Sympy Attribute Error: module 'sympy' has no attribute 'derive_by_array' - jupyter-notebook

I keep receiving this error when trying to derive using sympy.
I have updated sympy using Anaconda Prompt and "conda update sympy" but it made no change when trying to use the derive_by_array function in jupyter-notebook. Perhaps the update isn't registering in jupyter?
What can I do to fix this issue?
Here is a general example of the code where I receive the error:
import sympy as sp
x= sp.symbols('x')
f = x**2

After removing using Anaconda Prompt then installing a newer version of Anaconda, sympy started working.


mlflow R installation MLFLOW_PYTHON_BIN

I am trying to install mlflow in R and im getting this error message saying
Error in mlflow_conda_bin() :
Unable to find conda binary. Is Anaconda installed?
If you are not using conda, you can set the environment variable MLFLOW_PYTHON_BIN to the path of yourpython executable.
I have tried the following
export MLFLOW_PYTHON_BIN="/usr/bin/python"
source ~/.bashrc
echo $MLFLOW_PYTHON_BIN -> this prints the /usr/bin/python.
or in R,
sys.getenv() -> prints MLFLOW_PYTHON_BIN is set to /usr/bin/python.
however, it still does not work
I do not want to use conda environment.
how to I get past this error?
The install_mlflow command only works with conda right now, sorry about the confusing message. You can either:
install conda - this is the recommended way of installing and using mlflow
install mlflow python package yourself via pip
To install mlflow yourself, pip install correct (matching the the R package) python version of mlflow and set the MLFLOW_PYTHON_BIN environment variable as well as MLFLOW_BIN evn variable: e.g.
system(paste("pip install -U mlflow==", mlflow:::mlflow_version(), sep=""))
Sys.setenv(MLFLOW_BIN=system("which mlflow"))
Sys.setenv(MLFLOW_PYTHON_BIN=system("which python"))
Just ran across this, and the accepted answer by #Tomas was very helpful. I added a comment above but, for some additional context, I wanted to create a more thorough response if any other Enterprise Databricks R users run across this post trying to use the MLflow package for R on Databricks.
The Databricks MLflow quickstart guide will tell you that you need to run the following:
However, for Enterprise Databricks users, the install_mlflow() function will fail if your cluster doesn't have outside connectivity privileges (as most probably don't) and can't connect to the Anaconda repo to download the necessary packages. You'll likely get an error like this:
The good news is that MLflow should already be installed on your Databricks runtime. So you can reference that install instead, and then as #Tomas mentioned, use it to set your R environment variables for MLFLOW_BIN and MLFLOW_PYTHON_BIN. From there, the R MLflow API works as specified (in my experience, but ymmv).
The only catch from the above solution is that when you use the system()function in R, you need to set intern=TRUE in order capture the output of the command. The default behavior of the system() function is intern=FALSE. Thus if you do not explicitly set intern=TRUE, then the exit code 0 will be returned from your system() call (or perhaps another exit code upon an error) and Sys.setenv() will set the environment variable to 0!
### intern=True missing ###
Sys.setenv(MLFLOW_BIN=system("which mlflow"))
Sys.setenv(MLFLOW_PYTHON_BIN=system("which python"))
Example output (you can see the the environment variables did not get set correctly):
s <- Sys.getenv()
s[grep("MLFLOW", names(s))]
MLFLOW_CONDA_HOME /databricks/conda
However, when intern=TRUE, you'll get the correct environment variables:
### intern=True set ###
Sys.setenv(MLFLOW_BIN=system("which mlflow", intern=TRUE))
Sys.setenv(MLFLOW_PYTHON_BIN=system("which python", intern=TRUE))
Example output:
s <- Sys.getenv()
s[grep("MLFLOW", names(s))]
MLFLOW_BIN /databricks/python3/bin/mlflow
MLFLOW_CONDA_HOME /databricks/conda
MLFLOW_PYTHON_BIN /databricks/python3/bin/python
Note: This was using Databricks runtime 9.1 LTS ML. This may or may not work on other Databricks runtime configurations.

Azure Machine Learning integration of R: Should the 'azureml' module have an attribute 'core'?

