on your Unix OS
cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts
Make a backup of your ethernet adapter configuration
cp ifcfg-eth0 ifcfg-eth0.bak
Next modify the settings to look like the following:
HWADDR="What ever was here on your system"br/>
Save your changes
Restart your network adapters
/etc/init.d/network restart
Try nslookup
You should now be able to connect back and forth from your Windows Host and Linux guest.
-p.s. I had screenshots, but I do not have the 10 points yet to post images.
I figured that the solution is to restart the VM after making the changes to the NetWork setting on the VMWare. I selected Network for the VM as "Host Only" shutdown the VM and started it again. After that I was able to do what I wanted to do (i.e. browse the web application on guest from the browser in the host machine) without connecting the host to the network.
So key to the solution in my case was to make the network changes and restart the VM.
Any comments suggestions welcome...

How Can I access to my virtual machine with ip?

I have Oracle Virtual Box installed on Ubuntu 10.10. I want to gain access to my script that runs on local. My virtual operating system connects via network and takes an ip address, but how would someone access my script that runs on local? Which ip address can be used?
If you use bridged network and your VM is on Ubuntu 10.10. One easy way is to use ssh. By default ssh is installed and configured in Ubuntu 10.10. You can connect to it by :
ssh you_virtual_machine_ip
ssh is a powerful tool and your can run scripts when connected to the host.
If you are in Windows System, Putty is a great tool of ssh client.
type this from your host os
and you have to open the port 80 from guest OS (Ubuntu)

Debug website on host from virtual machine

I have a Windows 7 machine hosting a Windows 7 virtual machine. I am developing a web application using visual studio 2010 on my host machine. I want to run the application in debug mode and access my localhost server from a browser on the virtual machine. (The purpose of this is to be able to debug an application that uses Windows Authentication using different users without having to log off and on for different users on my host machine...)
I am using a bridged connection for the virtual machine. I googled how to solve this problem and most of the threads that I found said that if I was using a bridged connection, I could access the server on the host machine by just entering the IP address of my host machine into the url in the browser of the virtual machine. I have tried some different urls using the IP but none of them have worked.
As an example, suppose I run my web application in visual studio on my host machine and its url is
Assume also that I ran ipconfig in CommandPrompt on my host machine and found out that the IP address for my host machine is What url should I enter on the virtual machine to access my web application?
Thanks in advance.
I set up IIS to host the web project. After that, I just added the following line ( is my IP) to my hosts file and I was able to access the website from the virtual machine:
I also had to edit my firewall settings.
I personally found it easiest to setup my virtual machine using the Microsoft Loopback Adapter, and assigning the virtual machine to that adapter. The Guest OS will be assigned it's own IP with DHCP. Using the Loopback Adapter will basically put your host and guest OS on the same network. The guest will only be able to access the host, and will not be able to access the internet.
You could then access the host from the guest using whatever ip address you see on the host(run ipconfig/all on the host).
Edit: FYI I am using Virtual PC so your milage may vary. THe Loopback Adapter is a free download from Microsoft.
Edit2: You will probably need to open ports on the host machine to allow access to the web server also. The guest OS's request will still be going through the Windows firewall
It seems like you might be using VisStudio's integrated Web Server. I'm not sure this can accept requests from any host other than localhost.
Remote machines cannot connect to Visual Studio web server
Simple solution? Use IIS to host the project. Once IIS is installed (if not already) it's easy to change the project settings such that a virtual directory is created and debugging occurs in IIS.
