Check if file exist if true then open SFTP - sftp

First time using this website, i have a challenge now with one of our clients that they are blocking our SFTP account if we connect and do not send any file.
Something that i am looking for is a script for powershell or could be anything that i can build into .exe file with visual studio so that the script firstly would check:
Check if file exists
If False then stop
If true open sftp and send the file
any help would be trully appreciated!

You can use a try-except block to figure out if the file is open
file = open("Your file's location",'r')
# Everything else goes here #


NppFTP - upload failed (using SFTP)

Using FTP, everything is ok... but..
When i use SFTP, it successfully connects, and even, when i use "UPLOAD BUTTON", it successfully uploads file...
but when i edit+save file, and it starts to upload changes automatically, it cant upload (red message: file........... upload failed)..
Check to ensure that the specific file you are trying to upload has the correct permissions. The user should be able to write.
The file you are trying to upload should have read and write permission for the user you are using and also check that the owner name & owner group for the file are correct.
I faced this issue and the problem was the user which i was using was not in the owner group for which the file permissions were given.
You should have set correct External Path.
when using SFTP, external directory should start with: /home/user/MY_SITE
(unlike FTP: /MY_SITE)

Download and run file in client machine using

I'm trying to download and run a file to the client machine. The client is aware of that.
It's a ttkgp file that's dynamicly generated.
I've tried using Processs.Start() that worked fine on my local machine (first saved the file to C:\ then lunched it), but it's not working from the server. It's not my server but a hosted one. They are trying to help but no luck so far.
I've seen this code:
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
string fileName = context.Request.QueryString["filename"];
FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(fileName);
context.Response.ContentType = "application/x-rar-compressed";
string.Format("attachment; filename=download{0}", fi.Name));
But since I dont know what's "HttpContext context" is, I've no idea if it works.
Is it some server previlges need to be changed? or simply this code will do the trick?
Thank you
UPDATE (24.6.12): I'm nearly finished with the problem, all I need now is to know how to open an html page in a new tab / window and close it second later. Once I'm done, I'll post back here all the process, I'm sure it'll help other people.
UPDATE (26.6.12):
Here's what I've got:
The goal is to download an TTKGP file from webiste to local user machine and run it.
Step 1: generate the file with code behaind (c#) on the server (V)
Step 2: copy the file or it's content to user machine (X)
Step 3: run the file using JS (V)
Here's the thing: I CAN copy from a text file on the server to a text file on the user machine, but not from TTKGP files. It's strange because this are just text files just a different extantion.
The code for copying text files:
enter code here
function copyremotetxt() // works
// copy the txt file
var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
var newfile = fso.CopyFile("remote.txt", "C:\\Users\\***\\local.txt");
Perhaps I can change the file type on the user machine?
Notice 1: I know that's a security issue, the site is just for known user not the open public
Notice 2: I know there are better ways to get the task done, but there are strict limitaions on many things
Thanks for those how can help!!
This code will do the trick. It will prompt the client to download and save the file on his computer at the location he decides. What happens next with this file is the client's decision, not yours. He might simply close the Save As dialog, interrupt the download, delete the file, ... It's up to him.
Another remark: this code is extremely dangerous because it allows the client to pass any filename he wants as query string parameter and download it. So he could read absolutely all files on the server which is probably not something that you want to happen.
Ok, this need a different aproach.
I'll try using JavaScript do read the file on the server, rewrite it in the user machine and activate it. Any clues would be grate! For a start, how to I read file in JS? I'm new to it.

Downloading file using webclient results in "Access to the path denied is denied"

i have button, on a click of which i want to download the file on the local pc, i am using webclient.downloadfile(), but i am getting the below error:
Access to the path 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\inetsrv\ms-banner.gif' is denied.
i am using below code to download file:
WebClient client = new WebClient();
client.DownloadFile(new Uri(""), "ms-banner.gif");
i dont understand why its fetching the file from local server, as i have already stated the remote uri
It's fetching the file from the remote server but trying to save it in the current directory because you have only specified a relative filename as second argument: "ms-banner.gif". And it seems that the account you are running your application under doesn't have permission to write to the current working directory which happens to be C:\Windows\SysWOW64\inetsrv.
So you have basically 2 possibilities:
Modify the account you are running your application under and grant it permissions to write to this directory
Specify another location (as an absolute path) to save the file to where the account you are running your application under has write permissions. redirects to the path you have there in the URL does not exist and you won't be able to download it. I'm not sure why it's trying to go to your local machine, but have you tried some other image on some other website? Like for example?

Save a file/stream to local folder from Response Output stream?

I have an excel file in my Response Output stream. I can Open the stream as a file after a prompt, but it doesn't seem I can save it directly to a specified folder on my client. Is this not possible?
That is correct, you cannot specify where the file is going to be downloaded by the browser. That is controlled by the user.

Spin off a command line process from an ASP.NET page

I have a web page hosted on the server and a zip file on the server's file system. The page is spinning off the 7zip process with some arguments (location of the zip file and destination folder for unzipping) but it seems to raise permission issues, of course. For each file in the archive I get "Can not open file [filename]". I tried windows authentication and running the process with a username and password but nothing worked properly. What would be the best way for unzipping the file on the server from security point of view? Ideally, I would also like to have this event driven so the file is unzipped as soon as it arrives on the server (this is when I request the page). Other solutions are welcome but simplicity/lightweight solution is preferred.
Use one of an open or closed source zip library
e.g.: or