I'm having issues with Azure Machine Learning SDK for R: "module 'azureml' has no attribute 'core'"...
For reasons that aren't my own, I have to use azureml to apply machine learning (my own stuff, written in R) to data from our data warehouse that is put in the blob storage. The modelled output should be put back into the blob storage so it can be accessed from the data warehouse.
I've written the code in R on my local machine (stored in a git repo). Preferably, I'd find some method to pull my code from git into a pipeline in the azureml environment so that it can be directly run whenever new data is available in the blob storage.
I've embarked on a tutorial-spree and found this seemingly relevant walkthrough: Train and deploy your first model with Azure ML (and this one).
But... after trying all I could think of, I'm stuck on the first steps. After installing all (or at least.. that's what I think) packages, modules, apps etc, and running the following code in RStudio:
existing_ws <- get_workspace(name = name,
subscription_id = subscription_id,
I run into an error that I haven't been able to fix:
AttributeError: module 'azureml' has no attribute 'core'
It seems that the azuerml is supposed to have an attribute "core", but when looking at it more closely, there is indeed no such attribute.
The function "get_workspace()" is trying to access: "azureml$core$Workspace$get".
I found that "azuerML$Workspace" does exist, but then I can't figure out how to make that work.
Can anyone explain to me why I'm encountering this error?
Does anyone know of a better tutorial on how to connect my R code the azureml's cloud service?
Any pointers in the right direction are much appreciated!
EDITS - still not solved:
After advice from others, I double, triple and quadruple checked the installation.
I updated R and I'm now running:
platform x86_64-w64-mingw32
arch x86_64
os mingw32
system x86_64, mingw32
major 3
minor 6.2
year 2019
month 12
day 12
svn rev 77560
language R
version.string R version 3.6.2 (2019-12-12)
nickname Dark and Stormy Night
I installed Conda with Python 3.6.10.
I installed the azuremlsdk R package (I tried both provided options).
I then realized that there are some inconsistencies with the versions of the azure-modules, so I also tried installing it with the keyword 'multi-arch':
remotes::install_cran('azuremlsdk', repos = '', INSTALL_opts=c("--no-multiarch"))
Then, I installed the azureml python sdk.
I had a look at all the versions again (using python -m pip freeze):
As I was surprised to see all the 1.0.69 versions, instead of the 1.0.83 versions, I re-installed the azureml python sdk using:
azuremlsdk::install_azureml(version = "1.0.83")
This worked, in the sense that indeed all versions are now 1.0.83:
But still... I get the error with the missing core. I get it both when running:
and also when running:
existing_ws <- get_workspace(name = name,
subscription_id = subscription_id,
Note that the first time running this code after starting up RStudio, I get the error:
Error in py_get_attr_impl(x, name, silent) :
AttributeError: module 'azureml' has no attribute '_base_sdk_common'
And every time after that I get this error:
Error in py_get_attr_impl(x, name, silent) :
AttributeError: module 'azureml' has no attribute 'core'
Any help would be much appreciated!
This issue was introduced by the latest reticulate 1.14 release, in which reticulate would create a default r-reticulate conda environment. Since Azure ML was installing the python SDK in an environment named r-azureml, the r-reticulate environment used by reticulate was missing the python SDK. A fix for this issue was addressed in a PR and has been merged into master. Please install from GitHub for now if you have reticulate version 1.14 and are running into this issue. We will be releasing an update to CRAN shortly.
I seemed to have fixed the issue by specifically installing the python package azureml AND azureml.core:
python -m pip install azureml
and then...
python -m pip install azureml.core
I did this for the Conda version that was called by R (r-reticulate). It's a bit odd to not be able to use the Conda environment 'r-azureml' without R switching back to 'r-reticulate', but ah well... at least I don't get my 'azureml' has no attribute 'core' anymore.

Python/R ctypes library error: "OSError: lib/ undefined symbol: xerbla_"

Firstly, I'm a newbie R, AWS and python guy. So I'm trying to get a python script with embedded R code running in AWS Lambda using rpy2. I created a Lambda package on an EC2 instance following the instructions here (modified for using python 3.4). It seems that there is something funky happening with loading the R libs using ctypes, as per the following error received in the console:
OSError: lib/ undefined symbol: xerbla_
The test file ( looks like this:
import os
import ctypes
for file in os.listdir('lib'):
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join('lib', file)):
ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(os.path.join('lib', file))
os.environ["R_HOME"] = os.getcwd()
os.environ["R_USER"] = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'rpy2')
os.environ["R_LIBS"] = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'library')
os.environ["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"] = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'lib')
import sys
import rpy2
from rpy2 import robjects
def test_handler(event, context):
f <- function(r, verbose=FALSE) {
if (verbose) {
cat("I am calling f().\n")
2 * pi * r
I have lib/ in my virtual environment. I have scoured google looking for answers but have come up empty. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
If you can get the traceback, that could help, but I suspect the problem is that it's looking for xerbla_ in the wrong place. Is xerbla_ defined in the path to RLIBS? Maybe in
Turns out the BLAS that ships with R is corrupt. Your best bet is to make sure that BLAS and Lapack are installed on the machine you are building R on and see if you can get it to build with those libraries instead.
So steps would be to uninstall R, then run
yum -y install lapack-devel.x86_64 lapack.x86_64
yum -y install blas -devel
yum -y install R.x86_64
Check to see if it has still installed with If it has - try deleting that file and see if it will default to the system BLAS. If you get a error because it is still looking for
rm lib/
cp /usr/lib64/ lib/
mv lib/ lib/

error in julia - pyplot - error 6034

i am starting to use Julia and i have to do plot. When i call PyPlot in Julia, appears the error 6034.
An application has made an attempt to load the C runtime library incorrectly.
Please contact the application's support team for more information.
I tried to reinstall, downgrade, upgrade julia, I use atom to write. How could i proceed ? o use pkg.add , , pkg.update, pycall.
Is there a phyton problem ? or a gfortran problem ?
using the solution suggested in the other question does not solve my problem. When I try to set
I get the following error:
MethodError: objects of type Base.EnvHash are not callable

Module ValidatedNumerics error

I am trying to use Julia for some computer assisted proof I want to do. So I installed it (in debian with apt-get) then I installed ValidatedNumerics with its package manager.
Then when I write
using ValidatedNumerics
I get the following error
ERROR: ⊆ not defined
in include at boot.jl:238
at /home/user/.julia/v0.2/ValidatedNumerics/src/ValidatedNumerics.jl:5
I looked at the file and it tries to import from Base ⊆ among other things and apparently it fails. When I comment out ⊆, then the command does not return an error but unsurprisingly the module is broken and unusable.
What is this error and how can it be fixed?
