Custom resource type google cloud healthcare api fhir - google-cloud-healthcare

We have developed a custom FHIR resource type called VacancyRequest to be used for interoperability between workforce management systems. Im trying to understand if the google cloud healthcase api FHIR supports custom resource types or only resources supported by the fhir standard itself such as Patient, Encounter etc

Google Cloud Healthcare does not support custom FHIR resource types.
The workaround is to use the Basic resource (an empty resource defined by the FHIR spec) with extensions to represent all of the fields in your resource, typically with some sort of "type" field to indicate that an instance is a VacancyRequest in case there are multiple uses of Basic in the application.


Make Firebase project FHIR-compatible?

I’m new to using FHIR - Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources. Is it possible to make an existing Firebase project FHIR-compatible? My project uses Firebase mostly as a database for info sent to us by an application (NoSQL, BaaS). My idea is to convert the existing data into FHIR resources but I’m not sure what to do after that. How do I approach turning a Firebase project into a FHIR server?
FHIR is a standard for data exchange. It can be used with a wide variety of persistence technologies and varying proprietary database organizations. Each system is unique and needs to find its own way to map its particular data structures to and from the appropriate FHIR structures. Both the .NET and Java reference implementations include 'façade' capabilities designed to make it easier to express proprietary data structures over FHIR. (Just search for ".NET FHIR facade" or "Java FHIR facade".)

Implementing 3D Secure using CyberSource REST API

I'm adding a support of CyberSource to our system and just got new requirement about 3D Secure support.
I've already implemented some flows using CyberSource REST API:
Card tokenisation via Flexible token
I'm a little bit confused, because I can't find any information about implementation of Payer Authentication in conjunction with the REST integration. All I found is the documentation for Simple Order API and SCMP API.
Am I missing something? Am I supposed to use any of the aforementioned docs or there is some separate document for REST API? Or I should use different integration method instead of REST?
Update 6-14-18: The payer authentication (3-D Secure) is now available with the REST API.
The payer authentication services are not available through the REST API at this time. I know they will be, but don't know when.
The only other option is using the SOAP API (SOAP Toolkit) or pre-built client (Simple Order API). SCMP is a legacy API and should not be used.

Does GA proviides a standard api specification to automatically generate a client

Do you know if GA is providing a standard (json/swagger/xml) file
that describes their API to generate client api ?
I can t find it looking into service discovery and other online places.
I need it to generate a client for a language not yet supported by ga
Why yes of course, that would be the measurement protocol, which is language agnostic and can be implemented in any language that can issue http requests.
This is simply an endpoint with a number of mandatory (tracking id, client id etc) and optional parameters. Just assemble your tracking url and fire it off.

resource level authorisation in WSO2 API Manager

I want finer level of authorisation and i am using WSO2 API Manager to secure my API's.
I have books and authors in my application and there is an API for editing the book.Editing of the book should only be done by its author.How can restrict this via WSO2?
my book editing may look like /api/book/{bookname} . This book should be edited by its author only.
I am not sure how to do this by APIM. May be generate each scope for each book and programatically associate this to the author OR so. Still how can I give scope to API based on the query para {bookname}Is there some kind of query parameter associated scope ?
Please throw some light on solutions for this scenario
Scopes can be associated with roles only. They can't be associated with users.
But you should be able to get what you want using custom mediation sequences. See docs here.
See this blog post to get to know what data you can read within custom sequences.
You can keep a map between book to author somewhere and use that information in a custom sequence. For example, this map can be exposed as an external service or a static map in a class mediator.

is there any way to list restful webservices

I'm new to IBM BPM. I'm trying to create a web service for a class i'm taking but the instructor/site architect is unavailable at the moment.
Is there some way to determine the different types of RESTful calls available at a particular IBM BPM url?
My understanding is, that you would like to see which calls are supported by the IBM BPM REST API, is this correct?
You can discover the calls via the REST API Tester which can be found by the following URL:
In this web-interface you can see different REST APIs, calls and you can build your own rest services with the provided input forms.
Source and further documentation:
